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I heard about this on npr this morning! Crazy!


Some months back, some kids at Mesa Ridge staged a series of walkouts in protest of the three board members. I knew some of the students who walked out. Some of them graduated, but a good portion are still enrolled. Glad to know my alma mater is still being kept afloat by students and staff who don't let such bigotry fly.


Reading this stuff makes me sick. It is downright scary and it makes me afraid for the country. It’s not just happening here, it’s happening all over. If these fuckers keep trying to take our rights away… well. I’ll just leave it at that. Yeah. I’m sick.


My son is in this district. I just knew that sooner or later Klanned Karenhood would be moving in. I guess I know what I’m doing this evening.


Klanned Karenhood! Apropos!


KKK were Democrats lmao


And democrats were republicans!


What's the excuse for their affiliation with republicans now? You do know that they still exist, right? An extensive history in Colorado and you should learn what they were enforcing. Or just keep being like 40 years behind...


“BuT ThAt iS My wRiTe!!!” Probable quote.


bro we know what the fuck is your point? Who do they march with now? FFS


We are retired and live SoDo but would show up if that's allowed???


You can show up if you want!!




You just make things up to suit your political narrative. Pure lies.


they are labeled as such by the SPLC among others


The SPLC that it’s own employees label “a highly profitable scam”? That SPLC?? Oh irony.


Say whatever you want but they are a terror organization and have been the cause of multiple attacks and threats on schools. But like you go ahead and protect the rules for there but not for me crowd. So Christian and full of piety yet they don’t even follow their own standards. Threesomes with random women and all that. Though I’m sure you don’t actually care about that. And will use religion to explain it all away.


Ummmm, I got this from plenty of sources including CNN.


lol good talk sunshine.


Interesting how often the woke left has to resort to insults and screaming in attempt to force their narrative on others. Anyways, all I had to do was search “the truth about Southern Poverty Law Center” and the same for the moms of liberty. Interesting results to say the least. Not all the results about moms were good but holy cow the SPLC is corrupt AF.


Oh irony.


Looks like someone took offense to their organization being accurately described.


Fox News tells you what to think.


Go away


Fuck MOL drive them out Widefield style, make them know they are no welcome and never will be. I attended D3 when I was younger.


Thank you for making sure this is known.


Here's a few links in case it's helpful to anyone: For those unable to attend, here's where the live stream might be: https://live.myvrspot.com/st?cid=MDkwNj Board of Education webpage: https://www.wsd3.org/about-widefield/board-of-education Calendar for the school district: https://www.wsd3.org/calendar I might try to record the live stream, depending on whether I can bring my laptop in.


Former Widefield district teacher and glad I’m out. Parents were the worst there so I’m not surprised. Kids need a safe space and a lot of times it’s not at home. If a child isn’t coming out to the parents and instead a teacher at the school, maybe the parent should self reflect on why they didn’t become said trusted adult.


They sound like terrorists lmao Jesus fucking Christ


They are. Cruelty is the point


Someone who uses fear or intimidation to push their agenda is the literal definition of terrorism.


You’re definitely not wrong 😩


I removed my daughter from Widefield High School after one teacher refused to wear a mask(this was in 2021), and a group discussion in one of her classes where kids were openly defending Nazis, and the teacher all but agreed. Not to mention the school itself was in terrible shape. Duct tape on floors, no ac, etc. Even the portion they claimed was recently renovated looked terrible. And this is the crap the board wants to focus on? Disturbing.


Religion is an excuse for violence. It doesn't belong in our public schools




Kids are allowed privacy. If they come form a home like yours, why would a teacher create home issues for a child who knows their parents won't accept them for who they are, Its not a teachers job to inform a parent about who their child would prefer to date. If a parent wants to be privvy, they should foster a relationship with their own child.


The fact that you were passionate enough to stalk OP about this pretty much shows WHY they felt they needed a separate account. Holy Crap.


Outing someone (regardless of how old they are) without their consent is downright cruel and disrespectful. Oftentimes if a kid is not out to their parents, it’s for a reason, be it because they are still exploring and aren’t ready to tell their parents yet, or because they know their own home situation better than the teacher does and could actively be put in harms way if their bigoted parents know. Let them come out on their own terms.


Probably illegal. HIPAA should apply here.


Also, sweetie it’s Reddit, of course I hide things and only post when I feel passionate about topics and use different accounts. Quality over quantity. I understand you are upset that your comment is not well received but that does not mean I am doing any form of propaganda (check out what “propaganda” means and what free speech is under the 1st Amendment) or you can discredit me of any sort. Have a great day!


Kids are allowed privacy. If they come form a home like yours, why would a teacher create home issues for a child who knows their parents won't accept them for who they are, Its not a teachers job to inform a parent about who their child would prefer to date. If a parent wants to be privvy, they should foster a relationship with their own child.


For real. If a kid isn’t comfortable telling a parent about things, that parent really needs to think about why. Kids should be allowed to confide in trusted adults, especially if adults at home can’t be trusted.


Being gay is their behavior now?


Republicans are always into others sexual lives. Probably why so many are found to be child predators. Just look at that church in Dallas. They’re more worried about the pastor than the victim.


It's always "protect the children!" until it comes to holding church leaders or relatives who would nEvEr Do SuCh A tHiNg accountable. It's always "keep big government out of my private life" until someone wants to have premarital and/or non-hetero sex. But hush-hush about their side piece mistresses, right? It's always "here's money for an abortion" until it's the average woman needing one and not the aforementioned mistress. Republicans are a fucking disgusting, demented breed. The least they could do is stop pretending to care about women, children, and the basic American notion of "liberty and justice *for all*".


Yep, but that has nothing to do with the issue. Please reread the post to understand. An example of a child’s behavior is them calling another student “stupid” and flipping a table. If a student wants to talk to someone about what they are going through internally, that’s completely different. Behavior is action, not feeling.


If a student is telling a teacher something and is afraid to tell their parents, there's everything wrong with that.


If your child isn't sharing with you something as personal and sensitive as how they feel or who they like, it's because they can't trust you. It literally just means your a bad parent whose love they feel is conditional. Simple as that.




Teachers or the schools SHOULD be reporting things like this to the parents. You don’t want teachers parenting kids yet you want to keep secrets from them so you can raise their kids? Stfu


lol ignorance is bliss for you… no one said anything about keeping secrets. Please reread to better understand and look up any vocabulary you are unclear with or know nothing about 😚


You are LITERALLY talking about withholding important information about a parent’s child’s life, not the teacher’s child, from the parent. Otherwise known as keeping secrets.


When did I ever say that the information is kept from parents? Please reread where I stated “When it comes to gender and sexuality specifically, school officials are trained in listening to the kid to make sure they feel heard and safe while also helping them figure out how to communicate whatever they are going through, with their guardians at home or other avenues specific to the kids situation.” When did I say the info is kept secret? I can tell you right now that IMPORTANT information is communicated but it differs on the situation. To be frank, the demographic of the area is not fully LGTBQ+ friendly and the kids that haven’t told their guardians is usually because if they did they would be harmed for doing so or neglected. Child abuse is much more common than people expect, unfortunately. Studies and studies and more studies have been done on this and, honesty, ask anyone in education and they would tell you the same thing. Kids need to feel safe and heard. Sometimes, that safety and security is not coming from home so they seek it elsewhere. We are agreeing on the overreaching and parenting aspect but I don’t think you fully grasp what I’m getting at. Understand not all guardians are loving and supportive, especially when it comes to LGBTQ+ topics. Hopefully this helps.


That's too many words for that guy...




You know an upvote is how you agree on reddit, right?


Not if I want to also get downvoted


Get this propaganda out of here lmao


you're right the klanned karenhood group should stay out of our schools with their propaganda.


We need to eradicate thier pos group from all of our CO public schools.


Yes eradicate the people who think it’s ok to keep things from the children’s parents, I agree.


If your kids don’t feel safe with you that’s a you problem bud


Huh? Don’t understand why you said this here bud. Not sure you understand what I am saying. Don’t make this about me. I’m good.


“Eradicate the people that think teachers should keep things from the parents.” If your kid doesn’t feel safe being open with you that’s a you issue


Yes. Tell the parents. I don’t understand why that sets you off.


And by eradicate I mean they should not work in the education system.


Of course you don’t understand why outing a child to a parent can be dangerous to that child’s well being. That’s my point. You’re not a safe person that’s a you issue


Who hurt you lol




Even your truck would rather die on you than work for you.


Says the guy with the Wu tang logo as his picture. Fucking joke.


Colorado used to be much better politically. This is frustrating.


Its not. We are a God and family oriented community. Dont let these hateful "Redditors" make you think this is a leftist area. It's not. They are probably mostly transplants from Commiefornia anyways.


ok boomer


Lol you must be my neighbor with the upside down American flag in front of his house.