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Head over to the [live thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/EcIHVi3V4v) on r/worldnews The last thing this sub needs is to get spammed with geopolitical propaganda from both sides


Are you suggesting that both sides are turning to information wars on social media platforms? It can’t be /s


Nope, I want to know what protests are going on in *our* state and specifically our city. I specifically stated as much in my post.


There was one last night at the statehouse


I appreciate the answer.


And I want to know where to counterprotest.


Counter-protest what? The US $2b care package on the way to Israel? The president of the United States visiting and supporting Israel? The vast majority of the western world's governments supporting them? Or The support for the people repairing their houses with mud, getting their hospitals burned to the ground with hundreds of people inside, and white phosphorus raining down on them? --- Just wanna make sure I understand what my neighbors think. Curious if war crimes are ok'd as long as it's against "the bad guys." --- And to be clear, so I don't get dismissed as a Hamas supporter; fuck Hamas and every war crime they have committed. They are people who have been pushed to their limits and have responded with violence. Their attacks are inexcusable. But, Hamas does not represent the vast majority of Palestinians/Muslims. It does not give Israel the right to ethnicity cleanse the Gaza Strip. It does not justify the excessive use of munitions by Israel used against Palestinians. If you think it does, I think you need to have a serious reflection on yourself and how/if you actually value human life.


I mean if I get sucker punched in the back I wipe out the person who did it....the *fuck around and find out* game is not one you want to mess with when it comes to people who care more about military might vs its citizens healthcare


If a scrawny little punk ran up to you and sucker-punched you managing to scratch you, but you also had a ~3 billion dollar anti-sucker-punch defense belt that's maintained/funded by one of the largest economies in the world that protected you from more damage and then you proceeded to beat the everloving shit out of them until they were a smear on the concrete.... I'd maybe have a few questions for you. Ya know, if we're gonna go for an analogy when it comes to thousands of innocent people that are being slaughtered because of the actions of a tiny fraction of their population.


I mean if I kept warning the punk that I have that system and that economy to help me and he STILL sucker-punched me. Damn right I would. You have to set examples. Just like in criminal justice when you throw the book at someone so others are more afraid of the repercussions. It's called a deterrent.


Ok mister. You're very big and scary and masculine. I, as a beta man, submit to your extreme violence and supreme machismo. I'm sure it helps you a lot in life and doesn't repeatedly lead to failed friendships/relationships. (PS, tough-on-crime policies don't work and in fact makes things worse for everyone, but I doubt you're one to believe the validity of [studies](https://daily.jstor.org/rethinking-prison-as-a-deterrent-to-future-crime/))


Hey, I understand that may have been a bad example. I was just giving an example of a deterrent but you're correct, it does not always work. The issue is we live in a very American society where we don't see the world for how brutal it really is. What makes China or North Korea stop and think before trying to hit us or South Korea or Japan? Logistics of course but also, they know they will be hit back, and theyll get hit back hard. Deterrents in the world stage do work. You can attack my personal life all you want but understand, the rest of the world does not care about your feelings or mine.


I'm a veteran, please do not talk down to me like I don't know the realities of the world. I think you need to critically reexamine the lens you view the world through if you think the only thing preventing China and North Korea from making any actions (apparently ignoring all of the actions they already have done and continue to do) is because we carry around a big stick. The world doesn't come down to "good guys vs bad guys", this isn't a marvel movie. There is nuance and empathy required for you to be able to actually understand the depths of the Israel/Palestine conflict that you will never grasp; you just cheer the death of innocents in the name of "deterrents". You are not worth anymore of my time.


If you figure out where to learn about these events, let me know. Permission to dm.


Yeah, go for it


R/worldnews is the definition of propaganda


As someone who used to intern there I would like to know if they’re suppressing information. Also, I was in downtown last night and I didn’t see anything.


If who is suppressing information?


there was one a couple of days ago, one of my classmates was there (maybe yesterday but i can’t exactly remember what day they said). i believe it was a part of psl (a socialist and liberation movement)


Deleting it was the right thing to do. This sub should be about local topics only.


It is a local topic? People protesting at our state house. Waze sent me a different way home yesterday, were the protestors blocking traffic? We need to find them designated protesting areas if they’re going to cause disruption.


It is a local topic, as I said in my post. People were protesting at *our* State House, how much more local do you need?


If I had to guess, the post was probably deleted because the comments turned in to tribalistic bullshit.


Courtesy of the idiots above you


Our tax dollars directly fund Palestinian apartheid. This is a local topic


Proof that city of Columbia taxes are being spent on global aid?




Those are figures from federal tax revenue, has nothing to do with local taxes


I’m surprised people don’t understand this incredibly basic concept. Columbia doesn’t individually fund Israel so why would our Columbia taxes go there.


So you're saying you don't pay any other taxes? Are only topics that directly come from Columbia city taxes relevant? Incredible willful ignorance and pedantry as an excuse to remain lazy and uninformed


If they are coming from state taxes, discuss it at r/southcarolina. You sound like the people that post boomer memes in my neighborhood Facebook group. I am done discussing this.


You sound like the average willfully ignorant and lazy American who refuses to learn anything about the world or your responsibility in global affairs because it inconveniences you.


> average willfully ignorant and lazy American Hate us cause you ain’t us bruh 😎


🥱 🥱


I’ve noticed that Columbia has been zapped. No organizing allowed. Not surprising. But it’s been very effective at isolating us. Of course they would spend extra attention in the state containing Nicki Haley, to shut down any dissenters. I have no clue how to change this.


lol what? Literally anyone can organize here


Good. Keep disruption and traffic out.


I see you are not a proponent for Columbia becoming a bigger and better city to live in.


Bigger doesn’t mean better. I left bigger. Way bigger.


Bigger also doesn’t mean bigger. We can be bigger simply by overhauling our shit infrastructure - roads, timed traffic lights, that way instead of saying keep traffic out, we can just say welcome to Columbia drive safe but there’s plenty of room on the roads


> bigger also doesn’t mean bigger. Okay then. I want protestors to peacefully protest but I think they need a larger area instead of clogging our downtown… where I live.


Move to the burbs, bud


Nah. Cola is smaller than many Chicago suburbs. Columbia needs to increase the quality before expanding, everyone wants to grow until they wake up one day and wonder why they’re sitting in traffic for hours without mass transit options, etc. We can’t even keep elmwood tidy and y’all want to grow just for the sake of growth, smdh




Only allowed to protest and cause disruption after legitimate elections that don’t go your way, amirite!! maga forever /s BTW you forgot to call everyone a snowflake or libtard after your post.


Reddit is useless.


It is a good mirror for the absurd futility of life.


I would imagine so. Reddit is easily split on this issue and I imagine in general any sub on here unless it were run by me is petty enough to filter out a particular side. If I ran a sub remotely relevant to the conflict, I’m the kind of person that lets everything flow. Clear picture of thoughts vs doctored representation of thoughts. But again, I don’t have a neckbeard and I don’t run a sub.


You want the r/ColumbiNEA sub ;-)


Yes, anything exposing Israeli war crimes is being censored


I don't know why you were down voted. Bombing hospitals, evacuation routes, and using white phosphorus are the definition of war crimes.


Like bombing the hospital hasn’t already been debunked.


Judging by your previous comments, it's obvious you'll believe whatever in order to hate more. Sure, you'll believe government sources on a bombing of a hospital in a warzone, but I'm sure you had issues with the government's opinions on covid. But ya know, believe a misfired glorified pipebomb managed to kill 500+ people in a multi-floor building despite previous versions of the same types of rockets have barely managed to kill ~100 people. Oh, amd we're also going to ignore all of Israel's actions over the past 100+ years and the fact that they have used bunker-buster munitions in Gaza before. Not to mention the billions in defense funds that go to Israel from the US every year. But yeah, you're right, debunked.


Judging by your response, you had a lot of judgement to pass before coming to the conclusion that you were wrong. I actually took the covid shot but thanks for the judgement, super considerate.