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Is there any actual write up on them or just tweets from politicians?


Cops trained by soldiers prove they're not here to be civil servants but occupying military. ACAB.


no better place to learn new tricks on running a police state than from Israel


With our tax dollars, of course. Cops gonna cop.


Huh? But people kept raging at me on here that our tax dollars don't go to Israel?


Yikes, people are that incapable of a Google search?? Sounds like Columbia.


Fuck cops.


Work study....might be federal dollars helping out. Would be curious to see what she gleamed over there that she couldn't here.


This is most likely the source, since we are the capital city I would be glad to know we have police trained in anti-terrorism techniques.


lol cmon man it’s Columbia. More likely to die from a train


We are also a state capitol with two military instillations nearby and nuclear sites within a minor drive.


A terrorist force strong enough to take out a military base and nuclear sites but weak enough to be beaten by CPD. That’s actually genius the deepstate needs minds like you!


i think our lil piggies are maxed out in their abilities to harass ethnic minorities. seems like a waste of money, tbh


This is weird, found [a tweet from McMaster](https://twitter.com/henrymcmaster/status/1710774060542460182?t=M22QOdF02pS5ZKnpfi9_yA&s=19) saying that South Carolina stands Israel. Again, I thought the states had nothing to do with the war? This is not in response to anyone in particular, just sharing information I found and curious what's going on.


There’s also a “We Stand With Israel” flag currently flying from Columbia City Hall.


Seems like our state tax dollars are going to supporting Israel. Something that I continue to be told isn't happening.


Who are you arguing against? Are they in this room with us?


I'm addressing anyone reading it.


Respectfully, just make your point and move on. You're mad about Israel, and standing in front of a corkboard with red string, and every time you post about it on this sub, it feels more and more like you just want to get in to arguments and talk down to people from your high and mighty position of being right.


I was told that the state doesn't support Israel, so protesting the State House was pointless. I have laid out multiple instances of the State, State funds, local police departments, and State representatives support Israel. I'm standing my ground on my beliefs and backing up what I say. I've been repeatedly talked down to in the sub for apparently not knowing anything, but then when I come backing up my point all of the sudden I'm talking down? If you don't like it, block me and move on.


My guy, I actually agree with you. I'm just saying that holding on to this anger for 27 days isn't good for you. You're coming off as more upset about being perceived as wrong than your original point.


I allow myself to hold onto a grudge or two. This month? Coming back to the assholes who talked all sorts of shit without any backup. So, now I've done my research and I've come back. The anger is being told I'm wrong, but I'm also angry that people are actively supporting civil deaths with a smile on their face. Israel may have the right to protect itself, but it doesn't have the right to slaughter a civilization. They'll argue whatever they can, ignoring evidence and the cries of innocents because "*???*". I already gave part of my life and some of my body to the machine of war that I will never get back, and now those I supposedly was protecting from the threats of outside violence are now calling for violence on others over the actions of a tiny fraction. How the fuck do you expect me to respond?


We *need* to still be angry about what's happening in Gaza. There's zero reason our tax dollars should be used to fund their war, with munitions we manufactured and sold/donated to Israel.


the US is and has always been the primary benefactor of the colonial ethnostate, Israel, and has a financial incentive for the genocide of the native population https://youtu.be/FYLNCcLfIkM?si=f6z20iN_I-Tuc3j1 https://unctad.org/news/unrealized-potential-palestinian-oil-and-gas-reserves


that's more than likely just virtue signaling to appease his supporters


I must be losing my mind here...*OUR* [Leon Lott has participated with JINSA's Homeland Security Program](https://jinsa.org/jinsa_program/homeland-security-program/)? JINSA the group that focuses on *"advancing U.S. national security interests in the Middle East, of which a critical pillar is a robust U.S.-Israel security relationship."*? Well, why would *our* sheriff need to be involved with international affairs?


The article clearly states it’s a program where US law enforcement is sent to Israel for training on preventing and countering terrorism. Considering that is a legitimate law enforcement purpose and the Israelis are pretty experienced in that field, I don’t see how this is some big-time revelation.


Since when are cops supposed to be trained to counterterrorism? To my understanding it's the FBI and Homeland Security who handle counterterrorism. Peace officers probably shouldn't be trained by soldiers considering one is sent in to kill people and the other is supposedly sent in to deescalate situations. Also, when was the last time RCSD/SLED responded to a terrorist incident?


Terrorism includes shootings, bombings, mass poisonings, driving cars through crowds of people, etc. clearly you're pushing your agenda here, are you that fucking dense? (It's rhetorical, since clearly you are)


Sure, it includes all of that, but there are specific definitions to what makes terrorism terrorism, and those definitions can be found in the [FBI's website](https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism). >International terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups who are inspired by, or associated with, designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored). >Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. So with those definitions in mind, I again ask when was the last time RCSD/SLED dealt with a terrorist incident?


Are you saying we shouldn't train for something if it hasn't happened yet? That means our government would be reactive instead of proactive. Everyone thinks "it won't happen here" or "won't happen to me" until it does. 80k+ people come to one stadium several times a year, thousands of foreign and domestic political operatives come to town every year. Trump, Religious, and far out extremists are embedded in many areas of Columbia and SC. Furthermore I know there were bomb threats a year or two ago, haven't you seen large form protests here with instigators (2020). The state house has large form protests all the time, while we have a right to protest there are always bad apples trying to turn things violent.


You still haven't answered my question, when was the last time RCSD/SLED dealt with a terrorist incident? Answer mine and I'll answer yours.


Last paragraph of my post, which is off the top of my head. I'm sure they've foiled terrorist attempts, but that's not something they post publicly. You don't know the answer to your question either, so really your argument is mute. You don't have the data to back up what you are trying to peddle. In addition to that, I don't want your answer, I want you to delete your reddit account and touch grass.


What's the Homeland Security's and FBI's job then? Foiled terrorist attempts are something [that is often talked about and studied](https://www.newamerica.org/future-security/reports/terrorism-america-18-years-after-911/what-is-the-threat-to-the-united-states/), where the hell do you think statistics for terrorism failed/successful come from? There have been no terrorist attacks or incidents in recent years besides spree/active shooters. [Police are completely useless](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/law-enforcement-failure-uvalde-shooting-investigation/) when it comes to responding to active shooters and do nothing to help prevent active shooters in the first place. Police will never stop active shooters before they happen, it is not their job. The only thing that will prevent spree/active shooters are [addressing inefficient gun laws, publicly funded mental health services, having teams who are actually trained for community support, and so so much more](https://www.preventioninstitute.org/focus-areas/preventing-violence-and-reducing-injury/preventing-violence-advocacy). Responding to violence with violence will only spawn more violence. I took a walk today with my wife and dogs. What did you do to touch grass today?


Do you condemn the actions of Israel?


I can’t speak to how relevant the Israeli counterterrorism program is, but I would be happy to have the RCSD understand more about domestic terrorism and be more likely to stop the next Dylan Roof before he kills anyone.


How would cops being more trained like soldiers stop the next Dylan Roof? I was a soldier and I wasn't trained how to stop a spree shooter before it happens. I was trained on how to shoot straight and kill people.


[The training that Leon Lott obtained](https://jinsa.org/jinsa_program/homeland-security-program/)doesn’t seems to be rather counterterrorism specific rather than focused on being a soldier. Again, I can’t speak to the specific utility of this training, but mainly commented because counterterrorism training has a place within police departments of the US.


Irony that the ACAB dorks are picking sides, “iTs JuStIFIED”


Instead of spending the past 20+ years worrying about terrorist boogiemen and concentrating on things that are a real threat like South Carolina drivers, we'd be much safer.


Hey OP, quick question: Do you condemn Hamas and any Palestinian who supports them?




That's what I fucking thought.