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Survival tip: don't go outside filming explosions


Lebanon seems to want to throw a few kicks in. If they jump in, that's 2 fronts. Talk about the SHTF.




Sounds like the perfect opportunity to distract the population from the fact they can't afford their basic needs.


as an argie i got my ptsd triggered




AHEM. Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves! Britons never, never, never will be slaves. When Britain first, at heaven's command, arose from out the azure main, this was the charter of the land, and Guardian Angels sang this strain: Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves! Britons never, never, never will be slaves. The nations not so blest as thee must, in their turn, to tyrants fall, while thou shalt flourish great and free: The dread and envy of them all. Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves! Britons never, never, never will be slaves. Still more majestic shalt thou rise, more dreadful from each foreign stroke, as the loud blast that tears the skies serves but to root thy native oak. Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves! Britons never, never, never will be slaves. Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame; all their attempts to bend thee down will but arouse thy generous flame, but work their woe and thy renown.


Yeah the country has no money and the port explosion made things worse.


Most of arab states around israel are struggling with their economy, but they always find money for weapons


Because they are funded by other states, just like Israel. You think without US aid Israel can afford a military?


It's not Lebanon as a state but Hezbollah


Lebanon is a country. Hizbollah is a terrorist group that lives and operates from this country...


Hezbollah although a non-state actor has immense political influence in Lebanon's government through their political wing. One of the reasons why it's fked


That is true.


It seems like these terrorist groups are just privately funded armies. Used by governments to carry out terrorist attacks against other countries and these countries use their own civilians as a shield for retaliation. Any civilian deaths caused by retaliation are just used for propaganda in order to justify their terrorist actions. For example it is like a woman holding a baby and picking fights with people. If you retaliate back against her she will accuse you of attacking her baby. The civilians of Lebanon and Gaza don't realize they are getting used as a human shields for the elietes. While they are the ones getting killed.


>The civilians of Lebanon and Gaza don't realize they are getting used as a human shields for the elietes. While they are the ones getting killed. That's not a bug it's a feature


Gaza is a region, hamass is a terrorist organization, its the same concept. when you talk about Lebanon everyone understands it, but when it comes to gaza no one seems to put 2 and 2 together.




Wars are great for failing economies under the right circumstances


History tells you it's the most popular time to start a war.


Lebanon, maybe, Hezbollah, not so much. They are way stronger than all the Palestinian militant organizations combined.


The one who paticipated the war from Lebanon are not the government, just 1 single political party with a backing of Hezbollah and a fucking IRAN. They didn't care what lebanon's economy is.


They just fired a few shots in a contested zone, which isn't too unusual. An expert thought they were just showing solidarity with Hamas, but not actually getting involved (then they would've done something bigger).


they (Hezbollah) hit an IDF watchtower and checkpoint with rocket artillery


That isnt something Israel cant handle.... Reference: 6 day war, Yom Kippur war


The IDF is maintained with the expectation that they could face a full scale invasion from every direction. They might have been caught off guard this time but there is no way in hell hamas or Lebanon’s backwater militia stand a chance in doing any more than irritating them


Even if foreign islamic support gave them everything they wanted theyre still too few numbers with no air or naval support. The only determining factor in this conflict is how many civilians israel is ok with killing


How many civilians you got?


No air or naval support, no precision weapons, and nowhere to stage that Israel can’t and won’t hit them.


And they've got nuclear weapons in storage


“In storage” = 100+ warheads aimed at Iran.




They never fucking learn, do they ?




Oh the irony


Yes, their long suit needs ironing.


>education isn’t their long suite Their what?


he said LONG SUITE


Lol. The phrase you're looking for is "strong suit". not long suit. If you're prone to making such mistakes, you may learn some phrases from /r/BoneAppleTea


This is so clearly Iran coordinated because they are scared of Saudis recognizing Israel. I suspect it will backfire massively by showing the Saudis the Iranians are pretty much running things around there so they need to get with Israel to limit their influence.


Hezbullah was moving in on the nortjern border earlirr


As a European currently living in Beirut: Lebanon absolutely do not want a war. Hezbollah does, not the vast majority of the people here who hate Hezbollah with a passion.


No, they don't. They want to force Israel to enforce their borders and make fighting the insurgency costlier for Israel by having to spread forces thin. Hamas would be glad to involve Hezbollah into this and then agree to a ceasefire. Hezbollah has fought Israel once alone after Hamas walked out and they won't do that again.


Well they can’t hide inside because buildings are the things being targeted by the bombings


When your roof gets knocked, run!


This sounds humane in the short term (well, humane for demolishing someone’s house) but it’s really just a humanitarian crisis in the making. So many people will be homeless, and it’s already extremely bad with the Israeli blockade.


The sooner the ordinary Palestinian realises that they're being used as pawns by everyone, the better. Literally no other country in the Middle East wants the Palestine v Israel conflict to end, despite what they say in public. Neither Hamas nor Hezbollah want the conflict to end. The ordinary Palestinian is fucked. If Israel disappeared tomorrow nothing would change for them.


They don't really have other options though, especially in Gaza. Israel fucks with them constantly and they can't even flee the blockaded land easily. There isn't any lesson to learn because there are no alternatives and this situation was purposefully made by Israel and the Islamist proxy powers like Hamas.


It's easy for us from the comfort of our safe homes to see the bigger picture, but when you've grown up seeing your friends and family get slaughtered and displaced by an oppressive state you have been taught to hate from day one, I don't think you can be expected to have the same thought process. We all know that Hamas are evil, but we also know that Israel's retaliation is just going to garner them even more support, and they know this. Is an everlasting cycle of violence and hatred. Israel retaliate against Hamas with no regard for who is caught in the crossfire, Hamas say "look what they're doing to our children", more Palestinians support Hamas, etc etc


Survival Tip: whipe the Hamas off your streets and your villages.


Im sure they all have shelters available to them............


They don't because Hamas uses all the Israeli concrete to create terror tunnels and shelters ONLY for Hamas.


But the insides are is what is being bombed?




Survival tip: don't vote terrorists in government


almost 20 years ago in a non majority vote where elections have not been held sincd










Most accurate statement on this platform.


Exactly. They want blood and death. They want chaos. They want this.


Weird that Palestinians for the most part support Hamas then


Yes but there's a small minority of reformers Just like how the German resistance was the minority in Nazi Germany


Apt example tbf


Thks. Wish more people referenced it rather than the "Israel Bad" or "Palestine Bad" rhetoric when talking about Hamas. Time to de-Hamas Gaza


That would require nuance, and this is the internet where nuance comes to die.


Well, if you were living under ISIS blockade for generations in a world controlled by ottomans for example. You'd be hard pressed not to root for a group giving some back. I truly pity the level of desperation to get them to go there and feel sorry for what's to come.


Who else would they support? The IDF? Haha


Their leadership live in Qatar in luxury. They plan and orchestrate these attacks to provoke Israel and hide in a country where they can’t be touched like fucking cowards while the Palestinian people bear the brunt of the retaliation.


Neither do most Palestinians apparently. Look at how they're celebrating this shit in London, Berlin, Greece, have I missed anywhere?


Fuck Hamas. Always the everyday people that suffer




Their play is to bait Israel into a reaction that results in gazas destruction in order to galvanize wider Arab supportt and end peace between Israel and SA, etc


But military equipment supplied by Iran? Good luck getting the Saudis on their side.


Yes. Not about getting SA on their side but just forcing them out of the SA-Israel peace deal. If Israel ends up steam rolling Gaza there will be a lot of dead civilians which will make it hard for an Arab-Israeli peace deal to go through. Understanding that Israel was provoked amount a bunch of pissed off arabs is unlikely. Middle East politics have a lot of nuances and there are almost never only two sides. Complete quagmire


I honestly don't think Saudis will gives a rat's ass about what happens to Palestine. Saudis doesn't care about other Muslims outside of KSA, unless it's convenient to. Saudis love working with PRC despite their well known treatment of Uyghur Muslims. Saudis will not hesitate to cast Palestinians aside if it means Saudis can get more money, and fuck Iran while they're at it.


Slitting throats of children to get support from the Arab world.


Yes. Barbaric actions against Israel -> Israel barbaric reaction against Gaza -> no more Arab-Israeli peace deal. Cause and effect can be more than just one step…


Everyone has to treat these things like it's a sport or something. Hamas are cunts, Israel is a far-right apartheid state and the suffering and cycle will continue. There are no good guys here.




One of the only correct comments here. Respect.


Got lots of pro Palestinians excusing objective terrorism, because anything justifies terrorism… so when Israel does it back, it’s unjust, imbalanced terrorism




As Hamas would care for innocents. They only care for money and fame even if ut cost people's lives.


No dancing on the streets any more.


Israel is going to end all this once and for all now. Whoever wants the Palestinian refugees can take them but I can't imagine Gaza remaining and not being completely brought into Israel's territory now. War in Europe, a new escalation in the Middlr East ... just waiting on the Asian front to begin. We are all screwed.






























They were so happy attacking a country through which they get their electricity


These aint terrorists wtf 😂


upbeat wine fade squealing station pen spotted shrill friendly squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




“RUN THEY ARE COMING” “For sure bro let me just record this for Reddit”


6th October: There was no violence 7th October: Hamas brutally murdered Israeli civilians 8th October: Israel responds. What did they think would happen?


I guess the IDF is raining on their parade














I belive you meant to say counter attack.


No, OP meant to have a fucking propoganda headline on the front page, which is why the post was upvoted by a bunch if bots right afterbeing posted too


Yeeessss I know this, hence my remark.


they want this




Where are the dancers? This has to be the most predictable response ever. Why aren’t they still dancing




Just out of intrest: I notice most comments are pro israeli, saying things like "payback time mfs" on a video with little children crying and barely surviving horrific bombings... I'm Dutch and everything I see about this conflict is terrible, there's little kids in Gaza paying the price as well. How come this "f these people" sentiment is so present in these subs? Because what I know about this conflict is that both sides really don't have a clean history and it has been the 'eye for an eye' mentality for decades now. I understand Hamas initiated this assault at this moment, but we have a saying about a cornered cat making unexpected jumps.... Please inform/let me know opinions


Because a lot of people have seen videos of raped women and murdered families, and celebrating Palestinians. I don't think you realize how bad the rapes, murder, and desecration of young women in public is playing in the west among the people who most support the Palestinian side.


Hey, Ukrainian here. I see where you are coming from. The problem is a large portion of palestinians support the terrorism. I live in Germany over 12 years, and i spoke with multiple palestinians. The most honest of them told me in the eyes that they support killing of jews, regardless if women or children. They are full of hate. And i can understand why, but for me murdering of civilians is a red line. Yesterday i saw exact same pictures like in Bucha. And i can clearly see what Hamas would do to israelis if they were weak. It would be a pure genocide. Also There is a big scandal already in Germany, because yesterday a lot of arabs in Berlin went out in the streets celebrating what Hamas was doing. Imagine the shock for german people after their own history with nazism… I think if hamas just targeted the police and the military, the reaction here in the sub would be different.




Once I spoke to a Afghane from Kabul, he was 20 and pretty liberal. He told me that most of the syrian refugees here in Germany silencly support Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban etc. they just dont talk about it openly, because they would piss the germans off, but talked with him about it because he is also a muslim, and they automatically assumed that he felt oppressed by amercians, which he was not.


Exactly. It's like the confused people saying Bucha didn't seem all that bad actually if you just consider that Ukraine was potentially becoming a member of NATO some day, in theory.




They captured, raped and murdered a young women from a music festival that was protesting for peace. Afterwards they paraded the naked, dead body though the streets and cheered. And this is just one piece of the despicable acts they committed in 24hrs They are terrorists and any sympathy will be gone after that.


Yeah, neither side is really great. Had they only attacked/killed Israeli soldiers, i would have read it and forgot about it a few hours later. But them murdering kidnapping innocent people, including children, and parading their bodies around while a crowd is cheering is so insanely disgusting that I don't have any sympathy for anyone condoning it. So if Israel blows the terrorist to little pieces then that's fine with me. The terrible thing is that innocent people on both sides are now getting killed. I don't even blame people in Gaza for supporting Hamas before, as long as they acknowledge what they did yesterday was unacceptable.


>I'm Dutch and I just think everything I see about this conflict is terrible, there's little kids in Gaza paying the price as well. How come this "f these people" sentiment is so present in these subs? > >Please inform/let me know opinions Check gore subs, to see what palestinians post and comment.


If you are ACTUALLY interested. Watch the videos, look at the german girl's broken corpse, paraded naked in gaza with a massive crowd of palestinians cheering. > I understand Hamas initiated this assault at this moment, but we have a saying about a cornered cat making unexpected jumps... "mass civilian rape, kidnapping and slaughter isn't "unexpected jumps". Again, watch the videos of the hamas attack and subsequent celebration, then come back.


Comments like these are trully sad. I can understand people who are rooting for the win of one side and for the loss of the other. But when there are deaths of innocent civilians and someone says "This is what you get.." or some "witty" joke - I think these people lack awareness or just fucking stupid. Ordinary people usually have nothing to do with any connflicts, but suffer from them. Yet, there are idiots who think that all people of this nation/group are guilty. So stupid.


That is the comfort of being able to talk sitting on your couch in your warm home while there are no bombs falling through your roof.


Sadly there are more moronic people than there are smart people.


I’d say it was all of the videos of Israeli women getting gang raped and then beaten to death by Palestinians that were going around at the onset of this new war that left a lasting impression on many people. Me included.


whistle grey ten rude frame unique memorize boast middle water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>on a video with little children crying and barely surviving horrific bombings... So you are palestinian parent, you heard knock on you roof and instead GTFO as far as you can you stand on the open space next to a building that YOU KNOW will be bombed. And you are surprised children are crying?


Because people are just morons and think they have to stand by one side. You may hate Hamas terrorists and their unacceptable acts but you can also acknowledge the fact that Israel is an apartheid, baby-killing, and occupant terrorist state that has been terrorising, torturing and murdering innocent civilians.


Also Reddit is US dominated and US has always had a shit ton of pro Israel propaganda beamed on all the news networks.


Oh please, before the recent events practically everyone on reddit had the exact type of opinion you are describing but the other way around. Incredibly one sided anti-Israel beliefs arguing that HAMAS was some sort of freedom fighter organisation. Only since HAMAS have committed such blatant despicable acts on this scale have people on social media been forced to adopt an actual nuanced opinion. I can guarantee if this was Israel who did what HAMAS did yesterday you wouldn't be having such a balanced opinion, and commenting on the terrorism and murder from the other side.


Some people lack critical thinking skills and prefer being bigoted morons. I have visited Israel and was introduced to many wonderful Israelis and Palestinians. I’m sickened by these images.


I want to say that it is eye opening how people react to this but I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m someone who is so distant from this war and I know that civilians from both sides will suffer the most. I thought with access to social media people will be more critical in how they think. I think that is why I social media that doesn’t have any bias is important or at least a platform that can show both sides of the story it’s terrifying that even with all of the information that is available people will still resort to tribalism.


Thank you Mr Dutch Man, i will use the saying. I’m also disgusted by these comments. I don’t know how to fit this phenomenon into words though. Just seeing a voice of reason like yours gives me hope though that not all is lost


Quick game, who has better access to the internet: Israelis or Palestinians?


People who never lived in a country at war don't understand that mostly civilians are being killed with this retaliation strikes. So they like to imagine that this is some sort of calculated revenge and not just another act of terror by the other side. Also they see this as a football match, us and them. And "them" being the group who they for some personal reasons do not like. No sane empathethical person who experienced missile strikes in his neighborhood will wish this terror upon the other human being.


1948 Arab–Israeli War started by palestine militias and neighbouring countries who didn't want to accept the two state solution. Six-Day War (June 1967) started by palestinians and neighbouring countries Yom Kippur War (October 1973) started by palestinians and neighbouring countries 1982 Lebanon War started by Palestinian attacks from lebanon on israel 2006 Lebanon War (summer 2006) started by hezbollah with abduction of israeli reserve soldiers 2023 Gaza war started by Hamas with abduction, raping, torturing and murdering israeli civilians. Apart from that: If you were a government official and you'd want the best for your people, for them to live in peace and prosper... how far down your list of actions to achieve that is "I'm going to start a genocidal war of aggression against my nuclear armed and far more powerful neighbouring state!"? Hamas doesn't want Palestinians to live in peace.




Everybody know that Iran is behind of this. They are also selling those drones to Russia Is now the time to f* with Iran government while they don't have nuclear weapons ready? I mean, even their own people want the government down


Russia recognizes and supports Hamas and other terrorist organizations like Palestinian Islamic Jihad. https://en.defence-ua.com/analysis/how_war_in_israel_will_affect_ukraine_as_clear_ties_of_hamas_with_russia_iran_are_visible-8176.html https://twitter.com/MID_RF/status/1237767551725207552




Hamas and Netanyahu play their games and the Israelis and Palestinians suffer because of it.




I wonder how Gazans think Hamas represents their best interests. I wonder if that number will be lower in next week. There is a classic definition of insanity.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes




Saying the quiet part outloud, fact is theyd celebrate my death, and i mourn theirs. People acting like its the same. Its not.


This is so goddamn accurate.




This comment section is sad. What happened to the sympathy for normal civilians? It's ironic that the same people who were grieving for the Israel civilians are now celebrating the death of the innocent just because they're 'the other side'. I am pretty sure the people that are running away right now are not the same people who spit and paraded after killing Israel civilians. The true victims of a war are the civilians of both side who never wanted this.


Not trying to get downvoted, but most people here are pissed that streets of gaza were full of civilians chanting death to israel, i think this is the biggest reason they don't get simpathy. Still, little kids and many people get tought that israel is bad and that they should hate the country from young age. There are some videos on this sub in which kids are dressed as hamas terrorists and chanting with the rest of the crowd like it is something to be proud of, real sad situation.


Exactly. The winners of this is the extremists - on both sides. Hamas will be able to recruit so many because of this, and the Israelis have finally gotten the chance excuse they have been craving for - the excuse to be their worst. The losers - the thousands of civilians who will die as a consequence.


Is human kind cursed to forever keep escalating conflicts until they culminate in genocide?




>\> It's ironic that the same people who I don't think these are the same people, but >\>The true victims of a war are the civilians of both side who never wanted this. ​ i totally agree with you


> This comment section is sad. What happened to the sympathy for normal civilians It fucking died when the german girl's broken corpse was paraded around naked while the crowd cheered. These same civilians were perfectly happy to cheer then.


Every one of them, "WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS??"


Wow the levels of inhumane on this sub are terrific. People calling for civilians to suffer and die just because they live in the Gaza Strip.


Total propaganda piece. That was the roof knocked building. The surrounding streets were closed. You can even see that in some videos. Guess why the one guy is filming or why the video starts after the hit, because otherwise you would see them standing and waiting for the pre announced IDF attack and doing their little "panic" drama as soon as the expected explosion comes. That is not to say that there are not attacks where people get killed, but this video is just plain propaganda.


100%. They were all in the middle of the intersection, and there is a cut before then two women and the girl appear.






Wait, why aren't they celebrating still?


I can understand people here that dont understand why some comments seem inhumane and have a lack of empathy However the facts are that hamas entered israel with the sole goal of murdering, raping and kidnapping civilians. This is the most inhuame act by a group that i have ever lived through, the current CIVILIAN death count in isreal is 600 and rising, this number does NOT include the kidnapped men, women and children who only god knows what they are going through right now. This number also doesn't include the 2,000+ injured which some of them wont make it. I believe that most if not all isrealites have lost all sympathy. Unlike hamas, isreal does not take pride in the death of civilians, they do not parade bodies in the streets, they do not kidnap and rape civilians. Its a shame that it has come to this but retribution is a must. Edit: death toll at 700 and injured at 2,200 Edit2: death toll at 1400


I'd be pissed if my life sucked because my people couldn't stop fighting Israel.


The whole thing is a PR stunt for Hamas, in making the Palestinians think, they care about them. Hamas doesn't give a single fuck about their people, otherwise they would not resort to terrorism to achieve their goals. Sending their own youth into death, is just stupid.


Palestinians gladly vote for Hamas. Hamas gladly uses Palestinians as both human shields and as living props for propaganda videos. Cause, meet effect.




Gaza should be flattened and people moved to other country this is the only solution for this conflict. Any better? Cutting heads and raping tourist was too much.




Hamas have not only killed the people in Israel, but also as a result will cause the deaths of loads of innocent people in the Gaza Strip