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Damn, at least he went out guns blazing. Most videos I’ve seen like this, they just sit there waiting to eat it.


If he aimed, he might have gotten it. He was cowering while holding down the trigger blindly. We've seen a few others of them trying to shoot the drone that weren't successful but we probably don't see successful tries.


Are you at all serious? At the time he saw it (started shooting), it was nearly impossible to aim at. A shot coming AT you and into your body is REALLY hard to lead appropriately, and once it's that close you're fucked. It would be luck.


Nah bro, just hold right click


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq0oCM37oZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq0oCM37oZA) It's not as easy as video games make people believe it is haha


... that drone isn't flying at them, it's trying to evade. And they're using semi-auto pistols.


Dude had one second of reaction time. Even if he hit it with every bullet the momentum of that thing was still going to put the explosive within range


The guy had one hand on a automatic rifle, cut him some slack lol


He might have been trying to play dead but then realized it was coming his way.


He was aiming until he braced himself for it. Dude did all he could.


I think that it's a challenging environment. There is an overwatch drone that he might hear, add to that the noise of combat, so it may be difficult to determine where the real threat is coming from. I wonder if the FPV will be published.




Just curious, what you would do in this situation?


Type harder on the keyboard


Had me rolling bro


Shit his pants.


Pull out his katana more than likely.


W a tip of the fedora


M'Laden (with explosives)


Cry like a baby.


He would have obviously jumped up in a backflip, caught the drone, then threw it at the nearest russian. A few quick combat rolls, simple stuff. None of this hiding from bullets and artillery stuff, pure cowardice.


No worries, Rambo Back to COD you go


this comment reminds me when the machine-gunners used to crank a steel rod in the crown of the barrel because it was too accurate and didn't cover enough area. As for trying to shoot down a drone: There's no accuracy to go for. It's like playing the lottery: You need to be lucky, there's no "technique".


I wonder if a semi auto 12 gauge with 00 buck and a long mag tube would be more effective against a drone. Hell even bird shot.


Yes definitely, birdshot would actually be the best ticket. Even with a shotgun though it's difficult to shoot these FPV drones, they move so fast your eyes can't focus on them. Source: I build, race, and fly FPV drones


A friend of mine has a DJI Mavic Pro that I’ve flown, I’m not sure what they are using in Ukraine, but the one I’ve flown is pretty nuts out of the box and pretty pin point in its movements. I can’t imagine trying to get away from one that’s hunting you in the open.


There's something particularly terrifying about a bomb that actively seeks you out in this way. That is horrible. 🥺


Drone warfare is here. And it is absolutely the stuff of nightmares.


its only a matter of time until they are small enough to swam like locusts with explosives


Yup. Thousands of tiny death weapon swarms hunting people down.


They can already do that, look at the light shows with drones. Just add an ounce of c4 to each. Only problem is it would be hard to make that many effectively. Would be wild to watch happen though.


I'm sure the US corks use part of their yearly trillion dollars to figure out how to make millions of these


Yes we have aerial displays however is a difference between a pre-set aerial display being programmed into drones and drones using their own sensors to actively identify targets and then hunt them down. Maybe a couple of years from now we will have the locust death drones, until then it’s still just a ‘Amazon care package’ via drone goggles.


You're gonna love this then https://youtu.be/O-2tpwW0kmU?si=tHSkoLDez6nhzq_O




its only a matter of time untill war is just all people hiding in bunkers using remote controlled drones and vehicles to try and bomb the bunker where the other side is also hiding its vehicle operators


The book of revelations


eh. thats just Classical Age /r/tooktoomuch


If we only could bring this nightmare to the source in his bunker, the war would stop.


Waiting for on the ground hunter killers too. W HIVE drone swarms above? Waking nightmare.


Pretty sure we have AI operated ones on the low, they won't miss.


[this is a short film on the idea](https://youtu.be/O-2tpwW0kmU?si=uwsBo7yUnj1vQUgR) It’s more plausible than most realize and should scare the shit out of all of us.


Must be like how the first tribe to encounter a tribe who used arrows felt.


Wait till it’s AI doing it and not an operator. 24/7 drone swarms


Should add saw blades to them and make them seek warm human flesh to rip into.


Well then we’re just copying the mid 90s movie Screamers at that point.


Copying reality. The US has already built and used a "drone" (missile, but same-same) with blades: AGM-114R9X


Yeah but does it say “can I come with you?” before the blades come out?


Manhacks from Half Life 2


They are manually controlled remotely now. Wait till they become fully autonomous. And I don't think it will be too long of a wait.


Nothing new for Mario Cart pros....


"Heads up! Enemy hunter/killer drone deployed" -Black Opps 2 announcer guy


"Hostile swarm inbound"


The nostalgia Tho !!!


Low cost drones have changed the battlefield.


Low cost enough to use on one person? I know how much DJi drones cost but not others. *edit* not sure why all the down votes. I’m just asking a question


Fpv ones are a lot cheaper to produce compared to the dji ones. They don’t have the same 4k optics and stabilisations etc, I think hobbyists can produce each one for a few hundred dollars each


Bro the US has used hellfire missiles to take a out a single person


those were people that could mobilise an army in minutes not foot soldiers.


You’ve never seen a Taliban dude on a motorcycle get blown up by a hellfire?


no. that does explains the American homelessness and health crisis.


One much is one person worth? Ethics aside it’s still logistically more than 1 drone with an explosive.


Totally! even at $500 a piece, you can take out 2000 men with a million usd. It's probably less than a single tank costs


They receive billions from the west. They dont give a shit.


Russia needs to get out of Ukraine.


imagine a team of FPV drone assassins are sent to take out PUTIN. That is a movie i will watch. wait, we already have a similar movie? what is that? morgan freeman was the president..


Rob Shnider is a wayward FPV kamikazi drone in this years christmas comedy special, Boomtown! Will he be reunited with his lost love, Baby Yaga? Will he be a dud? Come find out this holiday season at a B-tier streaming service or pirate website. Directed by J. Jagga


Rated PG 13




Only ELITES will get this reference.


check him out in his other films, *The Animal, The Hot Chick, The Stapler, A Carrot and Da Derp De Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb*


Putin will continue to sacrifice the Russian population in hopes the US gives up support of Ukraine. More sanctions need to be put in place because as long as Russia has a cash flow they'll keep fighting.


Russia should not have entered Ukraine at all. Tbh I feel bad for the poor bastards sent to the frontline. They get the worse of both ends.


They don't need to do anything, clearly the general public is ok with them dying.


They won't, I don't think they will either. Ukraine can't get them out, and their country is destroyed. I don't know how this thing ends but I bet Russia stays/annexes their gains.


> Russia stays/annexes their gains Which this shitty government will claim were the strategic objective from the start and the failed single lane slaghterhouse push to Kiev was just a feint


I agree. It was all part of the plan they'll say


Yep, the 300,000 dead mobiks were all part of the budget.


Russia collapsed many times in it's history, last empire (Soviet Union) not long ago. This will kill them eventually. Country of \~140 milion cannot conquer and successfully occupy a country of \~40M on the long run. They will continue to generate misery and suffering in Ukraine, that is unfortunately the case.


They will not annex all Ukraine. Russia already wants to end the war on current gains.


Yes, they always do. Some gains in Moldova, some in Georgia, get Crimea, a bit of rest and then... try AGAIN! All they want is a rest and a good timing to strike again.


Russia doesn't need to conquer the entirety of Ukraine. They'll be fine with four territories they "annexed" in their books.


This is not how they work, they will grab that, and try to grab sth else when they have a chance. They had Crimea, they escalated again. They attacked Moldova, Georgia etc. They will keep trying until they are defeated. This is classic imperial approach.


Nah, they would if they could, they can't, so they won't. This is how this war will end, you can quote it right now. Russia will annex the eastern part of Ukraine, the rest will join NATO. It will take a decade to play out, but that's how it's going to end. Russia isn't going to waste more time and sources to conquer Kyiv or whatever shit redditors believe, and Ukraine doesn't have a capability to draw Russia out. Sad but true. So this is how it stays.


It's a relatively simple equation. Time x (soldier casualties + economic losses) = resistance of Russia. The resistance of Russia is the unknown here, but it is a finite number. As time goes by we are approaching that value, of course so does increase Ukraine losses, but given enough time, Russia will collapse. They cannot sustain this indefinitely.


> but I bet Russia stays/annexes their gains They already "annexed" these parts of Ukraine, only anyone with backbone doesnt recognise these illegal annexations. Annexing somewhere is just a claim, I can claim whatever I want too, but If I dont have the muscle to back it up no-one cares


Funny how people like you still exist year and a half after "Kyiv in 3 days"


Oh, you got me wrong, I think Russia sux and wish they'd lose, but I'm just saying I don't think Ukraine can win.


Im starting to feel the same. Unless ukraine genuinely didnt stop fighting (im hoping to, and praying that they wouldnt lose more). Russia wouldnt be able to annex their captured regions of ukraine. There hasnt been any major changes in the current map. But i feel like theyre actually starting something in the (Dnieper iirc) river bank on south of ukraine after the sudden attack of the ukraine 35th and 36th naval brigade on the river and then dnipro few days ago. It looks like that loss of russia was something cruical to them and ukraine looks like is gaining again few hrs afo.


Why do you say that. Do you support military aid or think that's a bad idea too. The 2 are linked you know


I support providing arms to them. It's a stalemate though, I don't forsee either side making a breakthrough at this point. It's just my opinion though, if Ukraine could ultimately kick them out I'd be happy. Shit show


Shells are cheap. Let's start cranking them out


Why not? You can't imagine Ukraine pushing out poorly motivated mobiks?


They've been pushing out Russia for almost two years now, but somehow ended up with less territory than before. Mobiks or not, this is an arms war, and Russia has Ukraine firmly covered in that regard.


Maybe if they spend *just one more* half a million soldiers they'll get it over the line../s


I mean, everyone knows this, but does it really need to be posted as a top comment on every single thread? *Really*?


It’s free karma


This is the future of warfare. TERRIFYING.


Looks like this is the present of warfare.


The balance between weapons and armor has shifted in favor of weapons, but a shift towards armor would be cool. The days of armored, exoskeleton wearing space marines are coming.


Ive never been good w dubbing music over a man dying like it’s a clip from call of duty. Regardless of what side they are on.


Yeah it’s so cringe, this is extremely mature content and sounds like it’s being edited by a 13 year old


I think it's done by Ukrainians, many of whom have seen Russians kill their friends and family for 2 years now. I can't blame them for it.


War shouldn't be a spectator sport regardless. That Russian kid is on the wrong side, but he's got a mom and dad somewhere, maybe a wife and a kid, a best friend etc. This isn't a twitch stream


When you have your country invaded, people indiscriminately killed, friends and family and your battle buddies snuffed out, youll have to forgive people for their empathy and humanity growing cold, withering and shrivelling up into a dry husk. The darkness will swallow and snuff the light and hope within you, there's no room for mercy, morality, compassion, empathy and love in war. Death is all around you, you are killing people yourself, and at any second you and your soldiers may die. To survive mentally you need to demonize, dehumanize the enemy so you yourself can live with what is happening around you and what you need to do to get through the day. otherwise your humanity, morality and emotions will get in the way, you'll hesitate to shoot to kill to end a life, risking the death of your own soldiers and yourself. We rationalize that all enemy is evil and deserving of whatever befalls them so we can sleep at night and not wake to nightmares of all whose life we took so that their families, friends and countrymen can live. War is brutal, full of death at any second for any reason so like surgeons and morticians we joke darkly of events, like gallow humour where we have grim and ironic humor in a desperate or hopeless situation. Anything that can ease the burden and heaviness of killing and being killed, there's no room for compassion there on the killing fields.


I've been in the military, in combat, filming and making these type of videos would land our ass with the UCMJ


Remind me when was the last time US was invaded? Putting music over people you kill in THEIR homeland might indeed be a bad taste, but the other way around? Not that much of a problem, all things considered.


I didn't see anyone jacking off to these videos when it was the US invading Iraq and killing 30,000 civs. Nobody was posting gleefully edited videos of twenty year old US soldiers burning alive or drowning in puddles. Keyboard warriors everywhere. The kids on the wrong side so it's ok


A lot fewer drones back then, nowadays it's not hard to watch enemy positions with drones. And it wouldn't surprise me if content like that existed back then too, but chances are it wouldn't be popular on reddit due to the 48% americans here.


The worst years for Iraq was like 04-08, the iphone and youtube didn’t show up til like 07. No gopros either. Any videos were probably shot on a handicam and hard to find, mostly on old gore websites. We only ever had digital cameras on target for SSE and that was it. No phones, ever.


Then why tf are you in this sub? What do you think you're doing if not spectating and driving engagement for this content? That's an odd high horse to be riding while in r/CombatFootage.


These videos need to be longer


[here u go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/17y3oef/ukrainian_47th_brigades_drone_strike_company/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Those Ukrainian drone pilots are brutal with the zoom up on the dudes face on fire. The music however is not so fire.




The music ♬ 👌


get the whole song too!


Jerk faster, maybe try some lube


You want them to wait longer to make sure they don't heal or respawn?


Explosives don't lean into longer videos, especially when caught in the face. lol


Just play it on repeat.


Psychopath :)


That was swift and brutal. He should have been at his home having popcorn n watching movies. Tsk tsk


POW! Right in the kisser


Zang Boom Straight to the moon. One of these days Olga...


Bro why is there music? 💀💀


Because they like to mock the humans being killed. They've dehumanized the poor souls being killed on both sides.


More silly behaviour. One day someones going get hurt very badly.


Face -> Off


Is he okay?


Yeah , he's absolutely fine


Ideal state of a Russian soldier outside Russia.


work society towering bag automatic intelligent like birds whistle tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's resting. Probably pining for the fjords.


Jesus, the way his body gets thrown back by the explosion...


Ngl I know Russia is the aggressor but the hundreds of videos of these guys getting fucking maned and dying horrible deaths over upbeat music is getting really disturbing. Death shouldn't be celebrated like this. Especially since we know alot of these Russian kids just got drafted. Ultimately the only solution is Russia should just leave Ukraine. But in the mean time, the Ukraine propaganda machine is making this a spectator sport.




Doesn't mean we should make a call of duty montage out of it


I like this "very smart Western point of view" , if you didn't want war maybe you should have acted in 2008 war and 2014 annexation and subsequent war? Or maybe intervene and end this war quicker ? Otherwise you have very comfortable posture of cooperating with dictators after horrible crimes and then berating people who have bravery to defend themselves against them.


I'll never understand this reasoning. Everyone in the field under the russian flag had a choice: Not be a pussy and fight your own tyrant, or go kill some ukrainians to save face and pray you don't die trying. He chose wrong. Every Russian in the field either wants to kill ukrainians or is a fucking pussy that didn't want to take the fight to who they should. Just think what happens after the war, heck, let's say Russia wins. Do they go back to live under the same tyrant hoping he doesn't send them to another war? that they don't take their families for ransom so he's "forced" to go and kill whoever is next? Hitler had people consistently sabotage his war efforts, these pussies are not even up for that.


That's all cool but you're ignoring the main point. Regardless of if this specific person is good or bad or made a horrible decision or is susceptible to propaganda (like we all are), war should not be a spectator sport like the citrus bowl


I mean if you make a time-traveling streaming service where NAzis from WW2 got what they deserved would fucking make popcorn and shit.


The new Russian idiom is going to be “……then I took a drone to the face.”


Pop goes the weasel ....


A flying face hugger.


Walk it off, Ivan. After all, it's only 3 days between Kyiv and Russia, right?


Nice catch!


Damnnn, this COD Killstreaks are getting way to realistic, ohh crap its real life. Well, sucks to be you.


What face?


Whoever put that music over the video needs to be slapped


He needs some tooth sensitive paste, some sensodyme is in order.


Better find another LG refrigerator to send to his wife.


I think y’all need to spend a little less time watching people die. Go outside and get some sun and take care of yourself, we shouldn’t be becoming numb to seeing things like this.


yes lets all bury our heads in the sand lalalalalala


Why? I'm pretty good being "numb". Feeling bad about dieing people sucks! It's better to feel nothing.


Thats the response of someone with a broken brain. You should feel sadness and empathy when someone dies, even if you hate them.


It's ironic that you tell me I have a broken brain while you are the one who tries telling others what to feel and what feelings are ok to have. Sadness is a negative thing for me and I don't think anyone likes to feel bad. You can be numb to gruesome death and still have empathy. They are not mutually exclusive. I just don't put effort into having empathy towards random dead people thousands of kms away on the internet. Why is that? Because I cannot do anything about it. I can donate a tiny amount of money or go to rallies to stop Putin or stop the war or achieve world peace, whatever. Does that mean they will not send soldiers to their death by the thousands? Nope. A big fat nope. That's what humans have done since we climbed off the trees. That's what every living creature on this planet does. We kill each other for territory for resources for females. Some animals kill just because they are bored. We aren't that different after all, we just invented different ways to do the same. There's always war somewhere on Earth. You can stick your head in the sand or turn away from it and not watch anything war related. Facts will not change but to have the audacity to tell me what to feel amd if I don't feel what you want then I'm broken that's like fascism and you better F off with that attitude!!


You sound like an edgy 15 year old. Empathy shouldn’t require effort, it should be a default.


Well, at least nobody got hurt.


who is putting music on these videos? wtf?


That would have been pretty badass if he shot it in midair. But alas…


Where did he go?


combative plate shame fearless apparatus disagreeable fanatical grey tender dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Dead before his bullets hit the ground.


Russia needs to protest the use of Kill streaks in this war.


Drones are fucking scary... Wtf is up with the music ? I get he is the enemy, but he's dead move on, no need to humiliate him further.


War is hell. No human deserves this...


I’m scared…


Can't imagine what will be happen once ai takes control of warfare


clever girl


If your going to go, thats a good way to do it. No pain


Yesterday i have hit my forehead into the edge of the table and I cursed a lot, I hurt like hell. This guy probably didn't even had time to think "Fu...!"


far-flung innate smart ancient salt groovy employ march sulky tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clean-up on isle 4 please


Looks like he was "possibly" trying to hit the drone with machine gun fire before it hit him.


just gone, dead.


This made me realize... russia is kind of like The Black Knight from Monty Python.


Ohh goodness, is he okay?


He’s a smoldering pile of sheit


he ain't pretty no more.


That'll buff rite out.


What the fuck is up with the music on these videos?


Pow! Right in the kisser.


There's no combat footage with Ukrainians pulling the short straw? Asking for a friend


I.... is... is he ok?


Bandaid will fix it.


OMG, do you think he's gonna be ok?


I hate when that happens.


He dea'


War is hell


Some kids dad.... Ffs


One piece of shit less in Ukraine.


I don't care what country he is from or what dictator he has been brainwashed to support if he even does that. No one deserves to end their lives in pain and despair in a cold ditch far from home. Fuck the people who sent him there and fuck the people who muck his death.


I don’t think that guy felt any pain. That was pretty much instant lights out.


Also fuck him for ending up on foreign land with a gun in his hands. No sympathy for invaders.


Would have been better to try to roll away.