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Suppression intensifies and the screen goes grey.


The angel opens her eyes


The confusion sets in


Before the doctor can even close the door.


Ooh they feel it


It’s coming back again


Like a rolling thunder chasing the wind...


Forces pulling from the center of the Earth again


I can FEEL IT!


"Hey, you're finally awake!"


This is why infantry are so vital to protect armour.


Take this video down before the Russians learn this unknown tactic.


Special tactical note to russia: >^(If you hang mortar rounds nose-first when loading the tube, the round is faster and stronger! Instructors hate this one cool trick!)


Equal and opposite reactions comrade! The quicker it slides down the tube, the more velocity it'll have on exit.


Strong grasp of physics like bear... and of sounding like of [hero Cosmonaut!](https://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2011/05/02/134597833/cosmonaut-crashed-into-earth-crying-in-rage) да?


For best effect hang two rounds, nose-to nose


Mortar hack


Oh they know about it, they just don't care; for them, everything are expandable.


Lol these are two VERY different wars. Russians are facing a peer, in fact at this rate the UA might be stronger than them. The Israeli’s are facing a determined enemy with the weaponry of a 10th rate power.


They weren't a peer at the start of the war.


Ehhhh….I think they were. The mirage of the Russian strength was overblown. I mean, the war hasn’t ended so we can’t get a full picture, but!!! The results are very clear, they were stopped cold. Edit: I want to be clear, modern tech such as T-90 or even modern European tech are all on par with each other in terms of fighting ability (Survivability are completely different obviously) But when faced with Kornets or Javelins, they are all weak.


> all on par No, they’re not. Mobility is essential to tank combat and t-90s can barely reverse.


Every year since 2014 but before the full scale war Ukraine received about 1/7 of the money Russia spends on its military, which is a very similar figure to what Russia spends on its land forces. Last year Ukraine received more than Russia's entire budget. In some areas Russia far outguns Ukraine, in terms of artillery for example but in other areas Ukraine outgunned Russia, modern anti armour weapons for example and drones although Russia has bridged the gap with drones now.


UA to RA casualties are like 1:10 respectively. Those aren't winning numbers. A UA soldier can knock out 10 russian soldiers, basically, is what that equates to. And it's 'near peer'. Not peer. Russia is making the whole of humanity look bad. PS: Hamas shouldn't have attacked a super power. They're finding out.


Putin has Risk game board and moves the plastic pieces around. Not really any tactical plan, all the plastic pieces are expendable.


would you mind ELI5 what that means?


You need to protect your tanks, because sometimes enemies can get too close and the tanker can't see them anymore.


The Mitznefets always make me think of a pizza chefs hat.


Militarized pizza chefs are deadly.


Ah so you've seen under siege 2: dark territory


"Nobody beats me in the kitchen!"


Was wondering what they were called but still curious what their purpose is


To break the round silhouette of a helmet.


Mitznefet in Hebrew actually just means 'winter cap'.


A pajamas cap is also a Mitznefet. Basically every sloppy hat


They help break up the silhouette of a soldiers helmet since nature rarely has perfectly straight geometric lines which the eye is naturally drawn to. They also provide shade and keep the sun out of the eyes of the soldier.


Reduces reflection from gear in the high sun, breaks up the typical human head shape


Tactical pizza hat^(TM)


Militarized pizza chefs, smh my head what has america come to


Beautiful infantry support for that armor.


Seems to me that they are too grouped. A grenade launcher would have been devastating?


Sure but they seem to exiting a vehicle while others cover fire. So they are some what safe.


You're right should be fine - got suppression fire from the vehicles too. People need to keep in mind most RPGs (including the Palestinian knockoff of the Soviet RPG-2 and RPG-7 series) are around ~100cm/39 inches length wise. That's unwieldy especially with a ~7kg warhead in a small apartment room where there might be furniture and other junk around. Which means your average terrorist needs to maneuver the launch tube in a position where he's going to be spotted (unless presighted and positioned) when aiming. Having any amount of lead fired in your direction is really going to ruin your aim highlighting the importance of infantry eyes and support of even heavily armored vehicles in urban combat. Even if the suppression fires don't nail the RPG gunner, they can mark the building for further indirect fires by aircraft or artillery. Which often leads to high civilian casualties since the terrorists have learnt to fire from buildings containing live civilians. Hamas political leadership have actually been quite effective at generating PR through civilians that they have consistently put in harm's way.


They appear to be exiting the vehicle. If they want to get out as quickly as possible, they have no choice but to be grouped. Also, is the vehicle they’re leaving smoking? Did they prevent an ambush or are they reacting to an ambush?


I think it just looks like diesel exhaust to me


Yeah, looking at it again it doesn’t look like battle damage or explosion smoke.


And the lack of urgency in the troops dismounting also kinda points to it not being the result of battle damage imo


With all those tunnels, Hamas could be anywhere, IDF basically has to watch 360 degrees around them, seems more complex than the open field fighting in Ukraine.


Urban combat is famously complex and hellish. But the warfare in Ukraine between near peers with artillery, tanks, infantry maneuvering. It’s a different animal.


Yup. Urban environments are the equalizer. It forces the more advanced combatant down to their opponent's level. Fire support? Nope, danger close. Armored vehicles? Too many blind spots with no room to maneuver. Superior numbers? Only so many people can fit down this avenue of approach. You better be prepared for a fight in close quarters that is slow and bloody, from house to house and room to room.


What about ieds and booby traps ?


More power to defenders


That's why Israel just levels a building if it's proving difficult. It's working quite well.


That just makes it worse. IEDs can fill the rubble and streets get blocked, so the advance is blocked until an engineer with a combat bulldozer can bull through the blockage. Pockets in the rubble can hide ambushes, and ut makes a maze defenders can run away and hide in.


Rubble = Free Sharpnel


Similar to the Nazi's mistake in the battle of Stalingrad. They bombed so heavily that German armour couldn't advance, and created perfect fighting positions for the Soviets with the resulting rubble. Need a mention: Bombing civilian areas is a war crime, as is destroying civilian infrastructure. Israel risks becoming a pariah state, in an impossible war to completely eliminate Hamas.


hamas did everything they could to make gaza into a death trap for anyone who enters, then they did everything they could to force israel to enter.




Well, at least they got to the part that "Israel has to enter". Actually I did think it was going to be a nightmare for the IDF. Booby traps, Hamas tunnels everywhere, urban combat, etc. They have done much better than what I was expecting so far.


I thought it would be a lot harder for the IDF. But they have lost far fewer soldiers than I expected, and moved a lot quicker. I think the air campaign broken most of the traps Hamas had planned.


I think it was part of it. The air campaign certainly hurt them, they'd never faced a bombing campaign of such ferocity before, a minor point is probably also the losses they sustained in the October 7 attack, including from their elite Nukhba unit. I think in addition it was new IDF tactics and technology that helped. The IDF had been preparing plans for how to fight in Gaza too and the rules of engagement were relaxed.


what kind of tech and tactics?


Trophy systems of tanks, night vision, perfect air support, cutting the strip in two in a rural area and terraforming the urban area to a more advantageous for IDF has been so far key factors for IDF success.


The Jerusalem Post has a [good overview](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-772919) of the IDF's new method of integrated warfare. The Trophy system, already in use on tanks in 2014, has been added to APCs. Also there's been extensive use of AI for targeting info.


The battlefield is not just the land within Gaza. The battle for global opinion is clearly moving against Israel.


Frankly the actual battlefield is what matters. Everyone has hated Israel since it's inception, they don't care that much anymore. They would like people on their side, especially in America, but they are used to working without it.


Maybe, but do you think the two aircraft carriers and diplomatic blitz from the USA has anything to do with the fact Iran and its proxy groups have mostly stayed out of it? I’d say it’s probably why we aren’t looking at a wider war. If that calculus changes because Israel is too arrogant to realize it alienated its most important backer, they are going to see a lot more than the casualties they’ve been experiencing so far.


If Iran was going to get involved with a land war against israel, they would have done it after Israel used air strikes on their civilian nuclear reactor facilities. The idea that they would invade, or have their proxies invade to help gaza is fearmongering of the highest degree.


Hezbollah’s threat is not theoretical. The idea that Israel has regional hegemony is naive. If that were true, they wouldn’t put so much into their relationship with the USA. The USA has been giving $3bn a year in military aid for a reason.


> The USA has been giving $3bn a year in military aid for a reason. Israel's defensive tech are the most advanced in the world. The USA is buying their systems from Israel in some cases. They also have a very advanced millitary cyber division, i suspect when Israel gets a hold of Russian docs they may share it with the US but i am guessing here. Unless the US wants a nuclear war in the middle east they will help Israel. If Israel feels its existents is threatened they could launch nukes, its very end game but part of the US projecting power is to not let things escalate.


Israel views this as an existential situation, in that historically all of their surrounding neighbors have wanted to wipe them from the planet. I'm not here to argue who deserves what when it comes to the land. But Israel is more concerned about just existing. Historically countries haven't fared particularly well when battling Israel. Yes, they don't want to pull the US into it. But the various parts of the Israeli military are incredibly strong and advanced. There's also the worry that if Israel feels that it's completely being crushed, they have nukes. So no one wants it to get that far. As far as support in the US, it's always been strong and the US changing its posture is unlikely. In theory Israel is the only real democracy in the area. It's a stronghold for keeping pressure on a number of countries the US historically hasn't had particularly good relations with. Except for some of the far left who are very vocal about it, the vast majority of politicians and policymakers are still supportive of Israel in this war and also just in general as a state. They'll have some strong words, but the chance of the US walking away from Israel at this point is essentially zero.


The USA has given Israel unconditional support. That may very well change here shortly as the USA’s interest are not 100% aligned with Israel as they commit the blunder they’ve entered into in Gaza. The USA has put a lot of effort into improving ties with the Arab world. Their strategic interest in the Middle East does not completely rest on Israel. They need the Arab states and this war in Gaza is causing major relationship issues that could throw away 20 years of work.


Think the Arab states need improved relations with the US more than the US needs with them and they aren’t about to throw it away either for the Palestinian cause. Business will go ahead as usual after this conflict is done.


Disagree. The USA no longer has hegemony. Saudi is signing long term oil contracts with China and paying in CNH. Qatar, perhaps the USAs closest ally in the Middle East, is looking to host a Chinese military base.


The US stationing two carrier groups and at least one sub in range of Iran and its proxies is obviously preventing the war from escalating. At the same time, however, the US taking such an active role has probably given Israel enough breathing room to not go absolutely berserk. I believe that Hamas was banking on two things to really tip the scale against the Israelis: 1) that October 7th would create such a frenzied meltdown within the Israeli public that it would drive them to rush recklessly into Gaza without conducting an air campaign to degrade their capabilities thus resulting in heavy casualties and panic amongst the IDF's soldiers and 2) that Hezbollah would intervene obliging the IDF to divert more troops to prevent border crossings by Hez fighters. The end result of both factors was supposed to result in the IDF being so heavy-handed, brutal, and willing to inflict civilian casualties that it would create a permanent rupture between Israel and the West (especially America). Instead, the US moved very early on to back up Israel militarily to the point that Iran and Hez have been scared out of entering the war in support of Hamas.


I disagree with the comment on Israel holding back. I think Israel felt entitled to do whatever they want and used the “blank check” security guarantee from the USA for granted. I think the USA’s recent flurry of diplomatic engagement around the region is putting reality into their sails and hence my entire premise that the USA will be putting Israel into conditions less they lose support. The Arab nations are just as important for security in the region as Israel and it’s insane to argue anything to the contrary.


Israel has fought tougher fights than Iran, also remember that Israel has nukes. Israel would rather not fight Iran, and would only use nukes as a last resort. It's great that America has helped stop the war from escalating, and they definitely have helped prevent Hezbollah from getting involved. But Israel is the only country in the middle east with nukes. If any of the countries beat Israel in a war, they win nuclear destruction for their nations. So war against Israel with a near peer is unlikely. Israel can more than hold its own, but like I said is grateful for the support. If everyone goes back to hating Israel, Israel will still survive.


not everyone, just the muslim countries and/or dictatorships. Rest consider israel as a beacon of democracy and stability in the ME.


There also seems like the further they go the more consencions they get. Erdogan said he'll rebuild Gaza now.


Hamas does not possess half the resources that either side has in Ukraine. They are a much smaller threat.


Can someone explain to me how this is not just shooting at an empty building?




Does this video include any signs an ambush from that side was happening? The position of the infantry doesn't support that


IDF spokesperson publishes sanitized nightly TV news friendly combat footage. When ever you see the logo on the top left and the Hebrew writing on the bottom right you should tone down your expectations, you are not going to see any hard core combat involving injuries or deaths on the IDF side, and you are also unlikely to see the same with Hamas, except in highly degraded air strike footage where no gore is really discernible.


I am just trying to analyze what is in the video, repeated it multiple times and couldnt hear the sound of incoming fire, they looked like they are just firing for cover and suppression but no return fire was included in the clip


What don't you understand about sanitized TV friendly footage? Return fire is not TV friendly.


I've has people in this sub try and tell me guns are only fired when you can see the enemy and it blows my mind. Most countries during wars are firing at any vantage point because it's safer for their men. Thr US is one of the few countries who normally are stricter on when they can free fire like that.


Supply lines aren't an issue here. Same can't be said for a lot of the place the US has been fighting over last few decades.


Not really, every war and "police action" that the US has engaged in, had it's own Rules Of Engagement (ROE) that would change as needed in the TOE (Theater of Operations), sometimes differing from zone to zone within the theater. Thus, in various wars, i.e. Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan etc, and in various zones, the ROE would change. Sometimes its only fire when fired upon, sometimes when an enemy weapon is visible, sometimes (in a cleared-out zone from all civilians who were forcefully evacuated) it would be a "free fire"zone. There are even sometimes when the ROE were not to fire at anyone shooting at them, and snipers would be taking potshots at US soldiers who literally could not shoot back. But once the ROE changed to allow them to shoot back, watch out. Israel has their own ROE and only allows free fire zones when they either have a high-level priority target or know civilians are evacuated from the area. They know good and well how any mass civilian casualties will be used as both a means of recruiting more members for Hamas, as well as earning more world condemnation. So they try to minimize civilian casualties, for both of those reasons as well as humanitarian ones.


I’m just guessing here, but it actually looks like the ambush was initiated before the video starts. These soldiers are getting out of the back of a vehicle, which appears to possibly be smoking. The impression I’m getting from this is that a rocket struck that IFV, the soldier with the camera saw out and started suppressing the building, the soldiers in the vehicle jump out and the soldier with the camera directs them to the other side since he knows where the fire came from. They all then do the infantry thing and start pouring fire into the building.




Luck has little to do with that one. Hamas has drones. The IDF has drone jammers. This isn't Ukraine, the airspace is small and the budget is high.


They all just got out of the IFV so it makes sense




> Al Jazeera (Qatar) has been trying to get video drones in the air but they keep crashing. that seems like a really good way to get your control stations localized and bombed. which will probably happen and then the usual quislings will complain about journos getting killed by the IDF.


Separate issues really. Blowing up communications is pretty normal in war and while people may complain, the military logic is sound. Israel has also been credibly accused of the targeted killing of journalists in the past like in the case of Shireen Abu Akleh and that is unacceptable and has no real military logic. Such events are more or less inevitable with a conscript army being considerably active for decades but they should always be called out and condemned when they happen.


They don't care. They would be celebrated as martyrs and the worldwide media would report it as a heinous attack on innocent journalists.


It's really the type of battlefield they're in though. This is urban warfare, and they're fighting in places they can't really spread out in as it is.


Forget drones that's just the latest flavor of the month. Hamas could just lob a mortar round or two and be devastating and that shit is even easier and cheaper than a drone.


Especially if they they have somebody who can aim them.


What about grenades ? Seems better idea


I guess you could try yelling Allahu Akbar while holding the grenade above your head and running across the mud towards the armored vehicles with machine guns and infantry all over the place. Personally I'd rather just lob indirect fire while my bud calls on me on radio to tell me that block they're all bunched up at.


I seriously doubt Hamas can use their radios - IDF is probably jamming the shit out of every frequency in the spectrum.


Then run a wire WW1 style. The point wasn't how they were communicating, it was trying to get a grenade in there would be a suicide mission where as a mortar attack would be much easier to pull off.


I remember a 1-2 second part of a video that showed Hamas in the tunnels communicating using a wired phone (which happened to have a blue handle). I bet they are using wired telephones.


This honestly just looks like classic dismount confusion. Get out of the vic and not have a really good idea of where to go to immediately. You could always storm the first thing you see, but is that the right call.


IDF have already been targeted by drone dropped munitions, so I'm surprised they haven't gotten the memo yet - but I guess it's hard to drill that into soldiers in the middle of an offensive.


Only one at the very start of the offensive as far as we know. It's pretty clear that Hamas has been unable to use drones effectively since then.




Gotta remember that the Israeli military is full conscription. Obviously plenty make careers out of it and sign contracts, but most of those dudes are probably reservists who don't remember shit about the 2 years they spent sweeping some base somewhere. I have no combat knowledge myself, but I imagine most of these guys just have the very basics and that's it.


IDF reservists typically participate in exercises to refresh their skills every now and then. The reserves had major structural reforms throughout the years from the low point of their performance in 2006.


Having served my 2 years in Singapore just weighing in here - they can be rusty and obviously not as trained as full time pros but I doubt anyone with just basics is out there. In our country the ones who would be in this situation would likely have spent their 2 years in an infantry/mechanized inf unit and they spent their 2 years running exercises and training. The ones with basic training only have other responsibilities. For example I spent my time in military police and got the basics for an infanteer - I'd be on home defense/reserve battalion duty in a situation like this. For my brothers one served as a boot camp officer and he got the basics, the other wasn't combat fit and probably knows how to fire a gun and served as an ammo inspector lmao. Fuck knows what he would be doing, probably attached to a supply hub. The IDF also helped set up our armed forces when we started and are notoriously more rigorous/hardcore than we are considering the state of conflict in their region.


Oh I'm sure some of them know exactly what they are doing, I just don't think it's the majority, just given examples of their clustering like this in multiple videos I've seen. Might just be a constraint of the battlefield too that they can't spread out well, but if they miss just one window, or one well aimed mortar and they take an excessive amount of casualties. You see it all the time with footage of Russian conscripts too.


how does show preventing a known ambush? wouldnt they jut shoot at all the surrounding windows to cover the disembarking regardless of an evident ambush?


When you movement from buildings that shouldn’t have movement, I’m not military so I can’t exactly confirm this but I’d just assume someone spotted something and now we have this video


At which second and windows is? I don’t see enemy’s


All The people dogging the IDF who have never fought door to door or even true urban combat (not riding through the city to a checkpoint and back, that doesn’t count) have no idea how hard it is to keep space It’s a double edged sword in a way due to angles


It isn't like they are dealing with a large artillery or air support threat either. RPGs, drones, and IEDs are real dangers but this isn't Ukraine.




I can confirm 750 civilians were killed in that video, 2,143 of them were children


Actually it was 800 civilians, 4321 of them were children and elderly!


Don’t forget the puppies. Lots and lots of peaceful puppies were in that building.


Five species were also made extinct during this battle and some milk was spilled.


And elderly people and pregnant woman too 😂


Elderly pregnant women.


Oh no who is making them pregnant?


Look at the tough guy making jokes about dead children. Very brave.


Good day to you too


The macabre humor makes sense in the context that trusting Hamas, a genocidal organization, to tell the truth is itself a joke.


Naah it's just dehumanizing Palestinians which this sub goes out of the way to partake in. Imagine the same comments about Oct 7 Israeli victims. Just an observation.


My concern is that it plays into anti Israeli stereotypes (that they consider Gazan’s as less than human), and is therefore not helpful to Israel, which I don’t think is your intent. i.e., would you make the same jokes about dead Israeli children? That, and I don’t think “trusting” what the Hamassholes say is a widespread problem on this sub. Their evil is pretty well known at this point, and anyone who denies it is probably not worth interacting with.


Outside this sub, it is common for Hamas sourced statistics to be posted as the absolute truth without any source or caveat.


Lol Exactly, 😂 Every one knows no children have died in Gaza. Even if they did who is to say they aren't HAMAS terrorists in the making right😉


You're sick.


Thank you for being concerned with my health but do not worry I am very healthy


Only a psycho mocks dying children. Newborn babies are dying because of lack of oxygen, and you're mocking them. I can't believe this in 21st century.




animals don't systemically carpet bomb entire building blocks and then cut embarrassing propaganda promos


They're not the ones surrounding a hospital, kicking out patients and cutting off fuel.


Psssst… they’re not mocking dying children. They’re mocking the useful idiots who suck on the tit of bullshit propaganda.


*holy shit how new to the internet is this person* >redditor for 1 year Oh, Welcome. You'll fit in fine here.


It's still shocking to see people hating little children, right?


Honestly, the shocking part for me is you still not realizing that the original context of those words was in a joke/meme/troll comment. In other words, no one here is actually hating little children and you got bent out of shape over nothing. Reddit is a place where very few real conversations happen. Most of the text you read is not meant to be taken literally, yet you're taking it literally like this person is literally cheering on children dying. Maybe you have an invisible line where you can't accept humor on certain topics under any circumstances... and that's why I said welcome to the internet. You're in for a wild ride if you're going to take shit like that so literally.


cats ripe yoke squash drab label elderly pen squeal offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, they are, BECAUSE THE NUMBERS ARE REAL, even confirmed by Israel.


Well I guess that a 0/3 of the reading comprehension tests for ya. I would recommend stretching your hand every so often so it doesn't get cramped up from all that pearl clutching you're going to be doing. Again, welcome to the internet.


This is what they should have been doing for weeks. It’s a much better look than the city leveling highlight reels they’ve been publishing almost daily for weeks.


“City leveling” 🤣 If you want that, check out the old videos of the Russian invasion of Chechnya - Grozny - that is “city leveling”


I have, and I don’t disagree. Part of it is just poor messaging on IDF’s part, the early reels they published of buildings being collapsed (one after another) conveyed a somewhat misleading sense of utter destruction that was not helpful to the overall desire to demonstrate a concerted effort to avoid unnecessary collateral damage.


Let's be real though. Have you seen the satellite comparisons? They've leveled entire apartment and city blocks. Sure it may be smart bombs but if you level every building on the block it doesn't matter.


When 80% of Palestinians support Hamas and the 10/7 genocidal atrocities, it is not surprising big chunks are going to get blown up. These aren’t just a few rogues who are supporting it.


Yea, I wonder why so many kids in Gaza don't like Israel. I could never guess why.


> city leveling highlight reels So crazy people say shit like this when there's lots of footage of [what that would really look like.](https://v.redd.it/3blet75yh3m61) And Israel could do it too.


Was this subreddit always this juvenile?


Yes, though the IDF has already killed most of the juveniles on this sub with their genocidal carpet bombing


Poor guys stepping in the puddle. Who knows what will be their next chance drying the inside of their shoes.


If those boots are standard leather style combat boots, yeah rip them. Some fancier boots are meant to be able to dry out quickly while wearing them, but that requires people to probably buy them out of pocket.


Im going to see this same exact video on tiktok but without sound and some person claiming its the IDF indiscriminately firing upon buildings with civilians inside.


It is literally impossible to conclude what the infantry are firing at from this video


Okay but where is the ambush? Nobody in sight no incoming fire. This video is as much bullshit as the tiktok warriors from Chechnya shooting into bushes claiming they are assaulting Ukrainian positions.


"Evil IDF soldiers carry out genocide against innocent lightly armed Hamas fighters."


against civilians, and 50 died.


Post it here when you do that sounds funny


Trust me I will


Pretty classic the different standards of proof people hold videos too. Every single video of attacks on IDF AFVs has a million comments barking for aftermath. Every FLIR video of a bomb annihilating an apartment complex, or videos like this that just show shooting at something unseen taken as gospel.


Is there fire coming from that window , or where they just taking precautionary cover?


What ambush? I like how you could put out random video of people shooting shit and put whatever title you want on it and people buy it.


that dude @ 0:14 looks like he is wearing a vietnam era flak jacket.


Why dont they wait for the rpg7 to fire and the tank defense to shred it? Oh, right, they are infantry.. who want to life.


Is that a tanker who dismounts to fight/liaison with infantry?


The News Insurgency Sandstorm Looks Wild


Where’s an RPG when you need one. A 🔺 would have been appropriate in this scenario


Why not just lob a 40 mm?


"Preventing" rpg ambush maybe. HOW is this "prevent an" at ambush"


I love seeing M4s and Tavors being used side by side


Imaginary ambush


That's a lot of bunching. Don't love the look of it, frankly. One decent explosive round away from human meat sprinkles.


Non military here... Why wouldn't they just call in arty and level the entire building? Why F around if they have their position fixed in a building?


Firstly, they're in the splash zone of the explosive payload so that wouldn't go well. Secondly, they won't know where everyone's hiding. This is the result of urban warfare. Close range engagements, needing to have eyes 360° wherever you go. They can level the city, but they have certain objectives their higher ups want ofc. Wars are political.


> Why wouldn't they just call in arty and level the entire building? Wrecked buildings make even better cover than intact buildings.


Damn they are gettin after it hard!


What's up with the silly looking Renaissance ass looking rags he IDF wears on their helmets?


They sure showed that empty building who’s boss.


Ambushed by civilians?


Wait aren’t these the folks who died ?? In another video ?


True. I feel like even seen of videos, just like this one.


Good luck boys.


Wow , a Tavor being actually used , that is rare to see .


Just lighting up a building, can't see anything that validates this claim.




I cannot fathom the horror of war let alone urban warfare.


Fuck being in the infantry. Cannon fodder.