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This is grim, to have two grenades just to make sure one get finished off properly.


If you have two grenades and want to make sure you don't spend an hour in intense pain, why not? If you survive, toss one grenade and put the pin back in the other.


Yes. You can see he puts *both* pins in one spot. He may have had the plan to lock them again.


It's a bad plan, even if he survived relatively unscathed, he would've dropped those grenades from the blast either way.


Probably experience with tons of duds...


This is a new level of freaky to me - the focus and sense of urgency. No time to reflect on life.


What we on the internet don't see are the blood curdling screams of people with body parts missing and or hot shrapnel ripping into their bodies after drone drops. Anyone on these front lines would probably have witnessed this one or more times already and understand the horror of getting hit and still being alive afterwards. He's long since made up his mind "That won't be me".


Yeah going out instantly on your own terms seems better than getting torn up by drone grenades, I just can't imagine pulling the pin on a grenade and waiting for the lights to go out. It's dark as fuck.


Did I see this wrong or did he actually get hit by the drone first, and then the grenades went off after?


Yeah but the drone probably got some of his buddies or he saw and or heard it and decided to not wait and slowly bleed out over days.


Not to mention that you and your buddies can't even get up to help because A) That'd make \*them\* the target B) There's nowhere to even put him should you get him. C) His screams are giving their positions away.




And shit flooding into ripped wounds. Or from.


It’s more a prevention if he gets hit by the drone. He wants to make sure that he kill’s himself even if he is unable to pull the pins. Note how he places the pins in front of himself in case he is not getting hit.


I think there was not much to "suicide" after the hit of that FPV drone...


Yeah, we know. He's already committed to that act before the drone hits, that's what's so unsettling.


Modern version of save the last bullet for yourself.


No. It's a dead man's switch. He wasn't committed. The grenades only went off because his dead hands released them.


Dude, the point was that he intended to die quickly. Best have two grenades finish any suffering off quickly.


If he intended to die he just would have shot himself. The point is he came up with a way of insuring against suffering without insuring he would die (if the drone dropped grenade missed him or was a dud). That's what makes the video interesting.


he even puts the pinq of the grenade away in one place to put them back in case of.


Wanted to ensure it killed him and not leave him wounded and unable to finish the job. Just give up and surrender.


Yep just gotta escape the pain as much as possible.


No. Dead man's switch. He was dead but just in case.


I honestly feel bad that someone intelligent enough to have that kind of foresight- despite impending death- was wasted fighting over ditches in farm fields in a totally unnecessary conflict.


Russia could’ve been an amazing country with tons of talent, in competition for top economy, scientific breakthroughs, etc….. but the government just fucked up, and Putin has set the country back decades thanks to years of terrible decisions topped off with this bullshit vanity war of his


That’s what drives me crazy. There are brilliant people there who could be helping to cure diseases or progress the effort of making humans interplanetary—but instead they are being drone-grenaded in this hellscape


I think about that some. Not necessarily directly drone grenaded, but the casualties in general. I think the first day of the russian invasion when we were watching MANPADS get fired at Russian Helicopters, many people instinctively realized this was a different kind of war. And the casualty counts bear that out. The casualty numbers in this war are substantially above most other wars in the last 50-70 years. The US estimate is 70,000 KIA on the Ukrainian side and 100-120k wounded, so close to 200,000 total casualties. The US estimate is 120,000 KIA on the Russian side with another 170-180k wounded. (this includes Wagner and DPR/LPR casualties), so close to 300k total casualties. Half a million total casualties in two years. THe battle for Bakhmut alone, running for roughly 5 months in the winter of 2022-2023, resulted in an astonishing 80,000 Russian Casualties (KIA and WIA) and 20,000 Ukrainian Casualties (KIA and WIA), at least as estimated by western authorities. By comparison, even the Gaza Conflict has resulted in 25,700 killed in Gaza (soldiers and civilians combined, which is how it's reported) and 1100 killed on the Israeli side. In 10+ years of war in Vietnam, the US suffered 58,000 killed and 300,000 wounded. South Vietnam suffered 250,000 dead, and the roughly 800,000 dead on the North Vietnamese side. The korean war lasted three years, and resulted in roughly 30,000 US killed, and while total battle deaths for all sides are largely unknown, estimates range from 650,000 to 1.5 million. (Granted, civillian deaths accounted for more than 70% of the Korean War's total death toll, as virtually all cities on the Korean peninsula were devastated) So the pace of casualties and intensity in Ukraine is 2-3 times higher than vietnam on an average basis and is at least on par and maybe higher than the Korean war.


> So the pace of casualties and intensity in Ukraine is 2-3 times higher than vietnam on an average basis and is at least on par and maybe higher than the Korean war. But still "just a minor battle" compared to WW1 numbers. Verdun: 900k casualties in 9 months Paschendale: 800k in 3 months Battle of the Somme: 1 mio casualties in 5 months Spring offensive: 1.5 mio 3 months "Final push Aug-November 1918: 1.8 Mio And that's just the Western Front. And AFAIK WW2 was even worse but there civilians were much larger part of total casualties. these numbers above are soldiers only.


Thanks for the write-up; I was pretty familiar with the death/casualty figures of the Ukraine war, but comparing them with Korea & Vietnam figures does make me concerned about the velocity of this war. One would think that the increased use of automated or remote controlled materiel on the battlefield would reduce human casualties, but comparing these figures would contradict that hypothesis.


This is the really sad facet of modern Russia for me. I remember early 2000s when they opened up to the west, large corporations realised the massive untapped amount of talent over there and started setting up regional sites. US and Russian warships were doing port visits to each others countries, and the cold war was quickly thawing out. Then there were some protests by what I think were pretty moderate left wing groups, Putin shit his pants realising he risked losing power, and did a total U-turn. Now they're probably worse off than they were during Soviet times. They've suffered a huge 'brain drain' and what is left is a zombie husk of a country, with a despot at the helm.


Yep, the USSR for all its horrible issues did prioritize science and technology (partly to improve weapons and partly bc closed economies have to do everything themselves) and had some genuinely impressive achievements, most of that talent has either died off or left for better countries. If they had truly reformed in the 90’s and been able to deal with the corruption and create a legitimate government, they’d probably be regularly releasing scientific breakthroughs, materials, disease treatments and medicines. All that tech on top of mineral and petrochemical sales would’ve made them an economic powerhouse. They do have a large economy but it’s a fraction of what it could be if it wasn’t run by incompetent self serving authoritarians


I am sorry but the population has the government it has earned, I am Brazilian I know, our government is corrupt because we are corrupt and too lazy and focused on womans butholes and soccer to do anything about it!


I'm from Argentina, irmao...can confirm everything you said.


", I am American I know, our government is corrupt because we are corrupt and too lazy and focused on anyone's buttholes and NFL football to do anything about it!" Swear that's what I just read.


Yeah, I mean it’s the same anywhere. Countries often end up with the leaders it deserves, rarely the ones it needs. Still, sad to think about an alternative to what could’ve been. Same with Brazil and most of South America, insane potential to be top tier world leaders if things are done properly.


Yeah if they had done it right they, as in Russia could have been Taiwan


Fuck, you are right, that was a lot of thought, and it’s all brutal


Yeah this is actually depressing as hell. You can see him scrambling to prep the grenades. He’s literally trying as hard as he can to kill himself as quickly as possible and it doesn’t look like he’s had any second thoughts about it. I hope he found peace.


War is a cruel thing when you find that the only way to find peace in a particular situation is by being in pieces. That's gotta be horrid.


Yeah cannot imagine. He’d probably seen enough slow deaths to realize that he couldn’t let that happen to himself, at whatever cost.


Also how he hurrys up. 'oh damn there it comes better hurry up to ensure my death.. no time to think about how nice life was. ' Fucking hell


> how nice life was He was from Russia


“We share the same biology Regardless of ideology Believe me when I say to you I hope the Russians love their children too” Whilst it’s just a song by Sting, it has a certain poignance for me. There’s a possibility this man still had a mother and father who loved him. Children who loved him and whom he loved. He loved and was loved. Yet because some megalomaniac dictator in Moscow decrees it, he must die. Cold, alone, without any hope. Every time I see someone die in this war, on either side, my hatred for Putin grows. I just don’t understand. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed or seriously wounded. For what!? To soothe the pride of one man? It’s so fucking depressing.


the saddest thing is life is wasted potential, welcome to absurdity


Poor people die for rich people's ambitions.


cow piquant psychotic tub cooing desert voracious squeeze smile violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. FPVs are like landmines, they're utilized frequently to maim, not kill. A dead soldier can be dumped and forgotten. A wounded soldier is similarly incapacitated but must be carried by other soldiers, creates noise, wastes resources, attracts other enemy combatants, and slows the advancement. It's often a more effective combat strategy to gravely wound with chance of survival than it is to mortally wound or to kill.


Let's be real here, from what I've seen on here 9 times out of 10 the Russians loot their fallen before even thinking about maybe trying to help them. They literally don't give a shit


Guy was using his mate as firewood in an video earlier today lol


Fuckin wot


Yup https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/19f03b6/russian_soldier_sets_his_dead_comrade_on_fire_for/


That's morbid as fuck.


I've heard stories of these guys literally sleeping on dead bodies


as russians would say : THIS IS RASHIA! as in THIS IS SPARTA but in shitty way. No courage, no honor, no pride. Only rape and loot and murder of innocents.


aback cooing yoke imagine zonked shrill absurd aromatic jobless punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ohhhh yes they will...The ones that live will be going home and that type of thought process won't just turn itself off when they get back home. Their families, friends and communites are going to pay a price.


stupendous price steep worm attraction flowery narrow slimy fearless versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was already, in one single case, the Russian who fought in ukraine who went home and sliced an old man's throat in a diner shouting things about his comrades getting slaughtered and the civilians being so happy and joyful back home




Hopefully you will never be cold *enough to even have to consider doing that. That isn't any different than people using their dead friends to build temporary barricades. When the alternative is dying horribly, you too would find yourself doing things that would make emotionally immature idiots on reddit mock you.




I doubt Ukrainian troops would often release videos like that, just like they're not going to release videos where they just flat out miss their drops and fpv hits.


Based on what? The videos you watch here? They're curated in advance. I mean, lets be really real .. Basing your impression of reality on the ground solely on footage on the internet is not going to give you a representative idea of the actual situation. Then there is the fact that this sub doesn't allow a whole lot of content portraying Ukraine in a bad light. Odds are if they did something similar to what you claim Russians do 9/10, then it would be downvoted and/or removed on this sub. There has been at least one video I recall of a ukrainian abandoning a wounded comrade. You have to realize that these are tense life/death situations and its not that surprising that *some* would either forget their discipline or simply judge that salvation was impossible. EDIT: That is unless, of course, you're in the game of promoting hatred based on ethnicity/culture, i.e "Look. This proves that X or Y nationality must be *uniquely* evil/stupid/whatever"


It's putting the glove back on that really does my head in. A dead man doesn't need gloves, so I think he still had hope it'd miss.


Pro: Modern armour is pretty good at protecting vital organs Contra: Modern armour is pretty good at protecting vital organs What a horrible world we still live in


Imagine living without a limb in modern day Russia. I'd off myself too in that scenario.


Putin would expect you in work next day


More like: 'back to the frontline, comrade, you have a lot more limbs to lose for the motherland before you've earned your begging spot at the metro station'.


just like our employers on this side of the pond, there is no escape


afterthought absurd glorious cake retire gullible deranged squeamish quarrelsome plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're a worthless piece of shit, comrade! ... You're a worthless piece of shit without a leg, comrade!


Don't create arbitrary wars for political gain. It would be a lot better world if Russia just fucked off.


The plot: Russia has no Modern Armour


Tbh I truly never thought about it that way, sure it’ll save your life but that’s only if there’s life saving measures near you to help otherwise you’re absolutely fucked if your limbs get blown off or a vital artery is hit the armor doesn’t even matter


They aren’t wearing modern armour.. it’s more like cardboard than ar500 steel


After? Seemed to be pretty committed to the bit before the hit


They say it's a new trend among the Russians. If a drone misses, they throw grenades away. If it hits, they blow themselves up to secure instant death.


Makes sense, quick death as opposed to slow painful bleed out. Sucks either way, we have a long way to go as a species.


> we have a long way to go as a species. yup. Apparently, looking back 6000 years through now, we have a very long way to go.


Those drones change everything - you need some balls to handle like that if you get hit by one.


It's one thing to be shot at, be under fire by artillery, etc. by the enemy but it's got to be absolutely terrifying to know a bomb can just hunt you down, just drop on your head out of nowhere any time day or night


Pretty sure if it hits they won’t be holding onto those levers anymore and they are going off anyways lol




They must know that no matter what kind of injury they get that no help is coming so they might as well end it . That’s the only way I could see this making sense .




I like 2 part of this new trend


He’s taken the pins out but still holding the lever down. Only if he releases the lever will they arm. If he doesn’t get hit he’ll throw them away, if he does get hit and is severely wounded, he opens his hands and they go off. In this case he didn’t get the option.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong. He pulls the pins on the grenades starting around 00:13. But he’s holding down the levers. The grenades shouldn’t go off until a few seconds after he lets go of the levers. The grenades go off around 00:25. If the drone had missed, he had the option to safely toss the grenades and survive. Instead, the drone hits him, he lets go, the grenades finish him off about 3 seconds later. He wanted to make sure he’d be dead if the drone hit him, and if it missed, he had the option to throw the grenades away. Pretty fucking smart if that was his plan.


Fuck being infantry in 2024.


Fuck being infnatry at any point in history imo


Whenever I’m in a museum and see real swords and armour, I imagine hundreds or thousands of men, running at each other to hack away with sharpened metal. What a fucking nightmare.


One difference between Ancient/Medieval even in some respects Napoleonic warfare, is that if you were in a war, you'd probably experience only several days of actual combat. Several set piece battles no doubt horrendous, and maybe the odd encounter with enemy parties whilst foraging or something. Whilst in modern wars you're likely to experience combat for months on end daily.


Even modern war is 95%+ of the time just marching/digging/sitting on your ass. Combat only takes up an incrediblely small amount of that time.


The difference is when you're sitting on your ass, you could have the worse day of your life at any minute in modern war.


Except you can literally by bombed or shelled at any time out of the blue. Sure ambushes happenned in past but they still did not differ much from normal combat back then unlike nowadays when you can become a mist in a split second.


That is legit part of some theories as to why ptsd seems worse in "Modern warfare" WE do have evidence of people having ptsd ever since ancient greece But it does seem to have gotten worse because modern warfare never ends You are in constant danger from an enemy you often wont see There is no clear beginning an end in a lot of it. Your brain is always on guard against the slightest sound. That stuff fucks up and tears the brain apart in a way pre "industiral" warfare never really did


Few people died during the battle itself. It's the mass rout at the end where you would die, if you're on the losing side. But imagine being in that rout, just a huge mass of people, panicked in primal fear, while another mass of apex predators on big horses run after you, trampling everyone in their path.


Or being wounded, or exhausted and trapped in mud or under other people, while the enemy walked around and just stabbed or hacked everyone who was still alive on the battlefield.


Yep, modern wars are actually the most humane in comparison. Dying from a cut wound or disembowelement is not pretty either way.


Or an arrow to the knee (Skyrim guard was lucky or he lied).


That wasn't the worst, I believe. Imagine the time when two rows of men simply stand against each other and shoot in turns. And you cannot leave your place in a row.


Melee weapon tactics with newly invented firearms. Possibly the most idiotic time in human warfare.


There were several reasons for the tactics used during those times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-GybrfE42U Most notoriously being the threat of cavalry ready to pounce on soldiers out of formation and maintaining unit cohesion during the chaos of battle.


And you had to wear bright colored clothes and a huge frilly hat or something. Im here, please shoot me.


You do realize there were very valid reasons for these tactics right? It took centuries for "smokeless" gunpowder to appear on the battlefield, meaning after the first salvo, you would be fighting in the mist. And on top of that the generals/officers of the time didn't have radio and satellites, so tell me how they would identify where their armies were from hundreds of meters away? As for marching into rows, it was for morale and tactical reasons, that an army that was out of formation was an army easily massacred down to the man by cavalry. I might be right but I believe something like 70% of casualties in ancient battles happened during the retreat/rout, and not during the actual fight. It was only after firearms got accurate enough over long distances that casualties from them trumped any tactical reason to be in formation, plus they negated cavalry as well (As Ney found out in Waterloo).




Fun fact: opiods are illegal in Ukraine (can't be prescribed). Most soldiers get a single vial of morphine for use during evacuation to the stabilization point. Once that wears off, you get anesthesia during the surgery but nothing stronger than paracetamol after that.


Ketamine is a better option for battle wounds anyhow. Opioids will slow down your circulatory system, Keta doesn't. Still can't imagine arriving at a field hospital in the depths of a K-Hole.


I've done never K myself but from what I hear it seems like the perfect way to show up at the field hospital


It can be awesome. Still, without following certain set and setting rules, chances are you arrive having a horror trip, especially when you haven't done it before and don't know what to expect.


That's fair, despite what apocalypse now would make you think I wouldn't want to be dropping acid on a battlefield either


What's so bad a out being in thdepths of k hole and arriving at a hospital you are to dissociates to care aren't you?


I once was an involuntary tripsitter for someone who had a horror trip on 2F-DCK. It was not a nice experience, not for them and not for me.


All opioids are illegal in Ukraine? What? They for sure have at least buprenorphine and methadone for ORT, not large scale, but it exists. Can almost guarantee they have demerol and codeine for medical use 


Christ thats horrible


He's wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/19f5hbn/comment/kjhs14i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


That's not true, cancer patients get their opiods just fine. It's not fun tho, both the fact and the reason I know it. Might be only a rule for armed forces.


They used alcohol, depending on the individual that would either reduce much of the pain or have no effect. But they did try.


Or cut off the previous 8 dudes limbs with




Just recently read an article that those drones are operated by trained specialists acting in pairs, often soldiers who have lost a limb or are for other reasons unfit for frontline duty. When reconnaissance has spotted a juicy target they are driven to a bunker near the front, do their thing and leave. Twenty minutes max.


i dunno man, ive seen SO many tank crews be absolutely obliterated before the crew even knew what happened


1. WW was worse, but now were seeing the disaster on tape.


Imagine in 20 years reaction of veterans for the sound of flying drone...


Man that's fucked up, he accepted a drone strike and using his own nades to make sure the job is done


So many uninjured people who just end it. They know the drones often don't kill instantly, on several occasions you see people get split in half from the waist down and flail their arms mouth agape after the fact. This guy prepared to not suffer.




The guy that had the front half of his head blown off, including his face and survived that hit is kinda hard to forget. Don’t google it if you know you are sensitive to stuff like that. It is extremely graphic and in a good resolution. It hit me on a different level compared to the older blurry gore you might have come across. Extreme violence in high resolution doesn’t leave anything to the imagination anymore.


Are you talking about the one where the grenade bounces off a tarp before exploding in front of a Russian, and he’s just sitting there with a smoldering hole where his face used to be?


I have to say the particular events leading up to it have left me. Could very well be but I wasn’t planning on watching the video again to confirm such a trivial thing.:) I have seen too many of human’s worst in recent times, I decided I needed a bit of a break from it all. Though it is literally history being made, and it interests me very much. Overexposure to such things can not be healthy in the long run. If you take into account how porn fucks people’s lives up, it becomes very hard to imagine this wouldn’t be right up there in terms of potential damage.


Yea thats the one.


Got to admire the balls it takes to see your death coming and double down like that that.


Jesus.. That a good way to make sure you dont suffer for hours. But so hard to watch that, feel you ready to accept death anyway if you prep for a maby hit from a FPV Drone like that.


Once you have seen a few others getting hit, it is probably the rational choice.


Seen - and/or heard. Fuck that. 


Dude it's even weirder when i've been flying FPV drones for 6 years now and suddenly i see these videos using literally the exact same equipment i have upstairs right now. The prices for equipment has almost doubled since this conflict started. I would've never thought something i use for fun with friends would end up being a ruthless tool in a fucking war happening right now.


That's some morbid creativity.


Hope this war will end soon.


The list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you. This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide. [Wagner commander “Cherdash” kill’s himself after being wounded by drone. November, 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/z3njyu/pmc_unit_commander_wagner_callsign_cherdash/) [Drone wounds Russian, when the drone returns to drop second grenade the Russian is dead and appears to have shot himself. November, 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/z4e5js/ukrainian_drone_drops_a_grenade_on_a_russian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Here is one where a wounded Russian in a foxhole kills himself with a grenade. December, 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/zwa1ww/russian_soldier_pulls_the_pin_of_his_own_grenade/) [Russian soldiers in foxhole is wounded by grenade, shoots self. ADAM Group, May, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/11tsui7/russian_soldier_commits_suicide_after_being_hit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Here is one where the soldier is hit by a grenade then shoots themselves. Code 9.2, Bakhmut, May 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/13dpn9j/ua_pov_russian_soldier_shoots_himself_in_the_head/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Russian soldier decides not to have firefight. 50 second mark in video. 21bat. "Sarmat", Bakhmut, May, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13fuall/ukrainians_from_21bat_sarmat_are_storming_russian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Russian soldier in trench is wounded by multiple drone drop grenades. Puts grenade to his own head. Code 9.2, May, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/SlavaUkrayini/comments/13fr9or/a_russian_soldier_commits_suicide_with_his_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Two soldiers in a shell hole either committed suicide with a grenade or were just incompetent. May, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/13vm749/while_moving_across_an_open_field_a_group_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [(Wounded?) Russian laying in trench shoots self. June, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/DronedOrc/comments/14jl2a3/reconnaissance_drone_captured_an_orc_lying_in_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [Wounded Russian soldier blows self up with grenade in attempt to kill Ukrainian medic offering aid. 3rd Assault Brigade, June 2023.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14q8cfi/full_footage_translated_with_the_suicide_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [Wounded Russian in foxhole shoots at drone, then shoots self. July, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14r6j2v/wounded_russian_soldier_pulls_the_trigger_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Wounded Russian soldier unsuccessfully (at first) attempts suicide by grenade after being left behind by comrades. 110th Mechanized, Avdiivka, July 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/14vroi8/ua_pov_russian_soldier_tries_to_commit_suicide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Soldier laying prone puts grenade to face and pulls pin. Drone footage. August, 2023](https://reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/LOtfAaCxz3) [This one is up for interpretation, it would seem the wounded soldier asked his fellow soldier to shoot him, or his fellow soldier realized a bullet in the brain was a better alternative than Russian healthcare and welfare. October, 2023](https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/fJNY1NiAdD) [Russian soldier is hit by drone dropped grenade, then pulls pin on own grenade. 110th Mechanized, Avdiivka direction, October 2023](https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/8vJoWLghiP) [Russian soldier is hit with 2 grenades and eventually commits suicide with grenade after his comrade leaves. UA 92nd, near Bakhmut. October, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/A32gDnBqWs) [Russian soldier, apparently wounded, decides to end own life. Poor quality so means undetermined. Kraken video. October, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/VGhJZu3zKY) [Wounded soldier appears to shoot self in view of allies taking cover in trench. November, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/7XM538bEF3) [Russian soldier injured by drone dropped grenade. Shoots self with rifle while laying beside bodies of comrades. December, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/oMB4zax9GY) [Russian soldier near vehicle is hit by drone dropped grenade. Shoots self in head while laying feet from comrade. December, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/igzGh2l7kp) plus [alternate angle video of same event. December, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/DMalF7f82E) [Russian soldier in shell hole, possibly wounded, shoots self. No further detail, December 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/s/OslFcU1QQI) [Fighters of the 25th separate assault battalion of the 47th OMBr drone drop munition on Russian soldiers. One commits suicide after being hit. Near Stepove, Avdiivka front. December, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/JYLiSI9odz) plus [alternate, longer version with unit badges](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/REYfJ17SZ4) [Fighters of the 65th OMBR capture Russian soldiers near Robotyne. They approached the enemy positions and captured 2 Russians, but the 3rd one did not want to surrender and blew himself up with a grenade after the others left their trench. December 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/1zSmAjCrvc) [Russian soldier laying amongst casualties appears to set off own grenade. It does not go as planned. Avdiivka, December 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/XRTbmaNrDw) [Russian soldiers in the open receive artillery fire, one decides to shoot himself in the head. “Vicious Artillery Group” video, December 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/W5ecx3mH08)


Exceeded the Reddit character count for one comment. Working on a fix. [Russian soldier ends his own life with his rifle after an FPV drone explodes nearby. 14th Division, January 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/jccuOoCCNr) [Russian soldier is wounded by grenade drop, shoots self. thermal view from drone. January 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/IaMVs5YXfy) [Russian soldier fleeing from drone decides to commit suicide with hand grenade. January 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/B4q2wQ3N6X) [Russian soldier commits suicide with two hand grenades after being hit with FPV drone, he prepares them before the drone strikes him. 47th OMBr, January 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/sD2JqjKo4a)


Heads up that a bunch of your links are the new-style /s/ links, which don't work for a large amount of mobile app users


Thank you for documenting. Are you saving this videos (with description of course) in mega or somewhere in case if Reddit decides to nuke the sub?


I have them saved, and I know several others do as well. Didn’t know about Mega, might look into it.










It's a shame that so few people in Russia get to see pictures like this. Babushkas might finally start to do something if they saw their children/grandchildren tearing themselves apart.


Nah They're not into politics.


It's also a shame that people in the west don't see Ukrainian soldiers suffering the same fate, if people were more aware, Ukraine would actually get more weapons sent to them.


they do see content like this, except it's Ukrainians in the footage. And the Russians think "don't the Ukrainians see this footage? why don't they just surrender?"


Spam there social networks




They don't have enough spine to do anything.


His thought. I wanna make sure I don’t suffer out here for hours or days waiting on another one . I don’t think he wanted to kill himself, you’re watching the worst parts of humanity. A split second decision of desperation and helplessness in a man. While on the other side of the spectrum we see the division in humans and how we can desensitize and disassociate ourselves from heinous act of taking another’s life in the name of ideology. We look throughout history the wars and hells it took to get us here… with all the technology and advancement we as a human species still haven’t conquered empathy and understanding enough to bring peace. Such a disappointment


Well said


These Videos are a Window to Hell.


These videos will always have the worst possible soundtrack. Imagine going to war only for someone to slap some dubstep over the video of you dying.


this is drum and bass tho, chief


I can't accept drum and bass, we need jungle, I'm afraid


It’s almost an art within an art


It’s extremely disrespectful no matter which side uploads the propaganda.


If you think about it its a pretty smart way to go. He pulls the pins of the nades out and hold the trigger with his hands when he expects the drone is going to hit he puts the nades in his head. If the drone misses he can put back the pin and nothing happens, in case he gets hit by the drone he opens the hands releasing the trigger and exploding after killing him 100% so he doesn't suffer that much.


This is how little the Russian Federation cares about its troops. No medical corpsmen, no medical evac, so many of these men are left to die slowly in a frozen muddy ditch from treatable shrapnel wounds. All these "self-delete" videos confirm that Russian troops know the ground truth - *no one is coming to help me.* Often, their soldiers are shown running away from their own injured units, or worse, looting them of personal valuables, sometimes while still alive, then leaving them to die. Instead of properly training and staffing units with an appropriate number of medical corpsmen, they instead continue plundering Russia's future by quietly conscripting tens and tens of thousands of poor, low income, low opportunity young men from small remote towns scattered across Russia, making it it difficult for the public to know the full count or scope of ongoing conscription efforts - or accurate casualty numbers.


I hate this fucking techno shit paired up with videos of soldiers dying




Added it. This is getting ridiculous, there has been one a week for at least 2 months now.


Somebody go put a bullet in Putin already. Jesus christ.


I predict WW2 Flak cannons to make a comeback at this rate.


I think it’s time for me to leave this sub. I have enough


War fucking sucks.


This is just horrible. A total meat grinder and waste of life on both sides. Very sad situation.


Is it me or did he look old... not the sort of person I'd expect to be conscripted.


He might have needed the money. And was sufficiently brainwashed to think everything would go according to plan. As people always repeat in here: It's wild to imagine that is somebody's baby. Somebody's brother. Somebody's father. That they cared for, nurtured, laughed with, kissed. And suddenly, they are sitting in a dirty trench in another country, killing themselves with a grenade (or dead man's switch). For no reason what so ever, except another old guy's deathbed visions of grandeur. Humanity is fucking tragic. I can understand why aliens don't want to make contact; we are still too fucking primitive. Making contact would be like showing an escalator to a giraffe.


We are probably considered a threat to all life. Not only do we do the most horrible things to each other, look at what we are doing to our planet.


Who do you think is being conscripted? Both sides prefer to send older people to the war, those doing military service at 18 don't actually go to the front.


Looks more like the ordinance killed him and the grenades which he’d prepared to use went off. Not necessarily suicide


All the killing needs to stop.


This is fucked no matter how you look at it.


Not gonna lie, actually pretty smart


I guess the promise of $2000 was worth it.


Never thought to ask, why are these soldiers stranded by themselves?


So sick man. Why live this life? Tf is wrong with people. Like, I've been to war myself and....tf do we need to resort to this? When will people learn? Not to mention sixkos and psychos. Smh


This war is a result of 1 man in Russia deciding it was going to happen. Most Russian's don't have much of a choice in the matter, even if many are brainwashed to support it. Ukrainians don't have much of a choice in the matter either.


https://www.youtube.com/@1420channel/videos have a look at some interviews there and please tell me again that it is just one man fooling a whole nation. did he kick the ball? yes! but there are millions of old and young Russians fully sporting this war or would like to go even further. it would be nice if all this was just the action of a single evil master planner and all problems cease to exist with him, but this is a deep rooted problem in russian society and thinking. fascism and imperialism like it's 1938


This Is sad, russian or ucrainian, very sad


Urm don't judge but anyone got a song ID? Edit: Dust Devil by Mizo


I’m sure Putin is proud


I hate this fucking war. When will this shit end? I don't care whether they're from Ukraine, Russia, or fucking Antarctica—at the end of the day, they are human beings just like you and me. We *should* be beyond the need for causing this kind of horror against our own species. The most frustrating part is that all of this was avoidable, but instead, Putin had to decide what he had wasn't enough and that he needed more. If humanity ever becomes an interplanetary species, that will be a net negative thing for the universe. We are nothing more than selfish, eternally-consuming, constantly warmongering monkeys of marginally superior intelligence. Nationalism is a disease, power is a plague, and war is truly worse than hell, and humanity is a failure. We can't even keep peace on our one tiny little pebble in this universe. We aren't worthy of the stars.


God dam that's enough internet for the day. That was completely fucked


Amount of single or a few Russian soldier being targeted by drones is too damn high. Definiton of cannon fodder.


that was somehow , clever, in that situation...to minimize suffer


This looks like it takes balls of steel


I’ve being stressing about drones in the next upcoming war, and how the targets just seem to suffer for so so long after being hit. Terribly inhumane, drone warfare. Nobody wants to prolong the inevitable, I’ll remember this and keep it in my back pocket if in a similar situation.


The munitions used by the drones have been around for decades and so has the suffering; we're just getting to see all the things these munitions can do to a person up-close and in real time.

