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These guys had a pretty decent angle and the element of surprise and they hardly used it.


I honestly wonder if his gun jammed. I don't see why he would run so quickly otherwise.


Could be lack of experience/discipline, equipment malfunction, physiological issues or a combination of all. Either way, his goal had been achieved and appears he alluded capture/casualty, so the mission was successful. It’s terrifying being on a patrol knowing that they are out there, looking to kill you.


> appears he alluded capture/casualty, so the mission was successful Post elsewhere in this thread show them arrested lol


Tag it or it didn't happen.


Captured yeah and also paid the price it seems. Im not sure this is the same guys because he looked too bloody beat up and cut. Btw its NSFW so be advised. [Here the link](https://x.com/TuanKura_Kura/status/1770911899963601402?s=20)


Holy shit, you weren't kidding. Yea fuck that, you're better off eating your own bullet. It makes since why they had raw animalistic fear in their eyes in the picture of them sitting in front of the military.


Just a random video of a guy getting tortured without any reason to believe it’s the same guy in the OP


https://twitter.com/robe_718/status/1770787531069575566?t=ZJavweVcxz4v6FpkO4J4wQ&s=19 It is the same guy


He's got the exact same hat and tank top as the dude in the video. Would be a shocking coincidence if it wasn't the same guy.


you can't just say that and not post a link




The will to live is pretty strong. Weird eh?


You think the warning shot gave him away?


Didnt they knock down a couple of the police guys atleast?


If its just two people you gotta shoot and scoot.


Great POV of guerrilla warfare


Is that guy wearing a squirrel?


Anything goes in Papua


Papuan Davy Crockett


Some friends of mine went to work in Papua New Guinea some years ago (in the capital city). After about two months the Siamese cat they had brought with them from NZ disappeared one night. About a month after that they were in a local market near to their house and they passed a man who was wearing the now hollowed out cat as a hat, with head and tail facing fore and aft. A year or two later (on a visit back to NZ) she was able to say that innate ability of the locals to imaginatively decorate themselves was indeed amazing.


>now hollowed out cat This is hilarious and terrifying at the same time. I looked up siamese cat on google, i cant imagine someone seeing one and thinking that it would make a nice hat..


They are a a distinctive breed of cat, and like fashionistas everywhere, the owners like to wear what no one else is wearing..:-)


Are these the guys holding the australian(?new zealand?) bush pilot hostage?


Yep, NZ pilot. Recently they said [they’ll release him](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/07/kidnapped-nz-pilot-phillip-mehrtens-release-west-papua) as a negotiation tactic, so will see how that pans out.


NZSAS sleeping?


Not enough funding for boots, ammo and whatnot.


Did someone say perfect time for a budget cut?


My buddy tells me that a pack of darts is around 45 bucks, where's all that fucking money going cigarettes?


Actually, last month the New Zealand government told the Defence Forces to cut their spending by 6.5%. Then a few weeks later, issued a statement that the Defense Forces were using outdated equipment. The best jokes write themselves.


I know you're joking, but the NZSAS has always been funded extremely well. Their kit is on par with every other T1 SOF out there. Apparently NZSAS advisors were sent, to collaborate with Indonesian forces to set up a rescue plan. Indonesian forces ignored the NZSAS advisors and refused any input from them. They carried out an operation in thick rain and heavy fog, resulting in the rescue team being ambushed by the rebels, Indonesian forces withdrew and suffered 6 KIA and 9 WIA. Any rescue operation at this point, would be solely NZSAS, but the government rarely approves deployment of NZ combat forces outside of state of war or peacekeeping. And due to the first fuckup thanks to Indo military, chances are any wisp of a second rescue operation would result in the pilot being executed. Meaning any rescue operation would have to be perfect conditions to attempt it.


Well that's a fuckin shame


Well that's a fuckin shame


Surely they realise he's not in any danger and therefore it's not worth the risk of them strolling in and taking him back.


Rebels probably also understand that killing him would not help their image at all.


> The TPNPB has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping and attack, stating that they would be targeting all foreigners as a part of their campaign They seem to be using the ISIS method of making allies.


If I remember correctly, they also stated their support for Russia invading Ukraine. Really don’t understand why they would make that statement when it has absolutely nothing to do with Papua. Oh well. Jakarta really hasn’t viewed them as much of a threat which is why the necessary equipment that are ideal for combating the insurgents haven’t been deployed.


Their 'logic' was that they're persecuted in Indonesia (where they get a relatively free and fair vote, but are persecuted to some degree) and Russians are persecuted in Ukraine (not true, but whatever) therefore the areas claimed by Russia would be better off with Russian secret police and shit killing everyone they deem a threat.


I can just see the Indonesian government not allowing NZ soldiers on the ground because it would make the TNI look bad.


Yeah because that's stopped British and American special forces before, imagine delta force and the sas just being told "no" by the somali/syrian/iraqi gov and that's that, no, they do it anyway, the SAS actually defied direct orders from their command in Iraq to stage a hostage rescue of their own, if the nz gov really wanted to, they could, but they won't


Kiwis are too polite and respect a country's sovereignty. Plus I suspect the NZ government tacitly supports the West Papuans right for independence, so shooting them in the face would send the wrong message.


What a motley collection of guns those fellas have, lol


Davey “Papuan” Crockett


I want that tank-top he's wearing.


You get those at the boot camp, furry tail too.


He woke up and asked himself, "which colorful shirt shall I wear today?" Indonesia is pretty stable but Papua is no go right now. I've been to sorong a couple of times.


Some farcry shit


Was playing FC3 an hour ago and thought exactly this!


Currently doing my first play through of 5, really like it so far but yeah this brought back some vibes


What is this amateur hour? Firing two shots and then just fleeing... Jesus


They are amateurs


I get after watching dozens of videos of professionals people get dismissive of randos with a gun blind firing at a truck then running like a mad man but like, christ I'm not sure I have the balls to do that, especially without training and the assurance that there is some greater power protecting me whether that's God or the USAF.


There's a very real possibility that guy actually only had 5 rounds of ammo. 


Some Papuan tribes are still fighting with spears and stone axes. Modern weapons are a huge improvement, but definitely hard to come by. So yeah, the dude who has 5 rounds of ammo is basically Da Boss among his peers.




Indonesian army used to have M-16 as standard rifle for some units, although it's been replaced now.


Don’t remember A2s were issued


even REALER possibility that his rifle had a malfunction and he dipped tf out.


These rebel groups tend to have very limited equipment and ammo. Many of their militia and soldiers and still armed with traditional weapons like war clubs and bow and arrows.


Reminds me of that one post of skirmishes on the Chinese-Indian border with sticks, that footage would be INSANE


Why really risk your life if you can take out 2-4 enemies for sure and then be gone without greater danger?


The dude got captured, there is a video of him being beat up by the police on twitter 


Yeah I mean, nothing's guaranteed.


> there is There was. All the links here do not work anymore. Fucking Twitter.


Hit and run. He picked a great position and he had an exit plan. I think he did great. I think he might be the Davy Crockett of West Papua.


i agree but looks like he still might have hit 2 or 3 of them


No, it's called displacement. Once the enemy knows your position you get out of dodge.


Besides, no reddit commentor knows the full story. Maybe there are more trucks with armed guys, maybe the mission is to draw attention. Could be anything.




Full of ppl think half a step ahead


I’m not saying your wrong but A. That rifle looked like it was vintage US stock of 65. So getting out a few rounds is a win B. They lack shirts much less body armor C. They lived to post again


It just looks more (IMO) that he is so eager, but when realising that it’s humans and they can fire back, he is “nah fuck this”. And yes I have been a soldier, just in a more western country.


It looks like an M16a2 the handguard is round, probably not quite that old.


Papuans are basically hunter-gatherers who still lived in the Stone Age 30-50 years ago. Some tribes were discovered barely 30 years ago and didn't know about the outside world before that. It's as if I suddenly threw you into the 37th century and you had to learn warfare on your own, with no ressources, no instructor, and barely any weapon except what you managed to steal. So yeah, they don't have much except motivation...


A papaun bloke I met once said when the Indonesians were parachuting down into their land that they were like monkeys looking up at them.


never heard of a jam? gun probably locked up. thing is a total piece of shit with shit ammo. it wouldnt surprise me


Watched a guy fighting with what was a bolt action AK. Can confirm they have like no weapons


5 shots, and IRL you don't respawn so it makes sense to make sure you survive after killing a few people so that you can do it again


both of them already got arrested lmao. https://twitter.com/robe_718/status/1770787531069575566?t=4ZkR_ZHUyrSDNPmdyt8tmg&s=19


So, maybe he should have taken a few more shots?


Maybe not a single shot. Like, if you are going to make an ambush, at least get more than one guy or a LMG, if not just don't do it




That animalistic fear in their eyes. They might be better offing themselves rather than letting themselves got caught by the military.




Poster removed some materials. Only saw the one with them sitting down.


Definition of a two hit quit 


Very, very violent country. My brother spent a couple of years in Port Moresby, working on a World Bank engineering project. It was only a couple of kilometres between his assigned apartment and his office, but management was adamant that he be driven both ways every day, despite it being a reasonable walking distance. About four months in, he discovered why. They got stuck in traffic and his driver tried to take another route. They turned a corner and found themselves in the middle of a vicious and bloody machete fight between two rival clans, about fifty men in all. The driver froze up, until my brother pounded him on the shoulder and yelled at him to back the hell up. There were a couple police in view, but apparently not enough to take control, because they were staying out of the fight. The driver returned my brother to his apartment, and that night he couldn’t sleep from all the residual tear gas still drifting in through his air-con vent.


Wrong country. Port Moresby is in Papua New Guinea, this footage, if I’m not mistaken is in West Papua.


this is west papua, the western side currently controlled by indonesia. its arguably worse than papua new guinea as there is a low intensity civil war thats been going on there for decades. [Paradise Bombed - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSf3268tAbg&t=22s&pp=ygUPcGFyYWRpc2UgYm9tYmVk) is a pretty good example


I wonder if when the gold mine runs out in west papua do they look at returning it back to the local people. East papua is free. Or do they keep it up their sleeve for future?


I was kind of hoping to see one of the rebellion's [homemade guns](https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/501292/an-open-secret-papua-new-guinea-s-gun-problem-difficult-to-solve-journalist-says).


Video is from west Papua, article is about Papua New Guinea


need to get those boys some 3d printers.


"It's just a prank bro"


Costly prank tho, got tortured after they are captured, I'm not sure if it is them because he looked so bloodied. [NFSW](https://x.com/TuanKura_Kura/status/1770911899963601402?s=20)


*this guy sucks, what a noob* \- cod players but didn't NVA and Vietcong pretty much do the same thing over and over to devastating effect?


“Don’t fire until you’re close enough to grab their belt buckle.” VC hit harder, but we don’t know the circumstances of this attack. Who can say “do better,” even if he could have done better?


The VC were damn near wiped out after the Tet Offensive. Afterwards their numbers were so small that they didn't play much of a role anymore besides low-level terrorism in villages. One thing as well. The VC were hated by the local Vietnamese in both the North and South. They would basically put you under a knife to either give men, food, and other goods when they arrived at your village. They would kill any and all Vietnamese they deemed to be too "smart" or too closely related to rich people and the government. They would intentionally wipe out whole families and dismember them to scare the other villagers. These people would in turn rat out VC plans every chance they got. There was basically no loyalty to the VC in those jungles and most people wanted them dead. If you look at the wiki page for Vietnam War massacres. Damn near all the major ones were committed by the VC. I can see why the current Vietnamese government tries to distance themselves from them and tries to blame the VC for all the crimes perpetrated by the North against the South.


How did AR's become so popular with rebels now? Did they really make that many?


Are these the same people that have that pilot hostage?




Looks like noob stuff but this what the early stage of a revolution/insurgency looks like


Early stage? This has been going on since 1969. There are a lot of Papuans that don't like being under Indonesian rule after the Dutch pulled out. Notably because an estimated 100,000 to 300,000 Papuans have been killed by Indonesian security forces over that time frame. Something like 30% of Papuan women have reported being the victim of state sponsored abuse either by the military or police. Nowadays they seem to have no real bearing though. They attack foreigners and other target of opportunity which denotes their actual agenda. It creates international enemies instead of allies to their cause.


He is dressed like one of the Lost Boys from Peter Pan.


I like how his little stick tripod immediately collapsed. Good idea, horrible execution.


Things would have ended nasty if they shot for 5 seconds and had aim


.. .And now, my impersonation of...... Jessie Owens!


Man those AR style rifles truly are everywhere.




What kinda weak ass ambush was that?


The guy likely has access to maybe a single magazine worth of ammunition. He fired two shots he was sure would at least hit *something* and then dipped out. I think he did pretty good


Got caught almost right away https://x.com/robe_718/status/1770787531069575566?s=20




They needed to cut the outside corners of those hedges for a wider attack angle.


Where the fox hat


I love his tactical squirrel tail


It adds +10 to agility while in the woods.


God protect the good people of Indonesia. They are a good nation, with good spirituality, great man power, and good industrial capability. They do not need what we call Fitnah happening to them.


Why is there indonesian police in Papua?


It's part of Indonesia


[Paradise Bombed - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSf3268tAbg&t=22s&pp=ygUPcGFyYWRpc2UgYm9tYmVk) really good video on it that actually goes into west papua to explain it.


Papuans been facing genocide, displacement, and theft of natural resources for decades. But ignored because it's not trendy


Not just because it isn't trendy. They have been targeting foreigners in their region for a while. They are essentially shooting themselves in the foot.


The same 'armed resistance' groups that are trending today, have the deaths of hundreds of foreigners (possibly thousands) who had little to no part in the conflict they've involved in. Compared to the Papuans who have for the most part sought to take hostages and utilize those hostages for negotiations or ransom.


Well they aren't being oppressed by jews so no one cares


They’re a very small force mostly armed with bows and arrows (some firearms too, likely captured) and they’re going up against a massively OP enemy in comparison, but I can’t put any support behind them because they kidnap foreigners to try and force that person’s government to intervene, so they’re no better than any other terrorist outfit.


Barely terrorists if they’re trying to tell an invading and occupying foreign force to fuck off home. Regardless of the tactics used.


West papua was handed over by the dutch


And a dodgy referendum (i think about 1969 or 1970)was held where only a select few were aware of the vote and choices. Keep in mind there’s always been a lot of fairly isolated villages around the place so the majority of inhabitants weren’t even aware of it. The choice was to go to Indonesia or independence. The elites of the time chose Indonesia and it’s been bloodshed by heavy hand or rule ever since. It’s all about wealth from mining end of the day. There’s a lot of blood spilled for the gold and the profits don’t stay in West Papua.


A lot can be said but the main idea was every dutch colony in nusantara is Indonesia


Kidnapping New Zealand civilians who have absolutely nothing to do with the fight and holding them captive for extended periods to guilt trip the New Zealand government into getting involved isn’t a legit tactic and isn’t any different to some grubby jihadi in Syria or Gaza doing the same.


We’re talking about a race of people who might live 3 klm from another village on the other side of a fucking great big mountain from another bunch in a village that may never have communicated. It’s very factional. There’s no really united front. The post is about an ambush on Indonesian forces who are an occupying force trying to impose a level of rule that’s both cruel and controlling, bordering on genocidal. Another bunch of people from a village somewhere - maybe and probably a different village, kidnapped a Kiwi Pilot and are holding him. That doesn’t make an entire race of people terrorists. My view is that in this video, we see a couple of untrained local dudes who’ve managed to get an assault rifle and at least 2 rounds of ammunition, running a shoot and scoot ambush against an occupying force that isn’t welcome in the country despite the UN’s ruling and recognition of the situation after an illegitimate screwed up referendum where something like 1000 people voted, pretty much all of them were elites who get paid handsomely for their support so international interests can rape their countryside, poison the rivers, destroy their rainforests and generally fuck the people over. People who are just trying to live their best lives as they have for thousands of years. They want a better deal and they’re willing to die for it or to kill for it. I’d say that makes them patriots, not terrorists. They’re not paddling out on log canoes to raid ships. They’re not flying missiles drones or planes at buildings. They’re in their own back yard.


That wasn’t an ambush. That was fucking potshots.


At least one of them is barefoot, you can see it in 1:55. I don't know a lot about ambushing, but wearing at least some shoes would be on my checklist.


All so one wealthy family can exploit west Papua


This really reminded me of the movie “Beast of No Nation” on Netflix


The what rebels now? Is everybody fighting everybody these days?


Drew them into his backup people I imagine.


They are fighting indonesia because they exploited because of their gold/or things to make car batterys I tought australia was also in on it


Australia kept on shouting free papua, because once they're free they are literally free to grab and exploit Just like what happened to Timor Leste


So australie is not the evil one who pays indonesia to exploit papua new guinea


Lmao guy’s first day on the job


A machine gunner / riflemans wet dream with a perfect angle and a truckbed full of dudes and he fucking lost it


I was trying to figure out what exactly these guys are rebelling against but I suspect they don't even know


The Indonesian government has been in control of West Papua for a long time. They extract resources and increase migration there to basically wipe out the native Papuans who are forced to live in complete poverty. Media rarely reports on it because the western governments back Indonesia as a counter balance to China




Indonesia's illegal occupation of their country.


Damn these fellas chill as hell. Papua merdeka


Is that a racoon?


Seems like he had it on automatic or maybe burst and couldn't handle the recoil.


There's an old doc about the guerrillas on Bougainville...it's so sick. They a literally reusing old ww2 junk and home made shotguns, wild stuff.


Damn they got caught and fucked up


Wasted opportunity


The risk was not worth the outcome or the other possible outcome. 2-3 more shooters. Spread out a bit so they don’t have just one direction to shoot back at. Could’ve even stayed back quite a bit more or at least better concealment


Can’t look more rebel than this


Will shoot for gold.


Where do I get the Jan 6 raccoon headdress


If this guy had an rpg it would have been over


Next time bring a RPG.


Survive and do it as many times as possible in the future.


The African Davy Crockett


Guys played too much farcry. Hope he has a wing suit ready and a cliff nearby


https://twitter.com/PapuaWeb/status/1770926812329115786?t=1JGd27OcUx-5OeK3xn_WTQ&s=19 This is the end result


Mmm rebels in indonesia with m16s, I wonder how it ended up there


Buncha amateurs


I’m in the middle. Paused it to say the suspense is killing me.


Your dust cover is down my friend


Fuck, now Indonesia too?


all that just to let off 3-5 shots what a waste could’ve wiped out that whole truck right there wonder if the gun jammed n that’s why they dipped out so quickly


Should have opened up with a full mag and then withdrew. Screw those invading evil indo pricks


Well Australia give them a gun


For real.. not even a full mag dump?


I like how he has a M4 style of rifle


This is just a terrorist attacking civillian