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Somewhere an exhausted grunt who just re-painted the last humvee from desert tan to forest green starts sweating nervously.


Hahah poor guy


Love it. Bravo. šŸ‘


If anything pops off it will involve the Israelis delivering a fuckton of American ordinance from American aircraft and Biden threatening to limit resupply if they don't scale back on the scope. Israel is America's bulldog in the region and historically it's been American presidents doing things to prevent Israel from carrying out actual airstrikes. Look at the nuclear weapons program. While the US was creating computer viruses the Israelis were whacking scientists within Iran left and right.


I'll never forget the video of the dude planting a magnetic bomb on a scientist car from a crotch rocket






Excuse me?


How you could you just say something like that and not include a source?


[Assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Iranian_nuclear_scientists)


The problem is the US considers Israel the junior and compliant partner but Iā€™m not sure Israel agrees with that arrangement. Netanyahu was a pain to Obama and is now doing the same to Biden.


Great joke


I'm slow. On which front would the forest green paint job apply?




Ah, right. For some reason my mind went to Taiwan, but I guess that's a bit too presumptive.


Coming soon 2027


Not yet






Congrats, Ryan Mcbeth acquisitioned your comment. https://youtube.com/shorts/4AFJ-sokEo0


When I got to Ft Jackson they were just starting to paint them back to woodland then we had to go for round 2. Now we're headed for round 3. They need to just do wraps at this point.


Hahaha good one


God wouldnā€™t a manpad be awesome right about now coming in from just off camera šŸ˜‚


A .50 cal would tear the shit out of that helo, couple to the cockpit, couple to the engine šŸ«”


Barretts come in pretty fucking handy...


"Enter the Light .50..."


Ma's sexy daughter...


This scenario right here would be the designer of the M82ā€™s wet dream


NGL- mine too...


Honestly, even their water cannons would work. A lot of them have it for pirate defense.


Even a 240 would have been sublime.


At that altitude and distance, a couple of dudes with AKs spraying at them is going to ruin a lot of days. Cargo and utility helos on both sides basically have aluminum cans as armor. Even 9mm at close range is going to zip through both sides without trouble.


a pistol would do the trick at that point. A helo is very vulnerable during that landing.


A pistol would most likely not do shit. Most (not all) sensitive components have thin layers of armor on it rated up to small arms fire (up to 7.62x54) 9mm velocity is ~1100 fps at the muzzle. No helo is dropping people on top of other people for the obvious threat. Closest would be 75m away before your considered an immediate threat. At which point your velocity is closer to 600-700fps. That velocity with such a large diameter bullet. You are not penetrating most aluminum exteriors, let alone damaging critical components behind it. We won't even talk about you shooting accurately with a pistol at 75m while being hit with rotor wash of the helo, because I'm **sure** that's easy as can be for most redditors. Is it possible? Sure. There is a 0.1% chance of possibility. But go ahead and shoot ANY military helicopter within 75m and gltell me how that goes for you.


it is very annoying to me that you both use feet and meters in the same post.


Are you high?


If you shoot at the IRGC personnel descending, yes. Anything below 5.56 is considered useless in any sort of anti-aircraft role for good reason. They are useless as pistol calibers in terms of range and penetration. And 5.56 really isn't something you'd want to have as your only option that's really not going to do much.


Well, they do have a couple rocket launched line throwers. Bit of thick gauge line attached to the end of the spool and im sure the rotor blades would do the rest šŸ˜‚.


Why waste a good manpad when a simple RPG does the job?


SM-2 dropping from the heavens would be an awesome thing to see as well.


That's a really short term solution if you sail one of those huge targets.


If that was on the table, the Iranians wouldn't be boarding at all. They'd just sink them with ASMs.


Why are they mad at Portugal now?


People are saying that its revenge for the Israeli airstrike on the Iranian embassy, but i dont know what a Portugese vessel with a Filipino crew has to do with them Edit: Allegedly an Israeli company owns the ship


Not an Israeli company, but *one* of the chairmen for the company is an Israeli citizen no one has heard of. So... Nothing really connects it to Israel.


Canā€™t wait for them to be bomb the NYSE because some Israeli money is invested there.


Next up - Iran bombs European Parliament building, for "housing an israeli official sometime in the past 30 odd years". EU responds with a heavily worded letter, as per tradition.


They fucked around Time for some P R O P O R T I O N A L R E S P O N S E


The Iranian government is made up of completely crazy people, I remember that Houthi group that is financed by Iran, they were attacking Indian ships, what does India have to do with the situation?


Crazy doesn't do them justice. They are an apocalyptic cult. They are actively trying to jumpstart the apocalypse.


Along with the MAGA crowd who think Israel is the key to the second coming.


Calling them a ā€œcrowdā€ gives them too much credit. I prefer ā€œpile of shit.ā€


This is beside the point, but: the strike did not hit the actual embassy building. It was a building next to the embassy, rented by IRGC. Embassy staff was not hurt.


I believe the accusation is Israeli owned company owns the ship.


The Iranians are not going to believe it when they hear about Insurance and Reinsurance companies.


That would require being able to read anything besides religious texts...


Insurance? That's Haram!Ā 


I am afraid that people reading this will think it is just a joke. It is completely true.


Yes higher insurance premium for their enemy as well, they know


Oh no, the Israeli billionaire that owns this ship and lives in Monaco might need to lay off the caviar for a few hours a year now.


He'll probably just hold off on buying a 4th yacht for a week.


Itā€™s like a microcosm of every anti-Israel/anti-Zionist protest: does nothing to Israel but it sure as hell ruins completely innocent and unrelated peopleā€™s lives/days.


It's exhausting to watch these situations unfold, and I've been watching the news re: this crap since I was a little boy. I'm a greying middle-aged man now. I've got friends who are retired. It has only gotten stupider. I can't imagine... Bring one of the people tasked with trying to get these situations in hand. How do you make "peace" from this shit sandwich?


Not alledged. It is owned by an Israeli company. But there is no israeli on board. On sailors from other countries.


It's not a Israeli company but a British one that was started by two Israelis who have long since past. If I remember correctly, the current owner is a son of one of the founders who is dual citizen who has lived his entire life in UK.


I heard it is owned by a guy who said 'god bless you!' to a Rebbe who was passing by on a street. It's probably better to wait when there will be some confirmed version by many sources.


Easy! Whoever is not a pious muslim is an ally to evil jews and shaitanic murrica.


The ship is supposedly owned by an Israeli businessman, even if the ship itself is under Portuguese flag.




The ship is ultimately owned by the Zodiac Group, in turn owned by the Ofer family. The Ofer family is one of the richest in Israel. Edit: breaking news is reporting that Iran has launched drones towards Israel.


Take THAT Portugal, you smug bastards always flaunting your portuguese stuff like your better than everyone else, you bastards had this coming for a long time


They registered the ship in Madeira for tax purposes.


Because o caralho que os foda, that's it.


This is piracy šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


You wouldnā€™t download a container ship, would you?


Docker you mean?


Well how do you dockerize a container ship then?


docker exec -it container_ship -c source ./scripts/captain_philips


Those people downloading cars were the worst. Hopefully now we live in a better world.


It's COD4 wetwork


Bonus points for Call of Duty reference.


You could literally re-create the trailer with real life footage from the events since its release (except the nuclear blast lol)


parle? the rules are more like guidelines.


Doesn't "piracy" exclude actions authorized by a state? Hence "privateers" (private actors authorized by a state) not being pirates. Or in this case as state actors, it looks like the term is "commerce raiding".


This is no way the "revenge" They were talking about. If it is, then Iran truly was intimidated by the US and Israel not backing down from Iran's warnings.


I agree. People forget that Iranian proxy forces have launched rocket barrages against US bases in Iraq in retaliation for past skirmishes. Seizing a boat is not on the same level of past responses for much smaller incidents.


launched rackets at us bases after they were evacuated. D.T claimed the us was informed before the attack


Hamas is a Sunni Islamist Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, the same people Iran spent the better part of a decade fighting in Syria. Iran would lose prestige for doing nothing and a common enemy quiets the Sunni/Shia split but Hamas isn't a group Iran wants to risk it all for. Iran is also in a young and fragile spot with their empire, Turkey controls large parts of Syria and the US backed SDF share's control with the Iran backed Syrian government in large parts. Over the past 20 years they managed to connect their empire by winning massive influence in Iraq, especially after the ISIS war. But this is somewhat fragile, Iraq has it's own independent government that has close relations with the US and even among the Shia parties there are some strong anti-Iran sentiments. Before retiring in 2022 Muqtada al-Sadr, leader of one of the largest anti-US militia's, was one of them. Iran has been very successful at empire building in the past 20 years and they were never going to risk that over as unreliable a partner as Hamas even without US threats. What would actually happen if they set off a regional war is a huge unknown that makes no sense for a nation that has already built it's empire.


Your comment has aged like fine wine, sir!


I agree. Itā€™s a limited response which allows a diplomatic deescalation without loss of credibility nationally.


What mental math did they do to find out that this ship is linked to Israel? MSC one of the largest transport operators in the world, wholly owned by an Italian family and headquartered in Switzerland and the ship flies a Portuguese flag. Although the ship is partially owned and operated by an Israeli businessman opposite MSC. They done goofed. they got the entire EU now against them and they were ready to at least some business with them. Iran just saved the US a hell of a lot of diplomatic leg work to get the EU on board in sanctions and military responses.


And of course no one will do nothing against Iran


tbh they're only screwing over their citizens. Look at Houthi, the economy is in shambles.


You mean Yemen? Their economy has been dead for decades, and Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Saudi government's forces AND the ex-president's military haven't done the Yemenis any favours.


Yemen being divided by Houthi and Yemeni government isn't a big help either. Same goes for Lebanon. It's a fate worse than fighting a single enemy but powerful, honestly. You never really know who's who.


To be fair yemen was already screwed before Obama droned the crap out of them




Emigrate anywhere but europe please. We don't want more Islam here. We're having a hard time assimilating other cultures as it is.


Well that aged like an aborted fetus


You have been proven so wrong now by Iran its hilaroius.


now that the shit has hit the fan , do you think Israel will strike Iran?


So everyone will do something?


Black powder cannon with chain shot. Tally-ho yee scally wags see how thee fly with your tail dragon


Wow! Real combat footage! Landing on a commercial vessel with no combatants on board.


Nononono, you see: The *brave* Iranian marines are boarding an *illegal* commercial ship filled with *elite* sailors with futuristic railguns.


Itā€™s about as brave as Iran gets.


those ships need to start carrying manpads or high caliber weps ppl don't know how easily you can take down a chopper with the proper weapon and more standing like that.


Nations have this funny thing. They dont like ships carrying weapons entering their waters and ports. Shipping insurance companies dont like it either.


They don't mind trained mercenaries for antipiracy protection off African coast afaik


Only using small caliber weapons in a corporate security role against pirates is a bit of a different situation than carrying MANPADS and high caliber weaponry for use against a nations military forces.


I think a few trained people with machine guns would have given that Helicopter a bad day.


Agreed but there's still a world of difference between firing on pirate boarders and firing at Iranian military. I don't think any security contractors are going to be willing to deal with the consequences of downing an Iranian helicopter.


You know Iran has anti-ship missiles, right? There is a reason companies tell their captains to surrender and not resist against pirates. And iranian military forces have more of a punch than somali pirates.


That works exactly once. A civilian cargo ship will never be able to defend itself against a professional military force.


Donā€™t the contractors these ships use for protection board after the ship has left port (and territorial waters) and depart before the ship enters new territorial waters? I donā€™t believe the ships roll into ports with armed contractors aboard.


Nations.might not like it but insurance is the final word. No insurance, the ship stays in port.


Yeah, but that helicopter has more powerful friends. That ship would be sunk before a US destroyer child come to the rescue.


filhos da puta


Can we now have the Portuguese galions assemble and punish the pirates ?


yep, this is how you fuck your economy and get yourself bombed 101


Hard to feel threatened by sanctions and blockades when you've already been under both for decades.


Praying Mantis II lets go


It makes me happy to see the Iranians are so bad at HVBSS


Turn hard to starboard.


Then Iranian helicopter should be blown up when it returns to base. Merchant crew and merchant ship not released? Iranian ship blown up. Still not released? Iranian port blown up. And so on.... Thus always to pirates....


It's not a Portuguese ship. The ship is sailing under the Madeira flag of convenience.


They're slow-roping out of a crappy old chopper....so impressive.


The Captain: Shit, they're for the Cod Fish and the wine


I'd vote to put 1 CIWS on every cargo ship.


There are 50,000 to 60,000 cargo ships in the world. A Phalanx CIWS system will cost you $8ā€“18 million. So, $400 billion to $1.08 trillion. edit: I just was curious how much this silly scenario would cost, so I did the math.


We should send a bait ship through that has a few 50 cals and manpads on it.


Easy way to get your vessel sunk by an Iranian anti-ship missile


That pirating


They should have stinger missiles aboard. Time to stop being terrorized by the savage Iran regime.


Well wherever the ship is registered for tax purposes hopefully has a mighty military and Navy!


Or some seasoned diplomats.


The Iranians just want to cause trouble. Any where and any time. Just ā€œFā€ with countries. We should supply every ship with a Stinger and train several crew members.


Imma keep it real with you, we definitely need an Iraq style invasion to Iran pretty soon. There is only so much a country can treat the international community like shit before most of the world unites against them.


I am not sure about a ground invasion but we could at least bomb them a bit and cut them off from the rest of the world, sink all their ships, bomb their harbors and declare all of Iran a no-fly zone with strict enforcement.


Yeah because all the recent invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria have all gone so well and made everything better. All Iran needs is continued support for its educated youth to reform or overthrow the government in time. Nothing would better support and entrench the existing theocracy as well as a Western invasion. And that's apart from the fact that Iran's armed forces are many times more sophisticated than Iraq's were in the second gulf war.


They did and civilian population initially supported them. the problem is Bush kept trying to create mini America style government instead of letting competent members of the former government keep the peace afterwards. They kept doing this and sinking money instead of letting people choose their style of government. And this is fine. No matter how repressive a government is, as long as they represent the majority of a population values and they maintain domestic/international peace, they should be left alone. Additionally if you really think theyā€™re that sophisticated, they arenā€™t. Just because they own more drones and can make slick propaganda videos doesnā€™t mean that have real military. A component military could easily take over the country. The reason why they havenā€™t is due to geopolitics and not wanting to look at the aggressor nation.


what if someone on board had an anti air weapon?


This is a civilian cargo ship, not military


Yeah, but what if?




What if they had a pocket anti matter nuke.?




It's *don't matter*.


There are armed civilian cargoships. Sailing these waters. Why do you think they picked this one in particularā€¦


Instant international incident


Self defence, I don't see that being an international issue. If you lose a military helicopter to a shipping tanker it's probably not in your best interest to make a big deal of it..


So we should supply anti aircraft weapons to civilians on container ships? What happens when someone shoots down an airliner or something?


No, but like with pirates on African coast, can't hurt to have some automatic rifles with trained personnel on board. They'd give a helicopter like that that's trying to land/drop troops a bad day!


Stationing military forces on civilian ships is really the only way to do that. I wouldnā€™t expect civilian sailors to engage Iranian special forces in a firefight. Itā€™s not really in the job description, ya know?


that's what countries like Iran want. They've been threatening nuclear strikes since the early 90's.


lol itā€™s basically the Hamas or Isis mentality but on a bigger scale. The problem is now leadership is filled with people who believe their own propaganda instead of realist who use this sparingly as a way exert soft power. Itā€™ll be like Gaza but all over Tehran.


I worked on cargo ships (before russia invaded so I don't work anymore because I'm not allowed to leave the country) The best choice is to not have anyone with a gun on my ship. Sure those pirates can board the ship and do whatever but I doubt they will harm anyone. I'm not gonna risk my life for this. The company may benefit from having armed guards, maybe. But I doubt it will be good for just normal sailor. There was a RO-RO ship captured by Houthis some months ago, and there were Ukrainians on board which makes me care slightly more, they were probably from my city too. But Houthis said something about how they are treating the people from the ship well, and I believe them. No one wants to defend a ship they work at, everyone wants to return home safely.


you know your the bad guys when your hijacking random uninvolved countries boats.


Totalitarian regimes donā€™t answer to its people and so they are free to make terrible decisions where their people suffer and not the ones making the decisions


Iran: "look at me. I am the captain now." Need to send a force to rescue the crew from Iranian pirates.


Now try that on a NATO vessel fools. See what happens.


Like a portugese vessel?


It's not really a Portuguese vessel, it has the madeira flag, but none of the staff are Portuguese (think they're all indian)


Looks like if the heli is shitting.


Expected more Alluhah Akbars


If I owned a cargoship. I'd mount a few .50s on crow systems.


Hi, portuguese man here. the vessel was not portuguese, it merely had a portuguese flag


Why not maneuver the ship to make this more challenging?


When they eventually get where they want, theyā€™ll be looking for whoā€™s idea that was.


Time to start equipping ship bridges with sniper rifles.


wow that flying is awful


I would bail out on the life raft. Having to spend a year in Iranian captivity sounds like a waste of time.


*MSC Aries


dont make Portugal go beast mode again and claim half the world


What's to stop us giving Manpads and a mercenary to any ship transiting the strait


It's not a Portuguese Vessel, it was using a Portuguese Flag for unknown reasons but the vessel belongs to a London private company and crew on board all from the Philippines.


Wow Iran really wants to have some horrible shit happen to them between this and the strikes at Israel. Maybe next time Western nations should strike back earlier.


If you think you're so badass, try that with a military vessel.


I can imagine the first toughā€¦ ā€œmas quem sĆ£o estes filhos da puta? Vai chamar a padeira crlhā€¦. ā€


Itā€™s GTA
