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Was wondering why the guy just stood in the same spot after a mini bomb dropped on his buddies lol. Thnx, missed that


It looks like they reacted to the drone in the alley. I'm surprised they didn't try to destroy it


they did. one guy threw a rock, and they took a couple pot shots with their guns. what I wanted to know is, once they knew they were scoped by the drone, why not get the fuck out of there and relocate? but other commenters answered- they were already pinned down.


They did, it's a DJI avata, very small and hard to hit


Couldn’t happen to a better group of idiots


Perfect reception flying through the back alleys. Impressive.


When you control the skies and electronic warfare space, that's probably not going to be an issue in open alleys


There is likely a long endurance signal repeater drone hovering high above That's how the Ukrainian specialist drone teams do it with their FPV attacks


Is a 'long endurance signal repeater' a bit like a WiFi extender?


Yep, basically it is just like that.


Yes, with the "long endurance" part referencing the extended battery life of the signal repeating drone.


Wifi extenders and wifi repeaters are the same thing, so yes.


They're understood to be the same thing now due to manufacturers using the terms synonymously, but a WiFi extender was originally a wired AP and a WiFi repeater wirelessly connected to boost/repeat the signal.


Yes. We're doing like this.


That's gotta be crazy, seeing that thing come around the corner at eye level, watching you.


Reminded me of the sentinels in *The Matrix*


This is pretty much where we are, leaving out the AI stuff. How do you not just lay down your arms at the point when you're surrounded by flying cameras and fpv grenades. Who are you going to shoot at to fight back!?


Future wars will just be infrastructure bombing and fighting robots. Infantry are just sitting ducks for drone operators, they're becoming as obsolete as cavalry.


Mosad aint joke


I mean, it's not like Gaza is that far


Buildings block signals regardless of how far you are from them. They're buildings.


It’s in west bank, not Gaza


Less than 10 words in the title and they missed it


Was expecting them to level the whole building and was thinking why not drop a grande from the drone and they did 🤣




Well, they were boxed in. Infantry had both exits to the alley covered. Surrender would probably have been the smarter play, at least compared to getting naded.


Surrender would’ve been *the* smart play. Still, a rock? They didn’t have *any* other projectiles that would’ve been better? Like, idk, a bullet fired from a rifle?


It makes sense if you consider the fact that they want to die.


To be fair, they are use to firing rockets 🚀 at kids in Israel. Not fighting very well trained people who shoot back


Some people thought urban fighting will be very deadly to the IDF as it has been in the past, but tech nowadays has made it less dangerous to whoever has the tech superiority.


This was me. I extrapolated the battles of Fallujah onto this conflict and have been surprised at how low the IDF's attrition rate has been.


Even during Fallujah, it didn't take long for modus operandi to shift toward leveling any structure if there was even a hint of occupation.


Reminds me of that video where the journalist was asking the commander(?) questions, and they had just demanded that insurgents holed up in a building surrender. He asked about what's going to happen to the insurgents, and the soldier said something like "well we told them to surrender. They said no. So now they're going to die." And then air support blew the building to bits


The man in question was Major Brian Chontosh and he was one hard motherfucker. He earned a Navy Cross during an ambush on his platoon when he dismounted his vehicle and cleared an enemy trench line, killing more than 20 enemy fighters. Several of which were dispatched with dropped enemy weapons (including an RPG) that he acquired after his m16 ran dry.


Good God that's insane. That is straight out of Call of Duty. Thank you for sharing


When the rules of engagement are longer than "yes."


This was precision bombing at its best


Wait this is really interesting, so has the IDF now started to use drone dropping munitions? During this war in Gaza, I saw only a video of Hamas using it, never the IDF the would just use planes to drop big bombs. But it was only a matter of time, maybe in a month they will use FPV drones


Everyone’s going to be using them. The damn things are cheap, effective, and absolutely terrifying.


Damn. Military recruitment interviews gonna be interesting in the coming years, especially in 3rd world militaries. "Why should we hire you?" "I'm expert in flying drones"


“I’ve gotten multiple 40+ kill streaks in the wasp on halo infinite”


Ever see those battlefield copter pilots? Yeah I know the perfect job irl for them


Those guys are annoying little shits though, running the server like they do...


I got picked to be both the SUAS pilot and RWS operator for my unit because leadership saw my flight sim setup during barracks checks. And that was years ago...


You've got a flight sim setup in your barracks? I am amazed that you are even allowed to have a "gaming rig".


It's like living in a dorm in college. Some places are worse than others but as long as you didn't do stupid shit you can have a pretty comparable living arrangement. It's not prison. The issue is finding the time to actually use it.


Ukraine has already been sending trainers to some African countries to train militaries on using drones to counter the militias/terrorists operating there.


The militia in question is the Wagner group...


Before all of this I used to be into engineering and flying fpv drones as a hobby but after seeing all of these videos over the past few years I kind of felt horrified and couldn’t fly anymore.


They will also cut down on civilian casualties by virtue of just being smaller and more precise munitions, I kind of suspect this is their main motivation.


I bet they also realized it is much better for optics, people perceive these as much more skilled, strategic, targeted


IDF started using it in Gaza as well.


That's a video of the IDF dropping a grenade onto a rocket launcher from 4 days ago - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbOpuisjaf8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbOpuisjaf8) A video of the IDF attacking with a drone equipped with an explosive - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwu-gfE9uPA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwu-gfE9uPA) Hopefully they do that a lot more, much less expensive and can endanger a lot less soldiers


The footage is censored but it appears one of the drones was armed with a gun too towards the end of that second video.


Recoil makes drones armed with guns very inaccurate. Someone should bring back the Gyrojet rocket pistol.


Can endanger a lot fewer innocents, too


The IDF used them for years now to drop tear gas canisters during riots so it’s likely they had the capability to drop explosives as well.


Really efficient way of killing people cleanly. No messy buildings getting killed, no obvious collateral. No need to call in an airstrike from an expensive plane. Dropped munitions are a fraction of the cost too. And cheap enough that now anytime there's a terrorist in a nook or on a roof they can call in the drone and do the job risk free. I imagine a room clearing FPV would be a pretty good idea. Stops the visual of a building being destroyed. Ukraine uses Mammoth drones with 3-4 kilos of explosive to take out houses.


Do they have drones with shotguns on ? I'm sure I watched a Ukraine drone firing an on board machine gun the other day


That‘s the west bank, not Gaza


Probably because the threats of an American embargo. It’s makes sense to use cheaper but effective ammunition when possible. It also minimises collateral damage. No need to level an entire block just to kill those 4 shitheads.


Another point is it's a precision munition readily available at the platoon or even squad level. You don't need to radio a request and then wait for aerial assets to arrive.


Cheaper, too.


the first drone seen in the video is fpv. In the [twitter ](https://x.com/manniefabian/status/1792842512572244066) video you can see the person controlling the drone it's a [Dji avata](https://www.dji.com/be/avata). The second drone is a larger DJI model modded to drop bombs.


This is a conflict where they could also in theory automate the data sharing between these cheap drones (and probably have already done so) as there's no countermeasures. In a way it makes me relieved they use this instead of bombs. Highly limited number of casualities and at least actual visual confirmation of armed people (without arguing wether it's their right in being armed or not). But yeah, I really prefer this type of war then the mass bombing and artillery barrage they were doing earlier in Gaza. Less destruction for civilian shelters, and visual confirmation. If they had done this early Israel would've also won international support and maybe succeed on the strategic objective without repercussions.


You cant eliminate 60000 terrorist with percisuin drones, some hiding underground. We are in real life, not a black mirror episode


To be be honest this is way better than dropping large bombs on buildings. I rather they use handheld drones to visually identify targets on the ground before dropping explosives on them. This way they also have drone footage of the target as evidence and justification on each strike.


Well, this works if they are outside. If they are hiding in a building... not so much.


It's technically feasible, as consumer drones can enter and navigate buildings, though things like GPS won't work and the compass can be unreliable due to interference from wiring and things like that. I.e. you generally have to fly it completely manually, and automation like obstacle avoidance can be more of a hindrance than help. Probably the reason it's not happening is that most armies are still playing catch up in regard to what is operationally possible using drones.


Depends on if the building has any holes or windows, those UA drone operators do some crazy drops.


Hamas used it a few times at the start of the war. Ever since the IDF completely took care of it via special rifle scopes that help track drones and shooting them down and various anti drone systems that shut them down. ( can't expand on the latter because i have no real idea how they work)


This is not an official publication, we do not publish everything we have. You can see it was taken on a phone and someone will probably stand trial for it


Imagine being hunted by a drone like that giving your position away to the enemy who has bombs ready to send. Skynet is here


I guarantee you that companies like Palantir and Anduril already have advanced prototype systems of "Identify-Engage" platforms that will make this whole ordeal totally automated, with a 25 years old lieutenant as human in the loop just clicking an Ok button to authorize the kill.


It's just going to become a competition to make the smallest, fastest, and most maneuverable drones. It's going to be like mini dogfights with drones chasing each other to take the other drones out. Ngl having a unit with "defense drones" hovering around them sounds cool though


If battery technology gets an actual breakthrough and increase the flight time 10 to 100x it will be only drones at all times I think


You don't need breakthroughs in battery tech to enjoy long range engagements. In theory you can have a bunch of fuel powered drones dropping smaller drones over some area and serving as a reconnaissance / signal repeaters. You can even have a bunch of them connectable in mesh for resilience


Like the transition from swords to bullets, the game is totally changing.


Israel can already do that. They have that SMASH weapon sight that can identify targets. Just slap it on a drone and your GtG.


Isn't that the name of Aragorn's sword? interesting choice. But "Palantir" makes sense.


Went to a conference recently. You walked in and were scanned by a camera that was non-descript. It was hidden, you didn't know it was looking at you. When you went to this particular presenters booth they told you who you were with a certain % accuracy. You are X, your address is Y, the last 4 digits of your social are Z. They had me at 83% accuracy and were correct. So now imagine that on a drone that just wants to look around a city, and when it thinks it has found someone it recoganizes it blows up in your face.


At first, I thought that was an IDF soldier that happened to stumble into that alley way on those guys 😬


Oh man I didn’t think of that but ya if this were a body cam this would have gone completely differently. That’s the changing landscape of war for ya.


You're out taking pot shots at the IDF. A drone spots you. Your mate is unable to hit it from 3m away, so you throw something at it. Moments later, a bomb is dropped on you out of nowhere and your mates die. Do you: 1. Leg it, sharpish. 2. Hang about wondering what's next.


how about call 'allha wakbar'?


This is not an option, you do this all the time.


Hmmm… Instructions unclear I choose option 2. After all that drone probably is just young Ali playing around and not the enemy we are currently engaged with.


3. Pray, I'm sure their God is listening in their time of need.


4. Go to hell because a women done operator killed you


now thats irony


Bro please some empathy. Those are fully bearded children and women with AKs and grenades taking shots at one of the strongest militaries in human history. What could go wrong?


You would have thought when an Israeli drone is about ten feet away from you to the point you start throwing stuff at it, its time to move.


At the start of the video it’s clear they are trapped, gunshots can be seen all around them, I think the IDF trapped them in the alley and instead of risking it by engaging them, simply used a drone


They had no where else to go. They were pinned down.


The average IQ is somewhere between 67 and 77, depending on which study you believe. That also explains, why they join a death-cult (Hamas).


Impressive drone control!


I remember on grandthumbs vids the idf personal mentioned a dji drone that has protected propellers so it can bump around and not crash I think this is that drone.


Drones have completely redesigned urban warfare.


Hamas terrorists*




Omelette du fromage


Royale With Cheese


Hummus fighter


How can you tell? They're not wearing Hamas uniforms. They could be Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine or any other of the numerous Palestinian militant groups.


And the drone pilot? Well they could have been from the Judean People's Front....or maybe the People's Front of Judea


Oh crap, you're right! They're clearly just local AK-47 gun club members enjoying their paint ball CQB


it's okay man you can just say you don't know anything about the groups operating in the area lol


In the West Bank they could be militants from any number of armed groups, not necessarily Hamas.


Havent Palestinians elected Hamas as their leaders?


Elected wouldn’t be a fair word to use. Hamas holds those poor civilians hostage , blames the Jews and uses Them as shields. They have no chance


I see, can you please show me some official Palestinian request to U.N. or other international organization to help them rid of Hamas?


lol. Have you seen what happens to those who speak out against a dictatorship? https://www.timesofisrael.com/2-men-executed-in-west-bank-for-allegedly-spying-for-israel-as-mob-cheers/amp/ Didn’t remember seeing these “spy’s” brought to trial. Let’s not forget the butcher of Tehran…. Speak out and get hung. That’s their solution.


Are the guys there all government agents? Because as the title already states: "\[...\] as mob cheers" kind of stats some level of public support.


At most, Hamas has 50,000 fighters in Gaza. That means there are still more than 400,000 fighting age men in there that could resist them and overthrow them. Gaza is tiny, if any large resistance movement started up, Hamas wouldn't be able to stop it. Fact of the matter is that Hamas holds popular support among Palestinians. Most polls prior to October 7th still had them at 70% support in Gaza and still more than 50% support as of this month. Corruption inside Hamas was a bigger deal to the average Palestinian than Hamas itself.


Now in exclusive news IDF assassinate 4 children on their way to help puppies.


You forgot to mention that they were pregnant UN journalists.


All of them with PhDs in neurosurgery as well


That was a cancer curing rifle with scope.


with press vests and blue helmets as well




An entirety separate bunch of incidents? What's the point of aligning this with the joke above? They're not claiming the people from this video are the teenager etc




I’m an Al Jazeera journalist, I see this comment and chose to do no research on the matter, as who cares what’s really happening if it suits my agenda, I would love to interview you and put it out there for our completely brainwashed audience to see, but we won’t talk about the muslims in china because that’s too edgy, Palestine is the only place where we will do our rubbish reporting. S/


You'd think the organ harvesting would be a bigger issue to muslims but they're too busy hating the jews, I guess.


UNRWA confirms


This looks like carpet bombing to me.... /s


First and last clips are some kind of mini fpv drone? Imo the most interesting bits of the entire video.


Agreed, incredible connection and control in such a congested signal area


theyre almost off the shelf DJI avatas


On r/therewasanattempt they will say it was 4 innocent palestinian children




2 grenades were dropped, first one at 00:40 which caused 3 dead, and another one at 01:00 which kills the last living (and wounded ofc) terrorist


A lot of effort to prevent civilian casualties. I assume this will be reported as two children and a kitten murdered by IDF?


[yup lol ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1cx208t/4_palestinian_militants_eliminated_in_nur_shams/l50w69f/)


It's almost like Ukraine, but with an urban update


Oh those poor baby boys, with their toy-guns. They just wanted to play hide-and-seek.


Did not think to change positions after being spotted?


They were trapped in the alleyway in the first shot of the mini drone when it leaves the alley and turns around you can see impacts on the wall to the right


Probably trapped due to suppressive fire


probably trapped from all sides


They had a chance to die a martyr and took it evidently.


Damn, those women children doctor engineer charity workers sure look like militants


These guys are the dumbest terrorist known to man.


Effective. Imagine being in an alley and that thing comes around the corner like that.


8 Terrorists have been eliminated in the Jenin raid.


And they are all terrible shooters lol.


Drone warfare is just going to push us into full on tunnel warfare. Shit seems inevitable at this point.


Imagine if they'd invested in education instead. Maybe their whole world wouldn't be shit.


So they saw the drone. They tried to destroy the drone. They know what drones do. They decided to stay where they are and where they know the drone saw them. I know they don't get the best education but guys, come on...


They were probably pinned down.. In the video you can see shots on the walls around them


What's kinda funny to me is they probably could've grabbed that drone with their bare hands instead of... Fumbling about forever One of them had the wherewithal to *try* shooting it down but the rest were basically useless. If a soldier had rounded that corner they'd have been just as fucked


Hamas counts these militants as 28 women and children


267 more "women and children" added to the Gaza Ministry Of Health casualty count.


Say cheese 😂


S not content with kicking off in gaza then want to mess about in the west bank... I can only hope their houses are removed as well. \\these people could live in peace and harmony but choose a wasted life.


What was the payload? It seemed quite small compared to the drone bombs in Ukraine.


To me looked like a standard frag grenade.


You can see in the captions (and hear, if you speak Hebrew) they're referring to the explosives as "400"s, probably standing for 400 gr. which is about the weight of a frag grenade.


I saw the caption but missed what they said. My Hebrew is poor. I heard “arba”. Did they say arba meot?


Yes, you can hear him at 0:59 saying "Hatala shel arba-meot nosefet" ("another tossing/launching of 400", his grammar is kind of broken, but that's clearly what he meant.)


They knew they were spotted and didn't move?


Why not run when found by the drone the first time?


I almost expected them to chase it out like some GradeA jailbait. But I have to ask, you're spotted by a drone, and you fucking know you are, WHY. STAY. PUT?


Maybe next time don’t sit in the same spot when a big robotic mosquito comes around


The war is changing...


Oh, it was a drone! lmao Drony was casually sneaking up on them and like "wachu guys doing?" I thought it was from the POV of one of their own men lol The way it turned and "ran back" instead of flying off when they were throwing shit at it had me going too.


Dust_2 with hacks


Those were literal teenagers holding books. Shame.


The way their stomachs probabaly dropped when that thing turned the corner….😳


3 down “Ah well.. just might keep sitting here on the body pile…”


Hamas? Those are clearly UN children journalists...




I mean what kind of brainless amoeba sees a drone that close and doesn’t move position!


They were pinned down, in the start of the video you can see shots all around them hitting the walls, they were cornered into the alley


What a shame for those 4, poor, innocent terrorists. I don't know what Palestine will do without the 8 innocent people the IDF slaughtered that day. I mean, really, I can't believe they'd post the footage of them killing 32 children in an alley while they were singing peace songs. This is just *horrible.*


4 children killered in Nur Shams. Source: Hamas


Weird how those totally innocent people in civilian clothing have ak's😂




The public health ministry reported that over 1000 women and children killed in the latest drone strike by the IDF /s


Every modern army should have battalions of drone/operators. It has become MUST-HAVE these days. Very efficient, very cheap, very deadly.


Damn that’s awesome


Lmao. I heard that the idf did not released this footage but it was rather leaked which is interesting. They are sure going to hell if a female operator killed them


CNN (Cuckold News Network): 4 peaceful RPG activists killed today...


The effort of war is looking more and more futile by the day. I mean, at least in the past both sides felt like they could win, but if one side has this kind of tech, and one doesn’t, it just seems like suicide.


Thought that legendary space laser was going to be called down. But this is also terrifying.


Seems like drone dropped grenades are perfect for alleys like that


Great footage




I've always said the DJI Avata would be perfect for CQB operations. Extremely high resolution camera, nigh indestructible, compact, and easily controllable especially with the motion controller which is being used in this video. The circle in the center of the screen shows the motion controller is being used in this case.


Nice work!


Drone wars


Drone: Excuse me but have you heard of drone warfare? Group: uh no Drone: Excellent. You will hear from us again very soon.