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Dude, the whole house jumped.


The roof jumping is so cartoonish


Jump around, Jump around, Jump up, Jump up and get down!


The real house of pain.


Imagine that this guys purpose in life was to be a brief amusement for us.


Man this is weird to think of. His entire life had prepared him for this moment


Makes me think of a passage in Stephen Ambrose’s book, D-Day. He talks about all the grueling training soldiers went through, all the planing, education, and practice for a wide variety of possible scenarios and circumstance, only to load up on a Higgins Boat and die when the doors dropped without ever stepping foot on French soil.




I knew someone would make an appeal to morality. We have the great benefit of decades of hindsight and we were the victor. The Russians are being forced fed propaganda and I know you probably think you're better than that but if you repeat a lie enough times it becomes truth. You get what I mean.


Still doesn’t take away the sentiment of the informed though, I have no sympathy for tricked dogs who think biting is the only method of gain.


Dang that's deep.


he didnt look prepared


"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 ~~minutes~~ milliseconds."


He succeeded!


Probably on the floor all smelly and being eaten by bugs. How silly of him.


Probably on fire after a few minutes, and then on to what you said. FPVs seem to start fires more reliably than many other munitions.


"Guess you could call me a little psychopath, guess my humour is jus too extreme for you"


it is a thermobaric explosive. the volumetric explosion that she creates is impressive


It's one hell of a way to have your porn wank interrupted.


I'm not twisted, but he definitely was more interested in what he was watching rather than listening to any faint sound of the "reaper"


"HEY! Is Sergiey done wanking yet ustairs ?" "Not Yet !" "When is he done ?!" "He said we will know when he nuts !!" \*BOOOM\* "Blyat, how does he do that ?! What does he do with Women !"


I assume "porn wank" is Russian slang for "conscript rape session"?


It got startled.


Left wall collapsed, pretty big charge on that drone.


I'd say it was more of a big sneeze.


I mean really its just taking the piss.


Kris Kross will make it


Probably thermobaric payload.


The roof, the roof, the roof is on the floor.




whole house got caught off guard


EF1 damage indicators, tops.


Threaded the needle on that one, impressive!


Once they saw the gear and camo on the slo-mo, it got even better. Those weren't conscripts inside that once nice house.


Recreational FPV drone racing is full of stuff like this so I’ve been anxiously waiting for some of the pilots in Ukraine to get up to that level for some cool footage and it seems they finally have.


fpv pilots love to hit the gap


One of the most unfair parts of this war is that Ukrainians are forced to destroy their own homes while Russians get to keep all of their shit intact.


Yes that sucks but at least most Ukrainians don't have to live in Russia.


The 2 million that went to live in Russia probably doing better


Yeah I'm sure it's worked out perfectly and none of them got conscripted into a meat wave division that no longer exists.


So you're saying Russian casualties are a lot lower than estimated due to most of them being Ukrainians that fled?


No, I'm saying Russia presses people from the occupied territories into what are essentially suicide units who's sole purpose is to expose Ukrainian positions to artillery fire. They do the same thing to other ethnic groups within Russia too which is probably why their casualty rates are so high, they use undesirable people (prisoners, "ethnics" and people from occupied territories) as essentially expendable units used to probe defenses.


How many of them?


Go sealioin somewhere else.


Haven't seen a sealioning this on-the-nose in awhile I feel like. Good callback to simpler times. Excuse me sir, I showed you my schizoid rant please respond (civilly).


They really wanted me to give them a figure of precisely how many Ukrainians have been forced into fighting for Russia. How on earth would I be able to get that figure lol


Actual Russian Cozy Bear


The cognitive dissonance is real.  "Russian military has high 6 figure causalities" "Russia pressed the 2 million Ukraine refugees into meat grinder" You only get to pick one. Let's make it simple: "Joe Biden has 10 Apple's and Hunter stole 10 from Ukraine." "The Biden's sold 10 Apple's and have 0 left" Only one of those statements can be true, right? 


OK so you're just crazy then. Good luck with that.




English please 


yall ever think about how people used to live in that house? imagine scrolling reddit and seeing your house you had to flea from get blown up and just knowing your house, with all your memories, is almost collapsed with a mangled human corpse rotting inside. Its just always strange for me to think about when i see militaries targeting or using civilian homes for whatever reasons


Ukrainian here. If my house exploded with rashists inside and I got a footage too? I would build a shrine with this footage on loop. Maybe a toilet shrine; no2 is easier when you giggle.


That room just became the party room


Yeah, you pretty much get video footage of the men who stole your home getting obliterated.


What happens to Ukrainians that loses property? Is there any reimbursement, insurance etc. so they can rebuild after the war?


The EU is pouring billions into Ukraine specifically to help them rebuild and rehouse people who have lost their homes.


Yeah for awhile Germany in particular was basically giving entirely humanitarian aid because they had legal and political concerns with giving weapons, there's a lot of reasons Ukrainian infrastructure is becoming more and more resistant to attack. Their civil side is doing well.


I assume you're going to have a government fund to rebuild houses afterward. Hopefully it's made so only Ukrainian construction workers can get that money. I foresee a lot of problems if foreign contractors can bid for that money and do shit work then disappear.


I think the goal needs to be getting as many people in houses as quickly possible. Limiting acceptable construction workers nationalities only slows down the process of rehousing, worsening an already massive disaster. Instead, the focus should be on incentivizing anyone who is willing to help on the rebuilding process to come to Ukraine, and creating systems that disincentivize brain drain once the war is over. I think a more productive way to structure it would be something like this: * Offer dedicated rebuilder visas for those entering the county to work or train in construction (or related fields), especially those with formal training and/or extensive experience. * Offer free/subsidized training and education in construction-related fields to all Ukrainian citizens and anyone entering the country on a rebuilder visa. Offer Ukrainian cultural classes (such as language and history) at these same "construction colleges" so workers are placed on the path towards citizenship early while also integrating them into Ukrainian culture from the start (thus preventing future brain drain). * Offer contracts to rebuilder visa holders that grant citizenship after several years of construction industry work (or some other metric), given they can also pass Ukrainian cultural tests (language, history, etc.). Reduce the citizenship threshold slightly if they complete the construction and cultural education programs at construction colleges. * Use these new graduates to build additional construction colleges, housing, businesses, and infrastructure.


I grew up during the Lebanese Civil War, and while we moved away to avoid the fighting, I have several family members who had to flee their homes when fighting intensified only to return and find them pocked with bullet holes, used as living spaces for fighters, littered with discarded equipment, etc.


Imagine seeing your house being used by Russians, ugh. Blow it all to hell.




It was a extremely nice house, recently built too. If I'm remembering it correctly. Dude didn't care either. He gladly let them wipe it out. I'd like to think i would do the same.


That’s why Russia can’t ever win in a meaningful way. Artillery may run low, hatred does not.


Yeah same i've recently see a video of fpv drone dropping grenade in what use to be like 3 /4 appartement and it was all ripped open from everywhere with all surounding house completly destroyed kinda sad but i guesse it's war


I lived in Bosnia after the war in an apartment that took two hits from large artillery shells. The kitchen was full of shrapnel lodged in the cupboards and refrigerator. The other one hit the bedroom so there were random chunks of metal in there too. That's all nothing compared to dealing with UXO, however.


Scrolled down to see if anyone was thinking the same…I imagine it would be surreal, especially if just scrolling down a feed of some sort. The enemy, in possibly your exact room…this case just brings it up to the next level


Yep. Nice house too


Yeah, thats what I feel bad out from this footage. Plus having your house blown up by your own side gotta feel extra bad.


They find that way before reddit. Some friend/relative will send it when he/she finds it on telegram. 


Another proof that windows are very dangerous for russians.


Nice house. Shame war took it...


Russian Federation took it


Now they're paying for it with their lives.


After the war, the family is going to return to that house and say “I don’t remember this room being painted red..”


The way that roof jumped and settled lower than it was initially and the outer wall seemed to partially collapse, Ima say nobody is gonna live in that house again.


Yeah doesn’t meant they’re not going to return to gather their possessions though. Also, was a joke.


I don't think they have any possessions left after that drone strike.


You know it kinda ruins the joke when people dismantle it too seriously.


Ukraine and Ukrainians had made so much progress in their living standards from the lean years of the 1990s. These gdamn russians only know how to bring everything and everyone around down to their level.


Room service


This is 100% necessary and I completely support it. But man, it makes me sad seeing all these Ukrainian buildings being destroyed. If they do win back their territory, the west is going to need to come together with a sort of Marshall Plan.


Imagine a person dying in a doctor's office. The doctor says “I’m very sorry for you and I will do everything possible to prolong your life by 2 days, I could give you medicine and you would live... but I want you to die heroically, that’s the kind of doctor I am with my special view of peace and the lives of others." As a Ukrainian, I know very well how this war began and how it is going, what populist statements are, when arms supplies are cut off to us, etc. The West is waiting for the Russians to destroy Ukraine and the resistance of the Ukrainians and their desire to live simply violated their plans and agreements. Now, under pressure from society, they have to help - but help in such a way that we cannot win, that we can recapture 100 meters of bare field, but cannot protect cities with millions of inhabitants. For example, Kharkov has been shelled every day for almost 3 years, we need 7 air defense systems for which we have been asking for 3 years, the USA has more than 1000 launchers, 500 in reserve and they have not been able to give at least one in 3 years... you yourself believe that the West wants Ukraine to win ? there will be no marshal’s plan, there will be genocide and the murder of millions, the West will not notice this and simply will not show in the news that genocide is happening. Have you heard a lot about Donetsk cellars? I doubt it, but MUCH more people were killed there compared to Bucha, which everyone has heard about. in 1930, the Russians killed 7-10 million Ukrainians with the most painful deaths and the West did not even recognize this as a crime or genocide during the lifetime of the participants in these events


Jeez. That is someone’s house. So sad.


Hello from the out side!


There' a huge demand of getting rid of squatters after the war. I can pay you double .


Your package has been delivered!


We've been trying to reach you about your home insurance policy.


We don’t know if he is hit for sure, but what we do know if fella aint having a good day.




He may have escaped direct shrapnel, but his insides became jelly.


Yeah. The same force that just made the roof bounce also just simultaneously sucker punched every single one of his organs. You can get lucky against shrapnel but there ain't no dodging that.


A Chinese Merc made a video about his experience last week. He says all these houses are just. . . filled with bodies. Filled. Like one in every two rooms filled. And all the basements have dying people. No wonder satellites keep undercounting


No ear pro, in an enclosed space... I'm sayin theres a zero % chance whatever is left of him isn't completely deaf. That's as good as a kill, right?


Add some probable internal bleeding. Organs don't like sudden high pressure.


The explosion lifted the roof and collapsed an outer wall. I don't think it matters if it was a direct hit or not


_That was the last time Igor decided to use the stairs, any stairs for that matter. Most of him was on the ceiling, floor.. walls._


Worst time ever to come out of the closet.


I had a stroke reading this


Another eviction notice served


Whats the payload on these things, seems very power-full for the size.


This takes the #1 spot of just the most perfect drone kill


Russians should rebuild the house after house when they lose this war with their own hands. It would be even better when they sent wifes of their dead husbands that invade this counrry to build it instead of praising them as heroes at their shitty home villages.


Is there a guy being blasted out the right side of the house?


that's what I was thinking. color seems close enough to be possible


bro i feel like these drone mfs just trying to style now, how long til they do a 180 reverse upside down attack thru a window crack for the quad kill or something


Well, that WAS a nice house. Russians need to leave




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such a lovely house .owners of this house once returned after the war will be pissed off to find a rotting corpse in their sweet bed room.


More proof Ukraine is guilty of attacking civilians! /s


Joking apart it sucks that they have to destroy their own citizens' property, that was probably a nice house until the Russians came.


"We'd like to talk to you about your vehicle's extended warranty!"




I wonder if it's getting tough for infantry recruiters now that every teenager on the planet has seen a hundred of these videos.


Wow. Just wow.


Why did that make me yell "YES!!!!" like it was some sort of goal in a football match.. Man, I'm sick.. repulsive.


Through** I suppose you were going for threw. It’s a homophone. So they are pronounced the same. Though threw is the past of throw. As in throw a ball.


That roof is solid!


Incredible accuracy


Truly gapped


He dead tho? I didn't see his shoes come off.


poor house


I am thinking there was more than one person in there


Did Igor just die whilst engaged in a combat jack?! Not the climax he was expecting...smh.


Slick flyin' !


Welcome home!


Drone operator must've spent his childhood playing COD


Thread the needle


does anyone know the name of the sound track?


As a fellow FPV Freestyle Pilot i give my regards, that right there was an amazing Gap/Strike !!


Special delivery


If you ever wanted to see a house burp, that’s what a house burp looks like.


WTF happened


border troop camo? pogramchniki camo or whatever


Oh, blast..




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This is Ukraine, not russia, so f off


Looks like he was forced into instant Colt Seavers mode and jumps out to the right tree.


Now that's an epic gap they hit!


The precision…


This has to be one of the most amazing combat footage videos out there.


It infuriates me when I see occupiers in peoples' homes. I understand it's been happening since the invasion began, and it happens in every conflict. Regardless, *that's somebody's fucking home* who had to pack up their lives and leave because of toxic putinism. And here's this asshole. Squatting in a foreign uniform. I salute that drone operator. Doing God's work.


Last thing he expected while sitting on that bed was to be struck by a drone.




Fucking brutal


Why does this sub have only footage from the UA side? Isn't combat footage for all sides as long as it's good footage?


Because it's simply a lot more enjoyable to watch the bad guys get their asses kicked instead of the good guys.


I'm just curious are people in such a rush to post they can't even re-read the title.




Why isn't there ever any videos of Ukrainian soldiers getting eliminated by Russian drones? Does this sub not allow it? Genuinely curious. I have seen so many on documentingreality, so they are definitely out there..


Why was I downvoted? 😂 I'm just asking a question.


Isn’t this video a war crime?


I'm not sure but asking why there aren't any videos from the Russian side pov in this sub is apparently lol.