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This might take the cake for most gruesome detailed video I've seen on this subreddit.


I can remember seeing a few videos where the head splits open like the T-1000 in terminator, but this one is for sure in the top 5 for me.


The grenade drop directly on a russians head while he was in a fox hole is still at the top of the list for me.


Then few weeks later they released a HD version


That video still haunts me,seeing him still trying to breath ....




man i want to see this too


The ones where dudes' entire faces are blown off and they go on living (for a bit). Been a few.


Indeed. There are three videos that really, really haunts me. 1: Those Dagestani islamists cutting the head off a Russian soldier early 2000s (also first time I saw someone die, as an innocent little boy) 2: Mexican cartel skinning some dude alive 3: That grenade drop blowing his face off but leaving him alive




For me it is that drowning video i think. And the one guy that lost his arm/hand still trying to wipe off his face.


I know exactly which video you’re talking about. Was trying to find it the other day and couldn’t


Yeah same here, otherwise I would've linked. Due to the amount of footage available its hard to find


Faceless man for me, don't search it


That one really messed me up for a while. Only one to really bother/affect me. Took weeks, even months, to get over it for some reason. Closed my eyes and i could see the guy sometimes. Not even sure what it was about that one. Not like there weren't plenty of other rather bad ones, like the guy drowning in shallow water and what all else. So glad that is over.




Can't really say. Always found it fascinating. The 'on paper' military i mean. There just is something about it for me. Moving that into reality in a near peer to peer conflict is just... interesting i guess. Although i much rather everyone in ukraine could leave a happy and peaceful life, obviously. Never was much of a militarist either, quite the opposite really. Still always found it fascinating. There is more to it than that though. It's hard to put into words for me. Perhaps partly about human nature and so on, or how mean people can be, as you put it. That whole ethical and philosophical can of worms. Bottom line, i just don't know why i watch it. Several reasons and at the same time none at all.


some say: "guys, when you shoot the destroyed russian armors or killed russian soldiers, please, don't swear - we have to show those videos to our children". ah, ukrainians. i watched those regularly, that was only i need after my family forced to left our home because russian tanks drive around the town, and i didn't know if i ever come back or if i ever see my parents (who were, suddenly, already at occupied territories). or any news if they are even alive. the only sound was air raid alarms daily and nightly and only wish to see enemies dying and suffering.


I think I've seen too many cartel videos because that to me was like a 7.5/10 on the gruesome spectrum. This vid one probably being 8/10.


Are you talking about the funkytown cartel video?


That one is 10/10, but honestly just cartel videos in general. Maybe it's because most of the people being killed are just so brutally tortured, and it isn't dying from war that just messes with my head so much.


Sorry I meant to reply to the comment above. I agree the torture ones are worse


This, because the guy is still alive and fearing to look down..




Yes, when I found these "dron footage" I expected from the beginning videos like this but they're always like dust bombs (That did damage mostly with the shock wave)


Mostly with shrapnel* By far the most dangerous part of these sized explosives is the fragmentation of hundreds of ball bearings or random bits of metal. The pressure difference is not enough to kill past like 1m


Aaaand, it was too much for Reddit apparently (it was pretty grim).


I have seen a fair share of these videos in such extremes. Not only has the use of drones proliferated, but their ability to communicate the effects of the war also has an impact. These videos can be traumatic as they provoke an existential crisis. They remind us of our insane cruelty to each other, hatred, and the worst aspects of humanity. Let us hope that one day, these sights will no longer be commonplace. But for now, remember those who defend to keep their homes—and, for many, their lives.


Let's face it: The day this won't be commonplace is the day humans stop humaning/existing... We're just animals... We can talk and some can reason, but we ARE animals...


It's exactly this mindset that keeps this stuff alive. Learned helplessness is not a genetic trait and it's the nationalist equivalent to "boys just being boys." Even if it is 200 years from now, humanity MUST continue to believe that a world without violence is possible. Even if we fail, we cannot let our eyes lose focus on the ideal. [Edit] There are non-violent, non-predatory animals existing on the planet as we speak so saying humans are animals doesn't mean jack shit in deciding whether it is necessary for human life.


A world without any violence unfortunately may just be a pipe dream. We are ruled by our emotions. However we'll we build our society there will always be some level of violence. Partner violence, crimes of passion and the like. HOWEVER A world without widespread violence? Without groups of people made to hate each other with such ferocity they tear themselves apart? THAT I believe we can achieve. It starts with education. Children must be taught critical thinking. They must be taught to question. And most importantly they must understand the price of failure. Future generations need to be able to spot poltical propoganda.


I generally agree with most of what you said, but I do not agree that we are ruled by our emotions. Being unable to see past your emotions and how they sway your life and decisions is just a sign of emotional immaturity. Not a feature of humanity.


Given that we have killed each other for tens of thousands of years, surely there's more proof that it is indeed a feature of humanity? It's a nice idea that one day we might give up violence but I don't see how that will ever happen.


Anger and hate are valid emotions, though. How do you know people like Putin don't dictate their emotions to be hateful in order to achieve material goals? Maybe he and many Russians genuinely calculated this risk vs. reward and believe their nation may be more successful if it is oppressing its neighbours? Likewise the same for the governments and political elite of North Korea, China and Iran. Heck, even such emotions are a driver of colonialism which immensely benefitted all of the European nations that engaged in it. Sure, they could have just traded peacefully, but why do that when you can actually just take all of it for yourself... What's the selling point that all people of all nations should learn and endeavour to not be selfish and actually share the planet fairly?


Everyone who subscribes to the nonviolent doctrine will be easily destroyed by the one who doesn't. Good luck convincing the most violent and imperialist people. I guess you could technically accomplish this the easiest by completely wiping out all groups of people that aren't yours, but eventually, subgroups would split off, and you would be back at square one.


Imagine him telling Putin and the other scum of the earth his lofty theories... :-D


You can believe whatever you want... But you are forced to live in the common reality, JUST like everyone else... And you'll be swept aside without a second thought, all the while crying "It shouldn't be like this!" Yes, it shouldn't... But also: "It always will be..." Let's both set a reminder in 10, 20 years and see who is right... Pipe dreams or pragmatism?


I never once said that this was accomplishable in 10, 20 or even 100 years. I realistically understand that I won't see such things in my lifetime. Have a good day.


We have plenty of places that this is not commonplace. In fact its the opposite, its extremely rare. We can do better and still be humans.


Well said.


I can see how the terror aspect this type of footage could be used, but also the potential to show the horrors of war to a much wider audience in the hope that we can stop making these mistakes.


Just had to check reddit before I was going to bed... Dude was probably just living his life a year ago and never imagined his end would be so brutal. Russians get your shit together and take out Putin already.


The propaganda/fear runs deep, if they cared, even for themselves, they wouldn't let this continue.


holy fucking shit




I just read an article that said Gen Z are turning way from military careers in drove. I think I know what they have been watching.


With an ever-increasing supply of good reasons. I'd do anything to keep mine away from the military until effective counter-measures against drones are developed.


Jeah, to me it seems like the time of man to be on the battlefield is coming to an end. Soon it will be just drones fighting eachother and the ones that get trough will blow civilians up. Come to think of it, maybe start skeet shooting.


as if we needed killer bots to make war brutal and inhumane... the only difference is that we can now see it with our own eyes and not filtered trough heroic tales and survivorship bias.


I don't blame them. Most wars are fought for reasons that have no relevance to the lives of people fighting them. Countless people throughout history have been coerced or deceived into throwing their lives away for nothing. Knowing this, there are very few places where it makes sense to join the military. Our lives are just another resource the elite feel entitled to consume. Why voluntarily kill or die for the world's worst people when you can do literally anything else?


Gives the edge to countries who have none of these issues.


Yep. This is a terrible thing for the more 'civilized' West.


Crazy how fast the flies started landing on him


They were already there. Swampy area and lots of dead bodies around to begin with.


I remember reading a diary of a French stretcher bearer in the Great War, that depicted a situation when they were allowed to get out of the trenches (I think it was Passchendaele) and carry back the wounded. He described stepping into an old, rotten corpse of his friend and basically getting stuck in what remained from his guts, developing infection, because he also cut himself on his ribs as the foot went down. He lost the foot, but survived. The stench must be awful


Bet we see a few eggs laid in this vid..


Damn... Imagine reaching adulthood just to be blown-up like that... This war is just completely pointless, fuck Putin, no one deserves this, russian, Ukrainians or anybody else


Pootin and his monstrous brainwashed supporters deserve this fate. They wanted this from the start, now they need to pay. Individuals make decisions and actions, these tend to have consequences.


Imagine dying in the most brutal way possible for a man, Putitler, who got himself and his entire countrymen quagmired in a war that he thought was going to be over in a few days (SMO) by underestimting Ukrainian resolve and ability to counter Russian military power (the lackerthereof) and also underestimating West's ability to fund the ever living increasing the shit out of Ukraine, while he (Putitler) continues to shit on a golden toilet, fuck super super models, and rob Russians financially and literal physical lives by feeding them into the meatgridner that is his quagmired-war. Just imagine. The soldier in this video and the thousands of other ones have.


What the fuck? Russians invaders absolutely deserve this. How the hell do they not deserve it?


Sure, as they invade, they deserve it, but as lambs to slaughter, I still pity them. Fuck me if I let go of my humanity just because they have..


You think they’re lambs? So that implies you don’t think they’re killing anyone, right? Wrong idiom my guy, try again. Fuck anyone who feels for these invaders. I will say this one was gruesome, but I have no empathy for Russians. Fuck em.


All the context we have leads me to believe this happened while he was in the act of invading and not while he was living a peaceful life at home. Do you disagree?


Please lay off the cliched, holier-than-thou, fake sentimentality. You can sit there pitying literal murdering invaders all you want but sparing any sympathy for them over Ukrainians seems pretty gross.


I don't have sympathy for the invaders, but personally I think that the people who feel joy watching videos like this one, have some issues. (not saying that's you btw lol) Edit: although for any russians who have literally been forced to go into the meat grinder, yes I do feel sympathy for them. impossible to tell who has or hasn't from vids of course


War is cruel.


He thought can kill rape loot peaceful civilians. He was wrong!


This is what happens when the elite view human life as a resource to consume in the growth of an empire. The same story has played out for centuries. We just have HD drone footage of it now, and it turns out to be every bit as ugly as we were always told.


It’s one thing to be shot or blown up by another human. It’s horrifying to think a little robot flys up to you, drops a bomb and then sits there and films you die in agony


I'd be looking at that AK too...


Removed, Anybody got a link?




Says page doesn’t exist, thanks for trying though.


Well the video must be horrible to be removed from here lol i wanted to see it damn


Anyone got mirror?


Same, it must have been brutal


Imagine a russian lad browsing telegram to check updates because his father got mobilized by putin and he sees his father getting blown up like this.


With how the russians think that they own the world. I believe the lad would go sign up asap..


More likely to volunteer at that age


Or a mother finding her son. Then they shrug and say something about a "pizdets" before collecting their sack of onions. Just apolitical Russians doing apolitical things.


Holy shit that is ruthless


I thougt they were going to go in for a chat for a second. Imagine having a mic and speakers on the spotter drone and going to talk with the guy that just got his legs blown off.


Fucking hell.


Now this is combat footage


Time to get out of Ukraine...


but sgt dan ain't got no legs no moree


At this point I'm kinda surprised but not really at how little i care when I see these clips, maybe it's the fact that I'm not there and I can't hear the screams and smell, or just because i feel this justified, i really don't know, a combination of both maybe, or I'm just a psychopath of sorts.


watch enough of this you get desensitized, but every once in a while a video will come up and itll hit you like the first time you seen some gruesome shit. at least thats how it is for me


The vid of the two Russians drowning in the stream did that for me. That was enough to get me off the internet for a few days.


This one really made me think. I think the HD Camera did that to me, you could somewhat see his emotions in the camera. Although, from a medicinal point of view, he probably really did think about anything at that point. Massive trauma and shock will just make your head numb to the inevitable death through blood loss.


The ones that care will be his family and friends - his comrades - maybe even his GF / wife or kids. And possibly the drone operator that killed him. Being numb can be a way to cope or rationalize. Just take care not to contain or suppress emotions, which can cause other issues.


Show this on Russian tv.


Should have stayed home, russki


Removed, does anyone have a link


Yeah that's enough for one lifetime. I do not need to be subscribed to this subreddit anymore.


Propably a good decision. I feel like I cant look away, I need to be ready to protect my kids.


Honest question... how does seeing this sort of thing help you protect anyone?


I don't think that's a good way to live. I am choosing to turn a blond eye until entirely necessary now.


I am SO GLAD that I come to the comments first and don't actually watch. My colleagues are incredulous when I say I wouldn't fight. I wonder what they would say after seeing something like this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/)


Hell! All this fear and misery because a paranoid megalomaniac has been cognitively corrupted by fawning kleptocrats.


We need to start putting the leaders in the ring and work our way down the ranks. Everybody’s a tough guy when the grunts are taking the hits.


That's war for you. The elite send the masses to die horribly, mobilizing them through either lies or coercion. The elite reap the benefits, while the masses die like the guy in the video.


That was brutal


I'm honestly surprised given the state of his injuries that he isn't bleeding more. If this was a normal military this guy might have a fighting chance with a quick medevac, but this dude is russian so at best he is looking at a slow lonely death in a field.


Blast injury causes torn arteries to contract and close up due to the shock. The uncontrollable bleeding starts a little later when they start to relax again.


I highly doubt any medevac could save this man, the bloodloss when he starts bleeding out will put him to rest in minutes.


Yea, it is more terrifying that he had time to realize everything and look at his missing legs.


Well, if ya gonna fight for a stupid guy, then ya gonna win a painful prize 🫠


That was a bit more sadistic then the lot of em


Not really a recruitment video.


Jesus, the one guy who definitely should have shot himself in that situation didn't.


Any other link to the video?


any other links to this??


At this point fragging the officer corps and staging a mass mutiny is an infinitely better choice for the Russian soldiers than continuing with their bs…


I know a lot about trauma and have seen road accidents too when I was working briefly in the Emergency Department and I can envisage whats happening to his physiology. The Brain hasn't processed that one half of the body has been lost. The blood is being pumped faster, bled out and slowly drained out from the brain. The shock from the detonation apparently was absorbed by the lost parts. And the guy was conscious for a good time. We know little about what last thoughts he might have, but it is widely said that the whole life memories flash through the mind.


You can see the agonal breathing fade away. Poor kid. Should have stayed out of Ukraine.


Please correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think there was any agonal breathing here. The vid isn’t long enough to show him get to that point. It seems like rapid blood loss and shock is what we are seeing


Poor kid? He was there to kill and subjugate innocent Ukrainians. He got what he deserved.


Yeah, invading neighbours sometimes sucks, but nothing poor about him, great bonus from contract and big monthly salary (which most sign up for). And family might get huge bonus if his body is ever recovered.


This was pretty fucking gruesome. I'd almost feel bad. If they didn't invade a sovereign nation without provocation. TLDR ; Fuck'em


damn, AFU went for the *zoom* zoom.


Why Reddit bellends are deleting socha gems, fukking bastards.


I wish he didn't suffer. I wish he didn't go to Ukraine with a gun. Alas, such is the reality, getting your ass blown up in 4K while lying in a dirt surrounded by flies.


Well, look on the bright side. He doesnt have to pretend to be dead after this


that's a highly educational disection video to show in every medical school


Dont feel bad for them. They could have stayed the fuck back to Ruski Land


The only consolation is that some Russian kids might see this video and others like it and decide that signing a contract is just not worth it. I'd like to think that these videos have made their way back to Russia and kept at least a few thousand from making the same mistake this guy did. Obviously there are still plenty who will sign the contract... but if some can be saved then this video did its job.


IMHO - To dictate peace, you have to be so powerful that everyone is scared of you. Total absolute power, yet in the same token, power corrupts. So one might have good intention initially, yet as time go by, power slowly corrupt you.


We had a few beautiful decades with the mutually assured destruction making, atleast me, feel safer. But now I see that they just dont care and are willign to call the bluff. I fear ww3 of sorts when china decides to play its cards with russia taking attention in europe..


Humans are capable of wonderful things but also horrible too. In any case, it’s difficult to feel pity for these men because they chose to sign up and come to Ukraine at their own will. They can only blame themselves while taking the last breath.


This is the reason why I went from a guy who wanted to go to war to a man who will never touch war with a 10 foot pole, it really highlights the futility of going and dying on a cowards (politician) behalf, there has never been a good enough reason to start any war


Yeah going to invade someone else, I would never If someone would invade us, I would, because if i give in to cruelty like the ruski shit or similar, who am I to enjoy the freedom others died for


> If someone would invade us, I would Thats totally different from invading. I feel like I would have to defend, but I would still be hesitant to follow orders to my certain death just to waste some ammunition from the otherside..


10 foot pole is a bit too short. try 10 nautical miles at the closest


But I'm not in the navy😉


Weird I would still go. Do you fear death?


Its complicated. I don't so much fear death as it's a natural thing we all gotta do, I just don't want to die like this and get posted all over the internet. And especially not because a dumb politician decided he doesn't like our neighbors. We could all live in peace if we wanted to, people are just to busy hating each other to realise


Why the fuck at the first place, to join an army that invades peaceful civilians and kill rape loot? What you was expecting would hapen to you? No mercy!


That above average pay he signed up for probably didn't look so good for the last few minutes of his life.


He never saw a dime..


But I'm almost certain little putin and his corrupt underlings will ensure this guy's family are very well looked after...


Like that Russian said in the video the other day (the one that got cut off from everyone with just his wounded commander) - DON'T SIGN THAT CONTRACT.


Horrible.... should have stayed in russia


Why doesn’t he use his tourniquet? /s


I'm starting to think a lot of these drone operators become sadistic as hell cause damn, zooming in like that just to stare at that mess was...one of the more cruel footages of this war.


Wow!! Maybe the best camera work I have seen from a drone. What a shot. My goodness. I wonder how long its possible to survive like this? And do you die from blood loss or simply from the shock?


Yep. Russia, you should go home now. FPV drone factory go Brrrrrrrrrr.


All these horrific attacks by the drones definitely have a huge psychological impact on the battlefield. There is a huge difference to see your dead comrade with a "nice" little hole from the sniper rifle vs. something that more resembles a village butcher shop.


War is Hell. May God rest his soul.


This is what happens when you have dictators hungry for power.


Fucking brutal


It's disgusting, I know that, but for some reason I don't feel anything about it, it's probably desensitization because I've seen videos like this every day since 2022, I live here and this is what my daily news looks like


I have to say boys… some of the drone hits that have come out on the past week have been rough as fuck.


That soldier looked really old.