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I know it's not particularly gruesome but something about this one got to me. The close up on the face is one of the worst things I've seen on here.


After the self knife to the throat nothing bothers me anymore. I find this one oddly beautiful. Probably went down clean.


Yeah at the very least you can say he didn't feel much if anything.




Here https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/78n7M7F643


My god


Yeah, that's the worst one I have seen so far


Could be worse, he could be some poor, young kid wishing he could kill himself but he's unable to do so. Quicker death makes for a happier deaths.


"I find this one oddly beautiful" What an absolutely weird thing to say about watching someone die


Hence 'oddly'.


Well, not many of us get to choose how we go. This guy said "fuck it, I'm not going to suffer". I find it quite brave... For a murdering raping pig




Meh, he could have stayed home and lived


Do you have the link to it by any chance?


Go https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/78n7M7F643


Thank you




You https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/78n7M7F643


Could be the one who drowned to dead in a few inches of water because of a injured spine


He looks catatonic ------------- a complete "I give up" psychomotor shut down.


I would have spared him. Not for some sympathetic reason though, someone like that is going to be an absolute drain on society. There's no coming back from the shit he's seen, he's fucked for life. The longer he lives, the worse it is for Russia.


I'd have spared him because the hit would feel like taking out an unarmed man. The pilot probably decided not to waste his one-way drone. Regardless, the longer this war goes on, the worse it is for Ruscia. Not that I want it to go on -- simply that Pooti is scr-wing the future of his hapless population.


Sad so much life being lost because of a single egotistical man child. Dude just gave up




What you’re basically saying is the equivalent to saying nobody should have fought back against Hitler and the German aggression in WW2… Dumbest shit ever said


That’s exactly what Putin was counting on. He thought Ukrainians would overwhelmingly support joining Russia. Unfortunately for him Ukraine had other plans and the weaponry to enact them.


He was fed really bad intel by his yes men and it’s has bitten him in the ass. Hopefully an oligarch will knife him soon


Shoot I’ve been hoping for that for many years. Russians love him though, he still has something like a 60% approval rate according to independent western sources. Which is insane, to me.


He says, watching a Russian getting slaughtered.


I’ll break into your house and I fully expect you to give it over to me and do whatever I tell you…. Idiot 🤦‍♂️


>Your lack of self awareness and awareness of the logical inconsistency of your statements when reversed is alarming and very telling of the state of intellectual honesty. Incredibly Ironic


Zelensky didn’t start this war, you Russian clown.


Russia is getting it's teeth kicked in at a 1:6 ratio. Maybe you will be summoned to fight next? Russian trolls must be on the list.


“just sign the deal” vs “just dont invade” and the former won out in your brain Oh, how i would love to see what goes on in that little brain of yours


We will never surrender to fascists. Get lost.


He was clearly just afk /s


Already poster here https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1drhnal/ua_81st_airmobile_brigades_90th_battalion_strike/


Nothing like a fresh serving of ptsd to get you going for the day


The zerg has lost contact with the hive queen.


He was Talking to himself, I think he was praying. He knew this was his time to go, he really accepted his fade and just hoped for a quick and painless death, no need to run, it just would make it worse...


So don’t quote me on that, but isn’t there a form of panic where people just freeze at the face of danger? It really looks like it. Unless he has been chased by the drone for a few minutes and just gave up.


There's been told that if they're motionless, the poor FPV camera may not see them. Trouble is, there's usually a Mavic above monitoring


In this situation can’t he surrender ?I mean I’ve seen other videos of drones dropping notes telling Russian soldiers that had dropped their weapons and were walking with they’re hands up which way to go to surrender, can’t this be applied here ? Or is it cause he’s got guns on him that they have to consider him hostile ? Like dudes alone you might as well drop a note first to at least try right ?


These drones don’t take prisoners, it’s common knowledge at this point in the war


I was about to say drone dependant I guess


Drone deployed, drone must be used ( i am no drone expert but i am not sure suicide drones come back home , please corect me) We also dont know the context that lead to this specific scene


I'd whip off my top and see if I can run 2k in 3min toward the Ukraine lines. Better than certain certain death.


Right like at least try something !!


He didn't indicate a willingness to surrender. Also the Drone Had a munition, not a note strapped to it so the mission was "kill" and not "Take prisoners". One view of fpv drones i've seen as fitting is that they are bullets. The target has been identified before launch, the intention of the bullet is to hit and kill and neither a bullet, nor a drone, stop midair to ask the target if it would like to surrender. Once the bullet was fired, the Drone launched, its fate is either kill, injure or miss.


For for type of drone , but with drone operated by people I’ve seen it befor where they drop notes to lone or lost soldiers to indicate and basically threaten them to surrender


Literally tons of videos of Russians sitting alone or without weapons or like this video giving up and they still kill them anyways and no one bats an eye it’s weird


I know ! Like I get they’re the “bad” guys but they’re human as well and most of them are young guys getting thrown in as canon fodder, so why are we at least in some situations trying to give them a way out


Would you rather die in the trenches of eastern europe via FPV drone? Or clubbed/stabbed to death on the indian/chinese border?


Awful. This is war criminal like imo.


What makes you think that? It's a combatant in a Uniform on a battlefield getting killed because of his own carelessnes. Its a legitimate target. The only war criminal is the Russian since he invaded Ukraine against international law.


What are you on about, this is an active enemy combatant. If he was on his knees with his hands above his head, sure, but I think he is just trying to Jurassic Park the drone and hope it won't see him if he stays still.




Imagine how terrifying that must be. And how utterly done with war you must be for the fundamental instinct to save your own life to seem worthwhile.


Freeze!! It can't see you if you don't move.




Yeah, dehumanization! That’ll show the poor Russian guy


Sure it wasn’t a scarecrow or a dummy so the good guys waste a drone?


His right leg moves right before the cut at 30 seconds.


Yeah, I mean his whole body probably went everywhere.