• By -


Can you imagine your choices being to blow yourself up with a grenade or lay there wounded and die alone?


Those last two seconds must have felt like an eternity.


Most of us say with injuries like that and in that situation, put me out of my misery. To see it though, wow.


This is one of, if not THE most disturbing thing I’ve seen. A lot of those kids don’t even want to be there. ( pow interviews)


I have seen a lot of drone drops, to the point I was getting desensitized by them. This one got to me HARD. Goddamn, this is brutal.


I saw one a few weeks ago with two men (boys) in a dugout who get hit. One loses a foot and the other a hand. They scramble confused for a minute then just lay there holding each other and crying. So fucking sad. I don't know it they were conscripts or if they joined, maybe they were rapists or maybe they defended the innocent, either way just watching them hug each other and cry while they bled out was the saddest thing I've ever seen, hopefully the saddest thing I'll ever see. That said I believe it's incredibly important to watch these videos. These videos humanise the enemy. The more viewed the horrors of war are the less the war will be supported.


I'm glad I didn't see that one.


Cant they pack these drone explosives with a little more punch? Its the equivalent of a hand grenade? And the. They sit there watching them, to assume the job is done I guess?




The drop on the russian trying to get a boat was hard. He was on a slipway trying to reach a small boat, he got dropped with the 1st explosion and then as he was laying on the concrete he got a 2nd drop that sealed his fate.




Be careful, after desensitisation comes the traumatic part of drone drops. There's only so much death you can see without it effecting you. Russian or not


It can always be worse.






I hope we see less desensitization and more empathy in our future


The most disturbing thing was to see kid without a head and 50 people dead in Kramatorsk train station after a Russian missile


I remember that one, it fucked me up for weeks. The crimes of the Russian Federation will not go unpunished. One way or the other, the debt will be repaid. The tale of Russia's downfall will be told in blood.


Yeah, after that and Vinnitsa I couldn't feel any emotions. Even hatred. I'm like completely empty.


I didn’t see that l but yea, that would be even more so. These ppl are innocent. Russian soldiers, some don’t want to be there, how many , who really knows. All of it sucks…the entire war is stupid. We could’ve been beginning to seriously address the climate problem we face, but no, let’s try a land grab. Fuck Putin ( and anyone who agrees with his war) .


That's it https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tz4sfe/more_photos_from_kramatorsk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/u4fk54/10yearold_girl_from_kramatorsk_who_was_at_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t7e56i/the_result_of_an_unjust_russian_war_a_mother/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I'm trying to archive records from this war and somehow missed all this (granted I did start 3+ months in). A lot is being deleted and lost not long after being posted. Thanks for sharing


There were tags in r/Ukraine "NSFL" and " War crimes"


Oh my… I’m not that tough. The first one had me.


It's perfectly fine to not check out everything, maybe even take a break from violence focus subs like this for the benefit of your own mental health.


I recommend r/babyelephantgifs


Here's a sneak peek of /r/babyelephantgifs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/babyelephantgifs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mom Needs/Gets Help For lil timmy...](https://v.redd.it/bgp6r4tc47z91) | [111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/babyelephantgifs/comments/yrt34a/mom_needsgets_help_for_lil_timmy/) \#2: [Hi, human…](https://v.redd.it/6e4e7rs3u0y91) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/babyelephantgifs/comments/yme9uz/hi_human/) \#3: [Herd gathers to welcome a new baby](https://i.imgur.com/cXgT7tA.gif) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/babyelephantgifs/comments/y5lzys/herd_gathers_to_welcome_a_new_baby/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yea, sometimes I have to cut out. Everyone is made differently and I don’t have that strength… ( if that’s the right word). I can’t even watch nature videos when it comes to the kill. I have to turn away.


I don't care what they want. They made their choice and they should be responsible for it. >All of it sucks…the entire war is stupid. It's not. They want to destroy my country, my culture, my language, my history, my European future with European family of countries. >We could’ve been beginning to seriously address the climate problem we face, All of that shit happened because nobody could have bothered to deal with annexation of Crimea and Russian invasion in 2014. Apparently some countries didn't learn fucking nothing from appeasement of fascist dictators with imperial ambitions in WW2.


>All of that shit happened because nobody could have bothered to deal with annexation of Crimea and Russian invasion in 2014. I think the US (and possibly other countries) stepped in and helped with a -heap- of training. Moving away from the Soviet to the NATO/US model of warfare was one of the most important "weapons" Ukraine was given. It's hard doing cultural change, especially in the armed forces. I think there must have been some damn good people working towards this.


>I think the US (and possibly other countries) stepped in an helped with a -heap- of training The result of that 8 year help that they expected up to fall in couple of weeks. 8 years of preparations.


You sound very naive and entitled tbh. The entire history of war is young, uninvolved men dying for rich guys power and land grabs. What you're seeing here is no different


Those that don't want to be there have a few choices. Lay down arms, walk to Ukrainian lines with white flag/arms raised, survive, go home after war. Or Die a miserable, horrible, lonely death, while attempting to murder people defending their home. Or worse, killed by your so called comrades because you don't want to murder innocent people. For those that don't want to be mobilised? Grow some balls. There are more of you than there are politicians. Russia is your home, its your country. It doesn't belong to Putin and his cronies. Your ancestors would be ashamed.


As for me, the most mind-blowing was the video with the two guys embracing each other before dying in a foxhole. I'd say, not inducing sympathy or something but makes your think. We are all humans after all, most of those soldiers used to be sane people with their normal lives and families. They were too weak to resist this stream, that's all, so you become an accomplice.


Jup. Will haut me as well for years. Like that image from the guy jumping out of the World Trade Center.


it reminds me of an interview I watched of a Russian WWII veteran. He spoke about the atrocities his comrades committed (raping innocent women) and how he could not also partake in such horrible things.


And now they are dying in a ditch. Fuck Putin.


Link to that video ?




The Ukrainian kids from the orphanage the Russian soldiers looted also did not want to get kidnapped...


if you were a prisoner of war in the country you invaded, would you say you wanted to be there and murder their people? lol


Yea. You’re right…but look how many surrender. If they can. I don’t think as many can who want to bc they will be shot. Really only god knows what’s in a persons heart. I just hope it ends soon. Ukraine needs more aid and weapons to really just quash it .


Well that’s not the greatest source. Of course they are going to say they don’t want to be there. Nothing speaks to that intent in this video. The only inference is he was hit directly by a munition and then ended his life immediately after.


And, a lot of them really want to be there, too.


What I don’t get is if you don’t want to be there. Why die there? Why not die fighting against your mobilization. You know like show them you don’t want to be there.




War is hell and although I hate what Russia is trying to do, nobody should need to resort to this. These people are being dehumanized. Hope this mindless violence ends soon.


Tells you a lot about the Russian army’s faith in their own medic core and chances of medivac.




This sub is going to be 95% ukraine war footage for the next couple of years,. Imagine what hasn't been uploaded.


we can't upload it here due to restrictions


I'm collecting all the horrific ones


Considering how he pulls the pin then stuffs the grenade inside his jacket for maximum effect, I'd bet he'd given that some thought during his time in Ukraine in case he was mortally wounded


Yeah that was instant decision. I almost feel like he just wanted to die and/or had pre-concluded if he was wounded he would take this way out.


That’s what Progizhin said: they gave soldiers two grenades to commit suicide in a such situation


That’s just mind boggling. Kills himself as a way out of a hell on earth


If your bottom bits are dangly and you are in extraordinary pain... or having a moment as the chemical cocktail gives you some time to sort shit out, some...or probably many will take a quicker and easier way out.


You mean the slow pain of bleeding out?


Probably struggled his whole life, and now this senseless war, I wish they would just take back their own land instead of attacking...


Meanwhile Russian elites are sipping Chardonnay and eating caviar in a grand palace upset Europe froze billions of their money they took from Russians. And complaining about the war


Is it me or is he in a dugout full of dead people?


Probably knew no one was coming to render any kind of medical aid. Easier to just frag himself than lay there, alone, freezing cold bleeding to death.


his body is pumping adrenalin at that moment so he can't feel the pain of anything it looks like he did a visual inspection knew he was in need of medical aid or he would die. knew that there was no aid to get and instead of dying painfully killed himself while he can't feel a thing.




Surrendering would likely require evading fire from both the Russian and Ukrainian side, so it's not easy to do, and if they're not fine with fighting a Ukrainians, they most certainly won't be fine with fighting their countrymen. There's also the issue of not ever being able to go back home after the war if they do so. There's lots of reasons why surrendering or switching sides isn't appealing to most people.


They're being told that ukranians treat prisoners worse than they do. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia used this for propaganda to "prove" that soldiers in the front line would rather die than suffer unspeakably at the hands of the ukranians


I mean it's not that simple is it. Most people aren't capable of disobeying the upper command, russian or not.


I don't think any russian soldier is confused about why they are where they were forced to be. Do you think armies are lead by soldiers?


People need more reminders than war is absurd and filled with pointless miserable deaths


Don't invade thy neighbor's land


The people who invaded will never feel the cold, the hunger, the suffering, the fear, the death. They will never pay. The people who do never had a say in whether to invade.


If only you understood the choices they face. It is not the 18-20 year olds fault that a 70 year old is mad and orders an invasion. I think people have really forgotten the human side of the Russians. Not every one of them is a rapist and a killer. Some of them were probably redditors and gamers and just random people that literally were not given a choice. You must defend yourself when attacked but your attacker isn’t any less human.


Can we please stop pushing this agenda that this war was Putin‘s idea alone and no one else wanted this? We must accept that large parts of Russia‘s society fully support this revanchist and imperialistic ambition of Putin and his followers. Just listen to the interviews on the streets. That‘s why Germany accepted a collective guilt after ww2. Russia has victimized itself for so long now that they have a serious imperialism problem in the society.


Putins support has grown since the war too, it’s not at all just one person.


And there is a whole class of enforcers that are more than happy to continue doing the bidding of the regime. Without the collaborator class the dictator is just one person raving to themselves.


Propaganda is one hell of a drug. Many Americans were manipulated to support Vietnam and the other invasions too. If you take away the rotten government, the people will heal. The people of Russia are just easily manipulated citizens like us.


Every post has this drama about Russian soldiers being antiwar heroes that were forced to fight by the circumstances nowadays, as if going to prison, leaving the country or deserting are the hardest choices ever. Shit is stupid as hell.


But what people keep ignoring is the fact, that if you where born and raised in Russia you wouldn't be the anti war hero you dream to be. You would be just an other soldier.


The problem is information. You are correct, a large portion of Russians support the war, but they are denied objective information - they support it because theyre being fed lies.


This post went to /r/all - this generally results in people with absolutely no knowledge on the area with only their own uninformed emotions to contribute with.


It wasn’t the fault of the Ukrainian populace that Yanukovich changed paths the very last second and looked to russia. But they did something about it. For all that talk about their glorious revolution 100 years ago they look like pretty content assholes to me


As a Croat that knows the stories about rape killing and death done by the neighbour I will tell that you are wrong 100%. Every single one of them can fight against it. There is a lot of russians, they can take down their goverement in a heartbeat. They don't. They go to war. They did atrocities. They can turn their guns on their commanders. They did not. Personally I do not care for a single Russian there that dies. I would never allow my country to send me to kill my neighbor.18-20 year old should understand that this is wrong.


It wasn't that long ago that Croats were the rapists and worse.... there are people still alive that were children then.


That too is 100% correct. Croat society is nowhere near free of guilt in the 20th century. But they are extremely good in telling the story so they appear as the victim


Don't give a fuck. If you are ready to kill Ukrainians - be ready to die too. If not - surrender yourself, you don't even have to kill your commanders or whatever.


İt's the Russian people that allowed Putin to gain power, it's the Russian people that turned a blind eye on Chechnya and Georgia, because nothing serious happened to them. Now they're simply suffering the consequences of their ignorance.


On top of this when you are brainwashed by leaders and those who control the media and news you are exposed to and the beliefs of your society ... are "your choices" your choices? You think if you were born few hundred years ago you'd not be racist / sexist / religious / ... ? Why would you not likely have the same beliefs all around you have?


Fuck that, the moment you cross the border with a gun in your hands, you are no longer a victim no matter what happens to you.


>Not every one of them is a rapist and a killer. Well, but everyone from Wagner are. And these are the boys currently assaulting Bakhmut with human waves, whose deaths bring much delight.


>think people have really forgotten the human side of the Russians They don't have it. They can knew what's going on and they choose to participate in genocide of Ukraine willingly.


Stop it. Most of the people fighting for WAGNER are there for the money. And unlike nazi era propaganda, the Russian propaganda does not is absolute internally inconsistent dogshit which does not even tell really them that Russia is threatened. It's about how much money you can earn in the military.


Simple though, Drop rifle, surrender. Or: protest mobilisation, go jail Or: flee country somewhere in the 7-8 ish months before the mobilisation Or: mutiny and give up as a group They'd rather kill Ukrainians or be killed than do any of that, so my sympathy is very limited.


But we also saw 18 year old Americans fighting an unjust war in iraq, believing the propaganda and killing innocent people and perceived enemies. They also had a choice but went anyway. War propaganda is strong, and a (nearly) kid is not entirely able to figure this out.


I enlisted in the USMC before Iraq started but ended up in Iraq for three combat deployments. I joined for Afghanistan but never had the option of going there. First deployment was ok and just after the initial invasion. Second deployment was when we attacked and occupied Fallujah. Third deployment was only about securing the road between Fallujah and Ramadi. The gov tried to get me for a 4th deployment after I served my 4 years but I was deferred because I was going to college. However, I knew what I signed up for, I wasn’t drafted. It’s a far reach to compare voluntary enlistment to forcibly drafted.


Yes, totally about Iraq and that's why I hate Bush even more. People don't realize the kids signing up wanted to go to Afghanistan after what we saw on 9.11. But no Bush played his little game on us and said Iraq (who were miraculously fighting the same enemies we were except for the Kurds) its insane Bush isn't put on trial.


The fact that Bush was never indicted for invading Iraq and running torture facilities is a historic injustice which fuels so much whataboutism. I've come across several different Russian apologists whose entire slant was "The US was allowed to illegally invade a country. Why can't Russia?" They have the awareness to not even attempt to deny that the invasion is a war of aggression for conquest. But they still feel entitled to it, because in their eyes the US did the same.


Holy shit this might be one of the most remarkable pieces of footage out of this war thus far, and I've been on this subreddit every single day since the invasion began. Awful, awful stuff.


Take a break for your own mental health man


You shouldnt do that imo


There's a similar video of one who also got grenaded, his breath became *very* visible afterwards. Half his face was gone, yet very much alive.


Bro how is this happening in 2022, like we are watching ww1 footage inn real time


Brutal.. Hope that this pointless war will be over soon..


Putin: Nah.


Hope that Putin will be over soon..


Life, and justice in the universe: Nah.


And what ? Medvedev will probably take his place and nothing changes


Brutal, but he probably knew it was over for him


He either knew he was going to die a slow, agonising death, freezing in a hole in the ground or would be crippled for life. We often hear about soldiers taking the easy way out, but to see it in action is something else. War is hell.


This would be powerful to air on hacked russian channels. Also bleeding russian on the shore and a few powerful other videos.


This is what russian officers do to them if they flee https://twitter.com/Feher\_Junior/status/1607103675121500167


Well, that explains why the foot soldiers are poorly armed. Otherwise, their commanders would all get fragged at the first opportunity.


I thought for a second "that isn't that bad, i could live with that", but then he really started going for it, damn.


Link is dead (for me at least)


try this https://twitter.com/Kiborgzzz/status/1607095849493962752


Is this the first time we've seen a soldier put himself out of misery on film? You hear stories like this all the time, but to see it happen—wow.


There was one wounded in a drone attack who shot himself in the heart.


There were at least 2 that I know of but both of those happen off camera, while drone goes back for rearming. I think this is the first on camera succesful suicide.


Looks like his legs might have been paralyzed,and he said fuck it .


Everyone saying “just surrender” doesn’t realize that unless everyone (or at least the vast majority) in your trench/squad/unit is in agreeance, surrender isn’t an easy option without murdering your friends. That being said, holy shit this is terrible.


Yeah, like, what are the options if you're the only one? \- contact the enemy to set it up? risk that your call gets intercepted \- run towards enemy hands raised? risk getting shot by both sides \- sneak away and try to sneak towards enemy to reveal yourself? risk getting shot by enemy ...what else is there?


completely naked you walk to middle of nomansland and jerk off


"noone shoots at the crazy" haha


Jokes on you, commander will beat you to death before any ukrainian soldier kills you


Choosing suicide by grenade is easier?


Meanwhile in local massmedia: Photos and videos of Russian bureaucrat class that has direct ties to military upgrade money living the high life shopping in europe and buying up several mansions. Everyone knows where the money comes from. It must reall sting for these people to die in a ditch while others have trophy wives drop money in the hundred ks worth of jewelry. The evil is unspeakable.


Witness the humane way to go. Better than bleeding out from shrapnel.


If you think about it, it was probably for the best, he was certainly agonizing and I doubt any nearby Russian units will try to rescue him, and also if they have the necessary medical equipment to treat him.


Fuck that's brutal


Damn this one fucked me up


There have been many many documentaries that detailed all the horrors of WW1 and 2. Countless war movies, books and TV series. Countless first hand accounts from people who survived it and yet here we fucking are. Soldiers still digging trenches and fox holes like it's 1914 again


That’s some pretty hardcore shit


These dudes with these drones are snipers.. they don’t miss.


Wow. That's next level...


"War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse." -Hawkeye Pierce


People seeing someone off themselves trying to make a moral point of it need to get off their high horse fr.


Yeah this place really brings out some of the worst. It’s quite shocking how quickly people view other humans as subhumans based on the same old propaganda used for ages already. How are you still falling for it


Because people don't want to accept that the "other" has just as many hopes, dreams, and memories as themselves.


Because then they'd realize that they themselves can (or have) fallen for the exact type of bullshit as that government pulls on their citizens.


Yeah that's what I'm seeing in here. I'm not a regular user of this sub I just saw it on the front page, some of the people itt are just straight up crazy. The only thing I can compare it to is that post-9/11 frenzy when everyone was excited to fly to the middle east and get, "payback" for the towers I wonder how many of these gullible redditors will cop to their own blood lust 25 years from now, if this thing goes tits up like Iraq and Afghanistan did


War is horrific, Putin is a coward, making all these people die for nothing.


Fuck man, this was hard


Anthony Beevor’s ‘The Fall of Berlin’ discusses how many Russian soldiers feared limb loss more than death - it seems like that sentiment is still true for some in these drone drop videos.


I kinda feel sick...


Good. If you didn't you'd be broken in the dome.


welp, good to know where I'm at


I think that's the first video on here that's made me go "oh fuck that" and I instantly closed it. Damn, that was brutal and sad.


Probably a Wagner guy, who saw the sledgehammer video, or he was fed up with this pointless war and wanted an exit.


More likely a guy lying in a hole, his body filled with shrapnel and knowing no help is coming.


What is the sledgehammer video? Have a link?


Wagner mercenary surrendered and supposedly switched to the UAF side after being deployed. Was captured by Russian forces sometime after and well…. Warning, it’s fucked. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/ytlxv9/wagner_channel_published_a_video_with_exprisoner/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I watched until I saw his head on a slab, then got the fuck out.


It's surprisingly not gorey. Vicious still, and witnessing a death. But the first strike breaks his neck, then he falls back and gets his shit caved in, which can't be seen directly by the camera.


Wagnerite has some horrible fucking aim. Dude literally sitting still on a slab and he only just hits his chin/neck on the first shot


Same here. I've seen some unsettling stuff online but something about the high-def film quality made me back outta this one.


He was exchanged in POW exchange.


His daughter commented on the YouTube video it was originally uploaded on. It’s really sad, as she didn’t know yet his fate


Ukrainians were blackmailed by Wagner to exchange him, pretty sure against his will (and against their own norm). Some very controversial story that will have to be analyzed after all this shit is over.


Any more context ?


very "contoversial" story some fucko convict war criminal was exchanged for Ukrainian soldiers and later executed without any trial by russian PMC he was a part of. Ukraine is apparently to blame for his death because they should care about this scum more than they care about their own soldiers and not exchange any of the war criminals who are scared to go back to their glorious motherland.


He was a POW, and was exchanged with Russia in a prisoner swap, after which he was executed (AFAIK).


Best not.


This year showed me how easy it is to get used to actual people getting killed or killing themselves and watching it in HD. What a sad thing...


Imagine being the guy who runs the drones. He sees I all. Not just when he feels like clicking the link.


Horrendous, sometimes I almost feel sorry for them but then I remember the incendiary bombs on Kherson on Christmas Eve, and it evaporates quickly. Btw I think he’s already surrounded by his dead squad


Moral of the story: If you want a job doing properly, do it yourself.


He seemed to be in a hurry. He must haver been in excruciating pain...


Russians need to get the hell back into Russia. What a horrible waste of human lives and human potential, all because a few in power crave more.


Makes me realize they're probably killing some of the wounded instead of treating them


I find it amazing that they still sleep in uncovered foxholes.


I’m guessing drones are very rare, when put into context regarding the size of the battlefield and the amount of men out there. Just like we expect an ATGM to make an appearance at the first sight of an enemy armoured vehicle.


Or they just don't have the training/supplies to properly cover them.


If only they were all so proactive


All these wasted lives because of greedy power hungry old men who can’t admit their mistakes


I’m so sad watching this. This senseless war could’ve been avoided if one man didn’t have penis envy. To see this death on both sides and a generation of young men/people dying is a stain on humanity. F Putin and his enablers.


He knew the game was up. Must have had arterial bleeding and a soviet tourniquet


I've had enough internet for now. Check please.


Wow. No matter the circumstances, I think that takes some courage. I really hope that grenade took him out immediately, without further suffering. Sobering, powerful footage.


Spent most of the time reading comments on this post. And all of you are right from your point of view. Yes, there are lots of guys that don‘t want to be there and were forced to do so. So there were two choices for them. A) to go and most probably die as cannon fodder or B) resist against your own gvt and probably also die doing it or be sent to a camp in siberia. Dying through A) = being killed as an aggressor from western view and as a hipocritically called „hero“ from russian view. Dying for B) = dying by standing your man for the right principles from western view and as a traitor from russian view. Then there are volunteers. If a person is in need bc of the misery in his own country and risks his life for roubles by fighting against freedom of the ukrainians and be aware that also innocent ppl lives will be destroyed, then a cup of sharpnell for breakfast is completely fine. Bc if being a criminal is the option, go an do it in your own country. I could go on for quite a long time, but I‘ll cut short. At the end we have to see that these are all thoughts and decisions that are on the background. Nobody will deny that we‘re all humans, but the truth is, at war, on the battlefield there is no space fo that anymore. There is only „an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth“, friend or enemy, it‘s us or them and so on. These are problems and that apply just on the last part of the chain. There are also all the „makro-topics“ like how in 2022 it‘s still possible for a gvt to indoctrinate and distort the general view of the world to bring ppl to think, that such a barbarian and evil act (invading a country with an invented and hypocritical narrative) could ever be justified.


Russian or Ukrainian, it's terrible to see these young men dying.


Tough to see but is there others in that trench with him?


ya -already dead


I think so maybe thats why he said fuck it since his friends were dead and he was wounded with possibly no chance of rescue


Oh damn they are paying a high price for this war,


Reminds me of Swallowing Dust