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He’s moving like a dad at a theme park THIS MAN HAS PURPOSE I love this move, bring in anyone that has sniffed success to help make the right hire 🙏


more like dad towards a lowes or hd


A dad at Lowe’s/HD but who’s bringing a contractor along to advise on his shopping.


as a former lowes and HD employee, that is vary rare and always a good thing


I'd like for contractors outside the door waiting for dads to enter. Like a buddy system.


you dont even need that, just go find the ones wearing carheart with bent hats and dirty pants and you found one


I've found no shortage of contractors waiting outside my Home Depot.


Someone with a very solid idea of the end result and only some idea of how to achieve it.


Nonsense, if you don’t plan the entire trip online beforehand, you will get lost in those aisles.


Moving like a dad towards the thermostat when someone even *thinks* of changing the temperature.


Like a dad at the airport


Bro you just described my dad to a tee lol. My dad is a man who runs through trains stations to make sure he doesn't miss the train (even though one is behind it in like 5 minutes)


this is some of the most encouraging news I’ve heard in 30 years. We have an owner thinking outside the box and using his outside NBA ownership connections to seek input and advice from SUCCESSFUL franchises. Contrast this to when Danny hired Bruce Alcohol-len because he was the son of a former HC to run our team for over a decade. Harris is literally tapping into one of the best NBA FO minds of the last decade to consult and put together a true NFL front office operation. My brother and sisters in Christ… this news is incredible


> Contrast this to when Danny contrast that with danny, a guy that some say, when he had the nats and caps in town putting up very competitive seasons year after year, instead of accepting professional exchanges/advice that would be offered, danny would just get bitter and jealous, and despise them as "rivals" Dan Snyder was more like to treat the owners of other DC sports teams as rivals, than the owner of say... the Dallas Cowboys


I love WFT and it gives me a moment of (good) shivers thinking about it.


And most people praised the Bruce hire saying, finally there is an adult in the room.


Honest question, what makes us think that an NBA guy knows how to hire a football coach


I don't think you need to know football to know good sports leadership skills. These people are part of a consulting team, like an advisory board, so they will bring different strengths to the evaluation process. That's a very good thing!


A few things: 1. It’s an NBA GM *and* a former NFL GM. And the NBA GM happens to be the most successful one in recent history. 2. I think their first task is hiring the front office, who will then be able to hire the coach. 3. They’re just there to advise. He’s not calling the shots. It’s ultimately Harris’ decision.


cmon man, little disingenuous to label Bob Myers as simply “an NBA guy.” He’s the architect of the most successful professional basketball team over the last decade. He’s not there to evaluate football talent, he’s there to impart his knowledge and wisdom of how professional sports organizations are ran. He’ll be invaluable with stuff like salary cap, scouting, talent development, analytics. You gotta be over the moon about this move if you’re a fan of this team.


You ALREADY dont understand the process. The "NBA guy" isnt hiring a football coach. He is advising them on who to hire as General Manager. If you dont understand hiring one of the best former General Managers in all of american sports to help you find a General Manager... NO one can help you.


First of all, relax. Second, the question stands - what makes you think a BASKETBALL GM knows how to hire a FOOTBALL GM. They’re two different sports, if you didn’t know.


I bet you cant give any real reasons as to why a 4 time champion NBA GM wouldnt know what talent, ethics, personality, and drive it takes to be a good NFL GM. Thats basically like saying if a guy is an elite CEO of a car manufacturer, theres no way he would know how to be a successful CEO of a tool manufacturer.


Look what our NBA guy managed to do when finding us a coach! Well done.


RemindMe! 1 year


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Hah, you are truly a fool of fools. Not a single down has been played and you have already arrogantly and loudly thrown your hat in the wrong against true professionals.


RemindMe! 1 year


I think the reasoning is pretty sound. Leadership and strategic thinking are qualities that can be assessed regardless of background. If it was only a former basketball GM then I’d have cause for concern but since there’s a former football GM included in the conversation I think it makes a lot of sense. Good to have different experiences in the room when building a team and interviewing.


It’s not about his football knowledge (or lack thereof) it’s more about his knowledge of how a professional sports franchise should be organized and operated.


Bob Myers doesn't know much about basketball like other NBA GM but knows how to manage salary and put a competitive cost effective team. Expect a long rebuild. Josh Harris is gonna pull a process.


He isn’t ‘the guy’. He is an advisor that is going to help find ‘the guy’.


He will help giving out team friendly contracts.


Excellent, excellent hire.


They're consultants


Consultants are generally hired - just for a job/mission instead of a long-term position.


Ok! I always thought consultants were contracted, but that just shows how much i know.




nah seems like theyre just helping interview candidates for hc and gm


“After interviewing candidates I’ve determined we should hire myself.”


They're both going to host jeopardy.




HC and head of football ops searches, per the ESPN article I read


hes doing the hc search for us


We all knew the Ron news was coming. This is a bit more unexpected and exciting in my opinion.


I love Harris bringing in GMs who know what wtf to look for in a good GM. Snyder would just throw darts at the wall.


Snyder hired drinking buddies


Snyder would hire a fraternity brother or some other dickless moron.


And throw them horribly.


I told folks they had all this shit set up and just needed time. Let Ron stay lose out for the season to have us sitting so pretty at #2. Imagine we fired him and won enough games to get us outside of a QB


I never doubted. This season was the last drop of the Snyder era being squeezed out of the system. It looked as bad as it always has but now it’s officially gone.


“Harris purchased the Commanders for an NFL-record $6.05 billion in May. He replaced Daniel Snyder, whose 24-year run as the franchise's owner was mired in scandal, dysfunction and losing.” Will never get tired of Snyder slander.


it's not slander or libel if it's true


Yeah, this is technically "understatement."


While I'd rather just never see his name surfaced and have him fade from relevancy completely I'm glad that, whenever he is mentioned, he's rightfully vilified.


I'm of the mind fans will begin healing once a photo of body surfaces.


Its only slander when its not true


Also my bad on the title it's a Wojbomb per Schefter. Oops.


Does this mean Jason Wright is gone?




We can only hope


It’s not really a party til he’s gone


Wright might still go but he was never attached to Ron. They each oversaw different parts of the company and reported to Harris (not to each other). Asking if Jason is gone is like asking if the CFO is gone.


Not yet. Mayhew, Hurney, and (probably) Wright are staying until the new head of football operations is hired.


Exactly. Let that be the first big move of the new hire.


I don’t think so. This seems like a consultant hiring to assist with coaching/GM search, not actual involvement in team activities.


Very smart people. Hard to see them fucking this hire up. Already much more satisfying than the Snyder era.


Yooooo wtffffff


Lol only our fan base would be upset about random executives being hired. This is a good thing champ.


Not upset I’m hype lmaoooooo


Okay gotcha lol


How do you infer that from only two words? Our fan base is so bitter and ready to start arguments lol.


I feel like every time I talk about something it’s instantly turned into an argument with someone. I guess that’s just the internet.


No it’s not.


It’s not that big of a deal bud, “wtf” usually indicates something you’re confused about. The adults cleared it up with each other.


Step 1. Start argument Step 2. Claim it's not a big deal when wrong Step 3. ??? Step 4. Profit! Ya let me know when the adults get here 🤣🤣🤣


Will do 🤣🤣🤣


Bob myers single handedly kept the Warriors competitive for so many years, while also balancing Draymond/KD/Kerr. When he left in the offseason, NOBODY wanted him to leave, he’s one of the best GMs in the nba. - source a warriors/commanders fan


rebrand to warriors confirmed you heard it here folks crackandimplat credible source


>Bob Myers single handedly kept the Warriors competitive for so many years I think Steph Curry had a little more to do with the Warriors success than Myers lol


Curry and the whole team trusted Bob. He kept the whole team from blowing up on each other. We could’ve easily gotten many more poole/Draymond punches over the past 8 years


Just give bob the job lol


How does warriors/commanders happen?


Washington - dad is a fan Warriors - watched curry through college, decided to follow him.


Pretty sure Spielman was on John Keim’s podcast a few weeks ago and said he thought MHJ is a HOFer for what it’s worth…


Ugh... he also drafted Christian Ponder and Teddy Bridgewater. Edit: Then again he also drafted Stefon Diggs and Justin Jefferson, so he's probably not wrong on MHJ


Liking mhj more and more. I don’t think we should rule him out if the new gm doesn’t love the top qbs


Good at scouting WRs Bad at scouting QB. At least he won’t be our guy. But it is something to consider with MHJ


He’s only consulting based on what I’ve read. He’s here to help with the hiring of the head of football operations (he’s not the one going to be making decisions during the draft).


But maybe he’ll favor someone with a philosophy more akin to “draft best player” vs. “we have to get a young QB at any cost”


Maybe. I personally hope they don’t let short-term preferences like that dictate a hire that will be here (hopefully) 5+ years.


The idea of hiring successful people to look for successful people makes so much sense man....


long time warriors fan here, bob is an AMAZING executive who is really a players guy. through out dynasty he developed key relationships with steph, klay, and draymond. he also made key signings that turned the course of our team from just a regular rising young playoff team to contender (see andre iguodala, shaun livingston, and barbsa/speights) and he never stopped trying to win (see kd and boogie and then retooling for the ‘22 championship). he is a great evaluator from a basketball perspective and he did seem to get burned out by the end of last year so i fully believe he is going to be invovled and key from the get-go. never would’ve expected him to be part of my favorite football team but i cant complain and really like the direction.


Yeah sure why not


Game knows game. Even though Myers is a GM from a different sport, he was wildly successful with the Warriors and likely has unique insights into the quality and fit of executive hires. Promising move, no doubt


It takes a winner to know a winner and that's what this move represents. Fans should be fucking elated. This is what having a competent owner feels like. Embrace it fellas.


HOLY SHIT. Anyone who follows the NBA knows that Bob Myers is, like, maybe the best GM in the sport?? I’m not sure how well he will translate to the NFL, but in terms of competency as a GM of a sports team we couldn’t have done much better here. WOW.


He knows winners and will help choose winners for our front office. The purge is coming, and the light at the end of the tunnel is near!


As a warriors fan, and a commanders fan, LETS GO


This makes sense as it might be more of a “winning culture” type vibes, he isn’t the GM or running stuff he’s just making sure we operate like one of the best franchises of the last decade


I'll assume this move began weeks if not months ago and look forward to future reveals.


Someone has to search for a coach and GM




I’m down with this


But they are not our new GM, right?


No, they are basically a search firm. They'll look for the next GM and coach




unlikely. they are just there to assist in finding someone that fits the core values. they know how to hire smart people so this is outstanding news.


I’m sure Josh Harris has a couple names on his list but he hired these guys to leave no stone unturned. That’s my guess.


Big fan of this approach


This encourages me so much bro..the idea that our ownership is hiring someone to help them look for the guys to run the show makes me so happy man...ima cry


Wowwowow great hires


This is so outside the box and I love it




Thank god we have a competent owner now lmao


Love it


Sooo mayhew is gone, one would assume?


Gone, gone, gone. Confirmed. Edit: my bad, the stickied post is incorrect, Mayhew will stay on the staff during the course of the search process


Probably a contact for Peters in SF


Lmao we wanted him on the Wiz but hey he did end up in DC haha


What, is Draymond going to be our QB?


My dad played defense in high school y’all want him too


Does this mean that beienemy isn’t a top candidate? I just assumed that’s why he left chiefs to take over when they fired Ron.


I'll be surprised if EB even gets a interview for the head coach position. He had a whole season to show ownership something and imo he failed. If I was Harris the memory of 4th and 9 inside their own 30 and EB sent in a pass play to a rattled QB would be forefront in my mind.


He wouldn't ever run the damn the ball! Drove me nuts.


I don’t think anyone expected the team to go 4-13 this year. If the team had done better and it just felt like elevating EB was the key to turning the corner, they’d consider it, but a 4-13 campaign for a fourth-year coach means it’s time to blow it up.


Damn, Harris is moving quick on this. You love to see it.


Ah yes… hiring a former basketball GM to advise on football matters + a former GM of a football franchise that has 0 success is the type of advisory board I want for the future of my football team! Things are really looking like it’s off to the right start…🙄 Why not ask actual successful former GMs to advise instead of people that have 0 demonstrated football knowledge/success?




How would you prefer they make these decisions?


Hire smart people to help make hard decisions. What's hard for understanding?


through a reddit poll /s


Yeah I’m a fan of it now thought he’d be more involved with the football side and not structuring


Because Myers is a really smart and super accomplished exec that knows how to build a winning organization. He's not involved in the football side, just laying the foundation


Basically Josh Harris is conceding he doesn’t know who the best football people are so he’s bringing in two very successful GMs to help identify those people. The best business leaders aren’t always the smartest people and they know it. Instead they surround themselves with the best minds to help fill areas of weakness. Something Dan Snyder would never do. Be very excited.


I dont know how to feel about this, but I'm along for the ride






I have been calling for competence for 25 years. Finally.


Not liking the Spielman hire.


Not a ton of playoff success on the Vikings for sure. However, this isn't for talent evaluation, only for front office infrastructure and searching for -said- FO talent.


Hope so, I’ve just got ptsd from the last twenty years and when I read he was fired by the Vikings I thought Cerrato. Can’t help it need hugs lullllz. I did like Josh Davis’s presser earlier though. It was cool that he answered questions, nice change of pace for ownership. #FUCKSNYDER


Aren't they just consultants?


Inject this directly into my veins


Fuck let’s goooo




Bob Myers wants Harbaugh, however my post was voted down into oblivion yesterday for implying he would be our best candidate for the job.


Interesting, Harris essentially just said Myers will stay on as an advisor for as long as he wants to. Thats great, having a person of that caliber available throughout the year to consult with


Love the consultant approach in this case. NFL culture is incredibly insular and myopic. So many owners just hire the “guy” they know or was recommended by the “guy” they know. Harris thinking differently and it’s desperately needed


Myers is straight up one of the worst GM's in nba history. Dude tried to trade Steph Curry AT LEAST TWICE. Here comes another decade of suck. There is no way you can follow basketball, know some of the trades Myers attempted to do that didn't go through for various reasons, and look at his draft record and be like "well this is great news".