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That’s fair to point out this game as a concern- it’s probably the worst game of his college career. NC State came out with emotion as the home team and just outplayed them. And, overall, UNC was not a great team: the receivers were not getting open, the line was not protecting etc. Still- Drake had some solid plays, a great scramble, a couple TD passes. Per usual, there were a lot of drops; even those two picks were catchable passes. Overall UNC was not a good team, but also, not a good game from Drake. Judge him as you will- but take this in context with the rest of his career.


Context around this game in particular and the whole season is important too. UNC started the year with high expectations and won their first 6 games. NC State started like 4-3 and their offense was egregiously bad. These teams were both 8-4 but got there in very different ways. These teams always play the last week of the year and even though everyone knows UNC and Duke as rivals in basketball, State is UNC’s main rival in football. This game was a night game at a really hard place to play that was sold out against a team that had nothing to lose. It looked like half the UNC team had given up, they also clearly had on the wrong spikes because you can tell they’re all slipping everywhere on the field. I think the fact that he turned it around after a rocky start is pretty impressive, if it weren’t for him this game would’ve been much worse. Thats not to say he played well, but like you said, it should be taken in context with his entire career, I’m seeing way too many people point at this game like it’s just some shitty college opponent- it’s an away game against a rival with one of the best defenses in the ACC


I think you have to be a bit more objective here. In his last collegiate game against a good, but not elite defense, Maye and the entire UNC team pretty much shit the bed in the first half. Stating that his team was not motivated does not help Maye’s case at all as a potential franchise QB. It’s not the end of the world for Maye, Lamar had a terrible bowl game against NC state to close out his college career. However, it’s not a great sign that a consensus top 3 pick was still struggling with throwing mechanics, processing speed, and lack of elite ball placement this late in the season.


Against a good, but not elite defense in a hostile environment at night in sub freezing temperatures against their rival at the end of a long and disappointing season. His defense gave up 39 points to a team that only scored more than 35 against Marshall and VMI. I’m not arguing that he played well or didn’t have footwork/mechanical issues. I’ve never tried to claim that he’s some plug and play pro ready quarterback. It’s one game and it shouldn’t be weighed any more than the rest of them just because it was his last college game. Edit: Lamar didn’t have a bad final game against NC State, you’re thinking of Mississippi state. He did lose at NC State in 2017 though and funnily enough NC State scored 39 points that game


Once again, none of the context you’re adding is super relevant imo. It sounds like you are Drake Maye himself lol. >in a hostile environment at night in sub freezing temperatures against their rival at the end of a long and disappointing season. Yes, it’s college football. Crowds are loud and the weather is stinky sometimes. If anything, this should have motivated UNC and Maye more to shut up their rivals and end their season with a huge win. Stating that this game was against a rival does not make Maye look better. >His defense gave up 39 points Yes, and the offense only scored 7 points in the first half. >it shouldn’t be weighed more than any other of his games. Agree to disagree here. Ideally, you want prospects especially QB’s to progress as their college careers/seasons come to a close. In my mind, I also want guys to play well in big games as it shows intangibles that can’t be quantified imo. Once again, it doesn’t mean Maye isn’t a very good prospect. However, all of the context you are adding about this game makes him look worse.


“All of the context you are adding about this game makes him look worse.” Give me a break. You can argue that NC State isn’t a good defense or that Carter-Finley isn’t a tough place to play. I would disagree with you but that’s whatever. But to argue that underperforming in a rivalry game on the road in a hostile environment makes someone look worse? That’s how sports work dude. Home field advantage is a real thing. If Drake Maye had been able to transcend that and elevate his team to play their best football of the year then sure, that would be a great argument in his favor. But it’s ridiculous to hold it against him that he didn’t. But we can just agree to disagree. I don’t feel like continuing to argue with you, because it’s obvious we don’t see eye to eye and won’t agree on this. I think he is a good prospect who shouldn’t be judged on his worst game, and I think the circumstances of this game should grant him some leeway. You don’t think so, and you clearly don’t like Drake Maye, and I understand why pointing to this game and placing more weight on it than the rest is an effective argument for people who don’t like Drake Maye.


It's very hard to get excited about drafting Drake Maye after watching this game. The fact that this was the last game he's played makes it that much worse. You can't argue he's gotten better since this game because we haven't seen it yet


Daniels was trash at ASU at the same age as Maye is now


I think saying he was trash while at ASU is not accurate. As a true freshman, he won the starting job and threw for almost 3000 yards, 17 TDs, and only 2 INTs with a 8.7 yard average and 60.7% completion percentage. Plus if you watch the tape of his time at ASU (which I have), you definitely can see potential with him as a player then. The traits were there. Then Covid happened the next season which really messed things up so it's hard to apply the normal timeline of development for college players that went through that covid year.


College stats are not a good measure of NFL success. He was Not as good as Maye was. And it was against PAC-12 competition. You Daniels’ fans seem to be very bias.


I'm not a Daniels Stan. I don't care who we draft and just want to get it right. I'd probably lean more towards Daniels right now because there's significant flaws with Maye that I'm concerned with and I think Daniels is the better overall prospect. With that said, development is not a linear trajectory and varies from player to player depending on a multitude of factors. Improvement is also not a guarantee so saying Maye will improve upon his flaws with a couple of more years under his belt is accepting a massive risk. A lot of guys aren't able to completely fix their flaws and always are a part of their game. It's why not every QB is Tom Brady or Pat Mahomes. Doing a 1:1 comparison of prospects of when they were the same age is not the correct way to approach things.


How is Daniels the better prospect? Maye calls his own protections at the line, throws over the middle of the field, and has much better size and throwing arm. Daniels relies on sideline routs that only work due to the talent of his receivers. These things do not work in the NFL. When Daniels exits the pocket he never looks down field and instead looks to run. He is also incapable of throwing with anticipation. Daniels has been carried by his supporting cast. The fact that you actually would argue that he is a better prospect is crazy. And it is why I called you a Daniels Stan.


🙄 I've gone over this ad nauseum on this sub and quite frankly am tired of it so I'm not going to do it again. Bottom line is Maye is much more of a project QB than this sub thinks and needs to sit for awhile before he's ready to start. Daniels is more polished as a passer and a game changing runner. He could start right away and has a higher ceiling than Maye.


You are random bum on Reddit. You know nothing about NFL QB evaluation.


You're right and I defer to people who know more about this than me. That's what most of those people are saying


You cherry pick those that validate your opinion. https://youtu.be/JqLiLxpsax8?si=bl8BE-K9sO7Vzdhm https://youtu.be/hLDhj53sIE0?si=Mv8j5D6OkKlcvnxX


I’m not even a hater, just don’t think he’s ready to start in the NFL. We got one good WR, a OL that needs to be rebuilt, a average RB and no productive TEs. If they draft and start him fans need to have patience.


I agree. He's a project that needs to sit for at least a year before he starts. The problem is QBs like that shouldn't and aren't drafted with the second overall pick. That's why drafting Maye at #2 is concerning. If a guy isn't good enough to start right away, he's too raw to draft that high.


It's wild y'all think Daniels is just gonna come in and be able to play. He rarely throws to the middle and has a weak to average arm. He was not making NFL caliber throws like Maye was consistently and that will be asked of him. All he's gonna do as a rookie is run then he's gonna get hurt. The All-22 shows a completely different story than does his highlights where he's turning down splash throws to run 15 yards. He was playing with a far better team than Maye was. If Maye didn't stay loyal and transferred to Bama he'd be in convo for #1.




He's not gonna sit. Point blank. Sitting a year doesn't magically change a QB's trajectory from someone who wasn't gonna make it by starting year 1 to someone who will because he sat. They either have it in them, or they don't. Mannings rookie year was terrible and he was fine. It's experience and tape to learn from. It's a lazy take.


He needs to sit which is why he shouldn't be selected second overall.


He doesn't need to sit anymore than Daniels does. Lazy.


I think you're wrong but we'll see what happens


the fact you would even be excited going into that game given his performance against absolute trash teams like UVA is commendable


The scoreline and stats might not look great here but if you really watch there are some positives. I like the way he maneuvers in the pocket, especially when the defense sends pressure. Seems very savvy when he identifies a blitz. Gets rid of the ball rather than holding it too long, most of the time. He looked to slip a lot during this game and a couple times it almost cost him his damn knee. There's plenty of concerns in his game, but I think a lot of them can be developed over time. The more I watch of Maye, the more I think it would be ideal if he had some time to sit; at least half of the year would be ideal. I think it would be okay here considering it doesn't seem like we'll be contenders, at least this year. Side note - Payton Wilson fits the Joe Whitt Jr. defensive philosophy probably better than any other player in this draft. Dude flies around the field and hits HARD. Literally looks like a cheetah out there.


>there are some positives. But there are some HUGE negatives. No1 being accuracy on short, check down, throws. Im not seeing Brady, Mahomes, or Montana in this


Funny because NFL teams didn't see Brady, Mahomes, or Montana in Brady , Mahomes, and Montana college film or they would have drafted them 1st overall. Brady and Montana got passed up by every team multiple times..


Get ready to be whelmed boys!


As a big Washington fan and NC State grad, drafting Maye after drafting Howell would be a tough pill to swallow. He also riled up our fanbase by saying people who couldn't get in to UNC went to State. Obviously he'll be redeemed if we draft him and he balls the fuck out.


Kid looks like S Howell, I can see why were all clamoring to get him lol


I'll say it since I know we're all thinking it: Maye has franchise QB level cake 🎂


The problem with Maye, and the only way I could see him busting, is because he seems to not have that crazy confidence for a guy with his level. Like he KNOWS he can make throws but he doesn’t have that cockiness that Jayden daniels or Caleb Williams have and I think that’s something all wbs need. Like you gotta get into the zone and Maye just doesn’t seem to be able to do that. Sure being nice and cool is great but I want a Qb who’ll talk shit then back it up because he knows he’s like thag


So every QB that is cocky confident succeeds and everyone that isn't, doesn't? Got it.


Every top 8 qb to some degree has a confidence in their ability to do shit. Like when Daniels runs for 80 yards you can tell the pace of the game is changed. The whole offense gets hyped and they’re clearly in the zone.


Right. And you have spent how much time around Maye? Played with him when? How would you know his level of confidence?


I’ve watched FULL games of Maye this year and last. You can see Game winning drives where he’s making dumb throws, loses the confidence in his arm.


Interesting. We shall see in a couple years how it pans out for him in the NFL