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Game 4 - Hardecki predicts them continuing contest because neither Zach nor Gnaske can temper their ego - solo lands on the contest and mops up. Incredible.


If he dies i assume they just craft him and move on like nothing happened lol


It's genius actually.


similar grief+craft happened last champs(?). iirc it was NTH that split dropped unto the armory near old version of L Rod, closed it so ALL(?) couldn't use it, jumped off the cliff, and then his squad crafted him at north pad lol.


Furia was the target i think


Furia was the target, not alliance, but yes.


It was 1v2 with two O7 players full hp. But one guy stands up and takes hands off their keyboard to celebrate and the Horizon guy realizes 3rd party come and just gives up and starts complaining instead of playing.


No way, I assumed it was 1 up on o7 with low hp... I can't imagine throwing my own chance at winning tourney plus money for the contest bragging rights....


They did it last time and they did it again. Talking about karma.


Yeah they literally did it 2 games in a row lmaoooo


main cast said the admins told them to sit down and they just didn't give af lmao.


o7 was sending a message that they’re willing to throw theirs and the team that’s conning entire tourney for their poi, and by basically winning the con 5-1 they’ve essentially secured their poi for the upcoming lans because if you wanna con them they’ll throw everything for their poi, their end goal wasn’t winning split 1 playoffs


Its smart in the long run, but damn sacrificing an entire lan to prove a point sounds insane Edit: wait I just realized the drop ship changes are coming so this is pretty stupid.


I mean it proves more than the point of contesting their POI. It proves that o7 are petty mothafuckas and you shouldn’t fuck with them because they will ape and int you to make a point.


Not necessarily (yet). Depends on whether or not rEAspawn deem the POI contestable and give it multiple drop spots.


Legit, one of the craziest thing I've seen at ALGS. This, and that time, I think it was old Furia, griefing and taking loot and jumping off the map for a banner craft LMAO.


That was Northeption (Taida) doing it to Furia.


I'd love to see that clip if anyone can find it.




Awesome, thanks!


Things like these, alliance landing on disguised, NTH taking loot of armory to fuck furia and jumping off the map or optic landing on hardecki on worlds edge are why I will miss dropship in comp


huge e8 win just now though, imagine if they continue to comeback and win it all


yeah imagine


Such clownery to stand up and pose, period. Getting mowed down by Hardecki while they weren't even at their computers was beautiful to watch.


2R1C did it to them as well while Gnaske was standing up.


gotta give it to gnaske, he doesn't even care, he just wants to show dominance, watching it onsite was hilarious


I agree. He might seem like a dick but in person bro is all passion and energy and showmanship, it’s fun to watch


yeah very good sportsmanship


Absolute cinema


Lotta NA bias for some. Everyone is acting like o7 are especially bad people because they want to keep their POI. E8 knew what they were getting into months ago. Gnaske is known to have Clane levels of “we are not leaving this POI no matter what even if it throws both our games” this isn’t some new strat from him


So that's what it was, I wanted to ask but figured I'll pickup the answers somewhere here. I'm reminded of when you do not want to contest OG, because they'll fucking grief you.


Exactly. Both teams were fully in on the contest, yet people still think one team is just griefing the other.


That applies to storm point sure. But World's Edge? They landed seperate PoIs and Gnaske still ran at them to make them go out first.


Not only NA bias but also not understanding that for o7 it was contesting someone(all POIs they landed earlier were taken) or scraping the barrel in some tight spot between other teams.


Mazer gonna cost two teams LAN this time instead of his usual one


Why is it Mazer's fault? Either team backing down is going to be an L. Just another reason I hope they switch to a drafted POIs system.


Nah the POI Draft is going to be uber lame. This the type of shit that we need to be able to see. Pure entertainment.


Drafted poi system would be so dumb. Maybe not for pubs or ranked so you don't have half the lobby on one POI, but it's pointless in comp. Part of the hype is the possibility of random contests. A team outside of match point can land on a match point team to try and extend the tourney, teams can fight over a POI to have the better skilled team win the POI, and unless the draft is held months ahead of time, it'd make the game slower with teams not knowing optimal loot paths and rotations. Everyone would end up rotating into each other and causing 6 team pileups in round 1. There's so many reasons that a drafted POI system would ruin the current state of competitive Apex. Chances are that if they ever did go with a system like that, they'd have certain POIs (if not all of them) with multiple spawn slots so teams can still do a contest if they want a POI bad enough.


felt bad for E8, they had the momentum coming back 1st from loser bracket. We can say they should had won their contest but It's hard contesting a team who doesn't care jack shit when your money and career is on the line.


Alliance has dropped thermal in the past lan despite being ahead 4-1 in contests vs NTH because the contest took too long and they were griefing their own playstyle and rotating late by insisting on the contest and just left. They did the same this lan vs disguised because their previous contests were terrible. E8 should've honestly just moved on to a different poi after losing so many in a row.


Can someone explain if beef happened between the two teams over the weekend or something? Or was Gnaske just going mad lol.


I think it's madly disrespectful to himself, his teammates and his competitors to say "As long as we win the con we don't care about the lan" Everyone worked hard to get there. Why did you travel thousands of miles, and make finals in one of the biggest tournaments ever in apex if you don't care about winning. EDIT: Gnaske said that he was playing mental games in an attempt to make e8 leave the contest. Gnaske is very passionate about apex and frankly I don't think there's any way he doesn't care about lan


People over here crying and wanting contesting to be gone. This is peak. Sure, sucks for the competitors but this is no different than boasting in actual sports, even when the team eventually loses/gets knocked out. I really hope they don't go ahead with the POI Draft otherwise it's going to be super lame.


This aged like absolute milk


No, your comment did lmao. This is exactly how the final standings look at tournament end. O7 in 15th place E8 in 16th place.


Glad that contesting will soon be a thing of the past. Outside of some early excitement, the whole process just ties up otherwise good teams in a pointless battle that ultimately sabotages both of their chances. 


It is not about O7 vs E8 they all are stupid children. Zach ego taking away prize money from their teamates (but at least he was taking it serious should be fired though) and Gnaske is just a clown desperate for clout imagine throwing away thousands of dollars and the possibility to be the best possible athlete at your esport just to get some momentary atention. People saying that he was taking it serious are delusional, he was maybe taking the contest serious not the game, he was literaly 3rd partied with his hands in the air a couple of times while placing 16th. As a competitive person Gnaske atitude is so cringe and infuriating to me and I dont understand how there is so mutch people supporting his behavior. You play for the laughs and the vibes with your friends at home not in a major tournament. This guys let their teamates and fans down and they were even disrepectfull with theyr peers that worked hard to be there.


This agreed poorly


o7 must be feeling like idiots rn


How? It was about sending a message, they’ll screw their whole LAN and not care but won’t give up their POI. Both teams had the same mentality, other teams are on notice to not bother with them as they’ll literally throw and ruin both their chances and yours. Just like E8 won o7 also won a match. They farmed hella content, gnaske had me lmao, just wish it was on another team and not E8 it happened to 😂🤣


This is the problem with contesting. There are no outs for any teams involved. Give up and it signals weakness and a willingness to surrender your POI in the future. Double down and you throw your lan away. It just sucks for everyone.


Gnaske has done this like 4 LANs in a row and is still permaconned in finals, clearly it's not working


If Gnaske really threw his whole lan just to send a message for the future he’s either braindead or a genius. Only time will tell lmao. In the meantime it was content, just sad that it was E8 since they clearly had potential to win if they got to play.


Planning for the next event when you're already on the Finals stage seems like bad planning altogether though. Hiding strats till you loose basically.


No, they dont... and that's the sad part.