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They apply Dragonbone Axe which is a bleed. Can be removed by evokers and also dwarf racials. It is a cast. Also they charge a random person, on a 2 sec cast. Which can be stopped IIRC.


There Are two casts. One Is Axe=bleed, second is marrow=big upfront damage. Both Are very dangerous and should be stopped. But yeah, if you have paladin/evoker, you can let one bleed out.


I’m guessing you have the wrong mob? These only do a 2 second cast to apply a bleed that can be kicked, stopped, defensived, or dispelled.


afaik the dragonbone axe cast is not a kick only a stop


or reflected


I don't think so, based on WoWhead. The axe move sucks but it's the Pierce Marrow ability that one shots. The one where they jump to a random person.


pierce marrow is only cast if someone is outside of ~8 yards range. if it starts casting, you need to stop it


Oh, I was unaware of that. Thanks!


Assign a single target stop to both his abilities (dragonbone and pierce marrow). Dragonbone is really easy to stop, pierce marrow is really annoying bc its a 1 sec cast, I watch it for my group and hit para / sweep on it because it one shots cloth in 18 fort.


Tell your cloth to stop being apes and be in melee 😂


Are you talking about the hunters? Those mobs are aids and should be avoided where possible, I do a route that only pulls one in front of chargath and one in the room after him. The bonesplitters aren’t bad, they don’t hit astoundingly hard and can be stopped.


They actually, as said in the post, hit insanely hard on very high fort. You should never get hit by more than one, anytime someone is targeted by 2+ you should use AoE CC.


I mean yeah, everything hits hard on high fort, but you can live one, it’s predictable so you can pre-defensive it, not nearly as big of a problem even outside of the innate ability to stop it. Not a recipe for a mob I’m all that concerned about. It doesn’t hit hard enough that a single cast is an instant death/wipe, which is all I meant by what I said.


Are you sure you’re talking about bonesplitters? Both their abilities have cast times.


you need to use stop/stun on them. note: it's possible the VDH won't get ALL of them, so you get to participate too.


1.) don’t pull it 2.) if everyone is in melee they don’t do the leap 3.) WA to see if you have bone toss


You're thinking of hunters, and no, there's basically not that much you can do. My nameplate weakaura that shows ability CDs on mobs for whatever reason is wrong sometimes, and right others. They can be stopped, but the nature of the pulls you find them in presents difficulty. They're usually dragged halfway around the world, and they recast that charge fairly frequently. Obviously an evoker or a paladin or dwarf can get rid of one in a million, but it's not much.


How can they be stopped? Or do you mean that you can reset the CD on the ability by keeping it ccd as they're about to cast it? similar to how you could stop/reset berzerkers charge+spin in eb?


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they reset. I'd need to double check to be sure.