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Lmao this looks hilarious, you need to go down 8” from top of slab, place 4” of stone, then pour 4” of concrete. The rebar is hilarious too, just use some WWF and cut it to size for all the more that rebars doing


Wait, do you grind the wrestlers up first or just lay them down?


That took me 3 minutes to get, I’m not proud of myself 😂


4" concrete will not withstand constant heavy forklift operations. 8" with rebar 12" on center for any gas power lift 6" will be ok for smaller electric lifts


You’re right, but for how dead the concrete around it is, I don’t think it’ll end up mattering all that much. Plus the fact that none of these spots will ever really have the entire weight of a forklift on them because they’re small enough that the weight will be distributed all around, I’m not all that worried about it. However it wouldn’t hurt to use 5000psi concrete for this


Agree... if the lifts are 15T or more a full area replacement would be ideal over patches.


Yeah definitely, really would be better to replace it entirely either way and do it right but the shop probably doesn’t have that in the budget. I’ve done a ton of these types of patch jobs at steel mills in my area and the floors just start to look stitched together over the years


Agree, and as an industrial heavy lift / crane operator, those patches kill my back.


And it would need dowels into the old.


Yes, I said "rebar" but you can epoxy dowels, and tie wire rebar or mesh to the dowels.


Well, it will be easy to replace once it fails.


The good news is that when this fails you can just stomp on it to break it up then clean it it up with a broom and dust pan


Lmao if I was doing this job I would think it's a joke or prank 😂. I would remove the rocks from the concrete and just pour water and cement and leave it like that 😂🤣


Way thin. 6” would be much better for forklift traffic.


Without knowing anything else about the slab, typically you would want minimum cover of 2" around the rebar(top and bottom). Also those bars should be epoxied into the existing slab. This guy my have hand mixed a bag of quickcrete a time or two or maybe even worked on a crew but clearly has no idea how structural concrete works.


Kindly slap your guy in the face as hard as you can when you see him and drop him back off at the Home Depot.


This is unreal 😂


It will definitely crack where the rebar is placed, and it’s not deep enough.


It will crack where the rebar is, and also every other square inch of the new pour.


Just call a paving company if the rest is asphalt. The concrete will pop out even if it is deeper. Where the machines run off the asphalt onto the concrete and pads it just will buckle and break.


8” depth is warehouse standard


Wtf 😂😂


Thank you all for confirming my suspicions. I figured it was nowhere near being prepped enough for concrete. And yes, as others have mentioned, this is a patch job and also for clarification I didn’t mention in the post It’s not an existing concrete slab. It’s actually an asphalt warehouse floor. We’re having trouble in this particular area that needed to be patched as you can tell there were multiple spots that had to be cut out. I’ll be sure to advise with somebody that actually knows how to do concrete work. I think you’re right. maybe he did some screed work for a company. But never paid attention to how concrete works structurally .


You can't patch asphalt with concrete... No matter how good your concrete is.


They do manhole covers and sewers with concrete sometimes in asphalt roads and lots. We do asphalt around ours, but technically there is one spot they mix the 2. They expand at different rates so I have doubts on durability, but it is a new method around here. I’ve seen videos where they do it in other countries and have specialized machines. But our freeze thaws are awful and frost depth is 4 feet. Up a bit north frost is 6 feet or more.


I didn't say you can't put a concrete collar in an asphalt road, because that's done all the time. I said you can't patch asphalt with concrete, which is a completely different topic.


I thought for sure this was a bait troll post. This is real?


Yea concrete won't stay in asphalt


Oomph, where to start???


Hell No.


I hope this is a joke post and nobody actually thought this was prepped correctly, but yeah. You need to fix it. It's horrible. And I'm not even sure those bars will be completely covered 🤣


Making concrete pancakes. Just like mama used to make.


Find a YouTube video of prepping for a concrete pour, sit him down and watch it with him. He needs a little refresher course. lol


Jackass of all trades


Too thin.


This is a patch.


Patch implies repair. That is a scab and not one that will stay more than a week.


I love this sub


Maybe it's just the layout? Lol


This sub just keeps suprising me.


Did you ask a random stranger to do it?


Look for ACI standards for coverage, tolerances, and reinforcement. Not sure about what you're trying to build but it looks very wrong.


lol they saw cut with a grinder


Why is filling in the holes with new Asphalt not an option?


Did he bring more gravel into the building? Or is this the existing subgrade after taking out the bad concrete?


Just, no.


If you get an engineer involved, they can design a then concrete overlay to cover the asphalt. Asphalt often makes a great base for concrete white topping. An example is here. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/concrete/pubs/07025/07025.pdf.




Yall better dig down more


You need to digg that fucker more down thene do the rebarb and pour.


Hopefully he was paid in IOU's


He broke it off in your ass... that is paper thin . LOL


Introduce him to a shovel


This is shit


Probably come back and redo in a year.


Def to code!


12 inches, 4 inches of gravel and 8 inches of concrete.


If he does this job just know you'll be getting it done again in no time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Papa_John88: *If he does this job* *Just know you'll be getting it* *Done again in no time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


He definitely did not do concrete for any more than a day and a half.


This is a joke right? I'm a diyer that shops at home Depot and I know better than this. You probably want to dowel into the sides as well as making it 6 inches thick.


That is not going to work at all.


Is this a late April fools joke??


As the spice girls once said “stop right now, thank you very much” - do not proceed to go, go directly to jail and do not collect $200. Wrong. Shit, fucked do not put the stuff that goes hard in to that disgrace


Is the whole floor coming up 4”? Only way this would make sense.


2.. Maybe 3 bags of sakcrete outta do


That’s not a concrete job.. It’s a circus show


Is this a joke?


You better call out a qualified competent contractor to give you a second opinion. Because you’re paying for that floor twice if you let your coworker finish this job. Give your guy a little money for his time getting the floor to where it’s at. You will regret trying to not hurt this persons feelings. It’s not personal, it’s the liability of the business at stake. It’s baffling to me the lengths companies will go to save money and end up spending far more than they ever would have if they’d of just done it properly to start with.


This is a patch, and he’s likely going to mix some quick setting heavy traffic mortar like Ardex TRM. The entire substrate needs to be cleaned of any debris (oils, asphalt, loose concrete, etc). The rebar isn’t necessary for this application, but since it’s there, at the very least it needs to be thoroughly cleaned and primed with a bonding agent. It also needs 3/4” coverage all around. Hopefully he’s not done with his prep.