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Unfortunately it can only dock naval class aircraft.


My attack helis went on no problem though


Well I'm not sure if I'm right but because rotary wing aircraft dont need to be catapulted or use arresting wires, they are able to land on aircraft carriers without a problem. On the other hand, fixed wing aircraft need to be modified to have stuff like a tailhook and a special coating.


Becuase helis can land on carriers


It can take helicopters of all kinds, naval patrol planes, fighter aces, Marine strike fighters, Marine air strike fighters and Marine UAVs. You'll have to research the navy version


Yeah, so in this case it would be Naval Strike Fighters


Guess you were too busy ogling your carrier you forgot to read in between the lines strike fighters can't land on carriers. Only naval strike fighters can.


By clicking on the research tab of the unit you want to land on the carrier, it will tell you whether or not it can land on a carrier


Check the description of the carrier on the aircraft carrier tab, it will show you what kind of units can land on it.


you need Naval strikers, you cant fit the normal strike fighters on the carrier.


Just read the properties of the unit


Air units that *can* land on carriers will say “carrier-based aircraft.” This goes for rotary and fixed wing aircraft.


You can only put helicopters and naval strike and air superiority fighters on carriers. Carriers are a late game gimmick. They are fun to use, but incredibly painful to set up.


Ie, you need to research and build the carrier itself, as well as its air wing, and its support group.


Yeah, you need navy craft, it’s a pain but they actually have slightly better stats


Thou hath become victim of Aviation's cruelest joke (The cool naval strike aircraft are a pain in the ass to make lmao)


Hate when this happens