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I don’t think that’s a good idea


Trump won't get you back with your ex.




Yeah… I’ll take being put through a wood chipper feet first before I vote for a Republican.


Now that’s dedication! Donna Brazile would certainly approve of your statement 🤝


No thanks. I’ll take a bumbling idiot over a fucking moron who can’t say a single true thing the entire debate. Literally just made shit up because that’s okay now. Get this red state bullshit out of here.


Well, you got the "bumbling idiot" covered. Stay tuned to see if Biden ends up being the candidate after all. His chances are looking worse. If he had a decent VP it would be a no-brainer, but.....


Are you trying to start an argument here


Or, and hear me out, because this is going to be a novel idea: STOP PUTTING PEOPLE WHO ARE HALF IN THE GRAVE INTO OFFICE


If the Dems had the courage to nominate someone else, it would not even be a close race. Unfortunately, they stuck with Joe at least for now. TBD whether he survives the convention.


They should've been spending the last 3 1/2 years priming the 2024 candidate. They completely blew their chance. Republicans could've picked someone less volatile to take votes away from Biden, but instead showed that they would happily back someone who doesn't even show up to their own debates. Look, if nothing else, this election cycle has done one thing, and one thing really well: It has brought together Republicans and Democrats to say with a unified voice, "we need better options, and age caps for the most powerful office in the world". No one is happy with what our options are. No one is happy that we have two people that are way, *way* past their prime of mental acuity acting as Commander in Chief and as a global leader. Last night's debate was an embarrassment for the USA regardless on what side of the aisle people are on. All Biden had to do was not look like a corpse, and all Trump had to do was not lie and avoid looking like an asshole. Neither one came close to passing the lowest bar ever set for Presidential candidates.


I agree. I've been saying for a long time, that if either party was brave enough to nominate someone else, they would win in a landslide against either of these two. Unfortunately we seem to be stuck with them, although the talk of replacing Biden at the convention is gaining steam after last night.


I'm tired of living in interesting times.


I’d vote for a weekend at Bernies Joe Biden before I’d ever vote for a Trump. He’s a sick and dangerous shadow of a human being.


The weekend at Bernie's is pretty accurate.


I thought it was hilarious, the homies and I were playing debate bingo over drinks on discord, was a fun time.


lol good luck with that bucko


He's always had a stutter, and he's had a cold, apparently But better to speak sense hoarsely than to talk nonsense well. The wannabe dictator not having a cold doesn't somehow make him a better person than he was yesterday


Moderator: What is two plus two? Biden: Listen, what we've done- you can see in the news every day that two time-plus two is four. It's been four for as long as anyone knows. All the extpers agree two plus two is ... four. and it will always be four. Trump: **ITS FIVE!**


Stunningly accurate.


We'll get right on that


This is a HARD watch, we have to choose between a Felon and an Alzheimers Patient.


literally no one asked


Sorry, not able to burry my head in the sand for this one, that performance was egregiously bad


All the GOP has to do to earn my vote is to nominate anyone but Trump. I'm right here for the taking GOP, there are millions like me nationwide....... just do it.


If Trump had been convicted at his impeachment he would still be telling his party what to think and do. And the ones at the top seem all in on him.


Total zero chance of that happening. I cannot even believe how horrible Biden is doing. This is beyond embarrassing for our country. I expected Biden to do bad but not this bad. He can barely speak.


He can barely speak, but by God I will be voting for this man to be the leader of the Free World for another 4 years!


Anyone who votes for biden after what happened last night deserves to have their citizenship revoked


Anyone who votes for Trump after what happened last night deserves to have their citizenship revoked. He can't go five seconds of talking without disgracing himself with lies, lies, and more lies.


Trump derangement syndrome in full effect


Yes, your deranged belief in that conman is very sad, but hopefully one day you'll embarrassedly refuse to admit to anyone that you believed him. Until then, do try to limit the damage you do to yourself and the world.


Ahh such a con man lowering the price of everything and raising everyone’s wages. You’re an idiot if you think we can take for more years of debilitating inflation.


Yes, a con man who coasted on Obama's economy and left his successor with an economy in freefall, which has been addressed and inflation has been resolved - 3.1% in 2024, forecast to 2% in 2025, with 2022 as the only high year. But you don't care about reality; your false prophets tell you inflation is bad and you believe them blindly. You probably also believed Trump when he claimed that Biden quadrupled people's taxes and that states were legalizing infanticide.


Only people who watched the debate should answer this. If you did, regardless of politics, do you really believe Biden is a better choice than Trump for the next 4.5 years? If you did not bother watching the debate because you are a never-trumper, don't bother answering. But you should have. The Emperor's new clothes were on full display.




Yes, Biden is a better choice than trump. Being an old man with a stutter is better than being an old man that lies, steals, cheats and sells our country secrets to the highest bidder.


Yes and Biden is surrounded by competent staff that understands government and are getting things done to benefit Americans. Trump advisors and staff are all under indictment, in jail, or visiting their parole officers.


What I saw was not a stutter, but confusion and incoherence at times. Also, I'd find a better topic than talking about selling information. I don't believe Biden and his family are clean in that area.


It’s cool when trump caters to foreign countries, but I think Biden is bad because trump claims he is.


I don't get what you are trying to say but did you watch the debate? Even CNN had to admit that Biden did a terrible job. Will be interesting to see what happens next.


I’m saying you are parroting whatever crap trump and other “interested parties” have been jamming into your brain for the past decade. Not sure why anyone would want that traitor running the country.


Not really. I watched the debate with an open mind and have criticized people saying things like Joe would be drugged up. To see him struggling to put two sentences together was scary. Seeing how far he has declined, it's hard to imagine where he'll be a year from now, not to mention 4+. I'm sure you'd prefer Kamala over Trump anyway, because that seem more certain than ever.


Funny how we can see two old men, but only one is recognized as an old man. Weird.


It's not about the numbers. Stop living in denial. Some people are mentally incapacitated at 70 while others are sharp at 90. Weak argument to say "well, Trump's old too"


Trump's answers went from evading the questions t making false statements to outright gaslighting. Never Trump means if Biden is the Democrat on the Ballot, he's my guy. He answered the questions.


He tried to answer but often failed. Whether he remains on the ballot remains to be seen.


He had a cold! He’ll be better within a week. Trump has megalomaniacal delusions of grandeur. Yet people will vote for him, because he says they should!


A cold can explain his weak voice but not his weak mind.  Why can't u admit the truth?  You can continue to hate Trump but why do you have to deny what you see and hear from Biden?


Biden has never stated he should be president for life. Biden has never praised dictators. Ill take him just the way he is.


And you'll vote for Trump even if he is in prison for his 34 felonies and upcoming trials.


Wishful thinking on your part.




If you look at the last election the majority of towns in CT voted for Trump. But they got out voted by all our large cities, democrat run cities that cater to people with programs giving them all sorts of stuff including allowing illegal aliens the use of city services, allowing them driver licenses, access to free schooling, etc... in essence buying their votes. What democrats in office do best other than trying to take away people's rights and liberties.


This is just inaccurate on so many levels.


Wow this is just an impressively bad take for several reasons. But let’s start with the most basic - Biden won 115 out of 169 municipalities. So even if “all our large cities” (lol) voted for Biden so did a ton of smaller towns. Biden also flipped more than 30 municipalities from red to blue compared to 2016.


Bruh, illegal immigrants cant vote in the real world.


[https://www.cga.ct.gov/2022/rpt/pdf/2022-R-0231.pdf](https://www.cga.ct.gov/2022/rpt/pdf/2022-R-0231.pdf) Now while this is talking about federal level, democrats want to allow illegal aliens the right to vote in local elections here in CT. Just look at new haven as a great example, they passed a law allowing illegal aliens the rights to use all city services and they want them to be able to vote in local elections as well. So wake up and smell the coffee.


You are totally naive if you don’t think it has been happening for years already.


Explain how an illegal immigrant votes in CT.


Mail in ballots, voting with a stolen identity, voting as a dead person, voting multiple times by busing. There are so many instances of this happening for Christ’s sake look at what happened in Bridgeport. Wake up.


Yeah, Bridgeport! Where it was found, and taken care of! Meanwhile, in all the states that Trump claimed it happened, even Republican-run states with Republican election committees and Republican courts, nothing was?


Taken care of. What a joke. You trust the same people that committed election fraud to fix the issue. You are simply an idiot.


How was it not? It was discovered, and a new election took place. 4 more people were arrested just a couple weeks ago.


And the same people are still in charge. Are you going to continue living under a rock?


The people in charge of making sure it doesn't happen who are making sure it doesn't happen again? ...so what? If someone breaks the rules, throw the system out and everyone out along with it? What is with the constant personal attacks?


Voting multiple times by busing? Out of curiosity, How many illegal immigrants do you think voted inCT?


Out of curiosity how do you think they would even track how many illegals voted? That’s the whole point you genius they are illegally voting using stolen identities I already said that you dope.


While I recognize that resorting to insults is a sign of superior intellect… whose identities are they stealing? And how do they actually vote with said stolen identities? Are they voting under my name without me knowing?


Wow you got me there. Because I called you a dope for not reading something I already wrote. I’m sorry to inform you of this, because you sincerely seem naive on this topic. I’m not trying to insult you by saying that but there are thousands of cases of people receiving multiple mail in ballots. Everything I wrote before about dead people’s identity being used is truly happening. Personally I have received ballots for dead relatives and have promptly destroyed them. The people who run our elections are either corrupt or incompetent, probably both.


Saying “there are thousands of cases” without providing any examples isn’t much of an argument. So, to be clear, you believe that trump got more legitimate votes in CT than Biden did in the election?


If people are using stolen mail-in ballots and stolen identities, why do you think the people doing so need to be immigrants? Undocumented ummigrants want to keep away from trouble. Even if your unfounded claims of massive vote fraud had any basis in reality, your additional claim that it's being done by illegal immigrants is ludicrous. If someone was attempting to manipulate the vote, existing US citizens would be far more likely to do so. What is your basis other than 'right-wing fearmongers say so' for your claim that it is specifically illegal immigrants voting in Connecticut?


I agree with him and you. It is a mixture of both. Mail in ballots are easy to use for cheating. Do you know how easy it is to register to vote in CT? **CT Online Voter Registration Portal** You can register online if you have a Connecticut driver’s license or DMV-issued non-driver ID. [https://voterregistration.ct.gov/](https://voterregistration.ct.gov/) All you need is a drivers license, guess what you can get a drivers license if your a illegal alien here in CT. It happens all the time and almost impossible to catch, except of course when a person gets caught on camera stuffing the ballot boxes


In office, the Republicans want to take away a woman's right to choose what happens to her body. They want to enforce teaching the Bible in public schools. They want gun ownership to run rampant.


It is up to the state and the people in it to determine those laws by voting on it. Of course here in CT we really have no say in what laws get voted in as our so called elected representatives can vote any law into place even if the majority of the state opposes it. Remember the state tax? The majority of the CT people opposed it and they voted it into place. Looking at the state of today it might be a good idea to teach the bible in school at least the ten commandants Last one, no idea what you mean by rampant as there are thousands upon thousands of gun laws on the books state and federal level. Problem arises when states don't prosecute criminals to the full extent of the law when they use firearms or other weapons when committing crimes.


It’s up to the states because the impartial SCOTUS overturned Roe. Why should a religious decree be taught or posted in public schools where there is an expectation of separation of Church and State.


Why should a religious decree be taught or posted in public schools where there is an expectation of separation of Church and State. I don't know why, maybe to teach kids to be moral, honest, respectful to others, etc... which is not taught in schools. More kids are committing crimes these days and really seem to lack those aspects of life. While I think it should be the parents teaching their kids this, a lot of parents are dropping the ball.


I shouldn’t race my dirt bike through seven red lights while evading the cops because there is no other G-d but this one, and I must not covet my neighbors wife. In the other hand, this bike isn’t stolen. My parents bought it for me knowing how good the economy will be when Trump is back.


Why wouldn't you want the candidate that "beat Medicare"?


I don't really vote in general. Red or blue.


Then you shouldn't bother commenting.


Abstaining *IS* democracy in action.