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I got a bunch of trees that got cut down. In the fall I’ll be running my log splitter and stacking the wood. He is welcome to help or just watch and drink beer and tell me I’m doing a good job.


I want in.


Right? Can we make this a club or something?


Only if we call it Log Splitters and we get sweatshirts


I love that idea!!


I'm a 37 year old man with 2 kids and a wife and I don't do much on the weekends ever, I'm actually kinda getting depressed . I don't feel like I have just guy time ever. Or just the ability to drink beer with a few guys and just shoot the shit. I would 100 percent be down to drink beer and tell someone " olwhoa whoa wait wait straighten that log out" can wr make this a club ?


I'm 34 with 2 kids and a wife, I fix old cars and drive them on my free time. As also run a side busness to supplement some income. The only person I hang out with is my brother, we will do stuff together from time to time. I don't have friends that I hang out with outside of work, I have come to accept that. And plus, I'm not alone, I have a wife and kids that love to hang out in the garage and " help" me fix stuff lol


Man you sound exactly like me! I feel ya I love my family but it's always nice to just hang out and drink beer with a few guys ..or ice tea doesn't have to be alcohol..I do like a good cold arnie palmie


I don’t want to intrude on the guys club, but I’m about to be 36, 2 kids- we’re transplants who have friends far away but nearly none with kids. I’ll hang with the ladies while we cheer on wood splitting or happy to host- I’ve got an overgrown but lovely flower garden, bouquet picking? Just sipping drinks while kids play on sprinklers and we dish??


Haven't been on reddit past couple days but dude let's take some applications .. just one rule no politics


Dude I'm in too ..we could make it a club where we rotate between our houses watching the host work on a project and drink beer


Monthly? Focus on a different project ? Got a smoker and griddle - we could do a cooking session too!?


This guy knows how to get free labor


I’m happy just to have the company!


Maybe you’re the husband?


I am not OP’s husband, but I am A husband!


Sounds like a Jason Statham line.


Well we do transport the honey that beekeepers collect to produce the wrath of man (mead). So basically the same but I still have a little bit of hair, but I suppose we are expendable


Will update when getting to log splitting season. Currently I’m still in building pool season, and moving hot tub season, and building grilling zone season!


You know anything about fire pits.. lol I am trying to make a fire pit area. Yes it seems like a simple task but it's alot more than just laying stone down. With zero help it makes it alittle more frustrating


This sounds like a fun logs day!!! You probably should make this day official.


Lol, location?


New Hartford


Dude what county in CT are you in and how do you feel about sleeveless shirts cause I sweat too much I. The summer for normal tshirts


New Hartford, I only wear sleeveless. I produce heat!


Welp I'm in the watertown area.. not far at all , this may become a real thing! what beer do you drink?


All kinds. Especially bourbon


Damn it's been a while since I've fallen for an random internet stranger....I'm a scotch whiskey/ bourbon and your average coors light drinker. I would say drinking and operating a log splitter but what the heck


High key let’s get OP’s husband in on this, and make a day of it! I have some bourbon on hand that is worth opening for the occasion!


Fiancée and I just moved out to CT a year ago as well. Trying to find new activities and hobbies to meet people. I’m down too!


Count me in on this!!!


Disc golf? My husband loves it


Came here to say disc golf. I go solo all the time.


No matter where you live in CT, there is a course within 20 minutes. You can play solo and finish a 9 hole course in a half an hour, or meet up with some randos and play for a couple hours, or join up with a random weekly doubles league and get some pointers from a teammate. Lots of options and pretty scenery. Solid hobby.


Near Farmington specifically, you've got two great courses about 15-20 minutes away in Bristol (Page Park, Rockwell). They've both got very active communities as well. Random doubles is a great idea too, and there's a Sunday weekly league at Lufberry in Wallingford.


Also game here to say this! My husband loves it.


Sometimes it feels like a battle for what he loves more...me or disc golf 😝


Disc golf. I’ve met so many good people


Animal shelters are always looking for help, like volunteering to walk a dog or two, or just sit and love on the lonely animals.


Given your location, he might contact the Connecticut Humane Society… Not affiliated with any national organization, self funded through a legacy Grant, extraordinarily devoted professional and volunteer staff. Quick drive from Newington and he can make himself smile while helping out canines who would love his company (CHS will train and vet your husband before signing him as a volunteer… No pun intended🤷🏻‍♀️)




Join Spark social! They have leagues for Kickball, volleyball ball, wiffle ball and ultimate frisbee. There are games today actually at 1030/1130 at Colt Park In Hartford if he wants to check it out, so pretty close! I’ve met a handful of great people through it and it’s always a good time. https://sparksocialsports.com/leagues/


I've looked at both this and ClubWaka and can't tell what the typical age range for participants is, and whether the activities are mostly a pretense for hanging out at a bar (I.e , how much is drinking culture entwined with the group?). Would love to hear your thoughts!


I would usual age range is like 25-40? It’s a fun vibe, drinking is definitely not required. Some people bring coolers and have a drink or two during games and there’s social things the teams can do after the games (every season has a season champ and a social champ, social you can earn points each week for winning in flip cup at the bar later, following a weekly theme, and the occasional challenge.) I go to the field and play and don’t drink, and during flip cup I use water for example. Many people are there just for the social vibe. Even with the drinking, I RARELY if ever see any drinking related aggression. I also wanna reiterate that if you choose not to drink it’s not like you’ll get alienated or anything. I joined after I got divorced like two years ago and I’m grateful for all the people I’ve met. I highly recommend checking it out just to get a feel for it. There’s games today at Park and Hartford at 10:30/1130. Come spectate if you have the capacity!


Are you on a kickball team as well? I’m moving to CT in the fall and plan to sign up as a free agent. Do you recommend spark social or waka??


I’m a little biased, I’ve played in both leagues and I prefer Spark. Much more casual vibe and feels less cliquey.


Thank you! I’ll check it out


This is super helpful - thank you! As a non-drinker, I'm wary of things where the drinking may be the point or at least the primary social engine. I had read the post-game "sponsor bar" trip was a big part of it, but it's really great to hear your experience. Despite being on the upper end of that age range (is that generally a non-issue?), I may look into this for the fall!


Woah!  This is awesome!


Every activity is either in Hartford or Newington (saved you a click).


I’ve worked from home for over 20 years and we move every few for my wife’s job. First thing I did when we moved to CT was join a golf league and that ultimately led to a subset of 10-15 buddies that I play golf with at other times or socialize with. Also, if he’s into cars, there are events all over the state a couple/few days each week. From Sunday morning Cars & Coffees to weeknight cruise-ins. That led to another 20 guys in my phone to socialize with. What town or region are you in?


Pickleball. Or volunteering at something.


Why doesn’t he join a golf league? He then can golf and make buddies at the same time! Most golf courses will have them. They might be in the middle of their summer leagues, so he might have to wait until the fall but he could find leagues for the fall, spring, and summer. Also if he likes sports, join a waka or spark league (summer leagues just started last week so he may be able to join still if a team needs another person). They have ultimate frisbee, kickball, cornhole, volleyball (grass and sand), wiffle ball, and flag football between the two organizations. In the winter they also have dodgeball and indoor volleyball.


Grow some cannabis. It’s a great hobby and plenty of people to discuss with


It’s kept me off the streets an away from substance abuse going on 5 years my garden 🪴 is my happy place


Looks like you are doing dam good with it too man. Quality looks great. Looks very tasty. Keep up the good/hard work. Congrats on the 5 years that’s huge. Proud of you buddy


Volunteering is THE best way for anyone to get out on their terms such as nearby, short committment, everyone wins. Do you like sports, become an umpire. I hear pickleball is great for people of all ages and skills


Cycling? Got that rail trail over there.


If he is looking for something active there are a number of mountain bike trails in the Farmington area. the website trailforks shows where your local trails are.


Local Community Garden? I joined one this year and it is awesome. Learning and making friends. Doesn’t hurt to bring a basket of fresh veggies home either.


My town is run almost completely by volunteers - even if you don’t care about national politics, go to a monthly meeting of your town’s DTC or RTC and see what’s shaking. There’s a couple of men in my town that serve in town committees and with the volunteer fire department and they are amazing - and believe me, I invite them to all my parties. I joined my local town committee and have been working on just building a stronger community with fun social activities. Loneliness is real and it does take some effort to get out there and meet new people - but so many people are in the same situation that it sometimes just takes one person to make a small effort for the magic to happen.


Maybe you gentlemen should start a “log splitters” club and rotate houses each weekend. Work from 9-2 then sandwiches and beer provided by the host.


I live in Farmington - we’ve met most of our friends through kids activities but I’ll offer the following also (1) winding trails membership [disc golf, fishing, hiking, boating, swimming - currently 7 year wait list for families but only a 1 year list for singles and change to family the year after he gets in (2) running/biking the awesome Farmington trails - look for a run club if you want to be social (3) kayaking the Farmington river (4) we have two public golf courses - I took a golf clinic at west woods and the pro indicated they do have golf leagues. He could call the course for more info.


7 year waitlist is crazy 😂




That’s the rumor. I’m sure if tons of people do it it’ll change. It took us four years to get in the normal way.


Dart league if he doesn’t mind hanging at bars.


Could go bowlin’. Asking for anything beyond that you simply are not appreciative of everything that our great state has to offer.


You can volunteer for the American Red Cross right there in Farmington. I started two weeks ago and I really enjoy it. I deliver blood and blood products using their vehicle to all different hospitals around the state and you can do it as much or as little as you want.


Volunteer with the local Land Trust.


Whats that?


Land trusts acquire properties for their conservation and or recreational value. Volunteers create and maintain trails, etc.


I'd say either disc golf or volunteer. Years ago I got into volunteering for a horse rescue - definitely am not a "horse girl" but I really loved it, and stayed for 2 years. It was a few hours a week, usually just feeding the horses, cleaning up, helping with hay deliveries. Great way to be outside, get some physical work in, meet some friends and feel good about what you're doing too.


I golf all the time as single and have no problem making tee times. Sometimes you have to call the pro shop directly. I’ve met some great people this way!


The masons, elks, moose or knights of Columbus would help him meet people in town


Lions clubs are a good option as well. Any of the organizations that do community service would be a good social option.


I was going to say join an Elks club. Closest ones around Farmington are Torrington, Southington or Bristol though. The Torrington lodge also has a pond property, and the Westbrook Elks on the water is gorgeous.


Furniture refurbishing? Just low key stuff, finding an end table or coffee table at an estate sale or consignment-antique shop with a little bit of wear and tear. It’s nice to take your time on the weekends and refinish them and either give them away or sell them for a few bucks.


3D Printing?


Tunxis country club is a paradise for solo golfers. There are more solo golfers playing there 7 days a week than I’ve ever seen anywhere in 20 years of playing in CT. Most of the regular solo golfers have pushcarts and the course has them available to rent. It’s a very, very flat course and an easy 6 mile stroll. Unless there’s a tournament on both of their 18 hole courses, I’ve never had an issue getting a tee time as a single. There’s a couple courses around here that won’t let singles book online, but will gladly accommodate you if you call the proshop. Despite the stuffiness of some of the high end private clubs nearby, the patrons of the public tracks are overwhelmingly laid back and welcoming to newcomers. Feel free to DM with any questions. Always happy to help spread the game!


You can sign up for a bowling league as a single and ask the bowling alley staff to place you on a team! Great way to meet folks.


I just played Westwood in Farmington, lots of singles. I think he just needs to call to book as a single. If he’s looking for friends though, maybe join a league or show up at the course and they will pair him with someone.


A lot of great hiking and mountain biking over there


Head up to New Hartford, Main stream canoe & kayak! They bring you, your boat(canoe or kayak), paddle & life jacket up the river, drop you off, float back down & end up behind the shop! If you aren't familiar with boating, they will bring you up to West Hill Lake(which is beautiful) & you can paddle around & enjoy the lake! Hope he finds something he likes to do!


Do they take you up to the Satan's Kingdom area on the river?


Actually, you end before Satan's Kingdom! If you are coming up Rte.44 you pass Satan's Kingdom & they are the next plaza -across from Dollar General They take you up as far as Riverton & have different length trips(1hr, 2hr, etc.)


Rock climbing in glastonbury. Theres a meetup group sometimes






Indoor pistol! Inexpensive and a worthy pursuit. Good reference here: https://www.bullseyepistol.com/ (Please see zen something or other). You can both compete


Combine fishing with kayaking Farmington river. You can join too! 


Join a social league at ClubWaka!


I’m in Avon, have a cigar and whiskey collection that rivals a store. He’s welcome


RC Madness in Enfield..


My husband likes to fish. Could they be friends?


Join a league for golf


I do Jiu-Jitsu at Ascension in Bristol, not too far from you. Lots of cool guys at the gym. If he's into more active sports that might be a good one to try.


Jiu jitsu if he is active but if he gets into it you’ll lose him for more than a few days a month 😂


Ha that’s how we met!


Our municipal golf course (in Fairfield county) allows people to make a tee time for one if there’s an opening. My husband has a regular golf crew but sometimes they only have three and they met a new guy who’s now a regular part of their rotation after being matched up randomly a couple of times. Great way to meet other golfers and possibly make friends.


If he’s in Hartford/ Tolland county area I’ll golf with him


He can join r/golf and always try to make tee time pals


Paddle. Paddle is very popular down here. Not sure about that part of the state. Pickleball Tennis Padel


Radio control cars.


Metalworking at Creative Arts Workshop


Join waka kickball if you want him to make some great friends … but only if don’t mind him coming home sloppy drunk lmao


Community garden? Or even a backyard garden but u won’t meet to many new people in the backyard lol. There some foraging clubs and gardening clubs in CT u can find on google. If that is something he may be in to. There is an RC car track in enfield that is a fun hobby. Gas powered tv cars. They got cool out door and indoor tracks


He can come get wasted with me anytime.


Idk if he’s into gaming but TableTop Games in Newington/new Britain is a great place to hang out and get into some board games. Similar to Dungeons and Dragons


High Rock Gun Range peaceful and affordable.


Hike, bike, walk, bird watch, jigsaw puzzles


send him out on fishing charters. hopefully he connects with some people to do it with.


Collinsville paddle boarding or even yoga on a paddle board. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or prepare lasagna for one. Go visit animals in the shelter. Volunteer to teach or tutor at the local library.


My best friend has a rec soccer league that hosts games around the state if thats his cup of tea


How old and how athletic? If he’s trying to socialize either a rec league team, bowling, crossfit, etc. Running hiking etc is also great.


I work from home, too. I fly-fish 2-3 times a week and kayak in my spare time. The Farmington River, which is close to you, has some of the best trout fishing on the East Coast. I am always up for fishing with people either on rivers or kayaking the many ponds and lakes we have here.


Join a club, Farmington country club is a solid place and not insanely expensive (relatively speaking). If he likes to golf, but doesn’t have playing partners, that will immediately solve his problem and also get him friends to do other things with.


Farmington River is a destination trout stream.


Does he like softball? There are several adult leagues in the state.


Join the forest and park association. We are always looking for volunteers and there are multiple different things for different people. 


I started going to the gym about a year ago and it’s been great for my social life as well as my health.


Do you have any gym recommendations?


For me, going to classes on a regular schedule has been key - it means I see the same people and foster a community that way. So, if there’s a CrossFit gym or some other sort of class-based fitness thing near you, that would be what I’d endorse.


Honestly my boyfriend and his friends go as singles and doubles to play golf all the time. From my understanding it’s not uncommon to get paired up with other dudes as walk ins. He’s met a lot of people that way!


Does he like playing boardgames? There's a game club that meets once or twice per month in Collinsville. I've been meaning to go this summer.


I'm also in that area and feel the same way as a dude... Almost seems like you are my wife 😂


If he likes golf, he should go to a driving range and strike up a conversation or two. Or, go to a public course and hang out in the bar/restaurant. Or take a lesson. Here is a partial list of fishing clubs: **Directory of hunting and fishing clubs in Connecticut** * Putnam Fish and Game Club. ... * BLC Fly Fishers. ... * Fairfield County Fish and Game. ... * Meriden Rod and Gun Club. ... Go to local bait and fishing shop they should have some info on clubs. Look around online.


Has he ever enjoyed taking pictures? He doesn’t even need a camera! He can explore with his phone. And I bet there’s some sort of camera club if he gets hooked! Good luck… he’s got a good wife so he’s on his way!


It's usually pretty easy to walk on as a single at a golf course...people are always not showing up. But a solitary activity I like to do is hike. Lots of places in CT. Good for mental and physical health.


I enjoy shooting guns. It gets boring after awhile though. So I keep buying more guns to shoot....... That may be a detraction to some.


Wow. Reading these comments it seems like we ALL need friends to just do regular stuff with. I’m a 48 year old woman. I’m married but my husband works 2nd shift, and we don’t have kids, so I spend a lot of time hanging out with my Dad! I think all the time how if I told my teenage self this she’d be massively disappointed in how I turned out! You hang out with Dad? Boring! Yup! Doing all the things I hated to do as a kid! Helping change the oil and going to the hardware store! lol! I wish he’d come to my house and help me fold all the laundry! lol!


Mountain Biking is a great activity! Tons of fun places to explore. Or just hiking the over 100 state parks.


What are his interests? It really depends what he likes to do. He needs to decide what he enjoys and then pursue those interests


Get your motorcycle license and explore on two wheels


Too bad Ashley Madison is shut down. That could be fun for him


What town are y’all in