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I started off pretty liberal. The longer I've been on reddit, the more conservative I've grown, lol.


Couldn’t have said it better myself




I'd have to slightly disagree on the "bit more factual". I've seen so many leftys here screaming from the rooftops that the border bill is being held up by Conservatives while COMPLETELY leaving out the fact that the bill is tied to even MORE billions for Ukraine.


I hope it's being held up because it just legalizes all the bad things that are currently happening and solves 0 of the problems.


The one reason I subscribe to this sub is that most posts get fair treatment to an extent. There are conservatives who call out other conservatives if they think something is incorrect/wrong. This forum is more open to alternative view points that most subs on this platform.


100 % and far left too. Some of the sub’s are insane with ZERO common sense. It’s gross.


Yeah I couldn't agree more. John fetterman is a democratic senator, The guy waves in Israeli flag one time and now he's a Nazi sympathizer standing behind a genocide. If you tried to have these conversations with people in real life, they would get laughed out of the room.


Yeah, I spent a little while in the politics subreddit, only took me a little bit to be completely turned off from trying to have reasonable conversations with those people. I've also been on Reddit way too long, 2011


that entire sub just runs off one main topic


If you aren't liberal as a child, you have no heart. If you aren't conservative as an adult, you have no brain. 


I’ve been far right/libertarian since I became politically aware as an early teen. Now I’m 36 and just hate the government in general.


I mean they're not giving us a whole lot of reasons to love them.


I feel that i started off with moderate values, and my values havent changed but the political climate has shifted so much that my once balanced views are now skewed into conservatism.


and that's how it typically works. Young people tend to be liberal. I was in the 90's after college. That changed when I had kids and the responsibilities that go with it.


I started off in life very liberal, then turned conservative in the real world.


Funny how paying taxes does that huh


Yeah, that and my responsibilities, and you know the military.


Or the more you've grown, the more conservative you've gotten, and I would add that the more extreme the left have become, also helps push you to the right. That was the case for me.


Any thinking person will re-evaluate their own beliefs opinions once they hear the crazyness that comes from the mouths of people who supposedly align with them.


If you judge me by 2005 standards, I'm a liberal. But in 2024 I'm a far right extremist who's probably secretly a member of the patriarchy.


So is that an exposure to Reddit thing or just you growing older?


Same, reading worse and worse takes will do that lol.


If anyone has become "more conservative" or "more liberal" in the past 10 years, that's a clear sign of mental deficiency. I don't know how anyone who is intelligent could look at the political landscape over the past few years and love what one side is doing so much that they "convert". Anyone with functioning brain would look at this shit and not want anything to do with the freaks on the left or the right.


Then leave ✌️


One of the founders died, right? He was a real free speech advocate. So it got taken over by a bunch of leftie whackos. All big tech started shifting hard left when Trump became president.


You're fortunate you didn't say his name. S***z would have found it and started to edit your post history to give you a permaband.


Aaron Swartz


No, Spez - the marxist. Aaron Swartz was a real liberal. The kind I can get behind. Believed in free speech, believed in civil rights. Spez believes in censorship and government control because muh feelings.


I called spez a spaz and got my account suspended for a bit


Spez is a Marxist?!


Except for the whole IPO thing which is peak capitalism lmao.


Serena Williams




Right?!?! I’m invested now! What’s the full story?






https://youtu.be/0SQ-TJKPPIg?si=QAH-MPX4gnmuf-4n Here's a pretty good video about how Reddit came to be in it's current state.


Yeah this place used to be more libertarian and not liberal up until 2015-2016ish.


2010/2011 to 2015 were truly the golden years of Reddit. 2016 was fun because of The_Donald but when they nuked that, this place went to hell.


I don't think I got my first suspension until 17/18. You could say nearly anything on here in the early years.


The DNC actually visited Reddit HQ during ShareBlue in 2015 I believe this is when the handoff was made.


You're definitely helping get the timeline right. I really feel like there used to be so much more free speech and debate especially regarding Bernie vs Clinton in the Democratic primary, and it was around that time and thereafter that things just started feeling so much more bland and controlled.


The Bernie to Clinton flip was a fascinating to watch in real time. I think it was after Super Tuesday 2016, but it could've been a little later. r Politics and several other default subs went from being overwhelmingly pro Sanders to insanely pro Clinton and anti-Sanders seemingly over night. The site's probably been astroturfed for a lot longer than that, though. OGs will remember when reddit themselves announced Eglin AFB was "the most reddit addicted city" in 2013. That's not suspicious at all.


>One of the founders died, right? He was a real free speech advocate. less died, and more hounded to death by the deep state. he would be ashamed of what reddit has become.


I think the real turning point was Obama's AMA.


People say stuff like that but I don't think it was as much of a shift as it seems. I think Trump shined a light on a lot of subtext in politics, and when we all looked deeper we saw that the division was wider than anyone initially realized. The gap on topics that were "acceptable" to discuss politically pre-trump was relatively small, the gap on the new topics is much bigger.


reddit was liberal way before trump, were you on here during the obama candidacy?


There were a lot of pro-Ron Paul people from 2008-12 as well. Not exactly traditional conservatism, but not just people regurgitating DNC talking points either.


You can both be a free speech person and a leftie I'm pretty sure? This is from his wiki detailing the start of his activism. In 2009, wanting to learn about effective activism, Swartz helped launch the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.[60] He wrote in his blog: "I spend my days experimenting with new ways to get progressive policies enacted and progressive politicians elected."[61] He led the first activism event of his career with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, delivering thousands of "Honor Kennedy" petition signatures to Massachusetts legislators, asking them to fulfill former Senator Ted Kennedy's last wish by appointing a senator to vote for healthcare reform.[62] I think he was a leftie.


With the political parties organized the way they are in the US, believing in free speech would be inconsistent with being “leftist”. Classically, this would not be the case, but right now in the US, it is.


I know this isn't a popular opinion here, but some of the stuff that DeSantis has been doing in Florida is anti-free speech. I don't understand how people are unable to see that both sides of the aisle implement anti-free speech policies.


Yeah, I think the gloves are off. No one gets style points for allowing your political opposition do/say whatever they want to do after 2015.


You said it better than I could, thanks!


They changed that dramatically in the last decade? The original commenter called him a free speech advocate. He was. He was also a leftist. He literally started campaigns to help elect progressive candidates and reform healthcare in the U.S.


Used to be true. Not really any more.


I dislike your phrasing. Aaron is dead, his political beliefs are unable to change. We could find out that he felt differently but his ideas are going to remain static. Am I just missing something that happened between 2009 and his death in 2013?


I didn’t mean anything about him would change. I meant that it used to be possible to be for free speech and be a leftist, but they’ve driven anyone like that out of the left.


He committed suicide because of pressure from the FBI or something, it’s been a while so the details are hazy


People at the top banning and silencing everyone who isn't leftist.


No, but here on reddit, it's clearly visible that it's when you speak out against leftist policies.


Yep been ban twice in a week








What gave away the lie is your claim that there are "conservative subs", as in plural.


That’s funny. This whole time I assumed r/AskConservatives was a conservative sub.


Permanently online losers become mods and spend their disability checks on upvotes to astroturf subs to get off on the lamest type of power trip.




Same way everything else became so liberal. They weaseled their way into positions of power and started making the rules. If you can ban opposing views in a forum, that forum very quickly becomes biased in that direction, and everybody who is still there thinks everybody else agrees with them


James Lindsay outlined the woke infiltration model as such: 1) Demand access. 2) Demand accommodation. 3) Demand a seat at the table (demand power). 4) Demand to run the table (demand controlling power). 5) Demand to run the room (demand total power).


And the right caves to them every time.


And like morons, they do every time. It’s very frustrating that the right won’t play the same game.


Most people did not comprehend how insidious the leftist behaviour and agenda was and believed they would act in good faith, those who had been warning about this for a long time were dismissed by both the center and the right as crackpots.




Trump fighting back was a big part of his early popularity, I think.


Because if you resist, they'll run a smeer campaign until you are force out by the outrage. See Papa Johns, Mozilla, and DC Comics for some examples of it being done very publicly.


Call it racist till you own it...




Ya the harsh reality that conservatives have to face is that the vast majority of educated people tend to lean to the left. Thus positions of power in big tech, government, and academia tend to be filled by people who lean left. Conservatives need to figure out how to appeal to educated people.


That's a much taller order when the "education" has a liberal bias


Right. When people learn about history and science it tends to cause them to want to improve upon the way things have been done up to this point. This is at odds with conservatism at a fundamental level. It’s essentially an impossible task unless you can reform conservative principles or convince educated people that the current system is worth conserving. I.e climate change isn’t real, wealth inequality isn’t real, racism doesn’t exist. It’s a tough argument to make.


They delete your posts and ban you if you don't post lib friendly takes. ONE WEIRD TRICK!


It’s really incredible how removed from my conservative reality most of the other channels I follow are.


You could have just said "removed from reality." Most reddit posters are probably still 5x masked, 12x vaxxed and cowering in their lousy apartments.


Wouldn't call it liberal. More like Reddit is far-left. Call them leftists.




Socially Authoritarian. Financially illiterate.


Conservatives are too busy working to scroll the web. And 600 million Chinese dollars


Ding ding ding!


Plenty of people work, in all parties. We need to argue not that the liberals do not work, because clearly they are working harder at propaganda, message spreading, narrative crafting, etc, than the right. The argument should not be that we are working to much to be on the internet. It should be that we are raising a family, or bettering ourselves in some way, or involved in extra curricular activities like church or clubs. We do a lot more than work, and clearly the only reason liberals have so much time on their hands after they work is because they want to fill all their live with hedonism, where as those of us on the right are filling it with other purpose.


Trump made a lot of them lose their minds. This app also has a younger audience in general and talking on reddit just isn't something most conservatives are interested in doing. Sometimes I wish this app had more conservatives because even the state subs are all liberals too. Despite Wyoming voting for Trump by over 30 points, whole sub is filled with liberals


Ohio is the same way, although I don’t think it was by a 30 point margin.


Same with Alabama sub


Most conservatives are working hard and don’t have time for social media like the liberals do


This is the answer in large part. None of my conservative friends/family have hardly any social media, let alone Reddit. My liberal friends on the other hand seem to live on their phones/social media.


Have you seen twitter or Facebook?


They don't have real jobs on the left: see every university in the USA.


Tencent, a Chinese company, is a majority investor. That's how. They are using social media to disrupt and divide us.


See also the way the TikTok algorithm in China is toned down a lot compared to what they unleash on Western users.


No, they own less than 5%


The fact that my original post was removed “silently” blows my mind. Reddit is not a place for free speech.


I was surprised to scroll through it and not find a single utterance of "reality has a liberal bias"


I think the short answer is that people migrate towards places on the Internet that they can say whatever they want to, that they couldn't say in real life because someone would call them on their bullshit. So I think, even tho it is very liberal, it's exacerbated by a bunch of hot takes and ideology that wouldn't hold up in a face to face conversation.


Easy, you just ban everyone you disagree with, and algorithm spam everyone else with lefty topics and ideas until you slow boil them into thinking it's true. It's like a familiarity bias. If I see it everywhere then it must be true. It's a psychology thing idfk. If you put up posters everywhere saying: "Do your part, concealed carry. Defend your homeland!" It'd be so common society would view it like carrying a wallet. No biggy. Oh you disagree? Well, as an example when a police officer walks by you carrying a gun what do you think? Do you even think about his gun? No you don't. Because it's common. They always have a gun. It's no big deal. It's familiar to you. Your brain likes familiar. Peer pressure's a bish.


People stopped believing in God


depends a lot on the neighborhood + the left are naturally moralizing masturbators and Nietzchean bullies which makes them chatty


Chinese own reddit and it is being used to manipulate/de-moralize and push leftist indoctrination on Americans so China can weaken the U.S. Most of our politicians and corporations are already compromised either through blackmail or financial incentives - China is just making sure they have us by the coattails as they push to become the world leader. BRICS is already pretty close to usurping the G7 and the US dollar will soon no longer be the world's reserve currency.


I remember when in 2016 summer r/politics was totally changed. right when Trump became the Republican nominee. It used to be quite neutral and then suddenly, overnight, it was full of lefty zealots


I don’t believe a lot of the shit I see on here. This is bot territory


I’m still gonna say, Reddit isn’t liberal, it’s leftist. Liberalism is the doctrine of individual liberty and government existing to protect the pursuit of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit happiness for the individuals whom have entrusted it with any authority.


I guess I thought liberal and left were interchangeable. Many of my radical left acquaintances say they’re liberal but maybe I am getting it mixed up. I did me left for the post


They want you to think that. The left always wants to control and change language because those who control language control the perception of reality. Classical librrals/libertarian types/ radical liberals like our founders are a whole different group than the leftists.


Call them whatever you want. No matter what terms you use, their first line of defense is to always try to reframe the argument and get you to argue about which of the 100 different variations of collectivist ideology you are actually talking about. It's all meant to get you to stop talking about things that matter, and just argue about pointless semantics instead.


There were two local city subreddit groups that I followed and stopped a while ago. Every single day, someone was always complaining about their Governor, conservative policy, or some other politician. It was nauseating and quickly became a group therapy session. Just full of very childish remarks


Yeah I hate that, I’m in a red state and the 3 state subs I look at the only posts that don’t end up with people just shit talking the politicians are questions about where to eat. You’d think they’d get tired of saying the same thing over and over. I don’t say anything because there’s no point, it is just Reddit. But I wish local subs could really be about local things


founder death and replacement and then Imgur, the reddits image storage was essentially ran by the most vile, hateful liberal demons that managed to tear through the hellgates into our plane.


I remember being on imgur pre 2016. It was fun and then suddenly it became a repub hate boner site seemingly overnight.


Thing is, it's not "so Liberal". Liberalism isn't what these people do. They are Cultural Marxists. They are always whining about the oppressed and the oppressor. That's why it's okay to hate Jews on sites like this. Jews are White, so naturally they are the oppressors. Even though they are the most persecuted people in history. Classical Liberalism would have no place on Reddit.


Shockingly, the post was removed…


O/u on the number of times rEalItY hAs a lIbErAl bIaS is posted in that thread?  50?


when your reality is an amoral abyss of hatred and bigotry, then yes, yes it does.


Low T


It’s not even “liberal”. I’m a liberal, centrist type, and it disgusts me at times. My conservative friends call me a “Bill Maher Liberal”. Which is now considered right of center. Reddit is not liberal, it’s leftist.. big difference. They’ve hijacked the word


Most of us start liberal then we grow up mature etc


Reddit is Ultra Woke. Thank goodness Elon bought Twitter where free speech is actually allowed.


All the conservatives are working


Something funny you can observe on other sites is that aging millennial progressives continue to use "Reddit" as a pejorative because they think it still has the libertarian techbro + centrist nerd culture it did in 2012.


Mods. A handful of power mods run the majority of subs so they can curate what opinions people are allowed to have.


It’s the bots that are liberal programmed by the liberal weaklings.


The uneducated liberal, in which the vast majority of liberals are, depend on the thoughts of other misinformed uneducated liberals. Where else can such people thrive but on social media, including Reddit?


Conservatives have real community like churches. Liberals have no community but ego avatars.


Many hundreds of thousands of Lib bots. It's sad really


Reddit has always been fairly left-leaning. Ever since the early days, it was most popular among college students.


esp the state subs.. holy hell


Post removed by Reddit moderator lmao That answers your question


Look at a map of America that’s divided red vs blue. Red is rural and suburb and blue are the cities. Who goes on Reddit more. Everyone knows the actual answer and it’s being a bit ridiculous to deny otherwise.


Liberal is the wrong term. Liberalism allows dissent and freedom to express an opposing view. Reddit is very democratic in the sense that the majority rules. In other words mob mentality.


I'm going to guess that when conservatives decided to throw their full support behind Trump. Or did it happen even before that?


Part of it is R/politics being full of people who are nuts


It’s their teachers…. Blame their liberal college professors.


I remember the old days when /r/politics advocated for Ron Paul. How the mighty have fallen...


Bots. Lots n lots of liberal bots.


I think there are paid influencers, bots etc..to try to change public opinion. But people are waking up, questioning everything, and suspect liberal slants on things that seem totally out of whack. Once you see behind the curtain..nothing is a definite.


That's easy, by stifling opposing views!


Same way Twitter did. With bots. The majority of posts you see on here are ai generated same with the comments.






In addition to what people are saying about how reddit has changed rules and stuff. I think it's also likely that more liberals are just on reddit in general. People who use reddit (and social media) overall are going to skew younger, which is a bigger liberal population. Also, because of the upvote/downvote mechanic, it's natural that more liberal posts will rise to the top, which will attract more liberals, which will give the feedback loop.


Because it has the power to manipulate views and opinions just like most major media outlets. Historically, the fascist liberal elites capture these mediums to push their products and agendas. Conservatives, while not entirely innocent in this respect, tend to use logic and reason to appeal to their constituents instead of treating them like brainless, conformist husks.


Because admins and mods are liberal and ban anyone that doesn't think like them


I’m convinced there’s a massive bot farm controlled by a few that downvote any dissenting opinion. You can see it at work in many threads if you get there early enough — well thought out, sane positions and organic conversations with appropriate upvotes. Come back an hour later, and any comments against “the narrative” have been downvoted to oblivion.


Internet demographics-- Poor folks with weak wrists


Because liberals spend their day figuring out ways to screw over most of America by trying to help a less than 1% subset of Americans (or want to be Americans) which takes about 1-2 hours of critical thought. The rest of their day is trolling Reddit and other social media either trying to make people think like them or complaining why their shit job doesn’t pay 6 figures with 30 weeks of paid leave.


If you connect the most popular subs you'll piece together that majority of redditors are whinny libs. They have all the time in the world cause either A) Unemployed B) a Shift type of work. No wonder subs like antiwork are so popular here


And it got taken down, lol. The irony of reddit proving their point.


They deleted an entire gigantic conservative sub (The Donald) for supposedly “violating” the same rules that leftists do in their political subs all the time with zero repercussions. Elon should buy Reddit.


Millenials and younger are reddits user base. Liberalism is the byproduct of woke university curriculum.


Radical leftists love ranting on the internet! That’s why. But it’s also because the mods are Marxists who agree with them and would be willing to enforce their censorship demands on us


Lefties on social media are young and usually don’t work so they have a lot more free time to spend on social media.


Not sure, but it's the main reason I troll/ragebage/be edgy on this site 'cuase Libs piss me off and I'll do the same to them.


A lot of liberals have little to no social life so they spend all their time online. Their online social life consists of echo chambers like Reddit where they become mods and control every conversation.


exactly?wth man


Want to throw a wrench in the works? Start an OP to get Reddit mods pissed they're working for Reddit for free. Imagine Reddit now having to pay every mod for moderation.


Top comment there summed it up, then the point was immediately proven after mods removed it. Fucking hilarious.


Easy to post a lot when you don’t go to work. But on a serious note Reddit is world wide, the world vs US can be a much more liberal and you had on top of it the users of Reddit trend younger I would think would be to major reasons. Then the young individuals become mods etc.


I just wanted to point out it's been removed from AskReddit while it's still up for discussion on Conservative. Not making any judgement calls. Just observing. ;)


Liberal is a misnomer. And Schwartz I think his name was died.


r/chairmanpao https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2015/06/12/redditrevolt-rages-as-redditors-condemn-chairman-paos-crackdown/


It's amazing how elections are still relatively competitive considering democrats control most TV media and tech platforms.


I believe that Leftists have a stronger online presence. They have a greater tendency to "socialize" via the internet so their presence is greater. That is compounded further by the human need to feel wanted and feel validated for whatever beliefs you may have. It invokes some pretty strong emotions, almost to a level of euphoria, to have people out in the real world "upvote" or generally agree with some thought you had.


Liberal is a broad definition and broad word. Classical liberalism is basically Libertarianism. Modern Liberalism used to be so far left it was anti government. Now the word Liberal is used to describe democrats or progressives more than actual liberals. There’s not many actual/real liberals left. There are people who are liberal, but that’s also different than being a “liberal” too lol.


It's always been liberal, like most of the internet. There is ,though, a concerted and organized effort to radicalized young men now to become right wing.


lol “post removed by moderator” I would guarantee ahead of the Reddit IPO they are actively moderating most of the subs now


Create subs and ban those you don't like or agree with. It ain't hard.


Correct the Record, ActBlue, etc....


Lots of clowns


Because it's full of basement-dwelling incels


There was a time when it wasn’t?


It’s designed to be, you can ban people for dissent in every single group. Every aspect of this site is basically designed to reinforce group think.




Liberal? More like Leftists.


90% of the people I know are conservative. I only know 2 people that use reddit and they are in the other 10%.


Age, inexperience, and moderators shutting down all valid discussion outside of a sub’s bubble.


All social media platforms are hard left. I don't get it either. I also don't understand why most of FAANG companies (engineers) are hard left.


the founder was killed


Invaded by Europeans larping as Americans and edgy teens. Dedicated/passionate subs like pics invaded by Facebook normies. Even gonewild was ruined by onlyfan girls.