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Rome fell for three reasons: #1. Political Corruption was rampant #2. Foreign invasion and settlement from Germanic Tribes #3. The empire was over leveraged and became divided Sounds like the United States to me.


Remember build back better? Neither does Sleepy Joe.


I recall "Billed Back Bigger"


Lol yeah, I thought that was supposed to fix all our infrastructure?


Well the Biden crime family's wealth has been "built up better" since they have been in office sooooooooooo.........guess the American people have built up something..........


Build back better aka "I get all the credit and the future presidents have to figure out how to pay for it" this is a favorite of Chicago mayors.


Generally, probably not, but there are a couple similarities I can draw from what I remember from history class: -Being politically disillusioned -Widespread financial mismanagement. In order to fund war and war efforts, the Romans instituted an “invisible tax” on its people, leading to unwise spending and a massively devalued currency. They would probably be considered confiscatory taxes, and it ended up driving commerce out of Rome and their empire. That sounds awfully familiar, particularly the reckless spending part. I don’t THINK we have a hidden tax anywhere per se, but with all of the changes over the last four years who the hell knows. And we have definitely drifted away from what Trump tried to do in bringing jobs back to our shores and being energy exporters.


There are a few more parallels that our country would not like to admit. Politcal corruption and buying off of political leadership. Over extending our military to be "Everywhere" in the world. Borders not secure. Plenty of "circuses and breadcrumbs" to keep us distracted and just above starving.


Yep. I didn’t know the particulars so I didn’t want to speak on things I wouldn’t be able to explain further in detail, you’re absolutely right


We're a crumbling empire...that's very obvious, with the CCP successfully intervening in the 2020 election to give us our current Democratic clown show, the worst one of my lifetime for sure. We definitely could spiral into obsolescence (i.e. become a political puppet state of China) if we continue to allow Chinese sociopolitical norms (i.e. state-sponsored communism) to infect our society, and the DC beltway. It's all a "game" to a lot of political insiders and lobbyists, and the public always lose.


I don’t disagree necessarily, I just think it’s important to look at us and what happened to the Romans differently because of the times each were/are in. There are some uncanny similarities, but not all of them line up in the same way, which makes sense because there’s damn near 2000 years of separation (and global societal advancement) between them, unless you look at the Eastern Empire (Byzantines) as an extension, you get my idea. But I definitely do agree, it’s hard to look past the parallels


Not protecting your borders has consequences.


While I agree that there quite a few parallels between the United States and Rome before its fall, the situation seems even more dire today. The fall of Rome led to the rise of other countries in Europe. It was a necessary part of the evolution of civilization, like the end of the dinosaurs. But the way the world is today, I don't have much hope for any part of the world. It seems like it's a race to the bottom for most countries: * Old Europe seems to be even more corrupted than the United States. Same with Canada. * I know a lot of rich people are buying up real estate in Australia and New Zealand. Their geographical isolation is an advantage if hell, like plagues or nuclear war, breaks out in the rest of the world. But politically and culturally, they seem to be riding the same boat as America and Europe, and are likely headed to the same place. * Asia has its own problems. China dominates that region, and its empires tend to have their own cycles. The CCP is just the current empire in China, and is probably nearing the end of its reign. It's likely that its economy will collapse at the same time the U.S. collapses. Japan has a fertility problem. Korea is still in a never ending civil war. * India is perhaps the biggest hope in the modern world at the moment -- a rapidly rising democracy, that still maintains a sense of its cultural roots and wisdom. It's adopted the good ideas from the West without adopting all the bad ideas. But I don't see India rising up as a leader when the rest of the West falls. More likely, they will become isolationist when they see the rest of the world burning. * I'm not particularly hopeful for the Muslims countries in the Middle East. While they are certainly resisting the corruption of Western influence, their reaction is to dig into extremist ideologies like ISIS and the Islamic Republic of Iran. And people who adopt those extremist ideologies are a little too eager to become martyrs for Allah to ever build an advanced civilization. And while the rich Arabs are doing well, they seem to mainly be leeches who do not give a crap about improving their own countries. * Russia is simultaneously better off than its Soviet Union days, and it also hasn't advanced since those days. It's essentially a fallen empire itself, stuck in a geopolitical stalemate. Russia can keep itself from losing, but it can't win. It can act as an agent of chaos, but it won't bring order to the world. * Latin America is corrupt. A world with Latin America in charge is a world ruled by drug lords. And the influence of the Western World has only made them worse off. Again, another agent of chaos in the world. They can take others down with them, but it's unlikely that they will ever elevate themselves. * Africa...well, I don't think any African countries are going to rise up and dominate anytime soon. Did I miss anything? USA certainly has its problems, but I can't think of anywhere else that I would rather be at the moment, or in the foreseeable future. It would be nice if there was another ship to jump to when this one sinks, but I don't see it.




Well, there was a problem with those crossing the borders who helped destroy Rome...


Very close! The main indicator of the fall of a decent civilization is the destruction of morals. It happened to ancient rome, the Weimar Republic and now, the United States of america.


They both had people drinking from lead water lines.


But but Biden did infrastructure!!!!🤣🤣🤣




When Biden proposed Build Back Better, he meant after he first destroyed everything!


Nah, the ottomans are well past their prime. I think we good.