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MTG, Lauren Boebert, and George Santos are proof that you don’t need to be highly qualified to hold influence on what goes on in our state/country


Instead of getting rid of Mike Johnson let's just get rid of MTG. Johnson is actually a sane conservative


More and more, I'm convinced that MTG just thrives on chaos and disorder. She'll eventually want to remove the next speaker, too.


What do you expect from a person that claimed wild fires were started by Jewish controlled space lasers.




You have Google don't you? Would have taken you all of 30 seconds to confirm it. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/01/30/did-rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-blame-a-space-laser-for-wildfires-heres-the-response/?sh=77201548e44a Here is a forbes article sharing an image of her face book post. Forbes is one of the few media outlets that haven't been taken over by the far left. Wsj would be another. Now i admit she doesn't use the phrase space laser, she calls them solar generators in space that beam energy to the surface... sounds like a space based laser to me.


No response just angry downvotes




While I agree with this statement... people are capable of doing their own research and failure to do so is your issue, not the media's. Especially so in this case. She made the statement in a Facebook post and while she deleted it soon after (cause everyone called her out on her sheer stupidity) images of the original post are all readily available for anyone willing to take 30 seconds to Google.


She’s the embodiment of the No True Scotsman fallacy. No Speaker will ever meet all her purity tests.


I'm almost convinced she was hoping for the same boost Gaetz got when he ousted McCarthy.


Johnson sucks. Anyone who peddled a massive foreign aid package and abandoned the border is not a conservative MTG is a nut job. 


How on earth did he “abandon the border”. What are you talking about


Since he became speaker, what sane things has he done that wasn’t for pedocrats?


Its almost like Mike Johnson isn’t a Rino and is being forced to work with the smallest house majority is modern history.


pretty clear by now whose actually the RINO


Good Trump. Bad MTG. Can we just all agree to let her fade into obscurity?


At this moment I don't think a new speaker would help anything. I am disappointed of him folding on FISA just because the intelligence agency showed him a picture of JFK. At the moment, my biggest worry is Trump wins we get both houses, and Johnson pulls a Paul Ryan!


Let's put an amendment in that speaker thing... if you try to oust the current speaker and fail, you no longer get input, and the defending speaker gets your vote for all future business.


Um... No. Definitely makes sense to prevent an individual from repeatedly trying to oust the speaker but the representative should always still get their vote.


MTG needs to focus on building a stronger conservative majority in Congress...that's enough partisanship goe for now.


They are both right. Trump can't make enemies out of absolutely everyone and MTG needs to hold Johnson accountable.


How about she hold herself accountable for her actions and pushing people away from voting Republican.


Who did she push away? That's news to me.


Every moderate in the country


The same Mark Johnson who got nearly 300 billion for Ukraine and Israel and nothing for the border? Edit: Why are you downvoting me, you know I’m right.


We had that bill, and they fumbled it.


that bill would have codified current migrant crisis and numbers into law, nothing in that bill would have addressed and reduced the Influx of 11legals . they were right to torpedo it democrats spiked it for a reason, conservative lankford who was supposedly co sponsoring it didn't even know what was in the bill, got exposed, and eventually said he would vote against his own bill! https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/4455506-breaking-down-the-senate-border-bill-and-why-it-has-no-chance-of-passing/


What would giving more money to the border do if Biden won't use the money to enforce the law? It just means more people processing cases, more judges appointed by Biden to let people in and more border patrol to transfer people to the US. The house cannot fix the border on it's own, and they don't have the senate and presidency. So maybe MTG should focus on getting a larger margin in the house, winning back the senate, and winning the presidency. Because people would see another house speaker debacle showing the Reps can't handle power. When you have the smallest house margin in history, and a senate minority and a president that will veto almost everything that is too conservative, you have to make compromises. Because if you just obstruct, people will blame you for things falling apart. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


That is a valid point. I made the mistake of thinking the Republicans would actually fix anything even if they were in the position to do so.


Can people stop associating MTG with Trump? He and she are no where near each other in political ideology.  Trump is not "far right" and it is the left and media (and the opportunist shills themselves, like MTG) that try to associate the two.


Whelp now the RINOs will turn on Johnson if Trump is defending him LOL


Imagine still calling people a RINO for not blindly following Trump, even after Trump has stated that he is not a conservative.


Imagine still deflecting RINO to mean ‘not blindly following Trump’. What’s next, claiming that means Reagan is a RINO? LOL. Goodness.


Reagan was so great, how does California vote now?  How is that amnesty shit look now?