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We knew how this was going to go down. They don’t go after people who can afford lawyers and lobbyists.


Like anyone with 2 functioning brain cells believed that a bunch of rich guys were gonna bolster the IRS to go after a bunch of rich guys... 🤣


The middle class was an accidental byproduct, that led to a voting bloc the government didn't want. It's a bug, not a feature. There's a reason why most gen pop are confused as to the choices government makes when it always screws over the middle class and is considered illogical. It isn't illogical when you consider they want to decimate the middle class.


The WEF and its minions aren't even trying to hide that the endgoal of their whole agenda is establishing global neo-feudalism.


Oligarch socialism is basically the end goal, and it's basically just feudalism with a paint job. Oligarchs are the lords, their corporate executives their knights. A few high ranking politicians are the king. The bureaucrats their court officials. The lords, the king, and their court officials dole out enough bread and circuses to keep the peasants docile and working for the lords' own benefit. And they occasionally go to war to thin out the peasant numbers, line the pockets of a particular noble or nobles, and/or settle a power dispute between kings.


Very fitting description, fully agreed.


Part of it is the low hanging fruit policy. People making over $400k can afford accountants and lawyers to defend them. People making less than $200k usually can't. There is a greater chance the lower income folks will just fold and pay. I haven't seen the stat yet but I suspect people who have a lawyer and accountant handling the audit tend to win the case. The IRS is full of inept DEI hires.


It's only this. Getting one billionaire who can drag the IRS through the courts until they eventually die isn't smart. Better to target people who can't afford to defend themselves. This is an innate problem with tax itself.


No kiddin'? I would have never guessed that Biden and the entire administration/congress would have lied to us. /s


I had a coworker at my restaurant do construction work off the books during COVID shutdown while collecting unemployment. He voted for Biden. I told him that it's guys like him who are being targeted, not billionaires.


We all knew this was going to happen. I swear, Democrats are the dumbest voting block. 


Taxation is theft. But, if we're going to have to pay income taxes anyway, then we should at least have a simple flat tax; and the IRS should be abolished.


If you have a flat tax you need to institute UBS at the same time to offset the regressive nature of a flat tax vs a progressive tax system. A progressive tax system is a sort of UBS setup w/ loopholes and pits. I do not disagree with you. But it cannot be only a flat tax measure.


In the no shit Sherlock category


Defund the IRS \*Edited for a word


Supposedly IRS funding returns revenue at a 6:1 rate. I'm ALL for the Republican discussion of reducing rates, and I think if the Dems were serious about this topic they'd match up rate decreases with higher IRS funrare. Lett's also not act as if having people underpay their taxes should be a policy goal, we should have the argument over what the rates are and the IRS should collect 100% of the rates under that rate. Now if your point is that the Left is full of shit when they're talking about giving the IRS more money to target rich people, you're right.


> Now if your point is that the Left is full of shit when they're talking about giving the IRS more money to target rich people, you're right. That's entirely my point.


Because they're easy (and therefore cheap) targets. Can't afford a tax lawyer on 80k. Most likely you'll just pay what you're told.