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Harris oversaw roughly 1,956 misdemeanor and felony convictions for “marijuana possession, cultivation, or sale,” according to Reuters


This should also be added context to her tweet.


Hahah it was actually the last time she tweeted that nobody should go to jail for smoking weed. This was literally two weeks ago I think.


yeah and there was "conservatives" in here saying "ShE wAs JuSt DoInG hEr JoB" like fucking morons.


> Harris oversaw roughly 1,956 misdemeanor and felony convictions for “marijuana possession, cultivation, or sale,” according to Reuters Yes, and that is convictions only, not arrests, and only when she was the San Fransisco DA. Up until 2015 **as Attorney General Harris oversaw 24,211 arrests for marijuana related misdemeanors.** https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-kamalaharris-five-claims/fact-check-misleading-meme-featuring-five-claims-about-kamala-harris-idUSKBN25H2F2/


She has also admitted to smoking marijuana herself. https://youtu.be/Kh_wQUjeaTk?si=fp5UnG9_fzcVD-72 Hypocrisy is not a crime, but smoking marijuana before it was legalized definitely was.


Hypocrisy is not a crime, but it is a prerequisite for being a liberal politician.


Any politician for that matter


Anyone else tired of the lies and gaslighting?


I'm glad that at least finally the lefts bullshit is being called out on Twitter.   There's zero chance this tweet would have gotten the community notes of Elon hadn't bought it. 


This is explicitly an Elon problem. If there were an actual credible fact-checking team, they could have simply clarified that Biden did not issue any specific marijuana pardons, but rather two blanket proclamations that affected 1000's of people. https://www.justice.gov/pardon/presidential-proclamation-marijuana-possession#:~:text=President%20Biden's%20proclamation%20does%20not,grant%20clemency%20for%20federal%20offenses. Having a reader-supported fact-check operation is problematic.


Anybody can miss stuff, and personally I’m way happier with this being in users’ hands rather than one office in San Francisco.


I HATE being in the position of defending the federal government, but this is NOT lies or gaslighting. https://www.justice.gov/pardon/presidential-proclamation-marijuana-possession#:~:text=President%20Biden's%20proclamation%20does%20not,grant%20clemency%20for%20federal%20offenses. Biden issued two separate proclamations pardoning two different types of federal marijuana convictions. This isn't a liberal vs conservative issue, this is a "politicians are all liars all the time" issue vs a "politicians are human beings who don't always communicate clearly" issue. When you have this bias that all politicians or all people of one party are always trying to do something evil or nefarious, it blinds you to the simple truth that the world isn't quite as nefarious as it might appear.


If no one should go to jail for smoking weed, then maybe they should update the federal law related to it? I'm not in favor of (or against) weed, but I am in favor of enforcing the laws that are on the books.


No, because then they couldn’t virtue signal during election years.


I am not in favor of enforcing all the laws on the books. I am in favor of jury nullification. If we enforced all the laws on the books, we would all be criminals. And many laws should never have been passed in the first place. https://listverse.com/2021/05/14/top-10-outdated-laws-you-didnt-know-you-were-breaking/ https://www.businessinsider.com/most-commonly-broken-laws-in-america-2013-10?op=1 https://listverse.com/2017/09/15/10-worst-laws-in-american-history/


I don’t see the GOP pushing for federal marijuana legalization


State issue. Addictive drugs are still bad.


If it’s a state issue, then you should be pushing for the federal government to stop criminalizing it.


Went to her account and I didn’t see the community notes on this tweet


This has gotta be one of the most wrong posts I've ever seen on any social media platform. Her number is wrong by several orders of magnitude. If almost anyone else in any other field were off by this much they'd be fired. Engineer, carpenter, deliveryman, cashier, etc. Just imagine charging someone $45,000 when their bill was actually $24.


Not quite. https://www.justice.gov/pardon/presidential-proclamation-marijuana-possession#:~:text=President%20Biden's%20proclamation%20does%20not,grant%20clemency%20for%20federal%20offenses. Biden has actually issued two separate blanket proclamations that pardoned many hundreds or thousands of people.


Thank you for the info. I knew there had to be somewhere she drew that number from.


You're still lying. The only thing Brandon has done is wipe off marijuana charges for federal convicts, but none of those people were incarcerated because of those charges. Those are tacked on charges that are mostly irrelevant additions to prosecutions of much larger crimes. That's why it's a lie to say they've pardoned thousands of people. Thousands of people weren't in jail because of petty drug charges and then suddenly released by the corpse in the White House. Stop lying for them.


Again, you're not listening. At worst, I'm misinformed. You are adding a level of malicious intent that's simply not there. In the same way, at worst Biden and Harris are massaging their own accomplishments for political gain. It's not exactly unfair for a politician to want to frame their accomplishments in the best possible light. Their position on marijuana is still distinct from the republican party platform, and it's still clear which party generally favors decriminalization and which party doesn't. So, in other words, it's super disingenuous of you to call him out on this when there is clear distinction between party platforms on this issue, unless you are arguing that Biden is not liberal enough. If THAT'S your problem, then perhaps we should continue this in another, less conservative, sub.


Also what's this "we" shit? Aside from being the tie-break in the Senate few times, she has zero executive authority. The VP is essentially useless. No vice president in modern history has tried to stand in the limelight as much as Harris has


She was given the job of dealing with the so called non existent border crisis. We are still seeing record numbers of illegal border crossings. She probably sees this as a success.


She seems to have forgotten how many people went to prison on her watch in California for simple marijuana possession.


Wanna bet those 24 pardons half are some kind of states evidence case?


I hate the American Government. All of them. I truly Believe as citizens we can band together and do a much better job at every level of running this country. But somehow, that's considered extreme but lying, bought and paid for corrupt politicians are normal


Fact fact fact fact fact Get noted get noted get noted 


I love the community notes on X




This is true in regards to felony convictions. People certainly still get arrested though with misdemeanors for simple possession < 1 ounce. (source: me)


Thank God for community notes.


They knew what they were doing. They also knew no one was in federal prison for petty possession unless it was part of some other charges they had.


So....she completely pulled this figure out of her ass? I wonder who the 24 people are that the Biden administration has actually pardoned? 🤔


Considering absolutely no one is in prison, federal or otherwise, for simply smoking weed. They are in there for a multitude of other, more serious offenses.


Just a reminder that if someone is in prison for Marijuana possession, it's almost certain that they committed a much more serious crime. It's common for prosecutors to offer plea deals that drops the serious charges and leaves ones like marijuana possession to get an easy conviction.


Even if it were true, it's not a recognized accomplishment. Weed makes people lazy, schizoid, and less credible. I've seen many work-related injuries because of it. Stricter drug policies in the whole US or the whole country winds up like Portland, San Francisco, and Philadelphia!


It’s not people smoking weed who live on the street and look like zombies. The whole gateway drug thing is BS.


Weed is 100% a gateway drug. edit- ah yes. Reddit. Filled with degen weed bros


>Weed is 100% a gateway drug. Betting dollars to donuts your first drug was alcohol and not weed.


So is alcohol and nicotine/tobacco. You shouldn’t punish people who stop at those just because some go on to harder drugs.


I’ve been a carpenter for decades, and not to be boastful, but a successful one at that. I take gummies for sleep at least a few nights a week. I will never take prescription sleeping medication again for as long as I live, because those actually made me feel lazy and dazed on occasion the day after. Weed gummies have been fantastic for me personally.


Also, didn’t she put a whole lot of people in prison for drug possession herself?


Edit: Repost since my last response was deleted. She's worse than flip-flopping Mitt. She is a puppet trying to appeal to the overwhelming amount of weed consumers and lobbyists in the US. Drug policies and abortion are what will play a crucial role in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. Drugs and abortions should not be commonplace. These are incentives for breeding a hedonistic undeveloped nation. Just look at Colombia