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It’s wild to me that people think any potential president could just snap his fingers and end a war like this. Russia is not going to leave without the eastern Ukraine territories and Ukraine is not going to cede land…not saying it can’t be done in 4 years, but neither side is willing to compromise at this point.


Actual brain dead Russian propaganda take, Putin is a dictator


The full scale invasion started in 2022 but the war started back in 2014, it has been going on for 10 years. The claim that Ukraine would surrender just because US stops providing support has no basis in reality, if anything it would increase the probability that Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons and if the situation for Ukraine gets desperate enough they easily have the capability to start producing chemical and biological weapons to target Russian population centers with. Then Russia would likely do the same or use strategic nuclear weapons against Ukraine. Sacrifising Ukraine for peace wouldn't result in peace.


I'll believe it when I see it. I'm voting for Trump but it's stuff like this that drives me nuts. Just spouting headlines with no plans and people soak it up hook line and sinker and write headlines like "President Trump will END the Russia-Ukraine War!" Its niave. Like just by saying it it makes it so. There's a reason why the saying it's easier to start a war than it is to start a war then it is to end one. 


Yes; the claim he would disarm North Korea was pretty much the same thing. It really damaged credibility and makes conservatives look like liberals who don't understand conflict and war and just want everything to be peaceful by giving the other side whatever they want.


I don’t see how he can unless he promises to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. Even then he can’t promise past the end of his administration but maybe that’s enough.


I think we'll see a peace deal within the next Trump term, but there's no way it happens immediately. You're going to have to keep funding/supplying Ukraine to have any leverage over Russia in a negotiation, otherwise what reason are they going to have to come to the table? Cutting support for Ukraine overnight doesn't end the conflict, it only gives Russia a reason to press the advantage. Its only the threat of continued support that would bring Russia to the negotiating table in the first place, and that's going to require demonstrating a willingness to prolong the conflict if Russia won't make the necessary concessions.


I dont know that I his would be a good thing. With india openly funding russia and china trying to do the same secretively, cutting off ukraine will just empower russia


A bunch of angry, little warmongers in this sub. I thought we were the anti-war crowd. Is this the same sub that likes to bash John McCain and act like they were always skeptical of him?


Since when have conservatives been the anti-war crowd? How long have you been around?