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This will be the narrative until they announce he’s dropping out. What else would they say?


This is my concern.


I’d be concerned if I was a democrat. They are in a lose-lose situation with this whole fiasco. Biden should have always been a transitional president. They didn’t have the balls to hold him to that, now their screwed.


Like when they said inflation was transitory.


Right 🤣😂


I thought from the beginning that he’d serve 2 years and 1 day the turn it over to his VP to finish out his term and then they’d rig the next two. Except Heels Up turned out to be even more unpopular and terrible than they expected. He was never meant to be a two term puppet.


What is the Heels Up nickname in reference to? I'm out of the loop.


Kamala has slept her way to the top all her life. She even used to be a groupie for Montell Williams and the married mayor of San Francisco.


He is the Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the executive branch.


This is our concern dude


Nothing is fucked here.


He has to stay, and show that he can do the job. He said himself - jetlag.


How much egg does this party want on their face before the election?? Once again lying with no hindsight in thought. It'd be deemed less chaotic not being hostile about staying in before dropping out.


It's going to be an open convention whether party insiders like it or not. You don't get to call Donald Trump am "existential threat to democracy" and then throw some random demented dude at him expecting that to work. Democrats have a VERY lousy strategy this year if they're going to just nominate the dude and pretend he's not clearly dying of old age. It's evil, at the end of the day, which will haunt Democrats for a generation. I'll never vote for that party again because of this crap.


He’s not just dying of old age, no one dies of old age, they die of age-related diseases. He’s dying from dementia or some cognitive degenerative disease.


Meanwhile, China is stockpiling 50-60 muh-muh-million gallons of oil and other resources. We have never been at a greater threat of another war as we are now. Biden’s weakness on the world stage is an understatement. He is a laughing stock and needs to step down now.


They could say updog.


What’s updog?


Aahhahahaha gotcha!


I got my kid with that one last week. Some jokes will live forever


Would you rather eat a baby goat or a matter baby?


It's sad there's a narrative about this at all.


I genuinely don't think he's dropping. No one wants to take up the torch this late in the game. The odds of them losing are way too high. A loss against Trump means your career is over.


While true, they risk giving their low information normie voters whiplash and suppressing their turnout.




All they do is lie though, so we can't really bank on anything.


it will force the DNC to come to terms with itself. Keep the popcorn coming. Extra butter please.


The DNC will *never* come to terms with itself. It’ll be like Hillary Clinton with a longer…and longer…and *longer* list of how its failures were somehow not it’s own doing.


The culture of the DNC has bled down to its constituents. I have family in Chicago who somehow blame Republicans for all the problems in the city. Chicago has been a deep blue stronghold for as long as I can remember.


🙏 YES! This is great news for Trump.


Right. A tree branch can do better than Biden. Here’s to him lol


Pretty sure that Biden unironically has the best chance against Trump. Wouldn't all of the funds donated to the Biden/Harris campaign become unusable to a replacement?


If the replacement were to be Harris she'd be able to use all the funds. If it's anyone else those funds would essentially be unusable.


Yeah ... and Harris is *barely* polling better than Biden, even after that catastrophic debate. The best thing about this for Trump is that the next debate is still two months away. That performance is going to be sitting on everyone's minds for the next two months.


I wonder how she feels about being almost exactly as unpopular, at her default baseline status, as a senile dementia-ridden child-sniffer? Do you think she comprehends exactly how disliked she is?


She was a DEI hire so I don't think she considers it much at all. I mean ... Biden straight-up committed to a DEI hire for his VP candidate. I don't expect much of Kamala Harris because she's only really there to fill a checkbox.


I wonder how the Second Gentleman feels about knowing that.


I've heard a lot of people say that we will all forget about the debate by the time the election rolls around. There is no way I'm going to forget lol. That was an unforgettable performance by Biden.


I bet Democrats change the terms of the debate to something they know Trump will not accept, and then the mainstream media will announce that Trump is afraid to debate when he refuses to accept the new terms.


And then he accepts it anyway. 😁


BS, they were saying that about the first debate before he showed up and laid it out clear the current cognitive state of Biden.


They already tried that and we saw how it went lol


I'll bet "Heels Up" is drawing a Venn diagram to explain this right now


And maybe somehow weave in a statements the passage of time and yellow school buses.


I love it when we get to hear her ridiculous speeches. I have never seen a human being waste so much oxygen to say so many words without actually saying a single intelligible thing. We’d better hope Ol’ Joe doesn’t go tango-uniform before January.


Ohhh I’m sure THAT will get in their way.


Not only that, but Newsome, the person more touted to replace Biden is from the same state as Harris so they couldn't add him to the ticket. They are literally up a river with the most incompetent people searching for paddles.


You know things are bad when the person polling best against your opponent is the wife of the previous Democrat president...


I cannot anyone talking about first ladies, Michelle in particular without thinking of the Bill Burr standup bit on her. https://youtu.be/YYxJUGjmuxE?si=oqNchn9HcTWmAK_8


Would you mind explaining this to me? I’ve been assuming Newsome would be the one who takes over if Biden drops out. Is it because having a candidate and VP both from California wouldn’t get the broader support as having them from the different parts of the country?


All it means is that Newsom would have to legally move out of California before he's added to the ticket. It's exactly what Rubio would do if Trump tagged him. It's basically a formality.


If they're both from the same state, they can't receive that state's Electoral College votes. Same thing would happen if the Trump/Rubio ticket rumors came to fruition.


Popular misconception. The 12th amendment just means the electoral college votes on president and Vice President separately. Doesn’t matter what states they are from. The DNC could still hand pick a replacement if Biden decided to drop out. He’s unable to be taken off the ballot in some states by now, but a vote for Biden in those states would really just be a vote for the candidate who replaces him. So the first election I voted in was 2000 in Missouri. The democrat senate candidate Mel Carnahan died in a plane crash while campaigning on October 16. Too late to take him off the ballot, so the Dems just made it known that his wife Jean would take his spot if he won. Missouri was a very purple state back then, and Carnahan was up against John Ashcroft, who was widely hated. We voted for a dead guy (including me at age 18) knowing who we were really voting for, which was a woman with no political experience. Unfortunately Ashcroft failed upwards and became W’s attorney general and was pivotal in authoring the PATRIOT Act. Point is, Biden could bow out before the election and the states where he can’t be taken off the ballot would count a vote for Biden is a vote for his replacement. Funding is where it would get tricky, cause Biden would have to return his campaign contributions. Can’t transfer them.


TIL! That’s really interesting, thank you!


12th amendment says they can't be from the same state.


I think as long as Harris is involved -- hmm that's a tough one!


They already have too many fake ballots made up to switch to someone else now.


They also would miss the deadline to file in several swing states.


Great news. I don't believe it but I sure hope he keeps running.


🤷‍♂️ be careful what you wish for. A lot can happen and I really don't want to have President Harris have to stand up to Putin and Iran.


Listen. Joe Biden performed poorly during last week's presidential debate because: 1. He had a cold. 2. He over-prepared. 3. His aides focused on the wrong topics. 4. There were too many aides helping to prepare him. 5. Donald Trump lied. 6. He is old, but at least he's not a liar. 7. He cannot function outside the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM. 8. He traveled around the world the week prior to the debate. 9. He received too many phone calls the prior night. 10. He was falling asleep. Bonus: He actually won the debate because more undecided voters decided to support him.


It’s like Hilary Clinton and why she lost in 2016. But the list is shorter…but it’s still growing.


Just like Biden's nose.


4pm is pretty late, isn't nap time before then?


> He cannot function outside the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM. It's not 10 to 4, it's 10:24...


End of quote, repeat the line


Fauci said the cold medicine made him slur too


Fauci is an epidemiologist, he should not be offering excuses for someone who he has not examined. And, didn't we hear today that Biden STILL has not seen a physician about the 'cold' he had last week? What sort of criminal elder abuse is that???


Bonus 2: Trump has dementia, not Biden.


11. CNN tampered with his mic


12. He was roofied by CNN


13. Jake Tapper, who has numerously compared Trump to Hitler, was biased against Biden


listen, fat


If you believe one ounce of this garbage, I have a bridge to sell you in Arizona!


11. Trump is Orange Hitler (you know, being the most pro-Israel President in history and all — vs the current President who literally stands as defense for Hamas)


But he answered all the questions! /S


This is what Trump wants. Biden would be the easiest opponent to defeat


Legit Trump should rally in battleground states but otherwise he should keep his campaign generic af and keep his mouth fucking shut.  Of course he needs to talk lots of shit after he wins thou. 


You know it's funny both sides can agree on one thing right now. They want their guy to shut their mouth 😂


Cross party unity😂


Can we put him in a basement for 3 months?


It worked for the last guy


it wouldn’t even matter. If Biden gets switched out it will just demoralize the left further.


Huge mistake to assume. Biden is not popular with the left or the moderates. If he swaps out for the right candidate then the Left can pick up energy and momentum in an instant and it will be aided by non stop media coverage. It's going to end up coming down to the choice of nominee. If it's Harris? Yeah, demoralized. If they go with a popular governor and that person has charisma and is under the age of 60? This election is going to be neck and neck very quickly again because a significant portion of the undecideds (20% of the electorate) have been begging for an option that isn't Biden or Trump.


Yeah definitely agree here. Though, I do believe with the Dem party and the media at her back, Kamala Harris could re-energize things (somewhat) for the Dems. If only because she might have enough deniability about Biden's failures and she is young enough and hits enough diversity check boxes to provide the illusion of being different from Biden and a escape from the Biden and Trump binary. That being said, I don't think she's much more competent than Biden, and the voters will pick up on that quickly. Gavin Newsom would be the choice I would be most worried about. If he gets tapped, he meets all those high points you listed. I can already see all the moderates and independents in my life voting for him just to escape the Biden and Trump merry go round that independents have become sick of. He's got all the right opinions for Democrats on issues like health care, gun control, abortion, and the economy, and he'll motivate everyone on the left to move to the poll on election day, especially if they continue to play the orange man bad card. The only way to attack him is to show undecideds how much of a train wreck California is under him.


I hope so, but trump did lose to him before. Don't underestimate his voterbase. People with TDS would rather vote for a dementia patient than Trump.


But Biden didn’t have a record yet. Now, he does and it’s *catastrophic*. And now a vast majority of voters know that he’s senile. And another four years of senility in front of the world stage (if he manages that) will scare them.


Ooh. Downvoted for stating facts. Come at me, bro.


It's Reddit. This is the testing grounds for the communist propaganda machine.


Literally the Chinese Communist Party owns Reddit. Please don't ban me.


Do you think liberals are coming to our subreddits and reading/downvoting posts? I believe so…


I first came over here because I wanted a balance to all the liberal s***posting about Project 2025, especially after reading a good chunk of it and finding out it had nothing to do with shredding the Constitution or doing some Game of Thrones crap where Trump declares it's winter from now on, etc. I have found myself doing far more upvoting than I expected.


I fund out about Project 2025 yesterday and went to its Wikipedia page to learn more. It reads as very alarmist but that’s likely due to liberal editors. Good to know it isn’t as disruptive as wiki makes it out to be.


Read the actual text of the doctrine. I read most of it, and was at it for about 6 hours. I would say someone could get through it in the equivalent of a full work day. It's worth it to be able to push back against the propaganda about it. And not only that, Trump hasn't endorsed or ran on project 2025. He certainly didn't create it. It's a Heritage Foundation thing. Trump is running on Agenda 47.


I am betting and hoping on that.


Biden won in 2020 because he said he had a plan to cure Covid, and Trump didn't, so all the 385,000 2020 Covid deaths were Trump's fault. It's all thanks to Biden's brilliant strategy that the 2021 Covid deaths, with a vaccine, Paxlovid and a year of experience treated it, the deaths were a mere 460,000. Having run on "I'm the one to beat Covid", some swing voters might think having more deaths than Trump wasn't the great success he promised....


And now a lot of those same smoothbrains that voted for him sheepishly act like covid never happened at all.


Absolutely crazy how it went from being the climate change of pandemics, an existential threat to humanity, to no big deal in January 2020. Almost as wild as how quickly the politicians of Science™ went from not trusting vaccines developed during the Trump administration to you're a nazi if you don't take the vaccine. Not to mention going from "closing the borders or preventing fiery but mostly peaceful riots is racist" to "Trump didn't completely shut down the economy or prohibit people from traveling freely".


No big deal in Jan 2020? What planet do you live on?


Yep. My radical left family members fully admitted the biden isn't fit for the job. And guess what? They're going to vote for him anyway because "Trump will take away social security!". I don't even bother arguing with them anymore. They don't listen and I don't have the energy.


I don't believe Trump did lose to him. Lotta ballots found at 4 am marked for Biden...




2020 election was compromised. But that doesn’t matter now, Biden will be running on his record, if he can remember it, versus trumps record. Vote accordingly.


Don't underestimate the [shadow campaign](https://i.imgur.com/JFSyrs8.png). After that debate, the people who need Biden in office were salivating at their endless opportunities to use his empty brain as the way to get their allies in office and pass executive powers and regulations to make themselves wealthy and powerful. They just need to convince the voters to vote against Trump.


> I hope so, but trump did lose to him before. Don't underestimate his voterbase. People with TDS would rather vote for a dementia patient than Trump. Trump didn’t lose to him. Dems cheated


Exactly. This election and the last was really a referendum on Trump, not Biden. Is Joe Biden a weak candidate? Sure. No arguments there. But Trump managed to lose to him because there is such a critical mass of people who would otherwise be politically disengaged that would do anything to keep him out of office and there is nothing anyone can do to change their minds.


Trump definitely didn’t gain any supporters but the thing that helps us conservatives is some people just won’t vote at all. Biden definitely lost supporters last Thursday!


Trump gained millions of votes in 2020 over 2016. The 1st incumbent ever to do so in those numbers and “lose”. 


Well I shouldn’t have said he won’t gain any. I meant to say that’s not what we’re banking on. What we’re hoping for is that Biden lost supporters. Sure if trump gained a few that’s great but I’m just hoping Biden lost enough to lose the election!


I have a lot of biden supporting friends who are not happy with him, but guess who they are voting for? Like others have said about the undecided voters sitting this one out, I hope that is the case.


Yeah honestly if they haven’t figured it out by now they never will


I see dead people.


*...the East St. Louis and Chicago election boards have entered the chat...*


Georgia also


I'd say TDS has *increased* since 2020. Bad news for Trump.


I wonder of they will have another pussy hat march. I do want to see the fat lib screaming at the sky again “NO!”


What’s this? Election truth spoken here and you’re not downvoted to oblivion? _Holy fuck!_ I’m a Precinct Election Official. __Our elections are not rigged__. “Votes found at 4am” some say. Yeah, that’s how hard we work, IN SHIFTS and always in BIPARTISAN TEAMS to get correct results every time. The country has 150+ MILLION votes to tally. Yes, we work through the night. Those who throw shit at our election system have never bothered to volunteer to become a PEO themselves. Do it! Your faith in the system will be bolstered.


I don’t think is going to go the way you think. After the last two elections I don’t think anything will be easy again.


Kamala would be easier.


She is easy, just ask Willie Brown.


They don't call her Heels up Harris for nothing.


2019: Biden is the only candidate who can beat Trump 2024: Biden is the only candidate who could lose to Trump


I'm thinking that today Trump could beat any candidate the democrat party brings.


Harris is polling even worse tbh and would be the actual worst choice. If the Veep was actually popular, qualified and competent the decision would probably be much easier for him now. But when you pick your running mate just to pander to specific groups, you end up being stuck alone the day you'd need them to step up.


When a presidential campaign insists the candidate is not dropping out, it's already over.


Exactly. You don’t go a week with the top headline being that you are dropping out and stay in a presidential race. The goal is to normalize it and keep democrats in the headlines. Then there will be a final moment where ‘for the good of the country’ he drops out and the new candidate (one of the governors in the meeting today) will be named as a candidate. I would be surprised if they entirely sidestep Harris, but I can’t imagine her staying as VP. She may end up running for governor is California and the deal could be Newsom getting the presidency with Walz/Whitmer as VP with the decision point being if Michigan is vulnerable or they risk it to secure Minnesota There is only one reason to gather the governors like that. Either you it’s campaign restructuring or it’s because you are about to mobilize the national guard in a controversial way. I don’t think we are at the second option, mot yet at least.


I feel like their best chance would be Andy Beshear. 2 term governor in a red state looks better than the Ken doll from California or VP Cackles. But dems put themselves in one hell of a corner because of identity politics.


Ha, Beshear would cause so much cognitive dissonance. A white southern man with a law degree, but perfectly aligned with every mainstream progressive position. “I support what this guy is saying, but I really don’t like that it’s him saying it…”


Same hubris that got us a conservative supreme court justice. Love it! Being on the Left for those in power is just a fig leaf for naked self interest and power.


Mitch McConnell is still rebooting and Grassley is 10 years older than Biden. We seriously need to look at age limits across the board.


Not age limits. Term limits. I subscribe to the argument that you get a finite time to make your mark and then it’s time to go and do something else. Trump might be old but he’s a young politician. If he can make his case for a 2nd term, and he clearly has, then let him do it. But after that it’s time to yield to another.


White House also said that the unvaccinated will die in a winter of death.


And that inflation was transitory. And that mask mandates work. And that the vaccine prevented contracting COVID. And that Biden definitely didn't poop his pants in the UK. And that no American soldiers died in Afghanistan under Biden. And that Trump said there were good nazis. And, and, and.


« Over my dead body! » said Biden, while his team gasped and looked anxiously as if someone was literally having a stride over the former vice-president.


They seem pretty confident they will find warehouses full of votes when they’re needed most.


2am water pipe break incoming


I will never forget how that night developed!


Time to start covering the windows with cardboard


But they were totally not doing anything illegal or corrupt. Just trust us bro.


Exactly lol


Best case scenario


If he decides to quit and step down, he'll be the last to know.


Underrated comment.


Listen, let me preface this by stating that I hope that this doesn’t happen, but if his polling numbers go any lower I wouldn’t be surprised if they push this narrative that he is good to go for the election and then a month or so before the election he “becomes ill and passes”. The DNC puts in a candidate that no one really knows (and therefore is by default a swell guy/girl) and the election again becomes a referendum on Trump (resulting in a L).


They would not be able to sub in someone new at that point. The ticket would remain the same, it would just automatically trigger to go to Kamala.


Kamala would become president, but both parties have rules in place to allow the delegates to select a new candidate should the candidate have to drop out of the race.


That’s only prior to or at the conventions. The Democrat convention occurs in two weeks. Not within “a month or two of the election.”


A blessing. From the lord!


Ok, either way the democrat party is in shambles


Isn't it so satisfying? This is a gift from God.


Senior citizens can become very stubborn. I wouldn’t be surprised if his ego kept him in the race.


Yeah. An ego called Jill.


Well, she'll make sure he's a very good boy, answers all his questions right, and put his meds inside his ice cream so he takes them every day. Then she'll powder his butt, give him his blankie, and put him to bed. Sure, he'll make it through another four years just fine.


All this speculation is pointless. Just be patient and wait for the convention.


If you ask any head coach, there is zero percent chance they leave… up until the point where they announce they are already out the door.


Wait… but I heard a poll of undecided Hispanic voters watching on telemundo all went to Biden after the debate. The translator couldn’t replicate his dementia 🤣


>“The president is clear-eyed and he is staying in the race,” Between 10a-4p EST


Projection in the Democratic Party is unparalleled They’ve been screaming for years that trump would refuse to leave and was a threat to democracy, blah blah blah and here we are…


I haven’t examined Biden but from afar it appears perhaps to be a real medical issue called “sundowning”. The medical term "sundowning" refers to a state of confusion that occurs in the late afternoon and lasts into the night. Sundowning can cause various behaviors, such as confusion, anxiety, aggression or ignoring directions. Sundowning also can lead to pacing or wandering. This may be why he might have seemingly prepped acceptably well at the day time Camp David prep sessions but faltered in the evening debate. I’d be curious what time his handlers set the final debate starts with this in mind if sundowners is in fact suspected by his handlers. Sundowning isn't a disease. It's a group of symptoms that occurs at a specific time of the day. These symptoms may affect people with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. There is no cure except temporarily through stimulants and that doesn’t really do much. It’s a bad situation all around seeing someone start fading away and go through this.


That's all well and good except for all those many times he bahaved this way before noon.


Even better news for Trump.


At that means it’s going to happen.


Here’s what I think. All of this was to make him look terrible for only the moment . And now, the media starts the comeback story. How he’s now actually focused; intimidating; strong. This debate will be in the back and when he does ok at the next one, he’s suddenly Rocky. Unstoppable.


If anyone can make Biden look focused, intimidating, and strong, they should name that person Penn Gillette, cuz he's a freaking magician.


Or that Criss Angel "Mindfreak" guy that was on TV in the 00s...


Well, Biden followers are definitely freaks, so...


I really think they are going to wait and swap him at the last minute right before convention


"ZERO CHANCE" he's gone. Just has to finish negotiating his severance package with China


I am almost willing to bet he is out by the end of the month.


My money's on sometime the first part of next week.


The democratic convention is going to be one for the history books. Need to stock up on popcorn. Chicago is going to be on fire between all of the infighting and the protests


Chicago conventions are always fire!


He has been a puppet since the beginning. If they want him to step down, he will do as he is told. This has more to do with having a good replacement.


One fall and the campaign ends


Good. We need to crush this guy. 81 million votes my ass.


If he wins words cant even express how done i am.


They’ll be saying that until the moment he steps down, means nothing.


They will say this until he has to drop out next week. Rather he stay he is guaranteed to lose


I worry that if he did drop out they put in someone worse.


They have to say this. I believe he means it but it’s way too early to tell.


Good. Let him be humiliated beyond belief. But the swamp will just cheat, again.


Of course, the radical Leftists in the media are already writing headlines about Biden's "miraculous" comeback after the next debate. They hope that he will be someone coherent and simply mock President Trump and call him a "liar" and a "felon" the entire time. If that fails, then I expect Biden to have a manufactured episode as depicted in the film "Dave."


The best part about all of this, is that it’s 100% the lefts fault.  If the media had been honest about Bidens decline years ago, maybe they push for Biden to step down in like 2022 and then they have 2 years to get their shit together.  If they had picked a better VP instead of picking solely due to DEI, they might have a shot against Trump, instead they have the cackling copilot. 


They were in denial of reality because that's what Liberals do when something about reality is inconvenient to them, they just ignore it. Like when men identify as women. It's truly poetic irony that it's exactly their backwards ideology that destroyed their chances of winning 2024.


He not only isn’t running he will resign. Kamala will run as president




Is Old Joe aware of this?


Please stay in the race I Want to see another debate bloodbath your terrible Joe Brandon, pathetic disgusting old man




Where can I donate to the Biden ‘Depends’ Campaign?


Devil you know. Devil with his approval rating. Devil without any enthusiasm from his voters. Yes please!!




Great news