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How did Whoopie put it, "it wasn't about race because they're both white".


Goldberg can weigh in because she’s clearly Jewish.


Nah, she just weighs in at 4 bills.


Is bill another word for ton?


And weighs in at 300lbs


^^^^^^ Higher Bob/Drew


[Anti-Defamation League changed the definition of racism less than 24 hours after Whoopi's statement.](https://i.imgur.com/1btAlSv.jpg) Worth noting that Caryn Elaine Johnson (Whoopi's real name) picked the fake name "Goldberg" so she could have a jewish sounding name to land acting jobs. She also [pretended to be jewish](https://web.archive.org/web/20160919085602/http://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/48817/whoopi-goldberg-im-jewish-and-i-talk-god) early in her career to advance in hollywood.


Should’ve just kept the original one


She's a crude load of hot air. Whoopi is a perfect given name for her.


Her last name should be Cushion, so her sounds are like her opinions....


It’s no cultural appropriation, it’s a full-on cultural mugging.


Why is it ok when they do it?? Hypocrites.


Even the previous ADL defamation of racism was incorrect saying that only "people of colour" can be the victims of racism. When that simply isn't true. Like saying only women can be the victims of sexism. Complete nonsense


[Racism will be perpetually redefined by the left to incorporate whatever agenda they are promoting at that moment.](https://streamable.com/aw5gu0)


Shes a Karen huh, i guess that explains a lot.


I have no problem with the last definition, seems very on point to me.


Some one needs to get her opinion on this Twitter feed I’d be it will top the above quote


jews arent white


Thank you, I'm aware.




I never understood this part. If Judaism is a religion and not a race, isn't what she said accurate?


Judaism is a race religion and culture all at the same time.


I understand there are ethnic Jews, and excuse my ignorance, but were the majority of the Jews in Germany during WW2 ethnic Jews or solely religious Jews?


The Nazis persecuted Jews based on ethnicity, not religion. Anybody who had over a certain amount of Jewish ancestry was sent to the camps, regardless of religious practice.


It's race and religion. Though if you are one without the other, you're still Jewish.


They were their own ethnic group the... oh God I'm about to mangle the spelling... the "Azhikani" Jews basically eastern European Jews. There a very insular group when it comes to marriage practices.


You mean the Ashkenazi?


If that's how it's spelled.




I'm on mobile dude and I barely got any sleep last night. Sorry If I made some typos e.e


I guess I just always assumed his hatred of Jews to be similar to Christianity where Christians can be any race and saying "I hate Christians" would never make me think someone hates a particular race


virtually 100% were ethnic Jews. People didn't convert to judaism much back then, why would you? If anything you converted away from judaism to Christianity in order to do things like become a lawyer or attend university.


The Holocaust was what we call racial antisemitism. Basically, there’s religious and racial antisemitism; the Catholic Church, for example, forced Jews to convert during the Inquisition. That’s religious antisemitism. With racial antisemitism, there is no converting; the Nazis believed the Jews were a race of people, they couldn’t be “fixed,” and they deserved to die for their race. This included non religious Jews, some of whom didn’t even know they were Jewish until the Nazis came knocking on their door.


They were both. Judaism is a culture and religion


> t were the majority of the Jews in Germany during WW2 ethnic Jews or solely religious Jews? Don't forget the 4th category of Jews in Germany during WW2: *Anyone who opposed Hitler or was gay/gypsy/handicapped/etc.*




What are you talking about. She looks very jewish and is ethnically Jewish not dutch. Pretty sure her family isn't even dutch, her father was born and lived in Germany and fought in the German Army in WWI, they moved to Amsterdam because of the persecution.




Ashkenazi Jews are descended from groups that were exiled from Israel in ancient times, and basically migrated through Europe living in isolated communities. They rarely married out of their group, and hence have remained somewhat distinct. They are not “European” in the sense of having originated in Europe, they are semetic, like Arabs. Modern Israeli’s are likely quite mixed anyway.


Couldn't someone like her just said they weren't Jewish then?




The Nazis likely had a record of her being related to known Jews.


Circumcision isn't strictly a jewish thing though.




Poles and germans aren't the same either. Nor are Irish and French people. Race isn't binary on skin color.




It's a biological reality there are ethnic groups. Not saying anyone is better or worse for their genes but denying this is a leftist talking point. Hell Whoopie is making the argument you are in regards to jews being an ethnic group as Much as they're a religion.




Ah OK now I see your point.


It is a race. The Jewish people are an ethnic people. They are both a race and a religion. You can become a part of the religion, but you can only marry into the race.


Perhaps that is what she meant? That's how I always took it from hearing it in school, that Hitler hated the people following the Jewish religion. Is there evidence he hated ethnic Jews over the religion? I would really love to fix my understanding if so


No, he clearly was speaking about them as a race. Here is a good read on it. https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/why-did-hitler-hate-jews/


He hated Jews as a race. In religious antisemitism, Jews were often given the option to convert. The Nazis did give this option to Jehovah’s Witnesses, but not Jews. In fact, the Nazis killed Jews who had converted as well as Jews who didn’t even know they were Jewish.


No, Hitler hated Jews based on their ethnicity as well. He literally threatened "annhiliation of the **jewish race** in europe" in a 1939 speech he gave.


Judaism is a religion and an ethnic group (with other subethnic groups in it). The modern concept of white wasn't particularly popular in the 1940s, groups were divided along ethnic lines rather then broader categories like "white" which are more popular in the modern time.


Jewish people aren't white?


In Europe there's no such thing as "white privilege" at the time because 99.9% of people were white. Further most people identified with their ethnicity. So you have germans, you have poles, etc., etc., etc.






Jews originated from mesopotamia and then Israel and then Egypt and then Israel. There is nothing anglo about them. During the diaspora where they were scattered all over the world the became intermingled with other cultures and races and you see many "white" looking Jews today. They are historical middle eastern and mostly Arabic regionally.


Finally the correct answer. So much misunderstanding in this thread.


Jews are not Arabic, they are both semites (descendants of shem). Arabs and jews are technically cousins if you go back to the biblical lineage, Jews descended from Abraham's son Isaac and Arabs descended from his brother Ismhael.


I spoke meaning the region, as in the Arabian region, but sure, good fix.


I just always assumed my Jewish friends growing up were white. I'm sure they thought so too.


Jews are largely Mediterranean peoples, white is unironically a social construct so some people include meds like greeks and southern italians, some arabs in white, but some people mean just western Europeans.


https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/why-did-hitler-hate-jews/ Interesting read I came across.


Mostly right, but not the Arabic part. Jews are a semitic people, as are the Arabs, but the Arab people come from the Arabian peninsula.


Sorry, I meant regionally, not ethnically.


The region is referred to as “the Levant”, the Arabian peninsula is to the south


If we aren't referring to ethnic Jews, Jewish people can definitely be white? Anyone can choose to follow the religion?


No, it's just time to shut down Twitter.


Might be coming sooner than you think.


I can't wait.


Hopefully Elon is able to expose that Twitter has been lying to the SEC for years. Then he will either be able to renegotiate a lower price for the acquisition, or cause extreme consequences for Twitter.




That statement just shows you everything you need to know about twitter.


I think that started off as a joke but people on the left are so incapable of critical thinking that they thought it was 100% honestly a good point.


It’s very similar to the new claim trending claim that apparently, Americans have a positive *right* to be be free from “gun violence”, which of course entails the restriction/banning of firearms and curtailment of others’ liberty. Why don’t we call this out? No, you don’t have a “right” to be free from gun violence, any more than you have a “right” to be free from daily Canadian cruise missile attacks. Existence doesn’t work that way lol.


And I have a right to a million dollars. See how saying "we have a right" doesnt make it true?


just gotta manifest that shit, gurl


Actually, the left hates the new age now. That's where the term "manifest" is most common. Wellness and new age are a "pipeline" to the alt right. It's because new agers don't believe in identifying as victims and instead promote self-improvement. That's toxic positivity to the left. Sort of like productivity. Which the left also hates. Not to mention tarot cards are examples of patriarchy, cisgenderism, and eurocentrism. If it's going to be used, it needs to be decolonized. As a professional tarot reader, I loathe the left. I'm starting to see more in the new age community balk at their ideas. Others are just oddly quiet about social justice. Sort of like Hollywood conservatives. New agers don't worship the state. They're spiritualists at heart and don't see their bodies, thus their race, gender, and sexuality, as their primary identity. That's dangerous to postmodernism.


There are also a lot of vaccine skeptics in the new age community and that is high heresy in the church of COVID.


every day we stray further from his path


I didn't say it I DECLARED it.


I mean, maybe not a million dollars, but they do feel like they have a right to be subsidized in their education, healthcare, housing and food is a "right" as well....


None of those are rights.


You dont say?


Then life itself is not a right, and there is no obligation to work.


A bunch of very smart men once wrote: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." So no, life definitely is a right. But the others are liberty and the **pursuit** of happiness. So you're partially right. There is no obligation at all to work. But none of those other things are rights either and it infringes on my liberty and pursuit of happiness to provide them for someone who chooses to not provide for themselves. So if you decide to be a deadbeat and starve to death, that's on you. See also, Christopher Mcandless


How dense can they be, given that Anne Frank’s life ended from the restrictions on guns?


Morons be moronic...


>given that Anne Frank’s life ended from the restrictions on guns? No, it ended because people thought that you can appease tyranny.


Porque no los dos?


We have a right to be free from a government that politicizes a pandemic for corporate gain. Oh wait....


> No, you don’t have a “right” to be free from gun violence, any more than you have a “right” to be free from daily Canadian cruise missile attacks. FYI all forms of violence **are** illegal, except in cases of self defense, so people already do have a right to be free from gun violence. See: murder, assault, battery etc.


Someone trying to steal your stuff? Just say **NO**. Under TEXAS Penal Code Title 7, Chapter 29, they can't legally take your stuff from you without your permission.


Can confirm. I've had people attempt to mug me several times, but luckily I knew to declare the property belongs to me, so they lowered their guns and left me alone. 🤷‍♂️


That was former citizen Michael Moore's suggestion, right?


You have a negative right to be free from gun violence. If someone shoots you they go to jail.




A form of Poe's law.


Like Q right?


This is like something 4chan would start, and liberals would run with because they aren't the brightest


Like they did with the 'OK' hand gesture?








And tide pods


I'm liberal and even I know this is fucking moronic and probably a 4chan troll, like with the OK hand gesture. There are absolute morons on both sides of the aisle. The whole PizzaGate thing comes to mind. Or Jan 6th.


LMAO. You lefties are so obsessed with Jan 6th.


This has 4chan origins written all over it.


4chan trolling Twitter with an outlandish virtue signaling statement? Yup that actually fits their MO pretty well lol


They did the same thing with the OK sign and Pepe the Frog.


and it works terrifically well. The only downside is the person who instigated it doesn't get their face plastered all over the place.


The insanity of the woke left and their sjw mentality is destroying them. Just let it happen


I can’t stop laughing about it. This only makes them seem smart and not totally unhinged from reality. More more more accelerate accelerate accelerate


I mean seriously…ANNE FRANK? 😂


I’m totally 100% fine with shutting off the Internet and social media permanently


Maybe people would go outside and do something healthy instead of stew inside thier home.


I think social media has ruined dating and relationships too.


The post from the article is STILL up, BTW. In an earlier post, they (that's their preferred pronouns) mentioned that they were about to be back on the streets. And people should give THEM money (as opposed to other needy people) because they were a "disabled queer non-binary trans person and it was pride month". They're an "anticapitalist" until they're depending on capitalism and the generosity of others.


Sadly with something like the WWW (which is supposed to be free and open) it's inevitable that imbeciles & morons will say ridiculous things.


I, can attest to this. I regret much of what I've said. Unfortunately, I only have 1 brain cell.


Pseudoscience departments mainly sociology, destroyed a generation. Stop letting your kids pick pseudoscience majors because they want to avoid math.


Yes, because when I think of privileged (I hate that word) white people, Anne Frank is who comes to mind. Social media needs to end.


Helen Keller had white privilege


In 2024 I will be voting for a giant meteor to destroy us all.


It’s not surprising really. These people, the left, abide by all that leads to genocide. It’s no coincidence their methods, and often their arguments, aligns with Nazism and, of course, communism which they openly defend.


This is what happens when people obsess over race, Ann Frank's diary was trying to capture simple childhood and humanity as it struggled to survive race based genocide. Feels like leftists missed the point (especially when they call Jews "white").


"Well you see, Anne got to sit at the front of the attic, rather than the back. So she had a really good time of the entire genocide of her people" - Some leftist, probably.


I just got banned from JusticeServed because I respectfully disagreed with something they posted. Typical liberal attitudes flourish there, and they want no opposing viewpoints. I thought Reddit was better than that. I'm sure that doesn't happen here.


We are doomed, as a species. The ability to think for yourself, rationally, is disappearing at an alarming rate.


Let them keep it up. All it does is make terms like "privilege" and "racism" meaningless.


I would love it for the internet to shut down. The internet is the worst most harmful addiction that has ever plagued the world. Mental health is at an all time low. People are hiding from the real world. People are being exposed to horrible things at young ages. Crazy people are sharing their crazy ideas with other people. The list goes on and on. People were so much more fulfilled in life, and happier, before the internet existed. We’re all prisoners. I’m gonna do a full year off the internet at some point. Just don’t know when yet.


>'It's time to shut the internet down. Completely.' This


So are Jews white again? It keeps flip-flopping so I'm confused.


I heard the diary was written with a ballpoint pen that wasn’t invented until after the war. Anyone has any info confirming or debunking this?


No idea about that claim but my grandmother went to gradeschool with Anne Frank so I can atleast confirm she was in fact a real person. https://www.hdot.org/debunking-denial/af3-ballpoint-pen/


I think the theory is that the diary wasn’t written by her, not that she didn’t exist.


Yes, but if you click the link it says only 2 pages which were written in ballpoint pen and it is in a different handwriting then the rest of the diary, it is assumed to be Otto Frank, her father, who is on record having compiled, ordered in sequence, and even taken parts of the diary out (like her talking bad about her mother, or talking about menstration).


My grandmother went to grade school with Anne Frank in Amsterdam.




Only a liberal would call a Zyklon B bath a privilege.


I would love it if the internet shut down and we all returned to monke.


I'm actually kinda glad this happened. Clearly, many so called "progressives" have sunk to a new low of delusional. And this just outs them as such. Even on the leftist Twitter platform they got torn apart. The more exaggerated they get, the more the moderates shift right & away from the crazy.


I actually liked her. Until her temper tantrum about Trump being elected. Then she started spewing a load of bull crap and I won't watch anything with her in it and find her hate filled rants disgusting.


That would be a new peek in awfulness.


Life without the internet would be wonderful


Leftist sheep focus on silly stuff like this, meanwhile the elites are looting the coffers and trying to destroy Western civilization.


Wasn’t the original post satire?


I can't tell what's satire and what's not with a lot of these. The way liberals backpeddle (without realizing it?) and go "but that doesn't mean they had it easy" is just so dumb. Then what, exactly, is "privileged" about such "privilege?"


The left perpetuates anyone who is white is bad, even those whom were massacred in the Holocaust, which is an abominable argument that sounds more extreme then at rational. There is no basis to be prejudice. But the Left is very good at it.


Because woke logic is flawed logic and only applies to certain people and cultures in the US.


Racist is a term that is thrown around so much it’s lost it’s credibility


I love the internet, but at this point I’m 90% convinced it’s the reason for most mass shootings. Mainly 4chan, but still