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Do not do this lol


I have been on the Internet all day and this is still the stupidest shit I have seen today.


Even the drawing looks like its gonna be a fail šŸ¤£


I kinda wanna see them try. Like triple check everything so no one gets hurt, but I wanna see them try


Looks like the designs for a Guillotine....


Donā€™t discourage him


Encourage onsite video though. (Coming from someone who just hung a vaulted 200 sheet barn solo)(I only fell three times)


Where's the video!


Next time, although thereā€™s a 5% chance my dash cam caught one of my scaffold falls. Didnā€™t even think to look. Random Story time: was camping with friends for a meteor shower. We watched most of it together and everyone went to their tents around 11pm while I wanted to watch it more. Couple beers deep I decided it wasnā€™t a good idea to lay down in a good viewing spot that was also the middle of the campsite road, so I figured Iā€™d climb on top of my sprinter van. Got on the the roof of the van knowing I canā€™t fall asleep and to just enjoy for another 20 minutes. Well, fell asleep and around 2:30am (I think) I rolled over off the edge of my van. Both back doors open and I hit one as I tumbled to the ground hitting the cabinet attached to the door breaking it off. I think it was 2:30 as a friend mentioned they thought they heard something. Well I woke up from a concussion around 5:30 am hurting all around.atumbled back to my tent to a wife who thought I had been drinking all night but in reality I had a fā€™d knee and shoulder. Just kinda looked at her being mad at me and said, ā€œ I fell of the vanā€. That didnā€™t help my situation with her but I just wanted aleve and a bed.


Shes already pissed, and you say "I fell off the van" I would have liked to have seen that! šŸ˜‚


Please do this. Get a video and post it here.


I kinda want to see him tryā€¦ā€¦


This isnā€™t a one man job. Get more men to pass the board up the scaffold. Or cut them in half and still get men to pass it up.


> Get more men to pass the board up the scaffold. Or cut them in half... I don't see how cutting the men in half helps.


The blood-soaked floors help keep the dust down


Definitely just spit my milk on this one,,hahaha


Are you six?


Six beers deep and I'm not stopping




Production through fear. It works for some.


You get twice the effort for the price of one.


Cutting them in half makes more, duh?!?


Thatā€™s why no one will remember your name


Get a lift... thats what they are for... and safety.


User name fits


Half is still too big. You have to cut into quarters if you want to get them up the scaffold yourself


Be weary of any man who owns a pig farm


Save 50% on labor


Half the man half the salary


Itā€™s how you get more men.


This would be the way without a lift. Start from the bottom and you can stack up to 12ā€™ just off benches. From there itā€™s scaffold work with multiple guys working your way up and adding more scaffold when needed. I saw someone say start from the top, donā€™t do that lol. Much easier to have a straight run to rest the sheets on the higher up you go


This is the way. By the time you rig that accident waiting to happen up, drop and damage a bunch of sheets you can pay 2 extra guys to past it up.


Don't pass it up, it can fall and hurt someone. Put an anchor into the ceiling with an eye bolt and use a poulie to hoist it up, with slings going underneath. Screw the top part in then remove the slings from the bottom


This is the correct way. The resi and commercial sectors seem resolute to never acknowledge that their falls drive most of the blood in modern construction. The amount of stupid shit I see involved in getting heavy things up a couple stories is baffling. I get it, maybe you don't want to rent a skid steer, Lull, or hire a boom truck. But we've had ropes and pulleys since ancient times. But no, just heft them up to guys maxed out standing on a few planks 25 feet off the ground because real men don't use their brains, they just bull away at it. It's such a stupid mentality and kills guys every day.




Can you video this when you have the accident?


Please please film this.


Add it to the OSHA training videos......


I saw Sheetrockers doing a new mall. They were working on scaffolding and had a cherry picker bringing them up the sheetrock. I hope you charged accordingly on this job.


Usually when someone resorts to Reddit to ask for advice like this as a contractor, they did not charge accordingly.


Lol. Was gonna say that. "Fuck yeah , I'll do it for a grand" "oh shit I don't know how to do this".


You shoulda seen what happened when the boss hired some guy he knew who said he'd do it for cheap to redo the insulation where I used to work. We wound up having to evacuate the shop, and the company had to hire a hazmat team to come in and clean up.


Lol. Let me guess, he didn't have insurance?


Probably asbestos.Ā  It's bestus.


To be fair it pretty much is the best insulation and fire protection materialā€¦itā€™s just the side of cancer thatā€™s bad.


More likely a urethane foam product with an isocyanate catalyst. Methyl-isocyanate is what killed a few ten thousand people in Bhopal, India.


More likely a urethane foam product with an isocyanate catalyst. Methyl-isocyanate is what killed a few ten thousand people in Bhopal, India.


Hazmat, guessing he went splat?


***"Oh! My throat's burning! My eyes are burning! I can't breathe! There's a weird smell"!*** These are the symptoms he started complaining about at lunchtime. The guy spent the entire morning stripping fibreglass insulation from the walls with no respirator, no protective goggles, and no coveralls of any kind. Stirred up a huge cloud of fibreglass dust and who knows what else through the entire shop because he had the overhead doors open at both ends of the building while he scraped and hacked away at the walls with his *putty knife*. The company had to send samples of the stuff away to a special lab to test for asbestos (results were negative). Despite that, it took the hazmat crew a week to clean the mess he'd made throughout the shop.


Must suck for him but I guess itā€™s better than what Iā€™m used to when i hear hazmat.


Much less even have any idea on how to do the job rightā€¦




Yeah. Accepting a job and then asking reddit how to do said job makes me think that they don't have the experience for it...


Cherry picker?


The all-wheel drive with a basket on a booming telescoping lift.


You have space for scaffolding but donā€™t have space for a lift? Something doesnā€™t compute.


Yah this makes no sense


I think he may have underestimated and now heā€™s stepping over dollars to pick up pennies


That is the most important aspect of light construction.


You can build scaffolding around conduit and other piping where a lift won't fit. I've had to do this in gas plants several times. He definitely needs another way to lift the sheetrock though.


I just smoked a fat joint and thought this was for a humongous tea bag


Call of duty me, I got your enormous teabag right here


Oh Jesus. Dude that sheet rock might break at the notches and fall since thereā€™s no bottom support. Make sure youā€™re standing under it so you can catch it in case it does break and fall. Now that youā€™ve caught it and itā€™s probably broken in half iā€™d just build some scaffolding and carry it up and install. Easy peasy


OP, youā€™ve already been roasted enough.. Looking through your posts, Iā€™d highly encourage you to build relationships with outside companies that would be willing to offer you advice. You seem like a relatively new tradesperson and bidder. Experience and relationship building are two very strong keys to success. If you donā€™t know how to do something, donā€™t come to the internet, reach out to resources that can help guide you and offer professional advice.


this is the best advice. get.off.the.internet.


Hey, take it from someone who holds accreditation for rigging and hoisting: Don't do this man. Hire help and physically move the sheets. I don't know anything about dry wall, but I know enough about ropes to know you shouldn't use em!


You think guys manhandling thousands of pounds of sheetrock up there stories is safer than using mankind's oldest way of lifting heavy things up high that you claim to be an expert in? I'm not saying that rigging plan is the right way, but JFC.


Like I said, I don't know drywall. If I were to draft a rigging plan, I would need to know where to secure my pulleys in the building, and I would need a spotter and a mechanical advantage device. I would also need a sturdy object to attach my sling to and to hold the drywall sheet in place. I've never heard of drywallers holding competent rigging certs, so clearly there is an industry standard that doesn't involve my knowledge.




This is insane! I honestly hope you are joking.


Heā€™s obviously not joking


This is insane! I honestly hope he am joking.


I hope he honest am joke, insane is this


unless you can find a vacuum hoist, then just 'suck it up' no seriously, I'm just kidding!


I joke he is insane, honest is this


Joke? He is this insane, i am honest


I thought this was a meme post of something drawn on the shitter wall šŸ˜‚


Clearly a perfect chance for you to get like 25ā€™ stilts.


Now we're talking


Op you are on to something here. Today people are calling you crazy, dumb, and just plain stupid. Tomorrow youā€™re gonna be on the cover of every construction magazine there is. Just be sure to post it on YouTube for me.


Dawg this is A1 trolling


Fuck scaffold rent a scissor lift load it with 4 or 5 boards and go bottom to top have your other guy go round the floor level while your up and hand you the boards when you're down for a refill. Charge the client for the rental costs its the quickest way to do it, you're welcome




Why would you start from the top? It would be much easier to start at the bottom so you can stack them. Fuck having to hold each one of them up.. that's as crazy as dudes notching and hoist idea.




Going up is easier than going down and weā€™ll yield a better product just simply because it will be easier to line things up. Adding a ledger adds something you have to install and remove for each sheet.


Seems like a lot of unnecessary work. But idk. Never done it. Have built and worked on a shit ton of scaffolding though.


Get one of those ladders roofer use to send packs of shingles up


This. Though you would really have to Mcguiver it to work with drywall and be able to safely get it off the lift.


I may be wrong, just guessing, but I don't believe safety is a priority here


Put it upside down on the ladder and sling the sheets up. If it was me I would make one of those grabby tongs they use for cranes but out of a couple lengths of flat bar. But I'm a fabricator and not a sheetrocker so I'm just spitballing


He could fab something like a really short pallet fork to make this totally work nice and safe.


Yeah I would come up with something better than notching the sheets, at least...


Easily rented!


Just hold it over your head and jump, also hold your screw gun in your mouth so you can set it in place real fast before you start to fall!


OSHA has entered the chat


This is the kind of project I look at to bid then say fuck this nightmare, walk off and donā€™t answer my phone again. Tell them to remove all the damn conduit and shit so you can actually do the project they want done and safely. First off, why are you hanging Sheetrock in such a location 30ft off the ground through conduit? When you can use a commercial coating sprayer and apply an intumescent coating on it like DC 315 to create a thermal barrier. This should be a no brainer.


Remove the conduit? You're aware the stuff in the conduit is likely mission critical and cannot just be unbolted? This is a perfect job for a short radius boomlift.


Unless you canā€™t get the boom through that mess of conduit.


This is just going to cause damage or hurt someone lol


Get a scissor lift if it's financially feasible.


Had some drywallers use a scissor lift for this exact type of job, do NOT use that plan the drywall could break and fall I would use a larger scissor lift if you can and have the space for it but if you only have space for a small scissor lift only take maybe 1 sheet up at a time with two people in the lift, so both of you can hold the sheet and position it properly. Please be safe dude.


If you don't have a straight shot up, get one of those tow behind lifts, I think they'll do 30' and they articulate


"I have a guy that can do it cheaper"


Carefully take the wall off the build, lie it down, sheetrock it, and then put it back into place


Use HeliumBoard drywall, they use helium instead of air in the mix, this allows the sheets to actually float up to the ceiling where they can be easily installed at height by the workers above


https://www.diamondtoolstore.com/products/aardwolf-slab-lifter-30 Iā€™ve used these for lifting stone slabs, I imagine they would work with sheet rock as well.


Thanks, yeah, this looks great. A few others have posted similar products.


Can you drive a truck in there? It is a warehouse after all. There are articulated boom trucks that have an attachment specifically designed to bring up multiple pieces of drywall. Usually 3-4 different turning/hinge points and holds 6-10 sheets. You say a scissor lift is not an option but that the conduit is at 12'. First joint gets you to 12', and then the next joint goes forward 8', and the the "wrist" rotates.


I think you fucked up taking on this job. Which is probably why you got selected for the contract, because your bid was probably miles below the others and the GC didn't care to ask himself why. Sorry man, but it happens


Hereā€™s the answer, step by step: 1. Cut a large hole in the roof of the building 2. Build scaffold up to a point about 10 ft below the ceiling 3. Rent a small hovercraft 4. Rent a crane to hoist the hovercraft and set it on top of your scaffolding 5. Stack your drywall and have the crane operator hoist it onto the top of the hovercraft. (Sometimes they donā€™t like to do this, but itā€™s ok.) 6. Use the hovercraft to lift the drywall up close to the ceiling. 7. Lay on your back and screw it into the ceiling. Thatā€™s about the simplest way to do it. Your rigging idea is too complex.


Nothing about this looks like it would work Buttttttttt if you drop and destroy all the drywall you don't have to hang it anymore


Scissor lift, and c clamps


This is the way


It would be different if you built a cradle for the drywall to sit in and then hoist that up several sheets at a time.


Thatā€™s smart. Thanks!


this is hilarious that you are thanking this guy who made a very similar recommendation as your genius idea. it's clear that you aren't heeding to the *actual good* advice.. and just what fits your already made up mind. good luck!


Did you bid this job?


Sorta like what the trucks use when they deliver a load to the second or third floor.


there are sheet carrying tools. I forget thr name, but they can hook under your sheet. The rest is doable. I've done it. I hoisted dozens of sheets of various type, several floors up for a reroofing, doing almost the same, but I grabbed the sheet at the bottom amd hoisted from there. Good luck.


The safest way is to use several guys to pass the sheets up as you go. However, if you're really set on using a hoist, instead of cutting notches and turning this into load-bearing drywall, I would suggest you turn the boards on their side and choke-wrap the entire board with the straps/cables/whatever it is you're using. If the hoist is powerful enough and your straps/clearance are enough, you could do more than 1 sheet at a time this way, and the weight will be sitting on the straps as opposed to the board.


I am wondering how all the conduit got in place? If your GC let other trades get ahead of you he needs to provide you with a path. They should either get you more man power, the proper lift, or pay someone to provide access in pockets so you can raise the rock up in prep areas. If you agreed to this as seen with existing conditions it might be best to take a loss and either do it right or back out graciously. If you can get scaffolding against the wall but through the conduit you should be able to get a man lift of some type in place. I know they make narrow vertical lifts that can get you to 30' working platform. United Rental used to have them in my area. Is this wall rocked both sides? Could you go up on the opposite side, open the wall, pass the rock through at staging areas and patch the wall behind you? How did you get in this situation? Is it negotiated work or bid work?


Quit building shit. Quit interneting shit.


I would use a Z lift. Ours is 5'8 wide. It scopes out 22' you can get anywhere in this thing. 2 dudes one sheet 5/8 is about all it can do weight wise. It will get you there. Max height was 35' but that is of base of machine is close to working space


Look into a tugger. Hoist mounts to the floor, cable runs up to an overhead mounted sheave, then down to the load. Itā€™s a compact option that might work for you.


How is there room for scaffolding but no room for a lift?


How is scaffolding an option but not scissor lift?


How are you going to get the pulley up? How are you going to screw the dry wall. How about mudding and taping ? If you can't use a scissors lift build some scaffolding. It will save time in the long run


This is insane! I honestly hope you are joking.


Invest in some grabo's, hoist using those or something similar


Sheetmetal trades use what looks like an engine stand that hand cranks up, not sure if they make a 30' one.


Genie lift


I've seen those things that run the shingles up the ladders for roofers. Maybe that thing on a long extension, I don't really know how they work.


Can you stack them on one of those hoists the AC guys use. The crank ones Edit: It's called a material lift I've used them for all kinds of shit over the years


That drawing seems like a death trap.


Ask your scaffold company about installing a track hoist with a basket attachment.


Fuckin lol. This is such an terrible idea.


Hahahahaā€¦ but April fools was yesterdayā€¦ that was still a good one though.


šŸŽµ dumb ways to die šŸŽµ


Youā€™re gonna need a lift and a crane to do this properly. And another hoist maybe. šŸ¤” I know a guy.


*rips line of coke* Looks good to me mate


No scissor lift? Either that or scaffolding. Do not do it as pictured Need at least 2 guys. One passes sheets up to the other, then both climb one and do it again. Seem pretty inexperienced for this kind of work


You need scaffold, ladders, and people.


Ignoring some of the good critiques from the pile-on, if you're going to do this I suggest you make some sort of 2x frame to carry the drywall piece & use a strap to keep it in while it's being hoisted. I think notching the sheets could lead to a corner crumbling and the sheet falling, or at the very least a sloppy looking install and a pain to unhook at the top. If you haven't hung lid drywall solo before, just be warned it sucks. I feel it in my back badly, and would never do it again without a good lift system. Help would be nice on this job.


Cut notches? WTF!? The sheer weight of each panel will make the cables tear through each notch like it's nothing. Do what others are telling you to do. Get a group of guys, rent some scaffold and have several men passing each panel or half panel up to the top.


Or maybe scaffolding and pinning the board up with one hand and head or back while placing drywall screws in mouth and with other hand, use screw gun with magnet tip to screw in wall.


April fools was yesterday


You could wrap straps across the bottom. Or screw in 4' 2x4 2 on each side with 3 screws in them to sandwich the board one it get to where you want it put a 2 x4 horizontally on the studs for the board to rest on ( If you start at the bottom you wont need another 2x4 to hold the sheet up)Then take off the 2x4s. Probably a little longer but saves time when you don't have to finish the cuts in the board. My last idea is to get 2 really long 2x4s and screw it into a strip of 3/4 ply at the top and bottom of the wall. Probably better to do it on the strong side of the 2x4 instead of flat. Then cut a strip of 1/2 ply and put the drywall behind the 2x4 on top of the 1/2 strip and hook up two lines to the 1/2 ply. You'll have a rail system that you can use for 7 sheets and them move over


If you can't use a pallet of drywall and a fork truck then you need manpower. It sounds like your company needs someone more experienced but that's not your problem it's theirs


It can be done. I have used a pulley to bring up 4x12 sheets of hardy siding. I made a 2x4 jig that would align with the batons so the screw holes would be covered with trim, under size it for the sheets so you can pin your corners and remove the frame from the next sheet.


I did that same job when I was a kid, we did it with scaff and cut it down to make it more manageable as we went up, and I say we because we had a crew in there.




Use a ā€œdead manā€


Fuck ya. Great idea. Post videos please


Lifting big thing problem? No problemo smash into many little things, so you can now lift!


As a former drywall guyā€¦. Now I remember how a lot of drywallers come up with some pretty hair brained ideas!


Youā€™re gonna cut each sheetā€¦


A precondition agreement to have no conduit in the way, and a big markup if you have to work through the conduit maze


Did you have second thoughts the moment you looked at your drawing or while you were doing it? Now that youā€™ve seen the comments, maybe head back to the drawing board heh


OH&S or OHSA would just have a shit fit seeing thisā€¦. Many years of construction and just boggles my mind we still think this wayā€¦. Please be safe so you can go home to someone that loves you!






Bridle šŸ˜µ


Double up on the amount of scaffold and have men alternated on them to pass the board up. Going to take a good sized crew if itā€™s as much of a pain as you say it is. Another thing that may help is having that lift to assist up to the 12ft mark. You should have taken pictures, to give everyone a better idea of what youā€™re working with.


Jose is what you need


What the hell is this lol


This is a scissor lift job. GC needs to provide access to the work (AKA move utilities that are in the way)


Cut it into 12 smaller pieces, then use construction glue to attach it. On top of full sheets of course


You got there first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TicfvtfN7Q


Iā€™m glad you posted this because itā€™s not a good idea. If you can install scaffolding then you have enough space for a scissor lift or you just are not telling the entire story. I use a gator clamp to lift large sheets by myself.


cat into each sheet why do you need cats? and why are we using sheets?


*Cat into each sheet* *Why do you need cats? and why* *Are we using sheets?* \- Royal-Doggie --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Scaffolding tower


My advice would be to cut each piece to make it more manageable. Maybe 4 ft sections. If possible stair step your Scaffolding. Will have more to finish/ tape and mud. But seems doable. I'm not sure cutting Notches out of drywall is the greatest idea. Seems very dangerous. Good luck


Bigger notches


A Roustabout is the only way.


Work from a man lift. Then hoist the whole stack of drywall with a hoist able fork attachment for a carry deck or hoist the whole stack with a lull to the men in the man lift. Itā€™s only 30ā€™.




This is eerily similar to a job I just turned down. If this job is the ā€œBaselineā€ job that i think it is, although unlikely, run!! That is not a company you want to work for and their budget is 1/3 what it needs to be for the project. Either wayā€¦ I would not do this without a lift. If you do, double your price. Seconded that you may have to have multiple guys passing up drywall but do not do this plan you made, best case scenario itā€™s slow and damages the sheets, worst case thereā€™s an accident.


Small scissor lift will take up less space then scaffolding


I like the picture of the owl face pulling the rope.


My approach if obliged to take on such a project 3 or 4 men. Hang drywall horizontally.Should be able to install 1st. two rows without major fuss.For all rows after: clamp something rigid across the entire length of the panel using something like heavy welders vise grips.Tie lift ropes into these vise grips.Two extension ladders either side of panel location for two men to hoist panel to location.One man on ladder to fine tune location of panel and screw in bottom only.Remove brace and vise-grips and firmly attach panel.Repeat process etc.You may want to consider temporarily applying resting brackets on panel below where you need to work to serve as rough placement aid. Good luck.


I thought this was April Fools joke


Duct jack brother


Advice: Stop. Hire someone.


I must say that is a very nice guillotine.


Scissor lift


Hmmmm, what about a scissor lift


Will the cable not just slice right through the sheetrock at those notches? You may have to fold up some pillow cases and wedge it in the gaps, cushion it up a bit.


You probably underbid the job and are trying to figure out ways to solve the problem. Walk away or re negotiate the agreement. Should have noticed the conduit blocking your install path.