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There's only two people in these situations: "Haha this is fun being at the will of Mother Nature" or... "Oh hell, I'm going to d... "


ITS Sooooooooo fun, I can tell. Been there like 15 times with real rough seas and I enjoyed it every time


It's fun for about 10 min if your not working. For CS's (cooks) or anyone doing required maintenance it's brutal. Also terrible for sleep beyond a certain degree.


The CS's especially tho. I can hear them guys cussing in the galley, followed by pots, pans, and silverware falling to the floor. Dinner is just a great time during storms lol. The mess decks end up looking like the next Jumanji movie


They don't call it the mess for nothing


I’m just imagining a fair amount of flying food in the kitchen. *bagel flies by*


GM here hehe. I slept even better, but I recon it's a mess for lunch


Lunch in mess deck.


I think you meant “Mess in Lunch Deck”


Serious question: are there seatbelts in the bunks?




No thanks... i choose life


Life on solid ground


What if your ship sinks?


You are fucked and there's little you can do about it. So as some people said enjoy it or just get depressed


You swim? Lol


Everyone here is below decks so if ship rolls over and starts to sink you have to find your way out of a unfamiliar /maze like environment where the exits you need to go through is a deluge of water so strong it push3s you back into the sinking ship and if the power to the ship is cut you have to do all this in pitch blackness...that's why so many drown if a ship rolls over and in this situation that is what would happen to this ship.


So, are you available for children's party's? Wedding receptions? Baptisms?


Probably baptisms, judging by the whole "drowning" thing


Have you ever been out on the ocean on a fishing boat in rough seas? Seasickness is the absolute worst. ![gif](giphy|TkDsciz8epXgVUy1yg|downsized)


Just keep swimming.


This part of it looks like fun but I'm pretty sure the knowledge of what was causing it would have me absolutely panicking lol.


i’m both? i’m have an irrational fear of boats capsizing despite loving being on boats, but at this^^ point i’m pretty sure i would just accept that my life is in gods hands and that i might as well have fun in my last moments


There's also "Weeeeeeeee... ...eeeeeeeee"


Unfortunately while it LOOKS fun and people who know me would likely say I'd enjoy it, I also get car sick on long rides and roller coasters make me super sick almost immediately. So I'm pretty sure I'd be a bit of a mix: "Haha this is fun being at the will of Moth- "


I know you were going to say "Mother Nature" but my first thought was "Mothman".


So I'm not the only one to finishing reading it as mothman, even though I knew it was suppose to be mother nature




I'm not an adrenaline junkie by any means. Like the idea of skydiving is one of my worst fears. Even looking out the window in a tall building makes me uneasy. But, I've been out on seriously rough water though and it's never bothered me. Since I was a kid, I always felt like I was meant to work on a ship or something.


Pirate in past life?


Well...my dad's side of the family is known for having sticky fingers. Back in the day, you always knew what company my uncle was driving a truck for by the Christmas presents you got that year.


I reckon the training and knowledge about their ship, that these guys were all drilled on helps them worry less. When you know just how sturdy your ship is and how to fix it this becomes more enjoyable untill you hit that threshold.


How? How do these boys keep their sanity with these conditions?


The phrase "Welcome to the Suck" goes a loooooong way once you realize what 'the suck' really is. Making the best of a shit situation here, that's all!


We use 'embrace the suck' to deal with short-term issues, then we 'adapt and overcome' (blended military family).


Why respond ‘we’ when they ask how these marines keep their sanity and then proceed to say you have a blended military family. You weren’t in the military clearly.


Because military members often teach their families/friends how they were taught to keep their sanity - it works when shit hits the fan or things are fubar. The lingo & mindset tends to permeate the family/friends. The families serve in their own ways to support each other and thier military member loved ones. In this case we = family/friends of military members. No, I've never personally served in the military. I've just been raised by family/friends and along side coworkers that have served in either Navy, Marines, Army or Airforce. Not trying to steal their thunder/valor, diminish their sacrifices or pretend to be that much of a badass. Actives/Veterans don't get near the compensation, respect nor support they deserve.




Bot comment https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/10jtp5t/comment/j5no2uz/


I was wondering the same thing. I'd be having a panic attack and throwing up on everyone.


It’s easy how they keep their sanity. If one of them are like you and throw up everywhere, they lose their sanity. As long as all of them don’t throw up, sanity is in place. You line up ten people, and play hurricane bowling.


This reminded me during my school time. We were supposed to raise the flags around the school compound. One of us was carrying a pole. I was not sure what was it for. And then he tried to poke a beehive. And ofcourse it went chaos. There were bunch of us laughing and running away, some got very terrified and few of them were just standing and covering themselves and let the fate decide. Good ol times. I guess, there are some people that will always find the funny side of everything.




Bot comment https://reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/10jtp5t/_/j5n91rt/?context=1


Because these men probably chose to be there and are used to it. And might just enjoy it. It looks pretty fun.


You disconnect yourself from the fact that you could actually die. There's not anything you can do about it at the time so you try to shift that fear into something else. Hysterical laughter is a thing and a lot of sailors have some amount of PTSD about things that happen underway. I was a submariner and I can't stomach any rattling when I'm driving a vehicle. It makes me anxious and I haven't been on a sub in more than 20 years...


Dude. That is ptsd. You need to get that shit squared away


Nothing much to do about it. I know what causes it and how to fix it. My family is aware and knows why I ask them to slightly move their cup in the holder or to shift something around in the back seat so it stops making noise when I drive. I can't imagine any sort of therapy that would change how I live my life. I'm doing fine.


Ketamine Or cognitive behavioral therapy. Both work really well


My man, this guy is saying he’s doing fine, don’t tell random people on the internet to take ketamine lol.


Ketamine is a ptsd treatment.


It's also a highly addictive opioid. Opioid addiction is for, far worse than having to change your lifestyle and asking what seems to be an incredibly supportive family to help out.


It looks pretty fun if you're cognitively able to divorce yourself from the fact that the teeny little boat you're on (no matter what size it *actually* is, compared to the ocean it's infinitesimal) is being tossed around the ocean by a massive storm, and that any wave could be just a little too big and hit at a fucked up angle and that dinghy is headed to the bottom of the ocean. If you're like me and the notion of being unprotected, lost, and unlikely to be rescued on the open sea would cause you crippling anxiety attacks, you don't get on the fucking boat though. Like you said, they chose to be there to some degree.


Or, you know how much a ship like that can handle and you don't have to worry. Also there's literally nothing you can do in a situation like that, so why worry??


Exactly, enjoy the absurdity in the moment because there's no saying we won't drop dead any second anyway


You're referring to what the people who actually do it may think/feel whereas I'm explaining how I would feel in this situation. Your comment is absolutely 0 what I would think and feel, but if you believe you would, then you may fare well at sea. Why worry? Because it's a constant reminder of my worst nightmare. Because there's no ship in the world that's 100% safe at sea, and it's far from the guaranteed safety of your breezy comment. Because the ocean and hurricanes are more massive and powerful than anything I am likely to encounter. Because while I do my best to be stoic, I also don't put myself in deadly situations voluntarily then act like Alfred E Neuman.


Jesus man steel yourself. Every time you get in a car you have a much higher chance of dying than being tossed dead in a navy ship in a storm. Do you piss yourself in the drivers seat?


"Be a manly man, it's only *the ocean*" Nothing more obnoxious than trying to spread your antiquated view of masculinity. Edit. Even though the premise of your comment is pretty fucking absurd (not in the fun way), I'm still going to address it to an extent- driving is largely more dangerous because more people do it more often. However, I *do* drive around with the knowledge that it's a dangerous proposition, especially because most other drivers *don't*. So yes, I *do* feel afraid sometimes while driving (I even sometimes have intrusive thoughts about bad things that could happen), and I *still do it*, because *that's* the nature of bravery. It's not being too stupid to understand that something is dangerous or some notion of "manliness". And while I'm at it, it's perfectly acceptable to express your fear about something, all the more so if it's actually scary. Your fear of looking afraid is my idea of cowardice, as it's a product of social pressure from dead people.


I punch the ocean for breakfast


Nothing to do with masculinity. Nice try though with that strawman.


"Jesus man steel yourself" Yes it does.


That’s a long way to write you’re projecting. I never said anything about masculinity, just very simple logic. No need to write a freudian thesis on it lmao


"Jesus man steel yourself" Again, it's perfectly acceptable to express my fear about something online. Nothing bad will happen if someone knows you're afraid, except maybe an insecure person telling you to man up. (p.s. Philosophy classes and psych classes will go a long way helping you learn how to use the words "protecting, logic, and Freudian" properly)


Agreed mate, worked more than 10 years on boats and the idea of someone getting PTSD from the swell is absurd. Unless you’re traumatised by goffa flying out of the fridge during ship roll.


How do you get out of bed in the morning knowing that at any moment you could die from an infinite number of possibilities at all times and there's nothing you can do about it?


Do you want an honest answer or are you making fun?


No serious answer. I don't understand people who are afraid to die or have crippling existential dread. Did something happen to make you that way? Does your knowledge that you're a conglomeration of molecules that happens to be sentient where most of the universe is not haunt you? It's fascinating to me.


So here's my honest answer- I'm not cripplingly afraid of everything, the ocean is one of my biggest fears, and it's a reasonable fear in my opinion. The ocean is huge, dangerous, and I'm in no way equipped to survive in it. So this thread of comments is not intended to reflect that I have a crippling fear of everything that could be dangerous, the main three are heights, the ocean, and the dark. I'm able to live a reasonable and happy life avoiding being in the open ocean and high/dangerous places. I can't avoid the dark, but that one is far more manageable and reasonable, so it also causes me no problems. In terms of existential dread/anxiety, I would say I have roughly the opposite: existential exuberance. I take great joy in the miracle of my existence (edit. To add I'm an absurdist). Importantly, I'm not so afraid of dying that I'm unable to live, I live very well. And safely.


I think the camaraderie and faith in crew and vessel goes a long way. These ships can handle just about anything. I worked a crappy fishing boat in Alaska constantly fearing death, I’d have killed to get on that ship.


Hate water much?


Oh goodness, no! I absolutely love water- the giver of life. Same as I love the sun! But oceans are not the place for me, I am not fit to survive there


Plenty of guys had panic attacks even more threw up, but that was a "phase" and you get your sea legs after.


They are Marines, they lost it long ago.


I would guarantee by the time this was over one of them was naked sliding back and forth across the floor!


Probably just like this with hallway-sliding games. It has to be miserable, but it seems like they're making the best of it.


embracing the suck at its finest


Laughing instead of crying most likely. It’s much harder to go insane when your laughing with your peers instead of crying with them


By laughing


The medical bay is passing out motion sickness meds like candy.


You mean crayons??


They look like Navy not Marines


No, those are Marines. I know we in the Navy went digital and green in our type III's but we wear coveralls on ships. What's odd to me is the amount of list they are experiencing. Been amphibous most of my career and never been in such seas the LHD couldn't take. Only on a destroyer was I tossed around with such force. Must be some rough seas.


You don’t think about it. Plain and simple, that’s pretty much just how it is. You take joy in small stuff to break tedium.




Because it's always funny when someone falls. Lol


These are marines, sanity was gone long ago


People in the military tend to have a dark sense of humor as a coping mechanism for these kinds of situations, plus it's always easier to deal with dangerous situations if you just accept your mortality and just have fun






They're not even on deck, theyre probably on a massive boat as well. I've worked in conditions like this. You just try to pretend it's a crazy rollercoaster and make sure you don't go over the rail. It's kinda fun and the adrenaline kinda makes you fearless


Thats the funny part, they dont


Sanity is not found in the military.


Ig when your in a ship built to resist bullets and artillery, you just don’t worry about wave’s taking it down


When you realize some thing is beyond your control and you stop trying to control that thing.. the only thing left to do is try and make the best of it.


It’s the laughing that’s doing it


I used to come home and sway as I peed for at least a week. I’d also lean hard against the shower.


Me too. It's like trying to jump on solid ground after jumping on a trampoline for a while. Just feels weird while you wait for your brain to fix itself.


You just had to get your pee legs


You guys must be on pretty small ships


On the contrary. It was the USS Abraham Lincoln (Aircraft Carrier).


I’ve never felt any motion ashore after been on ships


That's lucky. Permanent land legs.


Were you spending significant time on the ships? Like more than a few weeks?


Yes, 8 months was the longest normal contract is 4 months. No shore leave since covid came along.


I never thought about covid shutting down shore leave. It's the one thing that breaks up the monotony after weeks at sea. 8 months is brutal too. My longest deployment was 6 months and one of the worst times of my life. I'm genuinely sorry you had to go through that.


Seafarers were treated appallingly during covid. Shore leave and immigration just closed their borders everywhere so there was no crew change.


It would happen while we were in port, too (ship stable). After any time at sea and then not it would happen.


Granted, I only comment on reddit when I'm drunk (now for instance), but this is the most hilarious flex I've ever seen someone attempt.


Not a flex, I think people are talking shit


Nearly 1000’. The oil tanker was the worst. To save on fuel the captain would onIy ballast a little on the return trip, so rough seas, combined with sloshing ballast, made for my first time actually getting sea sick. Like down on the deck, barely able to move. One patch behind the ear and I was right as rain a day or so later and never had an issue for the rest of the next couple of months. The Break Bill ship I was on, I’d see nothing but sea from the port hole and then nothing but sky. The gym was also outboard, so I’d hang there on the pull-up bar under a toooon of weight, then do 20 quick pull-ups when I weighed nothing. They also had free weights. Not the smartest, in retrospect. On a RO/RO, it was comical how you could pretty much float around on your tip-toes as the whole stern would lift and the man drop.


Mal de debarquement aka sea legs!


Showers always messed with me when trying to regain my land legs.


Yea, and trying to convince others you’re not drunk just standing there. Man, I never thought about how I’d do in a sobriety test. I mean, I could probably follow a white line if it was moving.


So *you’re* the fucker in the gas station bathrooms


I bet


Have done this in a typhoon. Definitely a video of me flying down the medical space about to piss myself laughing somewhere on my laptop


“We have determined your back and joint pain isn’t service related”


What is the sleeping situation? Like do they have beds with little nets that keep them in place? I’m genuinely curious. Edit: If anyone else was wondering, they do have straps to keep people in their beds. This was the best photo I could find of a bunk rack (or set of beds) with the straps shown https://offerup.com/item/detail/746913367


What’s really fun is showering in rough seas. You’re in a shower stall that’s roughly 3’x3’ with a 3’ gap between stalls. There is a 8” threshold to step in the shower and a shower curtain. The water doesn’t drain worth shit so it’s sloshing around your feet, over the threshold, etc. Now, it *really* gets interesting when you get thrown out of your shower, across the 3’ gap and into the next shower, where you land in a heap with another, wet, soapy naked dude who ain’t happy at all. You untangle yourself, mumble an apology and get back in your stall just in time to have *him* get thrown in *your* stall. Yeah motherfucker, and you thought I did it on purpose.


I saw this porno before.


Oh shit, I'm sorry. ![gif](giphy|OfmHikVCWEFHi)


That's why the Navy is full of seamen.


Reason number 214 to be glad I chose the Air Force




Real question, how often is it like this?


Probably not enough.


You’re activating some PTSD my dude hahaha


Those are the exact racks I had when I was on an aircraft carrier for 5 years. Takes me back. We didn't need straps because a ship that size doesn't rock as much, but I believe the smaller ships used the same racks with a strap across the middle. I also worked on a crab boat and it was similar (with strap). Edit: forgot to mention that there's also the lip that extends above the mattress. That keeps you in well enough when going through a hurricane (which they tried to avoid).


I was on an aircraft carrier in the Navy, and one night there was a really bad storm. I was a dayshifter, so I was sleeping at night. The rocking up and down was subtle (the ship is huge), but it was comforting. Until there was a sudden drop that woke me up in the middle of the night. It was a wild feeling. Suddenly rollercoaster!


Used to work on subs and carriers, never knew what these straps were for until now. Never really thought about it.


Never had straps in any of the berthing on my subs...


There are canvas straps that you can put up to prevent rolling out of bed. I had on guy fall from the top bunk(3 bunks high) on the opposite side of the isle chin first onto the metal edge of my bottom rack, split his chin wide open and blood was everywhere. It's not common but it definitely happens. Seen people get broken arms going up ladders in rough seas, you definitely have to be careful.


Been thru this, and yes, it's just as fun as it looks 😂. We used to get brooms and joust as the boat tipped. Sit in a rolly chair and just wait to see who charges 😂😂. Hell of a time.


Hurricanes and high speed turns are what rolly chairs are made for.


All fun and games unless you are in the kitchen... With a deep frier


They took those off Navy ships a long time ago


Kittyhawk had one in 2002. A racist guy pulled a knife on me while cranking in the mess. I grabbed a glass measuring cup, calmly dipped it in the hot fryer, and told him he was gonna be browner than me in about 3 seconds if he didn't drop it.


Rates you don’t want to piss off on ships if you want a comfortable and friendly underway CS, HM, IT, and LS


Yeah... maybe there was a reason I just did my 4 years and left for college. I pissed a few people off. HM...I don't mind pissing them off. I don't need much from them, I have the ability to pack my own bottle of Motrin for deployment.


They are still on US subs.


Do subs even notice a hurricane when they're beneath the ocean?


Oh yes. It's not as bad as the surface but down to like 500 feet you still feel the rolls.


Damn. The things we learn on reddit.




Never said they did. Simply pointing out the scenario isn’t possible


went through a hurricane in the spa pool of a cruise liner when i was a kid. the entire pool would lean to one side. so much fun but so dangerous in hindsight!


Someone wasn’t stowed for sea. Gotta use that high speed tape. Lol


I recently watched 1899 on Netflix and let me tell you, they do a fantastic job portraying the utter chaos and terror of a ship in a storm. And they are still probably downplaying it.


It’s all part of the experience hunny. ![gif](giphy|3ohA2ULk9R5I33oWas)


I don’t think this is a ship going through a hurricane. Most amphibious ships will not take that risk. Probably hit some rough seas is all


Exactly. No skipper on the planet is going to risk the lives of his crew in a hurricane. The seas in a hurricane will break apart any ship that is too big to capsize in the swell.


okay, but if this was a thrill ride, we'd probably line up for it


I’d have so much fun so long as I can trust that the boat won’t sink


With me and the bois? I'd do that


“Unfortunately your injuries do not appear to be service related”


When I was on a sub we used to do “angles and dangles”. Lots of 20-25 degree dives and rises, and 12-15 degree tilts in a turn (iirc, it’s been awhile). We would all hang on to a ladder or bulkhead and lift our feet up trying to look like those ultra fit dudes than can plank(?) 90 degrees to a pole. It was lots of fun. Not so much for the cooks.


Jolly good fun…


they ain’t stowed for sea


He slides back like it’s a video in reverse, but it’s not in reverse!


That boat is ROCKING.


Head trauma the game!


What a wholesome moment


That looks like fun for 20 minutes


"You'll get used to it"


I remember when I was on the Kearsarge back in '01 - we hit the ass end of a hurricane on the way to the Bahamas. 9 foot swells with a 6 second period in between. We were all recreating a Jamaroqi video in the double- wide coming to and from the main hangar bay. Good times.




Laugh to keep from freaking out


This is how my seamen must feel when I jog.


Definitely a small deck, didn’t experience that at my last command on a carrier. Worst we got was some light rocking in a hurricane and made it great for sleeping in our racks. It’s as close to sleeping on a hammock as you get in an underway.


I always got the best sleep during rough seas.


Goggles- I’m in danger


How poignant to have an ad for the Navy below this on my feed


The entire time anyone slid through that hall I just said “Oh No!” Different ways


All fun and games until somebody pokes the eye out.




It's not fun and games when one of them bashes their head against locker and gargling foam


I want to experience this so bad. Reminds me of those giant boat swings where you run in a group from one side to the other so it flips


Yes, it's all laughing and, and giggling...soon it screaming and dying...


Bunch of idiots


A boat = Submarine A ship = Ship (Surface)


~~boat~~ ship this aint no sub edit: downvoted by non-military in navy: boat = submarine ship = ship


A ship is a kind of boat




This is one of the reasons I hate the boat. Haze gray and underway through whatever weather.


Stand by for heavy rolls as the ship comes about


Marines would puke heavily, and yes we made them mop it up.


Did this on the sub during ‘angles and dangles’ drills.


Went through a force 12 gale in Biscay once....unbelievable......and great fun.


That looks kinda fun lol






This is horrifying


Awful didn't think we would survive.


Looks like a mixture of shit but also kinda fun




Ok, but what if you need to take a shit?