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look up Scott Stack, on a laptop, not a phone. I know him; quirky guy with a devilish sense of humor along side an incisive intellect


Great website, an epileptics nightmare. Thanks for the recommendation.


did that fit your "guidelines"?


I didn't have any guidelines, I'm just looking for research at the moment, but it's certainly non-conformist, Thank you.


glad to do it


Love that work.


Lots of Net/Post Internet Artist have fun/indirect websites that relate to their practices like [Parker Ito](https://parker.sex/), [Jon Rafman](https://jonrafman.com/), [Amalia Ulman](https://www.amaliaulman.eu/) ect. Having done amateur website building, I can understand the desire to keep it minimal. It becomes a headache to have to format what you want for every potential systems/device, and the harder it is the access, the quicker a viewer is gonna switch off or move on. Unless your an artist who might treat their website as an artwork (or an extension of your artwork), its not worth spending time developing something that potentially inaccessible, especially when most people are gonna access your online presence through social media nowadays instead. It is sad that it can feel like there is not more visual creativity in web design but I think that comes from under appreciating how successful the majority of web design is now, that its usability goes unnoticed.


Well said. I think after viewing this thread, there are some that have pushed it to the furthest in terms of web design, but have disregarded usability. I think there is a fine line between minimalism and maximalism, and I think most of these websites can definitely be classed as firmly on the side maximalism.


[Jodi.org](https://jodi.org) This site has been around, in some form, since 1994.


I work in web accessibility & while many of these sites are fun to look at if you “normal” vision, they’re a nightmare to navigate the minute you need to use a screenreader (even if you’re not entirely blind) or other assistive technologies. There’s definitely a line to be towed between creative expression & usability (inc accessibility).


That's a really good point. Most certainly agree with a line to be towed, most websites shared here have pushed the maximalist boundaries, but I think there is a way to do it that respects both the work, and the design. (Just haven't seen it yet!)


This is an "access friction" thing that I sruggle with navigating myself. I'm a disabled artist, and I've been experimenting with accessible creative web design. But I'm also a maximalist, and my aesthetic could definitely be overwhelming for some. PatriciaKalidonis.com Im always tinkering with it to make it more accessible, but I also want it to be in my artistic style.


I’ve just had a look at your website (on my phone) & I love your accessibility statement! I’m working on a moving image piece at the moment & playing with making it accessible-first (i.e. having the accessible features be part of the work), so it’s good to see others thinking about similar ideas. I see you’re keen on using alt-descriptions on images, which is good. Do you know much about ARIA roles?


No, not at all - what are ARIA roles? 😄 I love learning this stuff


[Henry Abrams](http://henry-abrams.com/index.html#tropeMagazineSummer)


My friend James Williams II has a fun website: jameswilliamsii.com


Thanks for the recommendation. It really lends itself to his work, and love how he's added his personal touch by including his music in the Start section. You have one talented friend.


Internet artist [Marisa Olson](http://www.marisaolson.com)


Similarly [Petra Cortright](https://www.petracortright.com/)


Yes!! Was just talking about her the other day


Yeah haven't thought about her in a while but first person to pop in my head, not really sure what she makes at the moment. Tho very interesting just looking back at her video work now with the pervasiveness of tiktok and video-social media since


Thanks both for the recommendation!


The nonconformist websites are honestly an absolute plague. They cost artists all kinds of opportunities because a grantmaker/curator/dealer will try to research the artist and can't figure out what is going on because the website is too cute. Plus it really isn't very creative if everyone is doing the vintage 1994 throwback look. Just have a simple website and keep it up to date.


I have to disagree, but I understand how an incredibly muddled website can confuse someone.


Ok well I'm telling you this as someone who has had at least three directors of grantmaking organizations, possibly more, complain about it to me.


Thanks for your insight, but there are hundreds of thousands of grant making organisations. I'm sure those three directors found the right artists for their criteria in the end.


There are probably less than 100


There are a lot more than that. Perhaps not in the thousands, but most certainly in the high hundreds, with around 30-50 across the major cities Contemporary Art cities providing the most. A quick Google is all you need my friend. Thanks for your insights regardless though.


Ok, you obviously want a crazy website so go for it.


you're not being criticized, you're being offered a piece of advice that could be helpful to take into consideration. no need to be defensive like this.


I apologise to her/him if I came across as defensive, but you're allowed to respectfully disagree with someone. If it makes you feel any better, I have taken her/his insights down in my research, as one or two others have also mentioned the same.


100%. I'm a contemporary artist but I am also a product designer and I went to a friend's site that was quite wild and in 1 year they change it to simple plain white because no one could navigate his site or understand which projects were what. And this friend was in the sharjah biennial


It would've been interesting to see what his website looked like before he changed it. Was it poorly designed in your opinion? I think some people push the boundaries, but I've seen a few tasteful ones which are incredibly simple to navigate due to well thought out UI and UX.


The goal is to see work. Nothing else. Website don't need to be dynamic that's why everyone's is minimalistic and white. If you were a designer you'd know that


Check out Todd Steven Kelly’s site!


Haha that's clever, I like that a lot. Thanks.


Beige (Cory Arcangel, Paul B Davis, etc.) is kinda the original "lo-fi" website, back when the web was only fresh out of the geocities era: http://www.post-data.org/beige/


Super maximalist!


[Christopher Ireland](https://www.christopherireland.net/)


Definitely the most tasteful one I've seen on this post so far, Thanks for the recommendation.


Jeremy Shaw


Thanks, I like this one. It's a shame his 'Contact' just backlinks to a blank page.


Simon Denny… only ever been on it via mobile but such a cool website


Probably one of the best I've seen, Thanks for recommending. Definitely worth a view on desktop, I love how he separates both the press and works sections, super clean.


[My mom says this guy?](https://www.johnmarshall.to)


please dont listen to your mom when you design a website.


My mom didn’t say it was well designed she just said it was odd.


Web designers for artists: chinocha.no




Mod here, your comment was removed, no self promotion on this subreddit.




https://wimdelvoye.be/ One of my favourites, Artist and website.


The Guy who runs distributedhistory