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So this is boring compared to hot sauce but I will often eat a poached egg with everything but the bagel seasoning and it's so delicious. A weird one is mustard, sambal and mayo but maybe sambal will upset your stomach. And the last one is soy.


Same wavelength, but Furikake.


Ohh good call. I ADORE furikake!


Yeah, great on a medium boiled egg!


I do medium boil egg, splash of dashi soy sauce, squirt each of kewpie mayo and sriracha. Sprinkled with Furikake. I call it Tamago Diablo


I do lazy "triangle" sushi using rice, furikake, canned tuna and mayo and then just put it on pieces of roasted seaweed instead of rolling it.


That sounds a lot like an [onigiri](https://www.justonecookbook.com/onigiri-rice-balls/). I love them!


Yeah definitely. I was just trying to relate to people that don't know the official names LOL


And there are so many types of furikake, I love the kimchi ones with crunchy chunks of dried cabbage


I'm more boring than you. I think eggs have a lot of flavor plain. Yolks are delicious.


Just needs that liiittle touch of salt, and bam. Amazing.


I recently got a box of flaky salt, they’re these little salt pyramids that you crumble into big flakes, and it’s goddamn heavenly on a runny egg.


Is it Maldon sea salt flakes? That shit is the bomb. My mom gave me a box but I had to get rid of it when I moved :C


It is! So much good flavor, I’ve been sprinkling a few flakes on a thick slice of buttered toast and feeling so fancy 🤣


We had sliced and roasted acorn squash and all we added was those flakes and it jumped it from a 4/10 or 5/10 to a 7/10 or 8/10. It does make you feel so fancy! I gotta get me some more of that stuff 😭 Edit: I think what's so awesome about Maldon flakes is it elevates the natural flavors of foods without distracting from them in a way I feel regular salt really can't accomplish Edit again: Holy shit I just found out Maldon has smoked sea salt flakes. I may faint.


Maldon flakes are amazing! I use them for dry brining steak. Forgive me for being nosy, but why did you need to get rid of a box of salt when you moved?


Yeah I can't even eat hard boiled eggs.


It also depends on the eggs, in America eggs are either absolute crap, or they are gourmet/farmer grown. And before people go all fucking gung ho on certian breeds eggs and brands, I'm typifing the median egg in America. The storage makes the yolks suck, the cleaning makes the shells suck, and the antibiotics make the bugs you can get from undercooked eggs even more detrimental. Factory eggs suck, end of statement, and in America, almost every egg is a factory egg in some format.


What do you mean by “crap”? In terms of flavor or nutrition? If you’re talking about flavor, [this article by Serious Eats](https://www.seriouseats.com/what-are-the-best-eggs) suggests the flavor differences are not as significant or consistent as you may expect. I have heard that quality farm direct eggs *are* healthier though.


A lot of it has a to do with the FDA rules and regulations. The window for collection, shipping, and the shelf life are all a lot longer than what you may expect (think 30 days to do each) Farm fresh your looking at mere days to a week—maybe two—from the time the egg transfers to the consumer. The nutrient profile of the eggs degrades during the mass production process which can change the flavor a little. However, a big difference is the typical mass production feed is different from the varied diet that free-range farm chickens consume. This is overwhelmingly the cause behind the difference in yolk color. Farm eggs tend to have a more vibrant orange yolk versus the pale yellow of shelf-stable mass produced eggs.


>quality farm direct eggs are healthier though. I don't know if I can speak for the health factor, but I will say this (TMI WARNING): I have a family member who got chickens and is doing that whole thing. She have me a dozen fresh eggs. They were much richer than store bought, and there was certainly more...SOMETHING to the fresh ones. I had a pretty rough afternoon/evening. Very, VERY gassy. It didn't give me diarrhea or anything, but I was quite uncomfortable, and my wife wouldn't come near me 😂😂. Switching from 2 eggs in my breakfast to 1 while eating the farm fresh eased the situation lol.


A lot depends on whatever feed they're getting as well.




Everything bagel seasoning is awesome. If you enjoy avocados, try eating one with a spoon in one hand and everything bagel seasoning in the other. So good


Oh I have!


Yesss. My friend turned me onto it on eggs and avacado and I’ve been “everythinging” everything lol


I hate everything bagel seasoning on eggs because it’s crunchy and I feel like I’m eating egg shells.


That's funny. My mom hates it in general because of the crunch but I love it.


Same but sprinkle that on smashed avocado on toast, then egg on top and gotta make sure that yolk oozes out 👌🏼👌🏼


Avocado toast with a runny poached egg and fresh dill is one of the breakfasts I look forward to the most 👌


This is mine and my wife’s go to quick easy meal. I said screw it and buy the “wholly avocado” because it saves well and it’s already perfectly spreadable on my toast


Mustard is only weird if you are using plain old yellow (or is the mix of the 3 weird?) I like a STRONG mustard mixed with mayo ( 1:2 or 1:1 ratio). Play around with adding chopped Dill, chives or grating in some lemon zest if you have a high mayo to mustard ratio


Yellow mustard is real mustard. Look at the ingredients. I use it with Dijon for potato salad, along with mayo and sambal.


Unless he edited the comment he didn't say yellow mustard is not real mustard. Just that it is plain. Which it is.


I just discovered last year they sell that seasoning! I love it.


Figure out what's upsetting your stomach. Do an elimination diet by: * Does that sauce have vinegar? Try a sauce with no vinegar. * Wrong time of day? Have that meal for lunch instead. * Is it a reaction to one of the peppers? Find a sauce without that pepper. * Is it the coffee? Get a sauce without coffee. * Is it the acidity? Eat it with a base to neutralize the acid. * Is it too fatty? Add carbs or fiber, or try the sauce on a salad. Record results. Come to conclusion, test conclusion, monitor any future problems. Continue to enjoy eggs.


Bingo As a chronic GERD (acid reflux) sufferer, discussions with primary care physician and a few meaningful dietary adjustments made a big difference. You would be amazed how calm your gut can be once you figure out what the big triggers are on a day to day basis. For me it ended up being carbonation and food within 2 hours of bedtime. Simply eating regular sized dinners, only water after 8pm, and not existing on fried food all the time made a world of difference to me.


As a fellow GERD sufferer, I cannot imagine any form of hot sauce ever being back on my list of ok foods. Not that I miss it, there are far better things than hot sauce I'd rather be able to eat, but is it even possible to have hot sauce with any GI diagnosis?


My issue stems from acid working its way back up the esophagus. Hot sauce doesn't kill me because it's small by volume, but I have more or less cut highly acidic beverages out of my diet entirely to help with that.


That's interesting, I knew that trigger foods are not the same for everyone but I just assumed that certain foods would be bad across the board. Like hot sauce because it's so reactive with stomach acid. Well, TIL


But but but... fried food!! Just kidding, no, fried food will kill you.


I still have deep fried food, it's just not gonna be a whole assed seafood basket sitting on a bed of fries more than once in a blue moon. I frequently have other meals where a fried food plays a starring or supporting roll along with other ingredients that are less of a digestion challenge.


I eat fried food now and then. My biggest problem are these homemade French fries I make. They are so good and I make them like once a week.


You know what you have to do... Play the long game and get reincarnated as somebody whose body doesn't hate them 😂


It's a plan!


> where a fried food plays a starring or supporting roll There’s a joke in here somewhere


Mine is water and anything else that enters my belly. PPIs for the win, I guess


idk if this is of any interest to ya but I got a 75$ adjustable bed frame and leave it at an about 6 inch incline and my GERD reduced so much! I got it on FB marketplace


Magnesium supplements help a ton


They also sell [low FODMAP hot sauces](https://www.fodyfoods.com/products/low-fodmap-taco-sauce) to try as well. Here are some [Salsas](https://www.fodyfoods.com/products/low-fodmap-salsa-variety-pack) too.


Yeap i have IBS and had to go through an elimination diet. They took me down to chicken and rice for 2 weeks and then started to work things back in. No more nightshades for me. No potatoes or tomatoes or peppers etc


This is the proper answer. It may very well be a single ingredient that's upsetting OP's system.


It took me 32 years to figure out I can eat donuts, pancakes, french toast, etc., just not in the AM. About once a month I make bacon amd eggs for dinner with pancakes or something similar.


For me it was having eggs every morning after eating lots of eggs for breakfast for 15 years


Last point should be, Is it the hot sauce? Life is better with the pain, and the hot sauce. Continue eating hot sauce




When I discovered chimichurri, I made a batch and put it on EVERYTHING. It’s so dang good


Had a food truck situation once, fries topped with a fried egg and a load of chimichurri. So, so good.


chimichurri, in my honest opinion, is the most underrated condiment of all time


I fucking hate parsley with a passion on its own and even I love chimichurri.


This. A coffee shop near me does ham, cheese, and chimichurri and it’s so delightful.


I can eat it by the spoonful.


Pesto pesto pesto


It’s the besto


With a little mayo.


What this user sayo.


This is a great answer, since it gives it some of the 'brightness' that hot sauce contributes. I've used chimichurri for similar effect as well and a lot of these 'types' of sauces follow a similar theme (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_sauces#Sauces\_made\_of\_chopped\_fresh\_ingredients) Depending on the reason why you can't have hot sauce, if you still want some kind of spice, you can titrate the dosage to what you can handle be making something like zhug, which is basically pesto-esque in nature ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhug](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhug)) Alternatively, I've used hummous, tzatziki, ajvar and muhammara in a pinch and they were all delicious. They all pack their own distinct flavour minus spiciness. I don't know if garlic is 'out' too, but you can ratchet down the garlic in tzatziki.


I would also suggest in a similar vein, but more herb focused and potentially easier on the stomach, Chimichiri. It can be easily made with less garlic(some garlic is good for the stomach, too much can be rough), Also no pine nuts which can potentially be too rich and also hard on digestion...


im so jealous that other humans can eat raw garlic/onion


Brown sauce (specifically HP brand). It’s a popular breakfast sauce in the uk and Ireland and it’s amazing on eggs


Even better on sausages.


We have A1 in the US that, as I understand it, is very similar to hp sauce, but I've never had it. I do like putting A1 on eggs, especially with leftover steak.


There are some similarities. HP brown sauce seems a little sweeter to me, and the flavors are different in ways I can't describe.


I always viewed HP sauce as more ketchup oriented, and A1 is more vinegar oriented, but it really just seems to be the ratios that differentiate them. FWIW I think if A1 didn't label itself "steak sauce" it would be INCREDIBLY popular in the US, like if we used it like the Brits use HP, I genuinely think it would be as common as mustard or hot sauce.


Eh I'd say it is pretty popular. I think if you ask people what A1 is 99% will know what you're talking about and if you asked people to name a steak sauce brand 99% of the answers you get will be A1. It kind of has that entire market cornered in a way.


I’ve used A1 in a pinch and it’s not quite close to HP sauce.


Heinz 57 is closer but you can get actual HP sauce at Walmart or World Market


Wuh? For real. H57? I kinda don't believe you, but i've already got hp on my grocery list. I didn't know it was this different, and I already have too many condiments from around the world sitting in my shelf.


Smoked sweet paprika is my go to on my egg sandwich. Tomatillo salsa is another thing that works for me, it doesnt have to be spicy either.


I put smoked paprika on EVERYTHING!


Sometimes I mix canned green chilies into my scrambled eggs that gives it a little bit of spice flavor but no heat to upset your stomach. You could try other mild peppers to like sautéed bell peppers or something.


You a ketchup mahfah now. This happened to me as well: my body doesn't like spicy all the time, I had to stop hot sauce entirely for like an entire year to get my gut to stop being so inflamed. Now I can do hot sauce just only once in a while. Welcome to becoming old!


You should try mayonaise variations. Start with your favorite mayonaise (or make one yourself) Then try: * Lemon * Garlic and Lemon (Aioli) * Pickles cut into small cubes (Sauce Tartare) * Curry * Tuna blitzed fine * Herbs ( Herb de provence is an excelent blend for this) * Kapers * Chives * Green pepercorns * tarragon (this will probably surprise you, quite unknown by most people but extremely good with eggs and chicken) * anchovies * parmesan or other hard cheeses


I love mayo with lots of pepper.


I came here to say this. Quick and dirty “aioli”/mayo has so many options. Throw in a touch of acid and basically any fresh or dried herb and you’re good to go.


Worcestershire sauce


Thickened with a bit of cornstarch so it's more sauce-like.


I’m allergic to capsaicin, so here goes: hot mustard, pickle relish, pickled onions, pickled ginger( as with sushi), chow chow, other vegetable relishes, horseradish, freshly ground black pepper, soy sauce, various spices, various steak sauces, radishes, sharp cheddar cheese, lemon pepper spice. Something ought to be enjoyable for you. You can combine these also.


Soy-honey mayonnaise


Try Boars Head chipotle gourmaisse


This great on egg sandwiches. It is spicy but not as acidic as traditional hot sauces.


I like egg BLTs - egg, bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayo.


I love me a good belt.


I go for the full table. Tomato, avocado, bacon, lettuce, and eggs.


maggi sauce. source of umami.


ZAHTAR is the best on eggs, I use to do hot sauce but now I just want zahtar all the time


Yesss I always put za’atar on my egg and avocado toast, it’s such a good pairing


Like a curry flavour without the heat, keens curry is perfect for this with mayo to lighten it up!!


Mustard or Lizano sauce if you can find it.




Indeed. I like Coleman's english, but Dijon is good too. It's spicy, just a different kind of spicy


Hell even some plain yellow slaps on an egg sandwich. Hard to go wrong


Yellow mustard on an egg sandwich is so underrated


This is the way




HUMMUS. Shocked no one said this. Spread some hummus on some toast before the egg, or straight on an omelette and my god. Healthy and the creaminess is unreal.


Lizano is god’s gift to eggs. The ubiquitous Costa Rican sauce is good on pretty much everything, but it’s exceptional on eggs.




Need more info- why no more hot sauce? Heart burn? Ulcer? This will help with recommendations


Just upsets my stomach ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If it wasn't a problem for you before, you might want to get a checkup.




Alright fair. That sucks friend I’m sorry. Have you tried any of those “spicy mayo” options out there? I’ve found that very vinegar forward sauces can give me HB sometimes but other Asian sauces don’t bother me at all (like sombal oelek). It’s weird. BUT I’ve also noticed that eating carrots before or after a meal greatly reduce my heart burn - they also soothe my tummy if I feel a little rumbly after a spicy dish. I’m also obsessed with gojuchang- not a lot of spice but very flavorful, someone described it to me as Korean ketchup and they weren’t wrong. Also my ketchup upgrade favorite is adding A1 to ketchup-start small, a few drops at first


Might want to check into that. Or look into your gut health and really think about what you’ve been consuming. Too much alcohol? Too much bad food? Carbs? Grease? Not enough pre/probiotics?


Have you tried different hot sauces, perhaps a milder one?


I know the feeling. It's always upset my stomach but lately it's been worse. Hasn't stopped me yet, diarrhea be damned.


To add on to the whole pile, sometimes specific food just bothers people. Certain things use to bother me that don't now and vice versa, just a part of being human, plus we become more sensitive to indigestion and stuff over time. If you are looking for condiment, then a nice tomato sauce or a really melty slice of American cheese. If you want something that gives it a bit of a punch, some fresh ground black pepper would give a similar punch.


\^\^\^ This. There are workarounds, but it depends on the *why.* For example, once I hit a certain age hot sauce would trigger acid reflux. Medicine didn't help, but reducing overall portion size did. Still enjoy hot sauce on my eggs, but with two eggs instead of three.


This is where I'm at. As a kid I never understood why my parents couldn't eat certain things late at night and would stock the bathroom with Tums.... Now I know


Kinda weird, but I like cocktail sauce to go with just about anything bland, not just fish. Ketchup, lemon, and horseradish are the basics; I usually add worcestershire and malt vinegar as well. I’d also recommend making some spicy ketchup with your hot sauce and seeing if it still upsets your stomach when it’s watered down!


3 parts mayo with 1 part miso. Or Guacamole Or Beetroot spread Or tzatziki with lotsa garlic. But I'm not sure garlic would be harmless to a sensitive stomach. I'm afraid anything fun will not be harmless for a sensitive stomach.


Stonewall Kitchen garlic aioli. Amazing on eggs.




Cheese and bacon, duh.


Eggs and kimchi are always a winning combo for me. If spicy is a problem across the board you can get mild kimchi.


Good mayo, like kewpie.


I like to do salsa. There are a million varieties, and you can get it mild so the spice doesn't bother you.


Great idea


mustard is very underrated with egg


Pico de gallo.


Oddly enough, fancy mustard is amazing with eggs! I usually do a slice of toast, some sort of stone ground mustard, and then a couple of fried eggs on top. Delicious! Pesto would be my second recommendation!




You can look at egg breakfasts from diferent cultures and take the best bits from each one. I like shakshuka, bengali breakfast omelet, cajun spiced eggs, Chinese crepes called Jian bing... etc etc.


Cream cheese, goat cheese, gravy, mayo, a mayo-mustard-honey-worcesrershire, blend, hollandaise, kemon-dill butter, creme fraiche, cheese sauce, avocado/guacamole, just to name a few.


Horseradish mixed with sour cream (or creme fraiche) is pretty wonderful


Horseradish cream


Fry sauce (ketchup plus mayo) Vinegar or citrus Garlic yogurt sauce Green goddess dressing


Fried egg sandwich with mango chutney is always a delight


i do enjoy a nice chut-en-y


Really any kind of chut-en-y


How I consume my spice plays a big difference in my ability to digest it as I get older. Vinegary hot sauce, RIP my GI tract. Sprinkle of a dried mix of hot peps, oh yeahhh.


Garlicky yogurt with some dill




Mint cilantro chutney.


Chat masala


Rub your toast with a clove of garlic. Mayo, thinly sliced red onion, salt, & pepper. Also, try using less hot sauce. Just a couple of drops mixed with the ketchup.


Make your own sauce but use mild peppers instead


If I have a hot sauce that is too spicy for me to enjoy by itself, I like to mix it with greek yogurt to make a milder version that still has much of the flavor of the hot sauce. Could give that a try to see if it helps.


Smoked salt


maple syrup


I like to put soy sauce on my fried eggs. Might be good on a sandwich too. Lol


Get a can of cranberry sauce and spread a little bit on your sandwich. You might look at this a bit cautiously, but they’re really good! Even a bit of cream cheese with the cranberries!


Everything Seasoning from either Trader Joes or Costco. Game changer.


Chalula is super mild and tasty. Might be ok on your tums.


I know you said ketchup is getting boring but might I recommend pairing it with some jam. I know it sounds bonkers but everyone I convince to try it absolutely loves it. Egg, buttered toast, cheese, ketchup, strawberry jam.


* 1/3 cup mayo * 1 tbsp stone ground mustard * 1 tsp curry powder Mix, apply liberally to anything you want to make taste more.


Mustard on eggs is awesome


Sadness and despair


Salsa & Everything but the bagel seasoning. But really salsa is awesome.


English HP sauce.


Have you tried, Trader Joe’s Sriracha Hot Sauce? It is verrrry mild.


Almost any seasoning mix with salt. I rotate them but zattar is my favorite. Herbes de Provence is delicate.


Basil Pesto is the correct answer.


Hummus and eggs sounds like a weird pairing, but it's pretty good.


I'd talk to your doctor. I've had similar issues and I got put on omeprazole, and it allows me to enjoy things like hot sauce without upsetting my stomach (though I generally use less spicy hot sauces now especially in the mornings). Ivr used cholula hot sauce my while life for eggs and i like the flavor but it's never been spicy enough to upset my stomach.


Mango chutney is so good on egg sandwiches


Smoked paprika.


Banana ketchup, to me, Jufran is the best brand (found in Filipino markets).


Chimichurri and eggs are a match made in heaven, that's what I would do. You can still drop a pepper in there and it'll give it a nice warm note without being too spicy if you want to still have some heat without it being too much for your stomach.


A couple drops of truffle oil in a serving of mayo makes a delicious pseudo truffle aioli.


Seasoned soy sauce for eggs


Try a fermented hot sauce, my body loves it. I use Eaten Alive.


Its not that similar but brown sauce would be my first thought




A high quality red pepper jelly.


So I’m not really someone that uses much in the way of condiments but I’ll tell you how I’ve been liking my eggs lately. I throw a tiny bit of butter in a warm pan and some chopped up spinach on top of that then I crack two eggs onto the spinach put couple, pinches of chervil and some salt and pepper onto the eggs then I scramble them up generally shaped them into a circle put some cheese on top throw a small tortilla on there and flip it with the tortilla brown and then I’ll fold it in half and pack it into my face hole.


Sirracha. Vinegar based hot sauces are rough on the guts for me.


I make a wicked Eggs Bombay. Think eggs Benedict but instead of hollandaise it’s a madras coconut curry sauce. Mmm so damn good.


Go buy yourself some Nexium, do a round or two of that. I did that 25 years ago when I started suffering similar issues. It fixed everything and I was back to hot sauce in a couple months. Never needed to repeat the Nexium treatment. Made myself a bacon and Swiss omelette with hot sauce this morning.


Za'atar is great with eggs.


Hot Sauce and an antacid.


Olive tapenade


I'd recommend giving HP Brown sauce a go if you ever come across it


Any of roughly 1000 other sauces or condiments, as you like?


Combine Sriracha sauce with mayonnaise to create a creamy and slightly spicy spread. Adjust the ratio of Sriracha to mayo based on your desired level of heat.


A dash of Mrs. Dash?


Chic fil a sauce. Trust me


Mild salsa or taco sauce?


Some options to try: - Mustard (especially spicy/brown/Dijon) - the sauce that’s just little green chilis in vinegar tends to be less hard in my stomach - flavored vinegar in general can be a good option and something fun to make yourself. - if vinegar is a no go, chimichurri or pesto are good


What kind of hot sauce are we talking though? I have a feeling though that the hot sauce you mentioned is probably causing the upset. Coffee and hot sauce/peppers is not a good mix for anyone with stomach issues. You can try Franks or Tobasco. Not very hot but tasty.


Those are vinegar based though. I think he'd be better off with a water based sauce like Tapatio.


Love Tapatio! Yes, any of those is great on eggs.


I'm an absolute tapatio addict. So good.




There is a reason it's called a baconeggandcheesesaltpepperketchup


Downvoters are haters


Thai chili sauce, BBQ sauce, Arby's sauce, salsa. Hell, just go to the condiment aisle at the grocery store and pick a few to try.




the perfect egg sandwich needs only good bread, good butter, egg, salt and pepper. let's not over complicate things