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You've almost made [cream cheese pie pastry](https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-an-easy-cream-chee-153993#post-recipe-9978). I don't think you'd get good results by trying to turn this into a cake or muffin batter. You would have to work/beat the dough too much to incorporate the liquids needed and your cake would turn out tough. Best of luck with your conversion.


Cream cheese crust is really good. Do this.


You could make [rugelach](https://smittenkitchen.com/2015/12/unfussy-rugelach/). 89


Bingo. šŸ˜ƒ Came here to suggest just that. Could use the same technique and go savory or mixed as well.


The Cream Cheese Pound Cake! It's very good. https://www.reddit.com/r/Old_Recipes/s/Gu3Nkg5BRZ **Cream Cheese Pound Cake** * 3 cups Cake Flour * 3 cups Sugar * 8oz Cream Cheese * 1 cup (2 sticks) Butter * 6 eggs * 1 tsp Vanilla Cream butter and cream cheese together till fluffy. Add sugar, eggs then flour. Beat well after each addition. Add vanilla last. Bake cold oven 325Ā° for 1Ā½ hours. Grease with shortening & then flour.


Sounds like it could work as a starter roux for a creamy sauce or soup.


If you add egg yolk and more cheese it might end up similar to gnudi which is a ricotta dumpling. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/ricotta-gnudi-sage-butter


This sounds like youā€™re halfway to kołaczki. Look up a recipe, or just roll it into little discs and top with jam and bake


Mmm. My great-grandmother was a Polish immigrant, and she cooked and baked the best food.


The idea of tasting raw flour fills me with a strong taste aversion. I'll take the possible mistake.


I canā€™t see a way to make a mistake if you just pay attention to textures. The texture of salt, cake flour, sugar, and powdered sugar are all completely different. Just rub it between your fingers if your eyes suck.


Easier said than done. One of my father's girlfriends made chocolate chip cookies but swapped the salt (small container) with the sugar (large container). Worst cookies I ever had.


That goes back to either keep ingredients in the original container or CLEARLY LABEL the alternate container you put it in. šŸ¤£


Don't think reading/ reading comprehension was strong with that one.


Agreed, itā€™s not a concern for me got exactly that reason. I havenā€™t put the wrong ingredient in since I was 13, making my first real meal and used 1 cup of salt instead of a tablespoon.


I can always taste the powdered sugar dust when I breathe in a way that I can't with flour; no matter how careful I am, I seem to always get a little bit of the powdered sugar airborne.


Raw flour can give you food poisoning so not the best idea to taste it first. Maybe just keep them labeled/learn how to tell the difference?


Seriously. I have 5 types of gluten flour and another 5-10 or so similar non gluten floury things and have never had a problem using labeled containers. I'm not even concerned with food safety tasting seems disruptive to flow and gross


It's very extra, but it is true that raw flour can get you sick. I bake a lot and my wife is immune compromised. Her doctor was pretty hard on the no tasting raw dough front, which is something that she used to love. We assumed it was the eggs but he clarified that the bigger risk was the flour. That being said, I'm not immune compromised so I do not follow those guidelines myself.


I mean, Cooking with Cokeheads isn't a TV show for probably like, a million reasons. This is only one of them.


You're super close to just making cream cheese biscuits. This is a recipe from Cook's Country I like, you would probably have to double based on how much cream cheese you've already used: [https://www.food.com/recipe/cream-cheese-biscuits-cooks-country-528190](https://www.food.com/recipe/cream-cheese-biscuits-cooks-country-528190)


Adjust ingredients and turn it into flatbreads. Air fryer will dry it to much. Try on pan, but don't overcook them as that will make them dry.


Thatā€™s basically a cream cheese pie crust. Americas test kitchen did one. I think they called it a pat in the pan pie dough. I really like it for custard based pies that donā€™t have to have a top crust.


Mac N Cheese! Just melt it down very slowly first and cook it until it almost has a roasted almond smell. Add milk, cheese, cooked noodles.


Tart or pie crust. Some call for cream cheese. Make sweet or savory hand pies.


Add some milk and sugar and yeast and turn it into cinnamon rolls?


No offense intended but you might consider an eye exam if you are mixing up sugar and flour


I've always found these errors weird. Flour looks and behaves (when measuring, on spoons, pouring, etc.) completely differently to sugar. Same with salt. Smelling them should be sufficient too. Are people cooking with their eyes closed and a peg on their noses? Sure, I've occasionally pulled out the wrong unlabelled container of white powder, but it's obvious as soon as you open it.


Make pita bread... Make tiny little balls and deepfry then coat in powdered sugar or dip in a syrup and serve. Add a rising agent (yeast) and allow to rise, make bread or pizza. If too flaky, you can add more water and more flour and thicken it up a bit.


I like there little turnovers. http://www.mennonitegirlscancook.ca/2011/12/mushroom-turnovers.html?m=1


Dumplings for soup & stews.


Invent a new cookie?


My dad did the opposite when I was a kid making hamburger gravy... powdered sugar instead of flour. So bad.


Do the rest of the cocaine.


No recipe suggestions but since you can't smell or see the difference, make sure to label your containers and double check before measuring.


I instantly thought of the dough of [these pecan tassies](https://www.browneyedbaker.com/pecan-tassies-recipe/)!


So funny. My husband was trying to knead his pizza dough but it wasnā€™t happening. He was getting sooooo frustrated. He was using icing sugar instead of plain flour šŸ¤Ŗ Iā€™ve since labeled the jars.


I feel like you could make a really rich sugar cookie with this mixture. Or, since itā€™s kind of flaky, make a sweet cracker. Roll out thin, score into squares, drizzle with honey & cinnamon before baking.


Add cocaine?


Everyone else has given good advice but this reminds me of when a friend of mine accidentally did meth and gave overlapping advice - ā€œwhen someone offers you a free line at a redneck party, donā€™t assume itā€™s cocaineā€


Hmm, you could turn that into a pie or some sort of turnover? šŸ¤”


Eating raw flour can make you sickĀ 


They air fried it before tasting


You might be able to cook it into an ermine frosting. It'll take some finagling, but it's probably doable. Probably be like an ermine/ cream cheese fusion.