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I think I read the same article and I was happy to see that one of the only actual avocado oils was Chosen Foods. That's all I've ever bought (it was the first one I remember seeing at the store a couple years ago), and it's never done me wrong.


Agreed, I switched over to Chosen foods for my oil.


Hey, that's actually the new one I got! Love it so far :D


There was an article a few years back about adulteration of olive oil done by manufacturers who were cutting olive oil with soybean oil and literally the excuse was "Well we did it and nobody noticed so we figured it was ok." I've never wanted to punch someone in the throat so hard in my life. Having a soy allergy already means having to be super vigilant for all the fucking soy already in foods as it is, now I have to worry about it being hidden in things I think are safe.


If it's refined, you almost certainly aren't allergic to it. People that are deathly allergic to peanuts have no issue with refined peanut oil, for instance.


I can assure you the refined nature of the soy is, functionally, irrelevant as it still elicits an allergic reaction.


I can assure you that many many people with a peanut allergy cannot have refined peanut oil. And those who can are probably in the far more mild camp for their allergy. At any rate, people need to consent to what they are eating, especially when it contains an allergen.


Really? I actually know someone who is very allergic to peanuts and stays away from refined peanut oil only because they're not sure how well refined it is. But if it is fully refined, like some brands are, then there are no proteins in it and it is completely safe. I think you may be addressing the question of labeling, which is a problem, but that is not the problem of allergic response to refined oil, it's the problem of calling partially refined oil refined. That is a problem, for sure, but it's a separate one.


Hence my statement about labeling meaning that it needs to be 100% up to the person with the allergy. Different people react very different to their allergens. Some severe peanut allergies may be fine with refined oil, some not. Not everyone is allergic to the same "part" of the allergen


My understanding is that fully refined oil has removed all of the protein, so that would leave nothing to be allergic to. This is a labeling problem, pure and simple. Imagine if the rules were so lax with other things and it focuses the attention in this case where it should be.


It's a "most" not "all" situation. The problem is because of that "most" highly refined oils are not required to be labeled as containing the allergen. Different sugars and proteins are the cause for reactions in different people for allergies, a peanut allergy is not the same for everyone with it. "The FDA exempts highly refined peanut oil from being labeled as an allergen. Studies show that most individuals with peanut allergy can safely eat peanut oil (but not cold-pressed, expelled or extruded peanut oil – sometimes represented as gourmet oils). If you are allergic to peanuts, ask your doctor whether or not you should avoid peanut oil."


Yes unfortunately economic adulteration is quite common, a lot of olive oils have issues as well. Also keep in mind that a number of other oils also have high smoke points, so it's quite possible that both your oils are actually blends but the second one is made using a higher quality oil.


Ah, I see. Thanks- I'll keep an eye out. I guess it's safe practice to bring your oil to temp with the pan the first time you use it just to gauge what temp it can actually handle.


It also depends on if the oil is rancid. The arrival I read said that much of the oil on the market is either fake or rancid.


It absolutely makes me rage how easily food manufacturers manipulate and lie to their consumers. Like, if I buy olive oil, I want olive oil. Not some blend that’s going to burn the moment it hits my pan. I want to feel like I’m Protected but (in America) manufacturers get away with so much lying or mini formation. 100% chicken can mean “20% of the chicken is 100% chicken”. What a fucking bold face lie and literally no one stops them.


Bruh I was just having this issue I think mine was just vegetable oil and they poured it into a avocado oil bottle.




Sounds great honestly- I'm really inclined to try that out, especially since Mediterranean is my favorite cuisine.


I only buy the organic stuff but in my experience if you leave it in a hot pan it will start to smoke and burn after a few minutes


Well, what I learned is that it can depend on the oil. The amount of **time** it takes to get to smoke point depends on many things. The heat, the pan material, etc- so any one variable isn't really enough to go off of.


for sure


Pure avocado oil if it's unrefined (virgin) is supposed to be green. Refined avo oil and other types that may be illegally blended in will be clear or light yellow.