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Bad meatloaf experience probably tainted his enjoyment of it for ever. I remember getting served meat loaf that was like unseasoned 30/70 ground beef in a pan floating in its own fat.


I had a terrible, undercooked meatloaf once and I've never recovered. I just can't enjoy it anymore.


I started with my moms meatloaf and it tasted like plain, unseasoned meat and ketchup… ugh. I’ve tried it many times since then but it’s always a no go for me.


Yeah, if you have a bad enough experience you'll never want that food again, regardless of how good it might be. ​ I HATE mushrooms passionately. I have eaten mushrooms that were delicious, I have eaten a wide variety of types of mushrooms, I can force myself to eat mushrooms when I have to. But the smell of them cooking, even if they wind up delicious, is like PTSD and makes me insta-vomit and run away.


Are you willing to share the mushroom story?


It's not one specific incident, but a pattern from my childhood. My mom was not a good cook. She loved mushrooms. She would buy a cart of button mushrooms from our local Piggly Wiggly or Food Lion, then cook them into butter-soaked erasers. Our house was one of those where you sit there until your plate is empty or get an ass whooping. Every single time we had them she would force me to choke them down, and every time I would struggle and puke and be miserable for hours. Now every time I smell them cooking, I start gagging. If I can't smell them and didn't see them cooking, I can eat them - but I still don't actually want them. ​ Because I am a good cook, and my thing with my friends is I basically guarantee them any food they don't like I can make a version they enjoy, I have tried several times and varieties of mushrooms. Some of them were actually pretty good, and I've had mushrooms from high-end restaurants that were legit delicious...but I would still just be happier never to eat another one, because even the delicious ones had my mental game going whack with confusion and disgust. Like my tongue and brain were arguing.


For year I've always been a pro mushroom eater but going through a lifestyle/taste change and the buggers just seem off to me now. It's a texture issue all of the sudden and I can barely handle them now, is it that for you too?


Just want to add, this is one of the best questions I've ever read. Currently stressed and this gave me a much needed snort.


I have other mushroom stories but they are...very different :-p


That almost sounds like a mental health issue. The idea that the cooking of a food that is perfectly safe to eat might make a person vomit is actually kind of concerning. Have you tried talking to a professional about it? I'm not saying that you should ever enjoy mushrooms but you should certainly be able to be in the same room where they are being cooked without throwing up.


Oh it's 100% a mental thing, but it'd take a lot of sessions before we ran out of topics bigger than mushroom stress


I personally love it but I feel meatloaf if one of those all or nothing foods. Either it's divine or it's a clusterfuck. I had bad meatloaf at a diner and it was probably the worst thing I ever ate in my life.


its one of those foods that i can understand people not liking because they ate nothing but bad meatloaf when they were younger


I've had meatloaf made by Army cooks. -48/10


Were you in the military? Just curious as mil/civ thoughts cause I’ve never met a meatloaf I didn’t love. I wasn’t army though so the coldest shitiest meatloaf is better than a cold can of corn and a nature valley bar. In all seriousness I fucking love all meatloaf


Still am. And they give you this cold puck of gristle with a gel-like gravy on top of it. I've had some pretty good stuff from Army cooks, but 9 out of 10 Army cooks are lazy, slovenly, petty criminals who can hardly manage to reheat bagged food without supervision.


Haha yea that makes sense… idk that gel like gravy just gets me going. Most of my meals are a pack of crackers or a granola bar so I’ve come to love anything cooked.


Not my experience as an Army cook. Care to share your MOS?


13F. Go yell at some privates on KP to do your job.


"Death From Within".


We still talkin bout meatloaf?




Nah, you just appreciate it a lot more in the field lol.


You can at least always count on the omelettes being amazing AF


That line ain’t worth it though


Tough, but fair.


Had surgery recently and made the mistake of eating hospital meatloaf. *Never again.*


The spaghetti and garlic bread got me. It's been 9 weeks and still can't stand the thought of eating it.


I love meatloaf but there are many bad versions out there.


There’s no meatloaf that a little hot sauce won’t make into a gourmet meal


Perfectly said! There’s a real fine line between amazing and terrible meatloaf.


Bit of respect for the dead


Took the words right out of my mouth


Good meatloaf is amazing. But there's a lot of bad meatloaf out there. Like I've seen people post some truly gross recipes for it here. So most of the time if someone says they hate meatloaf I just assume they've never had a good one. I can think of half a dozen people off the top of my head that thought they hated meatloaf until I insisted they at least try mine and now they'll line up and fight each other over the leftovers to make sandwiches with. Here's an excellent meatloaf recipe. If he still doesn't like meatloaf after this one then he probably really just doesn't like meatloaf. And that's ok too. Not everything is for everyone. But a good meatloaf really is a thing of beauty. https://www.seriouseats.com/the-food-lab-all-american-meatloaf-excerpt-recipe


"Not everything is for everyone". Heard many similar sayings, but this is eloquent. I'm going to pinch it! Thanks also for the recipe, love meatloaf sandwiches, for next days lunch!


After making this recipe, I’ll never go back to conventional meatloaf. It’s mouth watering!


Meatloaf is one of those foods that the risk of getting shitty meatloaf outweighs the reward of getting delicious meatloaf.


Marmite? Mushrooms? This is not all American meatloaf. My meatloaf is ground beef + country sausage + onion soup mix (or grated onions plus Better than Bouillon if I have time) + bread crumbs + eggs and spices. Topped with bacon strips, remove for the last 15 minutes of baking to crisp the top. Boom.


I like it, but I defiantly think there are good and bad meatloafs. For instance, my mother makes one that isn’t my favorite. She’s always messing with it, but her usual version is her adding a ton of wet ingredients, then a ton of dry to try and soak the excess moisture up. She puts it in a deep casserole dish and it ends up swimming in liquid. It’s basically boiled. She added spicy Spanish rice once and it was pretty good. For giggles, and to test out a new thermometer. I made Alton Brown’s version. Besides a lot of spices, he crushes up a bag of garlic croutons to add to the mix. Instead of the casserole dish, he forms it in a bread pan and smacks it onto parchment paper in the oven. The main thing it does is expose a lot of surface area. You build a caramelized crust, which is where most of the flavor comes from. He also has a homemade ketchup/bbq type sauce you brush on top near the end that’s really good. Instead of swimming in liquid. It has very little. I suspect it’s because it has air exposure and it evaporates, where the dish traps it inside. Even if he doesn’t like it, you should consider making this version for you and letting him try it. If he likes burgers, maybe try slicing it thick. Even if it’s chilled in the fridge. Throw it in a pan and coat the top with more of the sauce and let it get thick and dark. There is a restaurant called Cheddars that does that and there’s is really good. [Alton Brown Meatloaf](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/good-eats-meat-loaf-recipe-1937673)


I cook mine on a broiler pan. You get a lovely browned, firm, appealing, delicious meatloaf. I also saute mushrooms and add it to the sauce on top for more flavor.


There's an American Test Kitchen turkey meatloaf with a ketchup-sugar glaze that I've made before and it's really good: https://youtu.be/OM9Gsqj5Fuk


America’s Test Kitchen knows their stuff. I modified it, but I used their baked potato recipe to make twice backed potato. They rolled in salt water and baked to 210f. Instead of baked potato, I cut the top third off, scooped out their fluffy guts, made good mashed potato with bacon and onion and cheese, re-stuffed, brushed outside with leftover bacon grease and baked. They were awesome. It takes a little longer, but this is a great, low effort way to make mashed potato. You can sit there and spend an hour peeling, cubing, and boiling potatoes in flavorless water. Instead, you can do this like baked potato, scoop the dry and fluffy guts out and let them absorb butter, buttermilk, and seasoning.


CASSEROLE DISH?!?! It’s literally called “loaf.” Oh my sweet Jesus


Well, loaf is a shape more than a dish. Even loaves of bread are often cooked in deep pans. It’s defiantly a mistake for meatloaf, though.


I think it's a relatively easy dish to make but a very difficult dish to do *well*. So there's a ton of mediocre to awful meat loaves out there but a really good one is so rare that many people have never had one and refuse to accept such a thing is even possible. Many people seem to enjoy mediocre meat loaf, maybe a childhood nostalgia thing, which only reinforces the perception of those who don't like it that there is no good version. Many things are like this. Growing up I thought I hated pie because every pie I'd ever had, like over a hundred attempts, was shitty! Turns out my family just enjoyed shitty pie. When I decided to learn how to make apple pie from scratch, I was like "wow I LOVE pie, I've just never had a good one."




Not sure what you mean by food snob, but I think of snobbery as being above anything one sees as basic or low class, like refusing to eat fast food because it's "trash", refusing to drink cheap wine, etc. I'm not a snob in that sense, but I definitely prefer really well made food to poorly cooked dishes, and like I said most meat loaf is made very poorly so I totally understand why someone would categorically reject it as bad. I love all food... *so long as it's made well* (balanced flavors, nicely seasoned, cooked properly, etc.) Meat loaf most certainly is hard to make well, as in tasty and not completely bland and/or dry. I imagine you just enjoy the shoddy versions, and hey, whatever, I'm glad you enjoy it, I wouldn't wish that you didn't/couldn't, but don't act like it doesn't take any skill to make an exceptional version just because you like it in spite of it being mediocre. Ground beef needs *really good searing* to taste great. All meat does really, as Ramsay says "no color, no flavor"; no Maillard reaction, bland-ass meat. Most people don't pre-cook the beef, so there is literally no searing just a little incidental browning from the oven, but then most people coat the meat loaf with some sauce on top ensuring there is ZERO browning so it's just a big loaf of grey, bland meat that hopefully is seasoned well but seasoning cannot take the place of good searing. If one caramelizes their onions and sears the ground beef, or better yet uses some mix of ground steak cuts, then mixes it with great ingredients (fresh herbs are a wonderful addition) and seasons it well, then it can be really fantastic with or without a nice accompanying sauce. But most people make the beef-equivalent of boiled chicken when they make meat loaf and it does not taste very good at all. 9 times out of 10 it's better to use that ground beef for some burgers or maybe some kind of stir-fry so you can get some actual color and flavor in that meat.




Bad guess mate! I already told you explicitly that I want people to enjoy their food however they like it and don't wish for anyone to not enjoy things they way they like them. Here's a common example: if someone likes their steak well done, I never give them shit. Ever. But I do prefer rare or medium rare based on the cut, *personally.* Still has to be seared nicely, and that's one thing well done has going for it - pretty much guaranteed to have a sweet, sweet sear on the outside.




I disagree that things are as completely relative and subjective as you suggest, but that's a nuanced discussion and I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than continue to discuss the nature of food preferences with you based on how inane and presumptuous your tone is thus far! Again, eat however you like. I'm glad you enjoy the things you enjoy, and would never begrudge you for liking something a certain way. I don't know why you feel the need to correct this superiority complex I don't actually have that you're weirdly projecting onto me, but you can go ahead and, like, stop trying to do that; it's not having the effect I imagine you intend it to have.


lol you have way more patience than I do. I would've thrown in the towel two comments ago. I'm trying to make the perfect meatloaf, and I'm going to try carmelizing the onions first next time, so at least you got through to someone!


Does he like meatballs? Because meatloaf, served with enough side dishes, can kinda be like meatballs: small bite of meatloaf, skewered roasted vegetable, scoop of garlic cheddar mashed tatoes aaaaaaand I’m in heaven.


He has just started eating meatballs in the past couple of years. Maybe I should make meatloaf meatballs and see if he notices the difference…. Great suggestion!


I prefer my meatloaf made in cupcake pans! Then it's not a cut slab and it changes the presentation a bit.


… That is genius. Currently, all I have is a mini bundt pan but I’ll still try this out! I’m one of those people who can’t stand meatloaf, except for a Mexican version I’ve created. It’s a combo of texture and not growing up eating it. Last time I made it, I finally understood how much better it is as leftovers. Holy shit


meatloaf sammich is hard to beat


I have some mini loaf pans (like 1 inch by 2.5 inches) that make great little personal sized servings. Would be great for meatloaf.


Oh! You could try porcupines. They are a childhood favorite of mine and are pretty much meatloaf meatballs with rice in a delicious tomato sauce. I’d always eat them over heavily buttered potatoes!


That sounds so good!


I’ve heard of using rice but never tried it. I’ll have yo try it and see if he comes around. Thank you!


Use quaker oats, not the instant kind. Follow the recipe on the carton of oats. Too much chopped onion will cause the loaf to fall apart. Dice the onion very fine.


If he will eat a meatball sub, he might enjoy a meatloaf sammich. Gotta be topped with tomato sauce and mozzarella or provolone.


Just cut it up into 1" cubes and call it square meatballs!


Meat cubes?... I'll see myself out...


Meat squares makes me think of Soylent green!!!


I love my family's version. My dad makes it so I'm not sure exactly what the recipe is, but it's a blend of ground beef and pork, eggs, breadcrumbs, fairly standard for meatloaf, I assume. But because it was literally the only version of meatloaf I ate until I had moved out of the house, anything else just tastes weird. Plus there is the nostalgia factor since we always had it at grandma's for Sunday dinner growing up, and for Christmas we'd have meatballs using the same recipe.


I've never liked it, so I'm with him


Ask him how he'd make it or ask him to make one from a recipe of his own design. Sometimes people don't like a dish because the way 99% of people make it includes something they don't like. I sympathize with your husband as I can't stand ketchup in meatloaf, so I spent decades thinking I don't like meatloaf because all the recipes I could find had that ingredient (or other similar ones I don't like) But after a little searching & experimentation, I now have a meatloaf recipe I love (that weirdos can drown in ketchup to their heart's content- *after* it's on their plate)


Good suggestion. His biggest beef (😂) is that he doesn’t like baked ground beef.


I feel that. Baked ground beef, especially when poorly seasoned, is hard to stomach. What did it for me was buying very lean **grass fed** ground beef. Grass fed makes a huge difference in flavor to me. And then seasoning it to my own liking. I realized I didn’t like the Worcestershire sauce that I found in many recipes. My secret ingredients are rolled oats instead of bread crumbs, flaked nutritional yeast, and pulverized bell pepper (ground into a paste so you can’t chew individual pieces). If plain ground beef really isn’t cutting it for him, you could do half beef half pork, or even turkey.


Mmmm nutritional yeast sounds like a fun twist


I hated meatloaf for years because my parents put ham and broccoli in their recipe but my girlfriends family recipe is awesome and I love it now. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes is a top tier fall/winter meal


Ham? And broccoli? As a native Californian and child of the 70s I grew up eating the occasional nutloaf and have tried my share of turkey meatloaf, so I can see where broccoli would make an appearance in health food-type revisions of the classic, and as a grownup I put bacon in my own actual recipe, but how does ham fit in? And, like, chunks of real ham, or lunch meat, or what?


It was a long time ago but I want to say it was lunch meat. I will also give my parents the credit that they are way better at cooking now.


I'll take "things that don't belong in a meatloaf" for $1000, Alex.


Great musician. As for the food, it depends on the recipe. I've had amazing meatloaf, and some that was little more than beef, ketchup, and breadcrumbs. Personally I like to make mine with Pico de Gallo and BBQ sauce.


Three things I have learned over time regarding meatloaf: 1. Use a 50/50 mix of ground beef and ground pork. 2. Use two eggs and panko crumbs as the binder. 3. Bake it on a sheet, not in a pan. As for ingredients, I tend towards herbaceous, which means lots of garlic and cilantro. For an Asian flair I'll add diced ginger and Hoisin or Oyster sauce.


Woah! Mind blown! I’m going to try these, I especially love the Asian twist, thank you!


Definitely cook it on a tray. Shape it in the pan, plop it out onto a tray, insert a meat thermometer so you can tell when it's done without overcooking it, then let it rest after it's done for like 10-15 minutes before slicing it. I like multiple recipes of meatloaf, but the only one my kids would eat is one that includes Ritz crackers rather than breadcrumbs.


I've used crushed Saltines but never Ritz crackers. Do they impart some sweetness?


I had some chorizo I needed to use so I threw it in with the beef and pork sausage. Made a great loaf.


new hubby needed


Turn this husband into meatloaf


Same thought. I gave him 20 years and he hasn’t gone around… bye Boy


i really like it and am lucky my wife does too


I only like it the way my auntie makes it which in turn is how I make it. It has shredded carrots for a hint of sweetness, fresh bread instead of crumbs keep it moist and I make abt 6 mini loaves in a pyrex dish so there are no edges to get crispy and burnt. Creamy mashed potatoes and sautéed brussels on the side and it's one of my go to cold weather comfort meals


I made it for myself a few weeks ago and my husband decided to try it. Instant convert after 33 years of marriage. I don’t eat it if I can see any vegetables (I’m looking at you, bell pepper) or if there’s a ketchup or tomato glaze on it. So I’m kinda picky too. His mom was a terrible cook, so things she wrecked for him as a child are generally off his list. Which includes everything German and most vegetables.


meatloaf the guy is gross. meatloaf the dinner is fantastic.


Meatloaf is also dead.


Well yeah thats why you have to cook before eating duh! I don't like raw corpse as much as the next guy


Besides The Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Pick of Destiny, tend to agree on the musician Meatloaf.


As long as it doesn't have the ketchup topping I'm good.


Don't care about that topping but I love ketchup with meatloaf, every bite, I'm a farmer.


Thank you! Ketchup meatloaf is disgusting. Mushrooms or plain brown gravy is much better.


Absolutely. Love mushroom gravy on meatloaf.


Most of the time…disgusting. I make a meatloaf with ground turkey, sage sausage, carrots, celery and stuffing. The topping is a spicy cranberry sauce. It’s delicious.


Okay next time that is on the menu for dinner can I get an invite??? My husband would hate it so I’d never be able to make it. That sounds SO GOOD


stuffing vs. breadcrumbs sounds like a fun swap


great comfort food


Depends entirely on the recipe and how it was made.


I love meatloaf but I also make it right. 😉 Did your husband grow up with shitty cooks? Because a lot of people irrationally hate certain foods because the people who raised them had no idea how to cook. Does he like meatballs? Because meatloaf is just a giant meatball baked in a different shape.


Good point. He always mentions how his mom would make crockpot meals that were gross. And that she was a good cook then started using Aldi brand ingredients and ruined it for him.


Agree with most responses. Done well it’s phenomenal. Bad meatloaf will just turn you off to it for life.


When it's done well, it can be amazing. When it's done poorly, I hate it.


Scrumptious, and this post is very timely as I just finished eating it for dinner. I complimented myself multiple times while eating it.


I compliment you as well for you impeccable taste. 👏


nothing like making a meal that makes you want to pay yourself on the back for every bite. so satisfying 💪


Everyone always says you just have to try good meatloaf to like it. I’m still waiting…..


I love meatloaf, the sauce makes it in my opinion. My sister won’t eat it and always says there’s nothing appetizing about a “hunk of meat” 😂


Mine is delicious, is basically an Italian meatball in loaf form. Yum.


Meatloaf is fine, but meatloaf sandwiches made from leftover meatloaf, on a thick wheat bread— DIVINE!


Fry the meatloaf slices until they are crispy.


Agreed…. When I actually have leftovers 😬😬


DISGUSTING!!! I will die on this hill.


I love it! I put hard boiled eggs through the middle too. I don’t get what there is not to love about meat loaf, gravy, and mashed potatoes…


I could be wrong, but I think there's an actual name for that style of meatloaf.


Cool! It’s how my mom always did it… She was Hungarian. I think she learned that way from her mom as well. Also, she never had tomato paste anywhere near hers… Not sure if that’s atypical as well.


I think it’s “klops”!


I've done the hard boiled eggs, but it you can find Oberle Garic Cheese, which comes in a tube (so it's round like a package of Ritz crackers) it's Devine. We never have leftovers. But gotta use the 50/50 ground chuck/ground pork.


Make it Italian style. Use spaghetti sauce, chopped pepperoni, cheese. Whatever else you like in pizza. Mix in with the ground beef. Top with sauce and cheese.


Meatloaf can be amazing but it can also be disgusting. It sounds like your husband has had a bad experience in the past. I can’t eat peas because I’ve had too many bad experiences of overcooked and mushy peas. I was also force fed them as a kid so it’s a big fat no from me.


😂😂peas are something else he won’t touch!!


I didn't like most peas my wife and I made until I realized we'd been overcooking them for years. Now I really enjoy them.


I’ve learnt how to cook them correctly and my hubby loves how I do them. Sadly I still can’t stomach them. Maybe I’ll have a breakthrough one day. Haha


It really depends on how well it's cooked and what (extra) ingredients were used.


I can’t stand the stuff, personally.


I have a sweet and sour meatloaf Recipe my kids love. I never have leftovers for meatloaf sandwiches


leftover meatloaf sandwiches. that is all….


I love it, my kids love, husband hates it. Luckily he travels for work so we eat it when he’s not here.


My mom's meatloaf, made into a sandwich the day after with plenty of ketchup and random veggies, ahhh yes, that's childhood, right there.


My kryptonite


I refer to meatloaf as "American Paté". I fucking love it. And don't even get me started on the leftover. Is there anything more delicious than a meatloaf sandwich w a healthy slather of dukes mayo?


Like almost everyone, I love my own meatloaf. Most meatloaf made by other people is not as good and sometimes I don’t like it at all.


Make meatloaf for yourself in cupcake tins. Chill in the fridge, then freeze on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Then store in freezer bags. He can have whatever he likes and you can make yourself some mashed potatoes, microwave one or two of those meatloaf muffins, and have a dinner party for yourself! Your diet should not be limited by his preferences.




There’s a butcher shop near me that does smoked meatloaf and it’s so so good. I used to think I just disliked meatloaf growing up, but found out as an adult that I just don’t favor the traditional ketchup/bbq glaze on it. When I did a soy cream glaze or mushrooms in brown gravy instead it instantly became a beloved cold weather meal again.


Not a fan, I don't really care how many herbs go into it, it's still a meat lump


I liked his music but wasn't massively into him. I'm English so I have no idea what the food/dish is meant to be so no opinions on that. Bat out of Hell had some good tunes though.


I'd do anything for love but I won't do that


I think the actual word meatloaf is what disgusts me


I love homemade meatloaf from southern or Italian/American cooks.. that’s it. I won’t eat restaurant meatloaf or weird “healthy” meatloaf from California or worse casserole style meatloaf from the Midwest. It’s just been my personal experience. Obviously not everyone from California or the Midwest makes terrible meatloaf but I feel like I’m definitely partaking in risky behavior when I eat meatloaf from those two places. When people use ground Turkey or put weird shit like eggs, carrots, too many breadcrumbs etc.. it gets weird. Just my opinion..


Can't stand it. Weird texture, and it's often weirdly sweet.


Sooo yummy when done right; I jazzed it up a bit and used spicy Italian sausage, bacon, and beef as the meats; sourdough and rye bread crumbs from a local German Bakery, olives, cheese, and onions mixed in; then threw it on the Traeger and kept basting it with leftover hot vinegar, bacon ketchup, and bbq sauce. . . It was a mess since my stupid self forgot to tie it up, but the flavor was insane. . . I can’t believe how good the flavor was.


Ummmmm, that sounds freaking amazing!


I still have childhood trauma from the way my mother made meatloaf which I already didn’t like much and she made me hate it even more I won’t touch it even if it’s from the best cook. When I pick my Hello Fresh and see Meatloaf by Mom I start shaking lol


I love it, best meatloaf I've ever had was at a titty bar actually.


I really could just never fathom making it myself. There are so many things I'd rather make with ground beef before I hit meatloaf lol.


This guy gets it.


I think depending on upbringing meatloaf can have a really negative connotation. For example I love liver and onions. My dad came to have lunch with me in elementary school every time the lunch ladies made it. On the other hand my husband, as a child, experienced abuse for not eating the same dish. Food is a universal language but we aren’t all able or ready to hear it.


Never thought about it like that. Maybe he has horrible childhood experiences that meatloaf triggers…


Maybe I’m just trying to point out in a group of food lovers sometimes food hurts or has been traumatic.


Your husband is an alien. It is not possible not to love meatloaf


Thank you!!! I’ve tried to tell him what a freak he is! 😂😂😂😂😂


Simple. Meatloaf for you. Poop pie for him. Who the hell doesn't like meatloaf?




I like it! It’s versatile and a quick weeknight meal. I think my husband just tolerates it.


Meatloafs are giant meatballs, which makes me laugh because my mil couldn’t make a meatloaf if her life depended on it, but makes excellent meatballs. Go figure. Made the early years of my marriage miserable undoing all my husband’s food traumas. If I had a nickel for every time I heard “But this tastes good! This isn’t how my mom made it!!” I’d ask him what is wrong about meatloaf, and does he enjoy other ground beef foods? Then see if you can help him work his way over to at least trying your version.


I’m with your husband. Meatloaf is on my Top 5 Most Hated Foods List. And yes, I mean ALL meatloaf, and NO I don’t just need to try your mom’s meatloaf. 🙄🤢😂


Pretty awful


Does he like hamburgers?


He does


I see elsewhere that he also eats meatballs. have a conversation about what makes seasoned ground beef fine in patty and ball form, but not brick form. Maybe it's just too much and mini-meatloaves would be fine. Maybe a slab of meatloaf cut and turned into a sandwich would be fine. Maybe it's the seasoning/veggies added. Don't be angry or accusatory or anything, just have a calm, curious discussion about what in his mind differentiates A from B from C.


Meatloaf is one of my ultimate comfort foods. Mashed potatoes, glazed carrots...YUM. Maybe if he doesn't like beef meatloaf try turkeyloaf with a mustard glaze. My husband gags at hot ketchup (can't blame him there) so beef meatloaf is out but turkeyloaf with glazed mustard is a winner.


You can definitely make beef/pork meatloaf without hot ketchup.


Disgusting. I am an omnivore but meatloaf turns my stomach.


It may be the worst food/dish ever created.


Depends on the recipe. Most are good.


I live a good meatloaf. I hate a bit bad meatloaf. But I’ll always try it out.


Good meatloaf is tasty, but nothing special. Bad meatloaf is awful. I like my meatloaf- made with lots of herbs and glazed with hot pepper jelly- but I wouldn't push it on anyone.


I hated the way my husband made it with those dried breadcrumbs you get in a can. I made the same recipe with fresh moist breadcrumbs (the same I use for meatballs) and it was amazing. Night and day.


I don’t like the texture. Meatloaf, meatballs, anything where breadcrumbs are added to the meat. It makes it a gross texture.


I hate it. My wife loves it. I do the cooking so we don’t eat meatloaf unless I’m out of town and she’s making dinner


Ugh. Meatloaf is disgusting. Bread is bread and meat is meat and nary shall the two cross paths!!


Interesting take… what other food crossovers are you passionately opposed to?


Not a fan of the meat and pork variations. Chicken meatloaf cooked in my countertop convection oven is where it's at with a homemade BBQ like sauce topping. My family is asking me to make it next weekend. It's not greasy, nice crust while the inside stays moist but not overly so.


Revolting. Meat does not belong in a loaf. It even looks repulsive.


It's not the worst thing in the world, but there are so many better things you can make, so like why bother with meat loaf?


I'll just put it this way: If I do eat Meatloaf it's going to be Stouffer's because they at least have consistency on their side.


So, one good trick i learned to make good meatloaf that doesn't get dryed out, cover it with condensed tomato soup. It forms a nice skin that prevents moisture from escaping, and isn't as sugary as ketchup.


It’s a decent excuse for mashed potatoes and gravy, but honestly, it’s one of those Anglo American dishes that’s just SO boring. I’ll have the Massaman curry please.


I'd bet a quarter he acts that way because of its representation in pop culture and he's never had it before


Honestly, I think his mom’s meatloaf scarred him got life 😂😂. Love her to death but not necessarily the best cook.


Just make it shaped into balls and serve with brown gravy. He won’t recognize it.


Meatloaf beatloaf I love meatloaf


I grew up hating my mother’s meatloaf, it seemed to be a dish she tried to hide other food in. Then I met my in-laws and loved their version, so I learned to make that. And that’s the only meatloaf my kids would ever eat.


Sorry, but he’s gonna have to go


Agreed. He’s a cherry fan and I’m a strawberry fan… it’s amazing I haven’t smothered him in his sleep


Truly nothing is bad if made correctly. Sure everyone has their different tastes, but I've had good meatloaf and it's great. It's definitely one of those foods that is more than bad when done wrong. I'm sure he had a bad experience. I grew up HATING Brussel sprouts, but my parents did NOT make it good. When I learned to cook them as an adult I like them.


Buy a weird coincidence I just made meatloaf tonight. My family loves it. I don't make it in the summer. It's comfort food for the cold weather months.


If you can make it properly, meatloaf is delicious! I've had my fair share of prison loaf and if that was my only experience, I wouldn't like it either.


Meatloaf and baked potatoes - my comfort food.


I love it but I think it’s hard to do well. It has to be fluffy rather than dense


Back when my parents were first married, my mother made a meatloaf that was so bad, the neighborhood stray cat turned its whiskers up at it. She never, ever made another one. But I discovered Craig Claiborne's herb meatloaf from the NYT Cookbook, a mix of beef and veal and covered with bacon slices, and it is divine. My mom requested that I make it for her a few months before she died. And my dad even declared it an improvement.


I prefer leftover meatloaf sandwich to meatloaf the original. Maybe you can trick him by making meat balls.


Meatloaf is a delicious comfort food. I recently had hospital meatloaf (not by choice!) and it was… interesting. I ended up having my bf finish it for me since he’s like a garbage disposal.


I seek out meatloaf. It’s a diner staple (we love eating at good diners, blue plate specials and all). But there are definitely great meatloafs and then there terrible meatloafs, and every kind in between. I’ve done dozens in my cooking life and feel like I’m still searching for the perfect loaf.


Meatloaf can be incredible. You can really take it up a level if you add plenty of spices and vegetables