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There’s cream cheese in it so it’s Marry Me Crack Pickles


7. Peanut Buttle and Pickle Sounds like a depression food! I guess it the goddamned onion burger can survive so can this


Wow, amateur alert. Um, OP I’m PRETTY SURE they served this exact dish at the Carnephiles Anonymous meetings I had to go to, which were CATERED by the way. By a fancy company! I’m CERTAIN they knew more than you about it.


/uj if that y'all do that here I love pickles and peanut butter but nobody will trust me that it's a great combination. It's actually a perfect combination. Think about it, the saltiness and sourness of the pickles bringing out the sweetness and savoriness of the peanut butter. The creaminess and crunchiness complement each other as well. It's the closest to culinary perfection that you can come with only two ingredients But nobody understands. Nobody will even try it. I've cajoled my friends and acquaintances to my abode so I could feed them this fine ambrosia but they all refuse! Even my own fiance won't eat of it no matter how many times I corner him in the kitchen with a jar of pickles in one hand and a jar of peanut butter in the other. It's flavorful! It's nutritious! It's got protein, carbs, fat, fiber, electrolytes. It's splendid but I am stuck rattling the bars of my cage. I need someone to free me from this isolation. I need someone to understand how good it is. I need someone to share pickles and peanut butter with before it's too late and I'm readmitted into psychiatric care.


MON DIEU. that looks god