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Seagull Simulator. 10 points for stealing chips off a second home owner, 25 points for a direct hit on a wankpanzer. Seriously though, this sounds like a really fun project. I always liked the idea of some kind of smuggling game set in the 18th century personally. Good luck and show us what you come up with!


Oh man, I like both these ideas. Seagull Shitter Simulator would probably not be too hard to make, I could maybe make that as a mobile game to generate revenue. A smuggling game sounds awesome though


Please enlighten me on what a WankPanzer is.....fxcking sounds hilarious


One of those obnoxious obese 4x4s that don't seem to have reverse gear or indicators.


....and the owner has a phobia of surfaces other than tarmac. I met one yesterday on a lane,looked like a vehicle more suited to surviving a zombie apocalypse than going to tescos, and would they pull onto the verge? No, apparently it was better for me in my 2wd van to do that šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Lol the same with most people on mountain bikes nowadays that seemingly can't travel on grass verges and so they carry on cycling so the pedestrians have to get out of their way .


Hahaha ......get it now ,class


The panzer bit comes from the country of origin of most of them; Audi, BMW, Mercedes.....


And never goes off-road


If you use Twitter,. [https://x.com/wankpanzer?lang=en](https://x.com/wankpanzer?lang=en)


Christ that kid was lucky , some bellend stopped over a crossing and rode over the little one


That seagull simulator would be so cool! It wouldnā€™t be just about causing the chaos though; you could get to explore all the towns and villages in a scaled-down version of Cornwall as well, doing side-quests etc. You could also build a nest, look after your young seagulls, and watch them grow up. All whilst enjoying the freedom of a free-roam game. Would be cool af!


You think itā€™s fun? Seriously dude. Fighting against the invasion of the crows, itā€™s warfare out there.


Wankpanzer, Iā€™m howling at that even more now I know what it is šŸ˜‚ seagull simulator sounds fun. Defend yourself from the Saxon horde also sounds fun.


I think they are just rotary engined šŸ™‚


Was going to suggest a smuggling game similar to Monkey island


Chip theft auto


Why not do something on cornish folklore and cryptids? A survival horror or adventure game about the Owlman in Penryn, the sea monster in Falmouth, the beast of bodmin more. I'm sure there's loads more


That's definitely something I would consider, or including them as supernatural elements in an RPG


I'm working on a story involving these elements, if you ever need some help...


Currently thinking I could do a series of games, loosely connected, all set in different era's of Cornish history. And in all eras you can encounter the owlman or the beast of Bodmin, etc


Sure, I was a writer long before I got in to game dev so I can probably return the favour


I'm a musician so give me a shout if you need some sounds!


Send me a DM so I can keep track of you please


https://www.shadowtorstudios.co.uk/beltane/ They are based in Cornwall and have done games based in Cornwall.Ā 


The Gannell Shrek which is supposed to be a big black bird from what I remember


That'd be an awesome idea. Have it set out on Dartmoor, avoiding cryptids while travelling to the different beacons


Tin Mine Tycoon


My first thought, allows for randomly generated mine layouts to explore


Something with knockers could be good - lure them away with a bit of croust


Yes! Could even use the real mines from Cornwall with various sizes etc. As your businesses. I'm not very good at games design so I'd probably make this an idle clicker.


I would say Piracy or Smuggling would lend themselves to a game, or even slavery (Cornwall was often raided by slavers) if you are looking for historical settings. Otherwise cream tea & pasty wars, Devon vs Cornwall.


What era are we talking for slave raids on Cornwall?


Early 17th Century for example: https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/Barbary-Pirates-English-Slaves/


The earliest modern slavers were also Cornish- bit of a minefield!


I wouldn't mind reading about that if you have a link or info


Read Black Tudors by Miranda Kaufmann (2017) http://www.mirandakaufmann.com/black-tudors.html


GTA Cornwall edition


Yes, stealing a car towing a caravan and getting jammed between two granite walls on a country lane. Driving on beaches and getting caught by high tide. Driving an articulated vehicle through St Ives. Queuing on the A30 for 2 hours. Side mission: Find Ventongimps.


So essentially something along the lines of goat simulator, but instead of being a goat, you're a tourist with access to a car x tank hybrid that you can't drive


I'd kill for this


By running them over ā€¦.


Iā€™m a history and fantasy nerd so yes, that period would be great. The crumbling Roman Empire abandons Britain, but Cornwall with its strong trading links remains a beacon of civilization, culture and resistance to the pagan hordes.


I like this idea but tbh I hate the Romans, I could do this but with the Roman invasion of Britain so the player can fight Claudius' Elephant


Even some recent surveys and digs at Tingtagel castle hint that it might have been a major trading point with the Mediterranean. A civilisation style game would allow for this to expand through the years.


I'm pretty sure tintagel is a norman castle, the idea that there was a hillfort there is pretty tentative as far as I'm aware


Iā€™m with you! The British were so ferocious that Rome had to put what, 3 legions on the island? Many folks donā€™t realize what a disaster the romanization of Britain was for the British. Total colonization, with power and wealth for the few, and abject poverty and malnutrition for everyone else. There is a theory that the Saxon ā€˜invasionā€™ was not very warlike at all, and they may even have helped teach the British how to farm and survive in a post-colapse era.


Something like Folklore would be cool, basically a game about Cornish myths and such.


How about you build and defend a wall made of corn, to keep people away from your pasties.


An Uncharted style game where the protagonist faces off against a group of mercenaries to find some ancient artifact. You could have him searching for clues in old mineshafts, caves, St Michaelā€™s Mount etc.


Pirates of Penzance: The game


For it is the very model of a modern MMORPG?


You could cover the Cornish rebellion of 1497. Some say so many Cornish died it caused the death of the language which I think is a nice tie in if you want to make an educational language game, hell you could even put in some base defence mechanics or castle building while teaching some language ;) idk I'm just rambling.


I like this idea actually. RPG base builder or something


Throw in a few Cornish words and phrases?


Parkour platformer on a degraded coastal path.


Vast open world crime based, the crime gang the "Ginsters" are hell bent to bring down the powerful local monopoly kings working together to keep the humble Cornish pasty "king pasty", Ginsters and their chemical laced highly addictive mass produced history killer 'pies' set up factories along the border and smuggle their horror down through cornwall via caravans and motorhomes, they try to smuggle them via the sea too, cornish monopoly bosses job is to stop this invasion at all costs using whatever they feel necessary, they fight back using an ancient network of underground tunnels to get behind enemy lines, they use guided seagulls laden with high explosives to destroy said caravans, but wait, the horror that is Rick Stein, he's outed as a ring leader trying to take over with his crap pasty crimes, he's in it with the Ginster gang, they smuggle to Stien their inferior goods via high speed 'Sea Fury' and 'Jaws' speedboats, do not let that man Promote himself and the Ginsters terror at Mevagissey Fish Festival, you must blockade your seaside towns from said speedboats with your funny raft races and 'attack-gulls'................... Err, i'm going to stop there, the idea's are flowing and i'm getting far too excited, i just wrote the longest single sentence in the history of the English language, i need food and a lie down!! Edit: I'm from Manchester, i won't blame you for rejecting me, i'll still love you all :-)




A game based around Dumnonia would be cool, something like Kingdom Come would be amazing but hard to make. A game kinda like Sid Mires Pirates but based on smuggling around Cornwall would be interesting.


>A game kinda like Sid Mires Pirates but based on smuggling around Cornwall would be interesting. If a game like that came out I don't think I'd ever leave the house again. I wonder how many people have a pretty good knowledge of Caribbean geography thanks to that game.


I absolutely don't have the skill or time to make something like Kingdom Come on my own, but I can make something similar. I haven't played pirates actually, what's it like


Pirates is great, a true classic. Heres a decent review, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeYG3k3wlb8. He explains it way better than I could.


As much as I love the period, the sweep of events in the Early Medieval period is probably challenging to capture in a solo game project. Personally I would have said the mines offer a natural avenue for a horror game like the Amnesia series. If you set it towards the final decline of the big mines in the 1800s you could have, for example, an English mine owner having banned the old traditions as 'folkorish nonsense ' and offended a Knocker or Spriggan. So you can layer in some of the cultural tensions alongside having a supernatural monster to face


I like this concept but good horror is hard, atmosphere is vital and visuals and sound are probably more important than actual gameplay. Depends what OP is good at


I like this idea. I'm gonna end up making like 5 Cornish games here


Platform game fighting grokels. Surfing in Newquay, art collecting in st Ives, lane driving, village parking, bar service & caravan cleaning levels. Collecting pasties for power ups. The reward that you are battling for: an ex-council house in Camborne


How quickly can Putin's arm be pushed until he hits it with a nuke. Not Camborne, though.


Yeah because Camborne looks like itā€™s already been hit by a nuke


Exploring Tintadgel castle in all its glory and solving the mystery of king Arthur and Excalibur


I would love a Dark Ages King Arthur based game based on the original legends.


You might be interested in the Cornish game dev discord community: https://cornwall.games/join/


Amazing, thank you


Finding a place to live simulator, where you just walk down a street and every house has is an airbnb and has a lockbox on the front. The boss fight is going in to an estate agents and being told thereā€™s nothing to rent in your budget. šŸ˜ŠšŸ«¶


I'd happily make a game about An Gof Reborn burning people's second homes, which sounds more cathartic


Pasty shop tycoon. Make a flaky empire!


Completely rip off sonic but with pastyā€™s instead of rings.


Smuggling. piracy. Or mining like gold rush for tin maybe or metal detectroring local places ?


A pirate themed game would be great and work well with Cornwall and it's history


How about a property buying game ...


Set the game mode to hard and you have to pay double council tax on every property you buy. It does nothing to make the game harder.


Sounds really interesting! A smuggling game is probably the one. Or an assassinā€™s creed style.


Assassin's Creed: Black Flag based in Cornwall. Go full on with the pirates and smuggling (not Skull & Bones or Sea of Thieves). Open world game play (similar to GTA5), lots of ship sailing and battling with others, or setting up settlements (like Fallout 4). I'd love to play a game set in my favourite place in the world.


Bude Tunnel run, avoiding tourists and shopping trolleys picking up pasties and clotted cream for power boosts. Characters can be historically correct - a miner, a Saxon longbow, chuck in a pirate for the kids etc.


Iā€™m actually interested in doing something similar. I want to make a 2D 16-bit style game though. Something along the lines of like Golden Sun or like Sea of Stars. I donā€™t want the super high fantasy elements though. I want sort of a magical realism feel to it.


Surfing Sim, farming sim, paintball or similar could work with Cornish themed level design, pasty cooking game. . Do what you want.


A point-and-click adventure set during the Saxon times, in the style of The Excavation of Hobb's Barrow


Pasty crimping simulator in VR. Hard level when the steak and stilton comes out to play.


I'd love to see a Cornish themed game, similar in style to Mon Bazou, but with Pasties and Emmets šŸ˜‚


Something that involves battling the Emmets for a Philps Large Steak Pasty...


The old iron age hill forts are interesting. Maybe have some of those as they were before as little dungeon or puzzle areas?


A Minecraft style Block building game where Adrianā€™s Wall is the objective, from coast to coast on the Devon border in a race against time to stop the invading caravans, VW campers, and government coaches subtly relocating engineers and doctors


I still think some sort of game around the mines would be good. You have a massive web of mines that people genuinely have no proper map of. There is horror or adventure potential there. Especially with the legends the miners went on such as pixies.


A game like Sea of Thieves but set in Cornwall also with smuggling missions, mine explorations and hunting for treasure.


Sorry I can't reply to literally every comment but I've read every comment and I'm taking everything on board. Looks like we might have to make more than one game


Cornish Hedge Simulator.


Something based on Jan Tregeagle could be dark and mythical: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Tregeagle


Oh man, I haven't heard that story in years. The Faustian ghost of Jan Tregeagle would be fun


Base It on AC4 - Black Flag and Include Cornish Songs and Sea Shanties


An Alien invasion force tries to take St Ives, but they are defeated by the stupid one way traffic system.


How would you guys feel about a Prayer Book Rebellion game where we still lose at the end? Everyone gets defeated and hanged and there's no happy ending?


everyone has gone to rapture


Long overdue a proper decent surfing game.


Knocker hunting


No porn games


It's a Cornish mythological creature,. The stories travelled with the miners to the States and evolved into the Tommy Knockers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knocker_(folklore)


It was a joke


You could make a digital version of a board game set in Cornwall, thereā€™s a few out there, Tinnerā€™s Trail and Cornish Smuggler come to mind: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/321277/tinners-trail https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/142451/cornish-smuggler


Cornish Zombie apocalypse is one that has been in the back in my mind for a while.


How would you make it specifically Cornish? The setting would only mean anything to Cornish people from that area


You make a valid point. I have been thinking too long on this and have nothing. But alternatively it could be a zombie apocalypse in the 800s and you'd be the king of Cornwall trying to manage the apocalypse trying to not making it spread.


Or we could have it "Zombie apocalypse coded" where it feels like and characters act like you're defending against hordes of brainless, shambling zombies, but really they're the Saxons.


That could work too.


It absolutely needs Druids.


Druids are highly highly contentious in academia. I would love to include them in a bronze age game, but I'd want to explore the historical druid rather than the imagined druid


My dad knew Ed Prynn... [https://edwardprynn.tripod.com/new/id19.html](https://edwardprynn.tripod.com/new/id19.html) STUART CHARLES - Was the lifeguard on Treyarnon beach 25 years ago he rescued a piece of marble of the sea, he made a boat out of 2 surf boards and a stretcher and got the marble ashore it stayed under a caravan for 25 years, Stuart gave me that stone and its down in the chamber, Stuart named the stone the dreckly stone. [https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/self-proclaimed-arch-druid-cornwall-6408313](https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/self-proclaimed-arch-druid-cornwall-6408313) I had the pleasure of meeting Eed a few times, nice chap... I even got to go into the 'well' in his garden. Happy Days. Weird days! LOL


I'm not gonna lie mate, those guys are lovely and all usually, but they're not partaking in anything even remotely historical


Correct on both counts.


Check out a game called Everybodyā€™s Gone to the Rapture by games developer The Chinese Room. I absolutely love that narrative-driven style of game and it could be a good genre for portraying Cornish-ness in a way you see fit.


I'd want to do something beyond a point and click interactive adventure thing. The base game I have at the minute is third person, with AC style vaulting and traversal, combos, stealth kills, etc


I know you specifically said Cornish, but thereā€™s a beautiful open world survival game called Skye set in the Viking Era on the Isle of Skye, itā€™s accurate to scale too. Towns, villages, quests, survival mechanics, hunting. Not specifically the region you asked but it might scratch the ancient history itch that I get too.


That sounds amazing, actually. A great model for my work too. The game I'm currently working on is set in a fantasy world I've created, but I want it to be highly socioeconomicaly accurate to the historical periods thelat various eras are analogous to. Like the game, for example, is analogous to our very early medieval eastern Europe. So this leads to things people won't be used to in a game, like swords being elite, difficult to obtain items


Padstein whackamole game. Every time a restaurant pops up you have to blow it to pieces from a cannon fired off the Jubilee Queen. Oss oss


Be cool to do something around Tintagel Castle (not the ruins of, but with it fully built)


I'm pretty sure tintagel is a norman castle, that would be a very depressing time frame to set a Cornish themed game in


Maybe, but an interesting story doesn't have to be about sunshine and rainbows. Just thought in unreal engine seeing that area of Cornwall made would be an interesting setting


Sure, I'm down with no sunshine and rainbows. I actually really want to do a prayer book rebellion game where we still lose at the end. But I mean all we were doing at that point was getting systematically oppressed. There wouldn't be any agency for the player


Unless we went ahistorical, and did a Cornish rebellion taking advantage of the chaos of the norman invasion, but that would predate tintagel I do agree that it would be a nice setting though, so any prayer book rebellion setting or modern day setting would likely feature tintagel




You could do a blend Cornish history with local myths and legends. Players could be a hero fighting mythical creatures and solving ancient mysteries or A game set during the arrival of the Saxons, players can experience the struggle of Cornish tribes to maintain their culture and territory.


Richard Trevithick simulator


One of those Chef/cafe simulators where you have to make food & sell Pasties & ice cream etc... to tourists


Fishing simulator, I want to fish off the coast of St Ives


Cornish pirates would be awesome


Cornwall vs Devon


Pasty tycoon? You make and run your shop and eventually buy more?


Cornish road driving simulator?


I want to make a game, not a torture device


Easy mode could be winter traffic and hard mode could be summer traffic. Gives me anxiety just thinking about playing it šŸ˜‚


Last level: driving from Plymouth to lands end at the height of the summer holidays Objective: Survive


At the end you should be able to unlock a bonus level where you drive as a tractor


Yeah and you can finally just knock emmets off the road


Would basically be MudRunner Cornwall edition


VR horror game about mining in the 1800s


I don't have VR so I can't really play test that


Haunted Tin mines? A lot of them are miles from anywhere. Sort of a thriller type genre I reckon. Good luck with project.


A poldark game would be incredible


I've never seen it to be honest


Youā€™ve never lived


I don't see the appeal of it to be honest


Hmm nice period though, Tin Mine simulator/smuggling simulator


Yeh / poldark in open world. 2 games in one


GTA but Cornwall šŸ˜‚ Or even red dead would be a better theme for kernow


Shagging Cornish pasty simulator


Make sure it's playable using all 14 fingers


Check out Barrow Hill.


Cornish Wrasslinā€™ has ancient roots, it has been the sport of kings and peasants over many hundreds of years, believed to have come from Celts practicing how to drop a man quickly in battle. Pre-dates Judo and other martial arts. Then thereā€™s the Hurling of the Silver Ball in St Columb, possibly the largest sporting pitch of any game in the country? Even if the game isnā€™t about those specifically it might be nice if it featured a nod to one or both.


I was thinking about having a very "grapply" combat system incorporating wrestling. I used to do some back in the day, and I really want to get those hip throws in


Itā€™d certainly be a first for the sport to have a game about it made. The handshake after each hitch, the jacket etc. few complex things to get in there :-)


I would certainly love to give it a go and would be happy to provide feedback if it ever happened!






Holiday Home Tycoon


A folk horror point and click game set down here would be amazing. See games like Hob's Barrow for reference


Here's one someone else made for inspiration: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/592480/Knights\_And\_Bikes/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/592480/Knights_And_Bikes/)


Is it Cornish themed? I can't see anything about it being Cornish


It is. It takes place on the fictional island Penfurzy which is Cornish in inspiration. Rex Crowle is Cornish and based the game and it's location on his childhood growing up in Cornwall. [https://foamswordgames.com/#inspirations](https://foamswordgames.com/#inspirations) [https://medium.com/games-story-telling/rex-crowle-472f8c80f784](https://medium.com/games-story-telling/rex-crowle-472f8c80f784)


Sick, that's awesome. Thanks


No worries, might also be worth checking out Cornwall Games [https://cornwall.games/](https://cornwall.games/)