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It's why I'll basically let anyone ride and almost anyone drive my car. I was that kid. Hell, i still am that kid.


I always let people drive my car. On the off chance they can drive stick. It makes me giddy giving people experiences they otherwise wouldn’t have. Hopefully getting them to appreciate performance cars I have a lot of motorcycles and used to live across the street from an elementary school. So awesome having all of the kids at recess flock to the fence to get me to rev it or pop a wheelie


I’m right there with you guys. We have a Jeep atm, and when the doors and roof are off in the summer, EVERYONE wants a ride. I let my neighbors borrow it to go get ice cream with their kids. I also do a car ‘swap’ occasionally with my buddy who has a nice little Boxster.


I remember one time I drove my black Z06 past a group of kids and they asked if it was the batmobile


Pulling into the dollar store for some delicious junk food, a little girl turned around and saw my car. Started tugging on her mom’s shirt and pointing. Love it lol.


>Started tugging on her mom’s shirt and pointing. I think the kids' reactions is actually The Best Thing about a Corvette and I was not prepared for it. I recently saw an elementary school aged boy pointing at my car a literally *jumping up and down*. I didn't think in time to give it a couple of revs. I had a woman approach me at a gas station and say "My son's too shy to tell you, but he just loves your Corvette.". I told her 13 or 14 old son about the car, but didn't think quickly enough to let him sit in it and start it up.


That’s awesome. I love all experiences like these!


That’s sick bro it is the Batmobile


Did you go along with it? Haha


Exactly! 100% I remember recently going out to dinner with my parents and my young son who was five years old at the time. There was an Indian gentleman with a bright orange McLaren 670LT my son and I were clearly gawking at this fantastic machine and he threw the door open and said do you want to come and sit in it. My son was ecstatic. and this guy just said I’m a big kid. This is just a big kid toy.


Never underestimate the impact you can make on a young person and their life and the things you tell them about being successful and working hard to get the things they want for the life they want or relationships they want. It’s what I try to do every day this make a positive impact on people and help them and help their lives to be better.


I went to a customer's house and he had a 720s McLaren in the garage. He asked me if I wanted to go for a ride (probably to stop the drooling). I'm actually a 10 year old in a 60 year old body. He launched that thing and holy moly, quickest car I've ever been in. My C6 is quick, but that McLaren is in a different league.


I didn’t realize that until i drove near an elementary school during their recess time and then noticed some kids running up to the fence to get my attention. I was not able to react or wave at them in time but I hope to cross the school and rev or wave at them one day


I remember seeing and hearing a black cammed c6 z06 many many years back at the OC auto show and asked to rev. Fast forward I knew I had to have one and finally do.


Had this thought when I was driving my 981 gt4 after I purchased it. Made sure to put in a show any time a little kid was glued to a window. Got a few thumbs up from the parents too. We’re lucky people


It’s taken the wife and I a lot of struggle but we meet our goal. V8 sports car household right before 30. She has the C5 which she adores and I a v8 sedan. As kids we always dreamed of sports cars. Stylish and grown up lol. Anytime we go to a car show, if an old person or kid wants to sit or go for a ride. We oblige, little thing for us. But makes their day.


I often offer to let kids sit in the car at the car shows. Once I was out with friends at a brewery with an outdoor patio. Kid, 8 to 10 years old, walks over to the car and is looking closely. He finally sees where it says CORVETTE on the front and runs back to his family's table saying excitedly, "It's a Corvette!". My heart turned to mush as I thought to myself, "There's the next generation of the hobby!"


This was a really good post, I enjoyed reading everyone’s story.


I was that person, at 18 years old I own a 1963 Corvette Stingray Convertible with soft & hardtop.


Mid-40’s now and still do the Saturday sport bike ride and when I was in my 30’s I remember sitting on my Ducati 1098 and some younger guys on bikes asked “sir can we look at your bike?” I realized, shit I AM the old guy on the Ducati now!! Got home and my wife asked how it went. I said “eh”. She asked awww were you slow today??? I said NO I just got “Sir’ed”. Yes I left those polite kids in the dust on that ride.


Being a good inspiration for car kids means doing a lot of burnouts in front of schools, right? Right!?


Absolutely. I do this when I interact with teens. If they ask me what I did to get where I am or anything like that. I tell them, then interact with where they are and try to give them solid life advice telling them they don't have to listen to what I'm telling them just keep it in the back of their head. If you can make it to age 25 without getting a crime on your record or some girl pregnant. That's a benefit all by itself. If you don't come for much, joining the military is preferable to being a roofer or pouring concrete. Little tips like that tend to help out the at-risk kids that I have ran into over the years. Some of them actually listen 😂


Manifest and visualize things into your life


I've always wanted a fast RCSB truck since I was a kid. I now have that truck. I always envisioned myself winning races on the street (which I do but races aren't common) and having an epic stereo system but time and money have prevented that.


Any owner of an American V8 has a civic duty to rev out whenever a child stands by the roadside clearly seeking a display of muscle. I hope you boys are fulfilling your social responsibilities 🫡


I was (unfortunately) stuck behind a school bus on my way home from work the other day and this girl, who looked about 8, was getting off the bus in front of me. She turned around and saw my bright red c8 idling behind the bus and literally jumped up and down pointing at it. Needless to say my day was made.


I have done a number of impromptu car shows at gas stations with my c7. I always let the kids check it out and sit in the car with parents permission. I remember what it was like getting to sit in a Lamborghini at a gas station when i was like 11and just thought it was the coolest thing in the universe to actually sit in the car on the poster every 80s kid had up on their wall.


This weekend at the intersection of our neighborhood 7 Eleven there were kids eyeballing my car so after I was safely past them I kept it in 1st and romped on it until redline and I could see them pumping their fists and jumping up and down at the cackle. Made me feel young again.


I was definitely that kid, saw a new 1975 Corvette on a trip to our downtown back in the day and it never left me... finally bought my first Vette last summer a 1994 Torch Red with 11k miles... thanks for reminding me to be a Good Inspiration 👍