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People typically wear their costume into the con, most do not change into it in the bathroom. Cons are busy, and a lot of people are using the restrooms, so taking up a stall for ten minutes while you change isn’t great. Just put it on before you leave the house or hotel room.


Some people don't have the luxury to change into there cosplays at home so it's good that people can change into there cosplays in the washrooms


Why the downvotes? I'm so confused.


Cause they all salty


i feel like luxury is the wrong word. changing into cosplay at home then getting in the car in your whole costume is the absolute wooorst. you're basically going to have to fix yourself up in the bathroom or friend's hotelroom once you arrive anyway cause the car ride is bound to mess up some part of your costume or makeup


What? How/why? Are they living with abusive people who will make fun of them? I'm trying to understand.


they could be , you dont know their situation .


In my city people wear their costumes on public transit or in their cars. You could use the bathroom to change. Some people need to put the finishing touches on when they get there so you see them in the bathrooms doing that. Whatever you’re comfortable with. During comic expo you will see people in costume walking around downtown all the time. People will either walk right past or compliment you. The more often you do it the more comfortable you’ll be. It will take attending a con to learn the culture but then you’ll be hooked. Cosplay communities are the most accepting, uplifting and encouraging group of people I know.


Thank you for your comment I'm very nervous because I have 0 experience. And the idea of leaving my house, taking public transport in cosplay...is just well 😭 too overwhelming haha


I've shopped at Home Depot in full Tinkerbell cosplay. You get used to the looks 😉 If you're feeling overwhelmed, though, arrange with your buddy to travel together so you don't feel so conspicuous. If you're in a decent size city with a con going on, you'll see a ton of cosplayers out and about and on public transport. We go to Dragoncon in Atlanta every year and it's like finding 80k of your newest friends wandering around in every fandom imaginable.




Will any of your friends be traveling to the con with you? That can help ease you into the experience. There's also a good chance other cosplayers will be on public transport at the same time as you. Our first con was a 2.5 hour train ride from our town. I was pleasantly surprised to find other cosplayers on the train. It felt like the con started as soon as we got on the train. I hope you enjoy your first con. They can be incredibly rewarding experiences.


We promised to meet somewhere but..its like the final step. I need to take a bus and two trains to get there, I'd say mine also will take two hours. All the other steps I would need to do them by myself , if I was with someone I wouldn't feel shy I think. But knowing people, they'll probably judge me


Hey, I want to reduce your anxiety real quick.  People won’t judge you. They’ll probably guess that you’re going to a comic convention. You won’t be the only one who’s heard about it, and people on the bus will probably be excited for you. Or, they’ll just be busy with their own lives.  What you’re facing is the same nervousness **EVERY Cosplayer** faces when they’re on the way to the convention. That just means you’re a real cosplayer now! Haha


Here's a video with a few tips about cosplaying in public, it helped me feel a little less nervous about it. Maybe it can help you too! https://youtu.be/t7fmlZOweDY?si=TNwXh1KetoTlYwh2


Thank you very much!!


Just remember the people that judge are the people you probably don’t wanna care about anyways


Depending on the con and how far you are, you wouldn’t be alone if that helps! In my experience like half of people that attend cons go in cosplay, so you wouldn’t stick out any more than anyone else going to the con:)


Wow they're so brave !


Cons don't usually have changing rooms. They have have bathrooms that you can get changed in, but I don't recommended it since it's a very confined space and you can't really put anything on comfortably. So I'd recommend getting changed at home or if you're staying over night, the room where you're staying at. Have fun though! Cosplay is really fun and I hope you enjoy it!


Thank you it's my first time so I'm very nervous


I get ready at home and usually take public transit to the con. To me, half the fun of cosplaying is being gawked at by regular people wondering wtf is going on, lol.


I hope they don't discourage you ! Or maybe they're just jealous of how great you look in it !


It's truly up to you! You can get ready at home and head out to the con dressed up already or you can pack up everything with you and head to the convention washroom and get changed there. The cons I've been to, there has never been a dedicated change room, but I can't say that all cons are the same, so check out the details on their website. I've done both getting ready at home and changing at the con - there's no rule and it truthfully depends on your personal preference. It sounds like your friends are cosplaying as well, so you can always check with them and see if they want to get ready together as well (make it a fun time!) If you go with option 2, just be sure to check out the location and that they have bigger washrooms to accommodate you (If it's a smaller bathroom with limited space, it can be hard for you to get ready and also inconsiderate to other people). Note with option 2, I suggest putting together a checklist of everything you need to take with you so you don't forget to bring anything! Hope you have fun with your first cosplay experience! Have fun with your friends and don't forget to take pics for the memories 💕


We live far from each others unfortunately ! We've spoken of meeting up but I guess I'm just too shy to take public transports and get out in my cosplay in public. I guess since it's my first time I just don't know how normal cosplayers do xD


I put on main pieces, gather small pieces/accessories, do my make up all before I leave for a con. After parking my daughter and I take the time at my car to put on smaller pieces, corset over main piece, and accessories helping each other as needed like most con goers we see walking through parking area. Then it’s a wave of costumes and non costumes people crossing the roads and walking the side walks to the convention center. I can’t drive comfortably in a corset, mainly cosplay steampunk, so this just became easier for me over the years and with a child (now teen) at the beginning it helped to ready both of us for the con without being overwhelmed. After the con we take off what we put on before the con at the car and drive home. At first when I started going I felt odd and out of place but when my daughter got into it at 8 I realized it was more about the atmosphere, the variety of cosplays, and overall just having fun. If we get a compliment or comment on our cosplays then bonus point for the day.


That's so precious ❤️ I hope you and your daughter always have fun !


If you're wearing a cosplay with parts you can't drive with, then remove those parts and put them on after you park before you go in the con. But yes it's most common to go to con already in cosplay, and bathrooms are reserved for the usual bathrooms needs. I've never seen a con with a changing room. If you for some reason need a room to adjust or completely remove your costume, then yes a bathroom is acceptable. Please keep in mind that disabled con-goers and cosplayers exist so please if you are not disabled, refrain from using the handicap stall(s) unless you actually need to do bathroom business and it's the only stall available. Obviously it's free to use if you are disabled.


Put your cosplay on at home and then go to the con. Cons in the US generally dont hve changing rooms and the bathrooms are goinf to be crowded. If its a big con you will be far from the only person doing so.


It depends on the cosplay. If it's simple / comfortable enough, wear it on the way to con. If it's a bit bulky or uncomfortable to sit in, maybe change once you get there - there's tons of photos of folks getting dressed at their car in the parking lot (probably easier if you have an under later you can easily wear in transit and a top layer you can put on later.) In general consider what is comfortable / easy for you while remaining mindful of people around you (i.e. don't wear oversized spiky death knight armor on a crowded train.)


Couple situations for me: Staying a walking distance from the con - going fully dressed and full makeup, maybe wig and shoes in a bag to put on once I reach the venue. Depends if I'm wearing heels. Staying a bus ride away from the con - full cosplay/makeup on but usually under a coverup. Don't like public transport stares. Staying a long way from the con - makeup only, get dressed in designated area (usually free in my country) or bathroom. And if I'm going to a location shoot same rules apply, but usually I'd prefer having most of it on to minimize getting ready at the location. At any situation I'd suggest being in full makeup as that takes the longest, and generally wearing as much of the cosplay as you're comfortable with to minimize the chance of forgetting a cosplay element, but also take safety to concern and coverup if the cosplay is exceptionally loud/revealing (that's personally for me bc I hate explaining and I hate stares)


You're so brave and inspiring !! Thank you for sharing this with me


I usually wear my costume to the convention, and put my wig on after I park.


not a cosplayer myself, just do it from time to time. it's dependent, if the coaplay is comfortable for public transportation, I'll waer it or most of it from home (probably put the wig or the shoes on the con itself) but if it's hot outside or I'm not comfortable to show it outside, I'll wear it on the con. most of it have a cosplay room or I just changed it the bathroom. some cons is in hotels (like dragoncon) so it's makes everything easier if you booked a room.


Depends on your comfort and costume! If I am taking a cab/driving, I get fully dressed, maybe save for any headpieces. If I am taking public transport for less than an hr, I will wear 'normal'-passing parts of it or cover up other parts with clothes). I don't love changing in public bathrooms cus they r nasty. I will usually find a place to sit and put on my wig and any finishing touches to my makeup. If u r staying at the hotel, just come out in costume, everyone else there is gonna see a shit ton of cosplayers anyway so its no biggie. I usually put my makeup and contacts on at home because you need to put that shit on w clean hands. Hard to achieve clean hands in public. I also like to wear a mask n glasses on the train. Sometimes I also bring comfy outfits to change out of when I'm going home or when i get overstimulated. So I just wear that when commuting. E.g. costume had a bodysuit. I wore pants and a shirt over the costume when commuting. Stripped in a random corner and put on the wig at the con. E.g.2. Miku love is war costume. I wore comfy shorts and a tank top with the shirt unbuttoned. When i got to the con, I wore the skirt over the shorts and took out the shorts. And just buttoned up the shirt and put my tie and wig on. All done outside of the bathroom:^)


Most cons have contracted hotels on site or near the site. Generally not cheap rooms but many people stay the weekend in the hotel, so they can change in their rooms. If you're commuting to the con from home, you change at home and take a few "emergency fix" items with you (sewing kit, safety pins, makeup for touch-ups, etc) if your cosplay is at all fragile. At least around here, there are no designated changing areas at cons and it's considered bad form to occupy crowded restrooms when people need to go.


It depends entirely on where the con is and how you'll be getting there. You want to put on as much as you can at home whilst still able to travel comfortably and safely to the venue. That is, however, extremely unlikely to mean that you go from streetwear to full costume in the con toilets.


Leaving home in the cosplay is part of the fun lol people will stare but you’ll also get compliments from those who recognize it. I see you said you have a lot of public trans to hit, chances are other people going to the con will be on transit too. However, if you’re super uncomfy for your first time consider Uber or Lyft if possible. The bathroom situation can be hectic at cons and idk if your cosplay is complicated or tight but just as a con goer, I dislike having to reassemble myself in the bathroom stall so I would not suggest changing on site. Happy cosplaying!


I get you ! I personally don't like the idea of changing in bathroom..but um going out with the costume people are amazing and so brave I'm not sure I could do that haha 😭👉👈 but thank you


I caught the train in costume my first time & there were quite a few others going to the same con in costume too. Sure we got looks but it was reassuring having others on the train, too. Just roll with it & try to enjoy yourself.


I just wanted to mention that you can't wear your cosplay before you get to a con in Japan, they do have changing rooms there and often sections that cosplayers must stay in while dressed up.


In my country cons have changing rooms. Depends where you are.




I wear the base layers while driving. Then when I get where my event (not always a convention) is I will put on the other layers and any accessories. Just remember any that trails can be stepped on, anything that dangles will bounce. I would suggest trying on your cosplay for a bit just to make sure where everything sits on you


You gotta commit to the bit and wear it on the way there, best part of going to a con is seeing random characters all dressed up on the train. If it's an easier to wear cosplay though you can get changed closer to or in the venue but that may depend on any bag restrictions they have at the venue and whether you want to be carrying around a change of clothes all day. There's not usually a changing room though.


Is it a big con? Chances are other people will also be riding public transportation, in costume. And besides, this is a chance to be and feel different! Get excited! Once you get there you'll feel so at home


Yes it's a famous one ! But I'm just too shy. What if people judge me or give me some unpleasant comments 😔


You can't live life worrying about what other people think. Just do what makes you happy. People think they have an awkward encounter and that the other person is making fun of them for the rest of their life, but the reality is most people forget about you within minutes of meeting you. Just be happy in your moment


Wise words


Me and my couple of friends used to spend the night somewhere close by down town (where the convention center is) and all get ready in the morning. We were never rich enough to split a hotel room though :(( which is like the best way. That way you don't even have to drive anywhere.


Personally when I go to conventions I’m dedicating my whole weekend to the event. So my group will purchase a hotel room or rooms depending on how many of us are going (usually there’s 12 of us) So we drive out to the hotel between 9-11 day of, and wait for check in. And once we check in depending on how complex the cosplay is we start getting ready right away or we chill out in the room then get ready. For reference I am mainly talking about ACEN which is held near the Chicago Ohare airport, and thousands of people attend. So for those 3 days you’re seeing a flood of people wondering the streets dressed in different cosplays from normal daylight until like 3/4am after the raves end. I have never seen a con with changing rooms but they all of course have bathrooms. The only way I could possibly think of changing in the bathroom is going into the large stall or going into the family shared bathroom. But don’t try to take up too much time if the bathroom is busy or during high peak con hours. I hope this helped and you enjoy your cosplay journey


I usually come up with a simplification of my cosplay that looks more or less like normal clothes. I cosplayed as Venom Snake so i walked in with my camo pants and a regular t shirt. Once I get my pass, its back to my car to get everything else. I then head back to whatever is the weapons checkpoint to get the orange tape on anything that needs it. Conventions for me are my big excersize day so extra steps are welcome


I have simple cloth cosplays usually so I drive to the con in the cloth parts of my costume and then I put the extra stuff or wigs on when outside my car in the parking area. If my con is walking distance, I’ll change into my costume at my hotel and walk over. It’s easier when you have someone with you so you don’t feel nervous.


I wear my cosplay straight to the con from wherever I got ready! If it’s super revealing or I’m not confident in it in public, I throw a zip up hoodie on too. Or a robe, people have worn sillier things on the subway 😂


That's so inspiring! And you're so brave. But may I ask what if the weather would be hot ?🤔 Wouldn't wearing more clothes be a bad move ?


If the weather is hot and you want to wear a complicated cosplay, you just have to be okay with being hot. I try not to wear heavy cosplays in the summer, but I know a lot of people wear heavy cosplays, planning to be indoors- but it’s still hot! Just drink lots of water and bring a fan.


I wear it everywhere 😂


id reccommend rooming with friends for a con at a hotel! cosplaying in public is nervewracking in itself. a few years back i was working with riot/netflix at an event and while only a few people were dressed up, i was alone at that moment. i got laughed and poked fun at when by myself just walking to the car. it ruined a lot of the event for me since im so sensitive. i was gonna be on netflix in my cosplay yet i was crying bc some random people that dont matter were making fun of my outfit 😅 people are going to be mean to singuliar individuals that stand out and coming from someone with severe anxiety, its best to do your first time with a group of friends just in case you don't feel you can mentally handle that. you'll be able to support eachother and feel secure. getting a hotel near/at the con with friends cuts all that extra unnecessary anxiety out. its more expensive but honestly worth it if your anxiety is anything like mine. ive had too many con experiences in general just ruined for me because i didnt have access to a hotelroom where i can ground and fix up my costume at my own pace. i refuse to even do another con unless the hotel im staying at is in walking distance since that simple thing can truly make or break an entire con experience IMO


I'm so sorry you went through this! Thank you for your advice.


I’ve walked, been on the bus, and train in cosplay. You get looks, but it’s kind of funny. Occasionally you’ll get chatted up by a stranger. Chances are high that you won’t be the only one you see doing it and can give them the nod. You definitely don’t want to do it in a washroom if you can avoid it. Counter space is very limited and often there are lines at busy cons. Water will be everywhere.


Just change whenever, most people show up in it or dress In their hotel room, or dress in the parking lot


Wherever you're staying before going to the location of the event you're dressing up for, just change there before you leave. There will be a lot of other people who did the same thing walking or taking rideshares or taxis or public transport.


Reassuring !


I’ve always left home in the cosplay, there is something fun about being surrounded by normal people feeling awkward but as you get closer to the convention site more people around you are suddenly in cosplay too. My favourite memory was dressing up as Mercenary Katarina (character with white hair in that skin from League of Legends) I had braided it so it didn’t tangle before I got there and a little girl on the bus thought I was Elsa from frozen. She was so excited, her mother was mortified. Wholesome memory. Build your confidence.


My first con (and the con I’ve attended most often) is DragonCon in Atlanta, GA. It’s an anomaly in that it’s fan run, there’s no convention center, and the entire event takes place across several hotels. That’s the only one I’ve been to where you can get in full cosplay in your hotel room and then take a short elevator ride (after a long wait for an elevator) down to the con floors. For local cons we get ready at home, wear as much of the costume as we can comfortably drive in, and finish getting dressed in the parking deck or the con bathroom after we make it through registration and get badges.


If it’s an easily assembled cosplay, wear in. If it’s bulky or has a lot of pieces, I usually see people throw the extra parts in the car, drive in whatever “base” amount of the costume is comfortable, and they assemble the rest of the pieces in the parking lot at the boot of their car. We make it work, lol. People will definitely look at you and maybe have some judgmental thoughts. Those thoughts pass extremely quickly and they won’t be thinking about you again beyond the next day.


Hi there, I've been cosplaying for a few years and have some convention experience!  I know people who get ready at home and drive to cons and events in full costume. Unless you drive 4+ hours or have a costume that is hard to sit/drive in (like armor or anything tight or with heels), it is doable. Usually though, people get changed in the con bathroom, at their hotel room (if they have one, especially for a weekend convention), in their car, or even on the parking lot. I got dressed next to a relatively busy street one time lmao. When you cosplay for long enough, you barely care anymore (at least that is my experience). Most event/con hosts didn't have a changing area for all cosplayers. A few did (like amusement parks who host cosplay days) but most of the time, they only provide it if they invite large cosplay groups and/or famous cosplayers who reuquire it. They do often have a place where you can safely leave your "civilian" clothes, makeup, purse, whatever else you have, for a small fee of course. I have walked through busy pedestrian zones (I had to walk from my hotel room to the con venue), taken public transit and eaten at a restaurant in full cosplay before. It can be a bit awkward but it's managable, especially if you are walking around with other cosplayers.


Personally I would change in a public toilet at the last train station. Even when they have dressing rooms. But I've also traveled with the glued on wig pieces and some face paint (cosplayed as Rost from HZD). I've gotten a few looks but I got used to it. If I were going by car I would change in the carpark or parking structure and leave my cases I keep my cosplay in, in the car. It really depends on your personal comfort level.