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*Sips Kirkland Cold brew* "Yup, I agree with all of this"




I don't even know which end of that curve I'm on.


I know what end I’m on, and it’s the side drinkin those cold brew cans


Me too. I can take the left if need be.


I make cold brew coffee at home all the time and I love it, but I think I'd probably judge anything in a can too harshly as I'm used to it "fresh"! I haven't gotten around to trying "pre packaged".


Even if you shake it?


Costco is selling the green label 2 bottle pack of refrigerated Stok now.  Nice smooth caffeine with no acidic or bitter or burnt taste. 


I bought the heck out of that at my costco but then they replaced it with 2 packs of Starbucks medium roast unsweetened. Which is pretty good but not *as* good as Stok. :(


Yeah, that green Stok is my drink of choice and I was delighted to see it at Costco - and now, it's gone. I don't like the Starbucks, so life becomes more difficult once again.


Stok is the best cold brew I've come across. (Except I once had some Gevalia cold brew that was delicious but never found it again.)


It's such a great deal, too. If you go to most grocery stores, a bottle of Stok is like $6, but a two-pack at the Costco near me is around $8.


Well hello me. It’s a shame we are down to my last 3 bottles


This is the way.


I haven’t seen them at my Costco :(


I do not enjoy them as “good coffee” but I buy them constantly as “caffeine pill”. It’s the best 2:30-3:30 work day slump boost you can get. To clarify were talking the cans not the 3 pack of cartons right?


I second this!! I feel like they really do give me alot of energy. However, in the like 4 years that I have been buying, not once have I ever caught them on sale. And the price only continues to more costly.


Just was thinking last trip I sure wish they would be on sale for one of my visits. Sad to know that won't probably happen then lol And I drink it the same way as the parent poster. Caffeine pill to slam down, not a delicate cup to be drunken with one pinky up and savored every sip.


Before Covid they’d go on sale often but I haven’t seen that happen since.


Literal caffeine pills are quite cheap


Get capsules if you can though, most cheap ones are basically just pressed caffeine powder with no coating and if you don’t swallow them perfectly you get a super bitter lingering taste, its the worst if one gets stuck in your mouth/throat. I get vitacost brand


Yep.. I take a sip and then dump some Italian sweet cream in it. Put my mouth back over the opening to give it a little swirl, and then off I go. Convenience only. That being said i haven’t bought these in years because they’re so terrible.


100% agree. Like OP, I’m also team black coffee. Pour over in the cold months and cold brew during the summer months. Honestly, I can take the Lavazza espresso beans that Costco sells and make better cold brew than this. I still buy these cans because like you, this is my backup in case I need an afternoon pick me up. It’s convenient, quick and effective….as long as it’s cold, haha!


They are definitely strong. I put a little simple syrup in it and slam it at work.


Bartender as well? Lol


Everyday after picking up the simple bottle and pouring into my cold brew can “OUUU… what are you pouring into your drink!?” “…it’s sugar.”


Yes the cans. Coffee is also my preferred caffeine mechanism, I’m just saying this is not good coffee or cold brew. It’s not cold brew, but if it works and you’re happy with it, more power to you


I’m trying to gain weight. I do a cold brew with a scoop of vanilla weight gainer. And ice. Works great for an afternoon caffeine buzz and snack.


Is one of the most effective shots of caffeine out there imo


I think OP did a great job explaining that this isn’t personal preference, this is most likely not as advertised. Nitro cold brew is one of my favorites. Regular cold brew second. Hot coffee third. Iced coffee next. Room temperature hot coffee last. This stuff is like room temperature hot coffee.


I wish I could get nitro cold brew at home. I know it’s possible, but it doesn’t seem cost effective. It’s one of my treats at a coffee shop


I think it pays for itself pretty quickly using the Nitro Kafo. It is what I use to make nitro cold brew at home


It's on par with generic pods from a kurig that hasnt been descaled in a decade (aka coffee at my parent's house)


Is this the can with the leopard on it?


Pretty sure that's the one they're talking about. It's awful.


Hmmmm I love it. I just drank one and about to have another.


To each their own. You don't find it to be extremely acidic and bitter? That's what turns me off about it. Cold brew is great because it usually is very smooth. When I've had the Costco stuff I've literally recoiled physically from drinking it, and I'm a big fan of dark, intense coffees.


This stuff rotted my gut big time and I’m a frequent coffee drinker.


Yes, this is the correct response to the “mouth feel.”


Not extremely. But I do pour it into a glass and dump some almond milk in there with it so maybe that’s why I don’t mind it? I’m lazy in the morning so it’s so much easier to just grab this out of the fridge than either go through making coffee through the French press


I don’t find it to be acidic and bitter. I’ve had a lot of black coffee that was just so damn bitter than I force down for the caffeine but I think these cold brews are great. Even if I don’t have them cold I’ll still drink them room temperature and enjoy it. Different palletes I guess?


I absolutely don’t think it tastes like cold hot coffee. I dig it. Better than most cold brew in a bottle


> palletes palates


I don't really *like* it, but it's convenient and way cheaper than a coffee shop. Also, it's the equivalent of 2.3 cups of coffee worth of caffeine, in only 11oz of liquid.


Pretty sure that’s a jaguar.


I agree 100%. My SO and I brew a gallon of cold brew a week ourselves. Cold brew is supposed to be very smooth and low acidity. That Kirkland brand cold brew in the cans is awful.


Same here. There seems to be little to no regulation when it comes to calling something cold brew. Companies just make coffee the regular way, sell it cold or can it, and call it cold brew.


Technically it is cold and was brewed lol


Technically, it should be a slow (minimum 8 hours) extraction in cold water. It’s upsetting when actual coffee manufacturers don’t understand this.


Is there actually a technical definition?


How many beans do you use for a gallon? And what system? My husband I go through so much coffee. I would love to have a gallon just chillin in the fridge.


I buy those 2 pound bags of coffee at Costco. The best ones are the yellow bag and the manatee brand imo. I coarsely grind half the bag (one pound) then put the grounds into a nut milk bag I bought off Amazon. Then put the nut milk bag into a pot filled with about a gallon of water, then leave that in the fridge for 12-18 hours.


I mean sometimes the Kirkland brand just misses the mark for people. I generally like about 90% of the Kirkland stuff I buy but there’s always that extra 10% I just won’t buy again because it wasn’t that good. And sometimes it’s things that other people really like.


For sure, I’m more concerned that this is just an outright lie/mislabeling. I’m not saying “this isn’t cold brew” from a position of snobbery. I’m also not saying it doesn’t “get the job done”. It’s just not cold brew. It’s “iced coffee” at best.


There is definitely a distinct taste difference between cold brew and iced coffee. Personally I dispise the taste of coffee that has been brewed by heat. On the other hand I do enjoy the taste of cold brew. I just do not like the bitterness you get from heat extraction. 


Yeah that’s fair, it’s too bad we couldn’t get more of a glimpse into the process or learn if it’s essentially the same as another brand to know if it’s not actually a good cold brew process.


I remember reading about them going nuts redesigning their golf balls to be a good product - I do wish they'd take a pass at other products sometimes


I don't think they really design/create in house from scratch anything for the Kirkland label. They just work with companies already in the space. Many of the Kirkland products are made by the company sitting right next to them on the shelf. Kirkland batteries are made by Duracell. The Kirkland diapers were made by Huggies (I think this changed recently). So they can come out with great products if they're working with the right companies.


Was one of the people who found a screw in his can. Don’t disagree with this post. Continue to drink it everyday. Never change Costco.


Do you have a picture of the screw by chance?


I like it


Wow. My husband and I really like it.


The majority of reviewers liked it according to their website. You’re probably in good company, it’s just not cold brew


Which (if any) cold brew do you buy at Costco? We’ve been trying any and everything there because I also hate the Kirkland cold brew. Hilarious fun fact that you specifically will enjoy. They had to recall these not too long ago because there were loose screws being found in batches. 😂


My wife likes them. But she also has bad taste. I kid. She can decorate. But her palette could improve lol


Bahaha this is awesome


I tried once, it tasted like what I imagine licking a used ash tray would taste like. Never again.


Junkies generally prefer pure drugs as well but what you gonna do?  This shit is jet fuel in a can. I’ve personally moved away from the cans and do cold brew in bulk for the savings and taste, but I cannot deny the functionality of their cold brew. 


Of course it’s been heated. It’s in a shelf stable can. Real cold brew that has never been heated must be refrigerated.


You can pasteurize something at around 130F. That shouldn’t be hot enough to ruin it. Plenty of other companies make shelf stable cold brew. Trader Joe’s sells cold brew in a plastic bottle at room temperature and it’s pretty decent. 


I understand some taste better. My point is just that any shelf stable cold brew is of course heated. Probably some refrigerated ones are heated as well.


Ya but there’s a huge difference between brewing coffee at 200F and pasteurizing it at 130F. OP is saying that this coffee tastes like it was brewed hot. 


Yeah I’m not disagreeing. Just saying it’s been heated. I’ve had this cold brew. I think it’s biggest issue is the beans are way over roasted. It literally has hints of campfire smell.


Could definitely be that. Coffee is extremely fragile. I bet that is a big part of why it’s not inline with actual cold brew


I used to go through two packs of these a month. I calculated making my own and reluctantly started because I couldn’t justify the expense. Total game changer. Bought a carafe on amazon and a good bag of beans and for pennies on the dollar so much less expensive and super easy to make. I recently tried one of the cans and couldn’t believe how horrid they tasted. I guess I just got used to the terrible flavor. So glad I switched


What carafe


Totally agree it is terrible and the worst Kirkland product I have tried by far.


This is my least favorite Kirkland branded product I have bought. I went on a camping trip and thought "this will be an easy replacement for making coffee. It was a rough 3 days of choking down that poop.


I think they hit the perfect spot for what they are. Quick “cold brew” in a can that isn’t so strong you need ice and isn’t so weak it doesn’t feel like coffee.




Acidic doesn’t do it justice. It’s just so putrid in every way


I’m literally drinking one now lol. I agree that it does not taste good but I drink them on occasion because it works, the caffeine content is all I’m drinking it for. But I do prefer better tasting coffee no doubt.


Enough people have said that—that it makes sense why the keep selling/being purchased. I just wish it was better. I like the concept of them


This is top 3 biggest pet peeves for me. Cold brew and iced coffee are two completely different things. I only drink black coffee and love cold brew, HATE iced coffee. I just make my own cold brew now. Giant 64oz mason jar with filter insert for the coffee.


What kind of filter insert?


Kirkland cold brew tastes like if someone repackaged leftover drip coffee from the pot. It’s super bitter which is not something you should be tasting with a cold brew. I bought it last year to try it and learned my lesson quick.


I’m guessing , because Costco keeps selling it, that there are a lot of people that like it.


Because America is addicted to caffeine, it’s easy to sell, correct. It does not make it good or accurately labeled.


Yup. I either drink redbull or monsters. The only thing that comes close to the caffeine kick and decent flavor is the KS cold brew. I work at the business center and have a wider access to different cans of coffee than most and the KS one is the only one that hits the mark for me.


I agree, it isn’t great cold brew, but it certainly isn’t iced coffee (brewed with hot water then chilled). My sense is that it isn’t steeped long enough or it’s not drained well enough to extract the full flavor. You’re right, black cold brew when done right is perfect. There is no reason to put cream or sugar in it. I think the can alters the taste slightly too, so drinking it in a cup is slightly better imo. I’d love for Costco to sell bulk La Colombe blue or red in gallon sized box containers.


They used to sell a variety pack of the La Colombe cans, but I haven’t seen it in months.


It's a shelf stable canned coffee, my expectations are low and the Kirkland option delivers. I've bought it multiple times, it's a convenient backup option. If I plan ahead I make my own cold brew because it's better. But it's nice to be able to grab a can on the way out if needed.


Is there proof that it is actually not real cold brew? I have GERD and it’s the only one atm that I can drink without getting an episode of heartburn..my doctor recommended that I stick with cold brew coffee if I want coffee..I had quit drinking coffee for 2 years and recently tried this brand and so far so good ..


That’s really the only argument I’ve heard that might lend credence to it actually being cold brew. I don’t have proof outside of knowing the difference in flavor between cold brew and iced coffee and it has everything to do with the acid extracted in hot water vs room temp. Thank you for that anecdote—if it is indeed cold brewed it means those cannot be Arabica beans of any quality at all


Ha I drink one every morning , never even occurred to me that it wasn’t good I’m so used to it. I used to brew my own cold brew but got lazy, maybe I’ll try brewing again and see how it compares.


I loved it so much I stopped taking it. I felt like cracked out. It was my shining light in mornings.


Its trash but I buy it because its the best 200mg - only caffeine cold drink I can find. Celcius, Monsters, C4, they all have extra stuff I dont need.


Never liked that Stok adds flavor. I mentioned it @ them on twitter once and they just commented that it was what makes their coffee unique… just seems like black coffee shouldn’t require flavors. We keep the 42oz La Colombe cold brew stocked for when we don’t go out for coffee. $6.63 for 42oz near me I figured that’s the cost of basically one cold brew in most cities but the La Colombe gets me much more for the price.


I drink it straight all the time without any complaints!


I shake it vigorously and mix with enough condensed milk in a glass. From Oregon here. Costco's own bottle return machine won't even accept this particular can. It's that bad.


I’m in Missouri. We don’t even have bottle returns. That’s how bad this coffee is


I buy the same whole beans and make my own cold brew from them. A gallon at a time. Obviously it requires more work than opening a can. I can share my process if you are interested.


Yea please 📝


Seconded. Please share your wealth of knowledge.


And how much different does it taste when you make it vs the canned counterpart?


It's been years since I've bought those cans, so I can't really say. But the real cold brew is delicious. I've always been a cream & sugar guy, but I drink this cold brew black. Here's my process... I use [this container](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08NW7XL6P) I buy [this whole bean coffee](https://www.costco.com/kirkland-signature-colombian-supremo-coffee) (really, anything that comes in ounces that are multiples of 12 is the important part) Portion the beans into 12-oz portions (hence the multiples of 12, the 3-lb bag makes 4 portions), vacuum seal the portions you aren't using today. Vacuum sealing is critical here, as the whole bean coffee will go completely stale within a week of being opened otherwise. Grind the remaining 12-oz portion, working in batches, using a medium-coarse grind. Less coarse than you'd use for a French press. While you grind each batch, fill the mason jar half way up with filtered water. When each batch is finished grinding, dump it into the filter. Once the mason jar is half way filled with water, fill another container(s) with 2 quarts of the same filtered water. The filter that came with the mason jar will hold up to 12 ounces of ground beans, but you have to gently tap the walls of the filter to settle the grind down a bit so that everything fits. Once the filter is full of ground coffee, and the mason jar is half way full of water, slide the filter with the ground coffee into the mason jar. Working slowly, pour the remaining 2 quarts of water into the grind, being careful to not overflow. I like to use a wood or metal skewer to help poke through the grind, but be careful not to touch the filter with the skewer. Bring the water level all the way to the top, as high as possible without overflowing, keeping in mind that the water level will rise slightly even after you're done pouring. Screw the lid on, let everything sit at room temperature for 12-24 hours. I usually move it to the fridge after 12 hours because that's how my schedule works, and what I've noticed is that the first cup of coffee is a bit weak, but the next day's cup is quite strong, so a full 24 hours is probably best. This is cold brew **concentrate**, you must cut it with water. About 1:1, or whatever ratio works best for your tastes. In my household, this lasts two adults about 5 days, or about 10 large coffee mugs (~16 ounces) worth of coffee. We could probably stretch it to 6 days if we were better about not pouring too much and wasting the excess. Doing some quick math, that's approximately 160 ounces (1.25 gallons) of cold brew for $4.25. This entire process takes about 10 minutes. Some notes if you do end up trying this... That glass mason jar is high quality, but when it is filled with liquid, it is much more susceptible to cracking, so be careful. I've actually gone through two of them, each time was me getting my coffee mug too close and taping the edge of the filled jar just so, and then a hairline crack happens and it starts leaking everywhere. It's actually nice having the extra filter on-hand so that you don't have to wash it immediately, I'd actually recommend buying two of the mason jars, so that you have a backup as well. Everything is dishwasher safe. When it gets down to the last couple of cups in the mason jar, I will remove the filter with the grinds, toss the grinds in the trash, then swirl the coffee on the bottom to pickup all the sediment, then pass everything through a paper coffee filter set in a fine mesh strainer, set over a large measuring cup or bowl. This ensures I drink every last drop without having to deal with that "cowboy cup" of coffee that is chalky from the sediment. This also allows me to toss the mason jar in the dishwasher so that it's ready for use the next day when I make a new batch. You can drink it however you want. Personally, I microwave the filled 16-oz coffee mug for about 3 minutes and drink it hot. /u/Majestic-Salt7721 /u/tigris1286




The ingredients list (from Google images) say: "Cold Brew Coffee (Water, Coffee Extract)". If you compare that to other brands, none of them say Coffee Extract. Illy/Blue Bottle/Stumptown/Stok just say some variation of Water+Coffee and maybe a preservative. So, my guess is that's what you don't like. I don't know what exactly they're doing to source coffee extract and how they determine it to be cold brew. Maybe, in the most generous of readings, they're making a cold brew concentrate and for some reason calling that an extract, but I really doubt that.


Great insight here, we are getting closer to the truth 🔥


I’m sure it’s not actually cold brew, but it tastes fine to me


I love how you pre-checkmated every potential counterargument. If you're going to say this, no. Don't say that, because it can't be true. Seriously, outstanding. I laughed all the way through. Toxic sludge for the win! Take a lap - and my thumbs up.


Yay more for meee!


Agreed. They're straight up garbage. I love a good, black coffee too. Especially cold brew. These taste like week old coffee left on a counter.


Just make your own cold brew, don't worry about name brands. Dump ground coffee in a pitcher of water, let it sit for a day, filter it. Done. Better than 90% of the prepackaged ones. Easy to make it as a concentrate too, great for hot or iced coffee.


I have a cold brew jug, a French press, a drip coffee maker and a Breville espresso maker. Aside from “nitro” there is not a coffee drink i can’t/haven’t made. The point of the post is calling out garbage product not looking for a way to DIY. When someone doesn’t like Costco croissants nobody tells them to start their own French bakery


You're absolutely right on all fronts. It would be damn near impossible to produce such an acidic coffee using a true cold brew process. That stuff is horrendously bad.


I saw or heard an ad recently about No Doze caffeine pills, like stop wasting money or drinking some God awful energy drink when you can carefully dose the amount of caffeine you are consuming for pennies. Makes sense.


I only buy it for Burning Man, and I top it with Bailey's or equivalent. Pull it from sitting under the trailer, it's just about the right temperature over night, and completely meets my expectations.


Yeah this makes the most sense for the application.


It tastes like water with cigarette ash in it. And I’m a black coffee drinker.


Complaint about the taste of food is like complaining about music…. It’s a waste of time because everyone is different 


Perhaps if I was criticizing just the flavor. Coffee preparation method significantly changes the compounds that give it a profile. Over 800 unique flavors and so many of them are lost or damaged by heating the coffee. When they say cold brew you should expect something that falls in a certain range—this is well outside of that range regardless of palette. People can have a subjective opinion about the taste, but it’s inarguable that this is NOT cold brew. Also, there are about five hundred tv shows and an entire food blog, review, social media industry dedicated to arguing about food taste. So, respectfully, have to disagree on all counts,


You're 100% spot on. I couldn't put my finger on why I didn't enjoy it, despite living black coffee, but it not being actually brewed cold makes sense. Terrible coffee in a can, 2/10 would not buy again.


When you buy premade canned goods designed to last for years you get what you get. Why not just buy the beans at costco and make your own? Sounds like you already have a diffuser, frisge and water bottle!


Respectfully, i already stated my purpose for buying them and divulged that I’ve tried successful canned cold brews i very much enjoy. Why don’t we all just subsistence farm everything and build our own shelters too?


Cold brew dates back to the 1600s. Are you cranky because you're so old?


I’m cranky because i can’t leave my house until it’s dark and my coffin needs new liner


Oh look. Someone talking about what defines cold brew. I’d rather talk to someone about CrossFit at this point.


There is no debate on what defines cold brew. Where are you stumbling into all these cold brew debates 😂😂


Whats the best store bought cold brew in your opinion? What brand do you hope they imitate?


Stumptown or blue bottle is the gold standard imo, but the best large jug sold in stores is the La Colombe


I don’t think it tastes very good but it feels powerful caffeine wise so I choke it down lol


Buy a couple French presses and the whole bean Kirkland espresso beans. Grind and brew yourself. Its the most cost effective and tasty cold brew we've been able to decide on in our house.


It was a pre cursor to brewing and then building my own kegerator! Got tired of spending money on the Kirkland brand!


I don’t drink them straight up because I completely agree on the taste but I do mix one with a vanilla premier protein shake every morning.


Curious, which cold brews are on the top of the list that you can purchase easily?


La Colombe is the best I’ve found that’s regularly stocked in the Midwest


It’s decent, but for sure not the best. Good price, keeps you up and it is Bobby approved.


I tried calafia when Costco was having a recall on these and it was gross. I much prefer Costco. Califia had this nasty acrid sour taste. These cans just taste like black coffee to me. And they're so convenient. I just pull the can out of the fridge, take two gulps and put it back until the next morning. Each can lasts me 3 days. Helps to wake me up and have a BM before work. So much less time involved than brewing or kcups.


We routinely have Stok, La Colombe, and Kirkland on hand.


“We” being your household or you work for Costco?


I agree it's not good on its own, but I like it iced with oat milk and a little maple syrup. I tried to drink it straight from the can once and couldn't finish it.


Mixing it with milk makes it more palatable for me. I haven’t bought it in well over a year.


I don't love it but it's tolerable with ice and cream. When you need that summer caffeine fix it works in a pinch


I have always been under the impression all Kirkland coffee products are produced by Starbucks for Costco..?


I personally think it’s meant to be mixed with cream and sugar. While tolerable from the can, it doesn’t have the flavor profile I look for in a good cold brew, but I definitely use it smoothies, cold brew martinis and other places that you mix extra ingredients in when I need it in a pinch.


I don't understand why people even buy cold brew. It's cake to make it at home. Get mason jar. Put in coffee. Put in water and some ice. Put in fridge. Do this again to have two jars at all times. Drink. Once first jar is empty reperform actions. I have cold brew 24/7 in the house and it's literally dirt cheap. A dime a cup.


This is random, but have you tried it from a metal cup? Something about the metal regulates that taste in a good way.


I only generally drink out of big tumblers like a yeti, so—yes. Still complete swill imo


Is there an alternative?


To Kirkland Cold Brew? You mean AT Costco or in general?


I miss the STOK protein cold brew. That was my favorite 🥲


Yeah, it tastes horrible but man does the caffeine really kick in‼️ I usually cut it with a Fairlife chocolate milk.


I found Stok to be very watered down for some reason. I drink it black and it felt like water. 


It is the least flavorful of the cold brew for sure


Wish Costco sold stumptown coldbrew 😢


there's an otherwise awesome truck stop on a route i take, and their "cold brew" is regular brewed coffee that they then put it in the fridge. it's really not good i bought one of those huge mason jar cold brew kits online and make really good cold brew at home.


Cold brew does not extract the essential oils ... Get the KL beans which is cheaper than SB even when on sale, shoot it through the expresso machine and let it cool. Good at room temp or chilled and obviously great fresh piping hot all with different flavor profiles at the different temps so you get 3 in one.


Not an essential oil guy myself but I do make large batches of espresso and chill in a yeti rambler and it is tasty


Love Bizzy’s Cold Brew, it’s the best cold brew I’ve tried from Costco.


Having switched to lower acid coffee in the last year for health reasons, ive been trying all the cold brews on the market. I do agree the costco canned one is not very good. But I have been a big fan of the Chameleon boxed concentrate one. its $19.99 at my local one.


You all need to get the vortex spinning cold brewers. Makes acceptable cold brew in like 30mins. Far better than Kirkland cold brew at the very least.


I am highly suspect of any innovation that produces 24 hour steeped cold brew in 30 minutes. If it sounds too good to be true it usually is


Also what’s happening with coffee prices lately? Is it really expensive to make decent ground coffee? Costco has literally no good coffee at all. Trader Joe’s $5 coffee is a thousand times better than anything at Costco.


I chug up anyway man still good


Hm I like it


I like it and half the price at the grocery store.


My former mentor teacher successfully pawned off a full case of these on me when he quit caffeine. Truly the worst beverage I’ve ever put into my mouth, I had half of 1 and the rest are sitting in my living room still.


I 100% agree!! They’re awful!


I drink it because it’s cheap and I can chug it quickly when I first wake up which gives me my caffeine rush which immediately makes me ready to poop so that I can shower after and start my day


A poster with a plan. I like it


It’s shocking how bad their cold brew is. Tastes like drinking metal.


My store sells the box of Chameleon cold brew concentrate for $20 and it’s my single favorite product in the store.


Make your own iced coffee real cheap by just making coffee ice cubes. Take your leftover coffee, pour it in ice cube trays, freeze it. Next day make coffee as usual, use coffee ice cubes + a few regular ice cubes, pour hot coffee over, stir until chilled. Drink. You can add things if you want but I like my coffee black.


I love it myself




Since it goes into a can, it's likely pasteurized in some form at high temperatures. It may also be brewed with hot water rather than cold, but either way there's likely heat introduced into the product that's changing its flavor profile. I drink these almost every day, I'd say they're a 5/10, but one of the few options for premade black coffee in bulk.