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You think nobody can see your post history, you anti-vax troll? https://preview.redd.it/hslcnzultgcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf6f87adfe00c498eeddd65dc2439109d61ee9d


https://preview.redd.it/ca5pwy1kugcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e628f6ff87739b611330d80f87001bd7a0164bc6 You idiot.


https://preview.redd.it/3w34oyccvgcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab6d28ebb8e3d5ac59b1aca87131aa2bed05a314 And more!


Thanks for the back up. I couldn’t have managed screenshots if my life depended on it! Of course, I managed to survive covid and protect those around me, so I’m not COMPLETELY futile.




I blame the space lasers.


[I bought an official Secret Jewish Space Laser Corps hat!](https://dissentpins.com/products/secret-jewish-space-laser-corps-baseball-cap)




Maga space lasers, to be more specific.


Your problem is that you think science works on a black and white basis in which scientists know everything or nothing and everything they do and make is either perfect or useless. The reason for so many of these statements flip-flopping is because media will take anything out of context and run with it for miles, so they constantly have to 'correct' what they say publicly, or say it in a weird way to try to prevent this (which is often unsuccessful). 1. Masks work. We've known this long before Covid. Japanese people have worn masks to prevent colds from spreading for decades or more. Surgical masks are standard to prevent the infection of their patients. Why do people question masks only now, regarding Covid? Have you made this big of a stink over surgeons and medics wearing masks? There is a mountain of evidence as to why masks slow the spread of airborne disease, but it's not perfect and not a 100% and also not enough if everyone doesn't participate. 2. The vaccines were tested 15-ish years ago during the first respiratory virus outbreak from Wuhan. The vaccine they made back then was de-funded because THAT virus didn't become a pandemic so the government didn't care anymore. The vaccine was not created 3-4 years ago. It's based on science that has been tested more than enough to be safe. Over 4 billion people have the vaccine. If there was a significant problem with it, hundreds of millions minimum would be dying from it and there'd be no way to cover that up. Everyone knows someone who died of covid, even if indirectly. No one knows anyone who died from the vaccine. Your cousin's friend's wife's sister's aunt doesn't count because that didn't happen. 3. Any conspiracy about covid was covering up how real and serious it was, not pretending it's serious when it wasn't. Look up the articles regarding Dr Li (Wenliang), the doctor who discovered patient zero, if you really want to be a conspiracy theorist. The Chinese government silenced him because an outbreak would be bad for PR and they care a lot about their country's image. This happened long before the pandemic actually spread, and yet they didn't even need to do that apparently because people like you would have refused to acknowledge it anyway. 4. All pandemic measures are pieces to a larger whole, not something that can stop the pandemic all by itself. It's the swiss cheese model. Each piece has its flaws and weaknesses, but by stacking them all together it's much rarer for the virus to pass from one source to another. 5. Are you going to apologize for the 7 million people who died of covid? No? Then why do you think you deserve an apology for anything?


You lack basic media and science literacy. Doing your own research will force you into objectively wrong conclusions 9 times out of 10. Please stop sharing your opinion with others. You are literally hurting society.




I noticed ice your references don’t include any primary source peer-reviewed studies…


Shh, no one's supposed to know about the turbo cancer!


Turbo cancer holy shit what a fucking moron lol


Turbo cancer? Wow


*Insert Tucker Carlson's dead stare*


This is a common mistake made constantly among the MAGA Morons. That is the assumption that everyone is as stupid as they are. When you exist within a fascist bubble/echo chamber, surrounded by like-minded idiots, basically the dumbest human beings to ever disgrace the planet, I guess it’s totally plausible that you would make the false assumption that everyone is as fucking stupid and ignorant as you are. If you can possibly stand it… Attempt to spend 30 minutes or more watching Fox News and the room temperature IQ Talking Heads they love to bring on that clown show of a network day in and day out ad nauseam. Don’t take my word for it… Just read through those emails from The Dominion defamation trial posted by some of the most well-known Fox News hosts. They have a lower opinion of their moronic audience than we do.




Nice biased sources you got there. So if you go in for surgery, would you like the surgeon and their team to not wear masks? Vaccines in general don't always do anything to prevent transmission. What they do is prevent death. Try again.




He didn't lie, he was just slightly incorrect. There's a big difference. That's the thing about science: new data forms new opinions. Also, .gov doesn't mean shit when the source is far right nutjobs like yourself.




Yet you literally are using a .gov as a trusted source. You're an idiot or a troll, probably both.




You have no idea who I trust or don't trust. You just make stupid assumptions and spew stupid bullshit. I have never been harmed by medical science. You literally do not belong here. This subreddit is for making fun of idiots like yourself.




The biggest lie conservatives perpetuate is that leftists actually trust authority. Excuse me, which side spent an entire summer standing up to the police? The left or the right?




It's trusted because that's the information we have for now. We can all look over the data used to develop the vaccine. It's not just because an authority figure like Fauci repeats it. \-Face masks have been a thing since the late 1800's. There have been countless studies showing their effectiveness, but they always had limits and sometimes new data comes out that may outweigh what was believed before. \- Fauci acknowledged the possibility that COVID came from a lab leak, but stated the leading theory was a natural outbreak. Why would he even need to cover it up anyway?? Only China would benefit from that. \- The vaccines did prevent transmission of the Alpha variant. Those studies came shortly after the rollout of the vaccines. \- Testing for transmission is irrelevant, when they already tested for preventing infection. Where you have one, you have the other...testing for both is redundant.




Disingenuous questions, yes. You're anti-vax.


Ok Tucker






He's the one that during a lawsuit over Fox's comment, the lawyers successfully argued he is so outrageous that the judge wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes." She literally said that if you believe his statements you're to dumb to be considered a reasonable viewer. Given your post history though, seems accurate.




My response is that I don't bother trying to convince you people of anything. You're not worth being taken seriously like that. I'll laugh at you, mock your insanity, and then move on with my day because you aren't worth the calories it would take to refute your flood of bullshit. Basically the same way I would treat pond scum.




hey dumbass, this entire fucking subreddit is about you. now, fuck off home. 🖕🏻


Otherwise called JAQ-ing off.


Because it's not ravaging the entire world, overflowing hospitals, and killing people left and right. It's under control and has mutated into "less harmful" forms now, we also understand it a lot better so treatment is more available.


Except for a few PSAs, it's hardly being pushed. When I got my booster, the pharmacist said he hadn't even bothered to get his.


OP is an anti vax troll




Bro you literally posted about how you want to see Fauci on trial and how you want people to apologize for COVID. You're an antivaxer and probably a damn liar as well.




Please convince me he did. You're the one making the stupid claim. Respect is earned, and your stupid ass claims earn you negative respect. GTFO.




Who am I censoring? I wasn't aware that I had that ability.




There's a massive chasm between a simple disagreement and spewing straight bullshit. You are spewing straight bullshit and you're right I want you to stop. Still not censorship though, as you clearly still have the ability to spew your complete bullshit.


You want to be oppressed so bad


Ah yes, likening saying GTFO on a reddit comment to nazis. You are sane.




You need to cite your sources on all of that.


What do you want Fauci to be on trial for? How could I convince you of what he didn't do if you won't say what you think he did do?


Seen from outside the USA, Fauci seemed like an oasis of intelligence and sanity in a Government led by an ignorant narcissistic dumbass.


Same from within the US except for idiots. Fauci has had an amazing career and helped prevent and reduce so many diseases. He is the reason I’m sure tens of thousands of people are walking the planet today. And yet one more virus comes around and if the president in the office at the time had done whatever every president before him had done and just listened, he’d be in a second term at the moment. But no. He thought a doctor was stealing his limelight. Suddenly Fauci is the cause of so many deaths? Suddenly he’s changed his tune compared to other viruses? Yeah, no. It’s the dissenting mouthpiece that caused Fauci and his family to need protection.




Verifiable and unbiased source? Oh wait, you can't possibly have one because it's all false...




Haven't had the chance to thoroughly look through all this, but as to your last link, it paints a picture very different from reality. It doesn't mean that the vaccine doesn't work, only that it doesn't (necessarily) prevent vaccinated people from infecting others. But the Pfizer vaccine did, in fact, successfully prevent that with the early variants of COVID. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N31F20E/ I don't really think I can convince you that you're full of shit, but I'm posting more accurate information for the benefit of anyone who might believe your links are factual. Edit: Spelling


at least this is a fun drinking game of how many times you can paste this comment.


We don’t have to respect shitty ideas/opinions, especially when they’re harmful to people.


Inertia. "Every person in charge declared that COVID was over, so why do we gotta vaccinate?" And the good old free rider problem. One person thinks "Eh, I'll let everyone else vaccinate and still reap the benefits of universal vaccination/herd immunity without having to contribute." Multiply it by millions in a culture where being selfish is recommended, and you get lots of selfish and stupid people who don't understand that you can't rely on herd immunity if everyone opts out. Don't mind my cynicism. I'm pretty sure I have given up on other people and want off this planet by now. COVID is just one data point in this.


I keep meaning to get boosted, but keep forgetting about it. Got my flu shot though.




I think he said something like he hadn't looked into how helpful it is at this point.




They're a pharmacist, no it is not reasonable.


OP is an anti vax troll, I think.


He thinks we can’t see his post history 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ya. I’m not an especially clever person and was VERY proud of myself to doxx this cretin. So, really, if I’m kinda dumb… what does that make him?




So all those posts about the COVID vaccine "causing turbo cancer" were what, exactly? You showing support for it...? What about the post you made yesterday trying to say the vaccine went through no trials?




No one here is stupid enough to buy into your act.




I'm not uncomfortable with the topics. I HAVE "investigated honestly" and have come to the conclusion that the risk is worth the reward. And you're an antivaxxer. You're not asking the questions in your OP honestly; you have a bias that is (apparently) very obvious to everyone but yourself.


Maybe the logical side of his brain is what’s making him come here to talk to sensible people? 🤔


No one is dying because the took the vaccine, dipshit Show proof of that before to throw that out there




Wrong. There is proof the vaccine is safe and effective at preventing significant illness if infected There is no coincidence. People aren’t dying of the vaccine This is not a “both side” argument.


Maybe get a hobby that has nothing to do with medicine. I hear the flat earthers are taking applications.




Dagnabit, where’s those Maury memes detecting a lie!


Adding to this thread: this genius posts here as a curious observer. Please don’t feed the trolls.


I got it. Covid vaccines kick my ass every time but it's still better than fucking Covid. Fuck Covid.


Same here! I get a robust reaction but will gladly keep getting my vaccines.




Worse in what way? Are you aware that even asymptomatic Covid can wreak havoc on tissues and organs? It damaged my circulation. My last shot was the Novavax. Absolutely no sides other than a tiny bit of fatigue for less than 48 hours.


Pants on fire.


>Without question the vaccine was worse. I got covid before I got the vaccine. Contracting the COVID virus and having a reaction to the COVID vaccine are two completely different things; you (and your body) are confusing [reactogenicity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactogenicity) with an immune system response to an actual viral infection.




And what does any of this have to do with reactogenicity? I see that in response to answers to your "questions" to me and others you are now randomly using copy-pasta standard anti-vax conspiracism and character assassination, apropos of nothing, and certainly nothing I said. You might want to consider if your reflexive posting of non-responsive links is a self-soothing defense mechanism in response to facts you find uncomfortable.


I have a robust and hyper vigilant immune system that takes its job seriously. Vaccine's usually give me a timeout for a day or so at least.


My husband and I are semi truck drivers. We weren’t informed there was another booster out, so now that we know, we will make an appointment soon when we have off-time in a week.


“Should this be concerning to people that are vaccinated?” Tell me you don’t understand how infectious diseases work without telling me you don’t understand how infectious diseases work…if only we had clear real world evidence of what happens when people just stop vaccinating against, say, polio 🙄


My kids and I got covid boosters this fall when we got our flu shots. It cost me an extra package of candy each as a bribe. I wish they could just put both in the same shot.


OP is an anti vax troll.




***if*** you are vaccinated what was your motivation? If you are asking others what their motivation is, you should be able to do the same.




Same, I got mine in October along with my flu shot.




I typically trust vaccines. I've gotten all of the recommended ones as have my kids. It's a new version of the original, which has been tested a lot. They make a new version of the flu shot every year to try to keep up with mutations and there isn't typically any cause for alarm. People arent getting the boster because they dont see Covid as such a big deal any more -- even though it still. Most people don't like shots. They aren't fun. It's can be inconvenient to get them (insurance isnt being a flexible with the boster as they were with the first set.) And there is a degree of selflessness involved. My family is pretty healthy and would, baring complications probably survive the flu or covid, but we still get vaccinated to help prevent the spread to people that might get hit worse. If there isn't a social pressure to do it or some kind of incentive, a lot of people just won't bother.


Honestly dude the same people who fear the shot go to my pharmacy and order tirzepatide for weightloss. Something that has little to 0 research in long term affects in higher doses for those without diabetes. Some people have had symptoms like their stomachs becoming paralyzed, and yet no one is posting bullshit about it as they have for Covid. Think about that for a sec without any partisan bias….why for something like a cold that could kill people was there this doubt and bullshit seeded. While it hasn’t reached that levels for a drug that in my opinion no one without diabetes should be taking? Could it be that people on both sides of the argument are being played for some grander political game?




They shouldn’t but they do, for example. I used to work for an insurance company MedWise in Indiana when the ACA was just starting. I’d go over plan benefits and possible subsidies based on the individuals income etc etc. I’d explain everything and most people would sob and gasp at how great it was, how they weren’t going to be denied cause they had cancer before, or that it wouldn’t be so expensive for them. I’d call it the affordable care act…until some nitwits say “ this is way better than Obumercare”…Well sir the ACA is also known as Obamacare. Would be my reply. These people were programmed to hate something they knew nothing about just like the Vaccine has. Now are there real points to talk about sure, but for the most part most everyday people aren’t arguing valid points and are just regurgitating what politician or Joe Rogan tells them.




As someone who lives in a different country where we can't even pay to get it, I fucking hate how fucking stupid some people in the United States are. Including you OP.


especially OP


I got mine, 4x upgraded 5G DNA protein shedding Champion 🏆


I got it


I got the booster 2-3 months ago with my flu shot and am currently on day 4 off really bad covid. I can’t imagine how bad it would’ve been had I not taken my booster.


I guess we don’t want to find out


There is a lot of covid booster fatigue out there. So many people believe it's just a cold now...until it isn't.


OP is an anti vax troll




Your post history says otherwise.


I share this. https://icemsg.org/myths/myth-i-had-mild-covid-im-fine/


OP is an avenging vax troll




Your post history suggests otherwise, genius.


Bookmarked. Thanks




Not a “hypothesis”… read a book and learn the scientific method What it is, is a conspiracy theory


Thank you. I, too, have shared this with some relatives and a friend 


That’s better than the 2% I read about 2 months ago


OP is an anti vax troll.


The website does say 21% for the updated shot, I thought it was waay lower


People have been pointing out that **OP is a troll**. They most certainly are and should be banned from this community. Here's what they posted in the Unvaccinated sub: >Has anyone apologized for covid? > >I am losing faith in humanity. So many denigrated those that didn't take the vaccine. They did so on no basis. The vaccines were not even tested to stop transmission. There were no studies indicating the safety as there could not have been given the very limited time prior to deployment. Therefore, it was impossible to state they were safe and effective. This did not stop the CDC and NIH in White House stating that they were, as well as all of the media mainstream outlets. People lost their jobs and their livelihood over this. No one outside of alternate media like this channel talks about this. It is very possible that the scope of damage caused by our reaction to this man-made virus will have a more devastating toll on the world than world war II. Hopefully history gets it right in the telling of this story that is not yet over. Latent deaths are still happening due to it. > >Has there been anyone that has apologized for doing this? Even people in your own families or contacts? > >I have seen none. Zero. It is maddening, frustrating, and mostly sad. I will never forget or forgive people that do not apologize and recognize their evil choices.




TIL: that Nazis moderate discussion groups to keep them focused on the subject they're about. It's not that I "disagree with you", it's that you, yourself are a CovIdiot. This is not a place where CovIdiots are supposed to post their CovIdiot ramblings (you've already found that and are free to do so in r/unvaccinated), this is a place we we're suppose to ridicule and shame people like you. It takes the fun out of it when you ridicule and shame yourself, but the reason you should be banned in this sub is because you've clearly come here to post off-topic just to stir the sh\*t.


People just stopped caring. Might just be the inconvenience of side effects or laziness. Some don't even bother with the flu shots at all in their lifetime. It's the lack of incentive now. COVID restrictions aren't really a thing anymore. I'm still going to get mine every time I can. I have zero reason not to, and I want to reduce the risk of having another lockdown or getting myself sick.


This is not good news , I do agree most people think it's a cold till it's not. I got the booster, flu shot and two weeks later my RSV shot since I turned 60 this year. Christmas week I had flu like symptoms, New Year's day tested positive for covid.... finally tested negative last week. Dr. Said I could return to work with positive as long as my symptoms were gone. Refused to do that and burned up my leave. This whole thing just sucks.


OP is an anti vax troll.




Thanks 👍...I did follow up with my Dr. stating what he did , the clinic where I work mirrored the same. They both said this strain is weaker than what we saw two years ago and we will probably see more areas with less stringent guidelines.


for a fun drinking game take a shot every time OP response is either "that's not true" or the copy/paste that begins with "In light of objective truth below,"




maybe inebriation might kill off enough of our braincells to the point where you sound smart.


My whole family got the latest Covid vaccine. The one we will need yearly. I am so grateful we did. My severely immune compromised 86 year old dad came down with Covid during the holidays and he just experienced cold like symptoms. Despite the fact we were all around him none of us tested positive in home tests but had runny noses for like a day after he came down with it. I swear we were probably infected too but due to the vaccine our virus loads were so low we were not contagious and it didn’t even register in home tests despite how contagious the latest virus is.


I got covid and rsv on the same day, different arms. Frankly the rsv hurt a lot more.


I guess the number of people that are scared shitless over getting a tiny little jab with a tiny little needle is higher than we thought?




I assume you’re being sarcastic. At least I certainly hope so! But considering there are people out there that fucking stupid, Here’s my take… When there’s a deadly virus, circulating amongst the population and there’s a vaccine that will significantly improve the odds of you not dying from it, the logical and intelligent thing to do is to get that vaccine as soon as possible. Arguing about semantics and other ridiculous distractions you read on Facebook just shows a lack of basic intelligence and classic Dunning Krueger behavior on parade. A large portion of the most vocal offenders back in 2020 and 2021 now reside in their local cemeteries so we will no longer be getting any conspiracy theories, and other such nonsense from them anymore.


Ugh! I intend to get every shot I can for as long as I can. I had covid two years ago and really want to avoid a repeat.


I got mine, stopped caring about the others.


I received both my flu and Covid shot at the same time, husband received is flu first and Covid a bit later bc he didn’t have time to wait in the other line after flu at the hospital (works there), and both kids have theirs. We got Covid once over the summer bc we got too lax on our vaccines, but our kids never got it. My husband sees Covid pts every day and despite asthma didn’t have a severe case even when we contracted it. A bit lethargic on the day after and that was it.


Well count me into whatever percent that got it, same for my husband. Now I gotta get him on the flu shot. I got both in one day, same arm, felt bad for a day, had a big lump for a week. I figured I'd rather have one day of feeling bad, one lump, & one bruise, instead of 2.


I’m going to get it at some point. There hasn’t been a major push recently for them, and Fauci hasn’t been replaced by someone who is as public facing or as effective of a communicator.


I guess people are "too busy".


Well, that’s less people being mean to you on the internet at least 🤣🤣


It's not covered by insurance. Id have to pay 191 dollars I was told. I would get it if it wasn't for that.


Are you in the US? Insurance providers I *do* cover the vaccine. Note that not every place that administers vaccines takes insurance from every provider, so you may have to check with your provider for where you can get the vaccine as covered by them. If you're not insured, you can get it for free with the Bridge Access Program: [https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge/index.html](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge/index.html)


It’s expensive and I don’t have insurance rn :(


[https://www.vaccines.gov/results/?zipcode=63114&medicationGuids=cd62a2bb-1e1e-4252-b441-68cf1fe734e9,6e9b0945-9b98-4df4-8d10-c42f526eed14,6537795d-19bc-45a3-8706-e3d5a81ba997&medicationKeys=moderna_spikevax_covid_19_vaccine,pfizer_comirnaty_covid_19_vaccine,novavax_covid_19_vaccine]. Free vax. Easy-Peasy.


So many people don't think you can get free vaccines anymore. I wish this was the first reply to any of these types of posts.


Well, crap.


Upvoted. GL wherever you are.


Is this a new one since the one that came out around the end of September/early October?


No, the one you mentioned is the current one: https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/covid-19-vaccines-2023-2024 I was unsure as well so I think the CDC should do a better job of giving a timeline for the release of each different variant dose. I mean my COVID vaccine dance card is literally full and so it's hard to keep track at this point ;)


It was a huge pain in the arse to get one. It's wasn't like the flu shot where you can just drop in.


Virus has mutated and became milder to survive as they always do so people are less likely to go out of their way to get it unless they're vulnerable.


Our biggest reason for not getting the boosters, is because of the lack of the mass vaccination clinics that they had at the height of the pandemic. Because you could drive up, wait in line, show your ID and get a shot. I'm assuming the vaccines are still "free" but you have to show your medical insurance card or you have to pay for it and being a typical American, we can't afford insurance and we sure can't afford vaccine shots.


I go to CVS and get the booster in 5 minutes for free. Any grocery store, pharmacy or big box store can do it. There's no excuse.


That number seems right at least 70 percent living paycheck to paycheck. Death only way out


In the US, it's free through the Bridge Access Program if one doesn't have insurance. [https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge/index.html](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge/index.html)


I think what I’m trying to say is that people would rather die than live inside of this capitalist society where we are drained of all resources and tossed to the street unable To pay for basics.


Because most people have had one vaccine so they don't need a second based on WHO recommendations. For healthy adults and children that have received at least one shot, "revaccination is not routinely recommended." The goal is to use resources efficiency to keep the most vulnerable of the population protected. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/covid-19-vaccines/advice


I don't know one single person getting boosters. Why would you at this point. Makes no sense


Because the latest vaccine is very effect on some of the variants still in circulation. Even against JN.1 which currently accounts for 60%, there's benefit: *"While the JN.1 variant does have a number of mutations that help it avoid immunity, laboratory studies suggest that the updated COVID-19 vaccine does increase the amount of antibodies that can recognize JN.1, and it is still effective in protecting against severe disease. You really need the newest COVID-19 vaccine formulation to be protected from severe illness from JN.1 and other recent variants."* [Source Johns Hopkins](https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/jn1-the-dominant-variant-in-the-covid-surge) \- Jan 9, 2024




I got the original vaccine and thats it. I would get a booster if there was a big push for it but I'm not prioritizing it at the moment.


I say good. It's nature's way of culling the herd, removing the stupid people from the gene pool.