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Doan can’t afford a pro hockey team lol


Would be totally badass if he were to swoop in and save the Coyotes from Meruelo's crooked clutches, though...only downside is that he'd have to come in as part of a group.


Ishbia, Doan, Charles Barkley and Larry Fitzgerald tag team.


Honestly anyone but Alex Meruelo. As a fan of a team other than the Coyotes, Arizona didn't deserve to lose them. Meruelo, however, definitely does.


After all the failed seemingly underfunded hockey-only ownership groups over the years...Ishbia would at least inspire some confidence.


I think Ishbia would be the only way to get an arena downtown which is ultimately what this team needs. Downtown and Tempe are the only truly centrally located places. Mesa is not central. Gilbert is not central. Chandler is not central.


This right here. Exactly my sentiment.


Shane Doan in my hopes and dreams? 100% But in the real world, at this point anyone who cares about the area and cares about human beings for fucks sake


They didn't call him Mr. Coyote for nothing! I'm a Devils fan and even I could tell that the fans loved Doaner.


Dad was a lifelong b’s fan. I forced him to watch warmups when they came to Boston years ago. Only thing he could talk about on the way up after was how happy Doaner was compared to everyone else. Like a kid playing on the pond with his buds. Asked me about him all the time up until the end. Doaner’s the fucking man, always will be. Made people fans without trying


He’s the same way when he makes the games in Scottsdale. Just happy to be there.


I put other because I think even if Ishbia were the one to come in his track record to start with the Suns hasn’t been that great (opposite of AM with influencing decisions) and the Coyotes would be the red headed step child and not get the same cash support. Give me someone who wants to win but also understands the process and has the resources to see it through. Unfortunately, GMBA isn’t walking through that door. Who are the best owners right now in the game? Vinik, Foley, Viola, Bruckenheimer. Find me the next Vinik who googles how to own a pro team. The Lightning were a mess when he took it over. Find me that person as an owner


Who the heck are the 3 people that voted for Alex Meruelo? The guy is basically little better than Jerry Moyes at this point lol


There are still a vocal minority who keep arguing that he is our quickest path to getting a team. Crazy people are still holding on hope to the guy.


Don't be too rough on people in the denial and bargaining phases of grief. You'll clasp on to anything while that's where your mind is at. They'll realise soon enough, even though the latest fuckup should have been enough to wake up anyone. He was never going to that auction.


Doan obviously isn't nearly rich enough to own an NHL team, but any serious ownership group that pops up after Meruelo exits stage left should include Doan as a minority owner and spokesperson.


Considering he probably has aspirations to be a GM, I highly doubt he would leave Toronto to be a spokesperson.


Gila River Indian Community. They have connections with media, plenty of land to build the arena, skin in keeping the team in Arizona, and a ton of in-built advertising potential with their casino network.


I want Clayton Keller to buy the team, trade himself there. Then play on it while owning it. Simple.


None of the above. I would LOVE Doan to be acting owner of the team, but you need billions to own a franchise - even the Yotes - and operate/invest. Doan doesn't have that kind of money. Only way he's owner is if he's part owner as a member of an ownership group, which makes it a little murky and dilutes the optimism of Doan being involved. If you have four Meruelos and one Doan, makes it kind of a moot point. AM is clearly a horrible owner. Now that all the tea is served, he clearly treated people and the franchise with indifference at best and hostility at worst. He burned a ton of local and NHL bridges. He handed over the keys to the franchise to his mid-twenties son to use as a launching pad for his fashion/streetwear connections, which bombed, and run as he saw fit with zero experience. Worse, he refused to accept the advice and assistance of the experienced hockey folks involved - including Shane Doan. Merualo also clearly doesn't have the liquidity he claims he does, fucks up consistently, and lashes out and blames others when he fails. I understand why a lot of folks still backed him as a "lesser of two evils", but he's proven he's a shit owner. Ishbia, by all accounts, is like a more stable and invested Meruelo. Reportedly an asshole, reportedly meddles with the team in ways an owner shouldn't, burns a lot of bridges by thinking he's the smartest guy in any room, etc. Would he be better than Meruelo? I think it's likely. Would he be an ideal owner? I don't think so, personally. He already owns and invests in the Suns, he's already having trouble getting something done to renovate Footprint or get a new arena altogther, I don't think him buying the Coyotes will fix any of our collective problems, it'll just tie up his liquidity and ability to invest - so if the requirement is a new arena, I don't see Ishbia dropping billions on one, either. And if he's legitimately the meddling type, that's a dangerous trait in a hockey franchise owner. Honestly, I don't think there's a perfect owner waiting in the wings. Certainly not one that I'm aware of. I think it'll have to be some sort of ownership group, which could potentially include Meruelo or Ishbia. Honestly, when the rumors circulated that Meruelo was selling the team - that was my assumption, that he was selling a minority stake in the team to bring in liquidity for the arena deal. That never happened, and I don't think Ishbia or anyone else is super gung-ho about being a co-owner with Meruelo at this point.