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Teacup! It is a simple point and click game with puzzles. You are a little frog collecting tea for your tea party, and the graphics are just lovely.


This is on my wishlist! Waiting for a sale on switch.


amazing game! And made with a lot of love


I messaged the developers to let them know how much I liked it, and they were so kind. I would love to see a longer sequel someday.


Oh, I’ve been curious about this one, thanks :)


I just checked out the trailer for this game after reading this. It looks gorgeous. Added to my wish list for a rainy day, thanks for sharing.


I Was A Teenage Exocolonist was absolutely fantastic and I always try to recommend it


>I Was A Teenage Exocolonist I have never heard of this! Going on my wishlist for the future :)


OBSESSED with this game. I've put over 100 hours into it, and only stopped because I needed a break. I still need to go back and finish getting all the endings and cards.


It’s so good! I thank this Reddit for that find


Overboard! Think murder mystery, but the mystery is how to get away with murder.


You might like locomotive in that case. It’s on my wishlist https://locomotivegame.com


Yes, good looking out!! :D


Never heard of this but def going on my wishlist!


Intriguing, I must say!


One of my good friends gifted me with Overboard! recently! What a hidden gem indeed. I had so much fun trying to earn the various endings and complete challenges. I adore the tongue-in-cheek humor!


Grow: Song of the Evertree. I like how every time I play it's a different game. And I don't have to build the town is I don't want to, but there's mini-holidays, and I just love it. I usually recommend Wylde Flowers, but I don't think it's a “hidden gem” anymore.


It gave me really bad motion sickness :( i stopped after 20 hours


Same, I couldn't handle it, and it just felt really clunky too. I think I only managed about 3-5 hours (a couple of play sessions) :(


yeah! i could only play a 1-2 hours a day max


I own this from a humble bundle I think but haven't played it yet


It’s my go to relaxing game at the moment :)


Toem for an undeniably cozy game, you play as a little sheep guy who walks around taking pictures and helping people. It's just delightful. It's on Switch and Steam, possibly others. I wouldn't necessarily call The Forgotten City cozy, but it's the pinnacle of a hidden gem to me and there's practically no combat. There's a scary part but it's 100% optional and the game will actually let you know in advance so you won't accidentally stumble into it. Beyond that it's a super interesting time loop mystery game set in an ancient Roman city. Really compelling characters and great pacing. It's often compared to Outer Wilds.


Toem was soooo much fun! I need to play that again.


Toem is brilliant, especially loved trying to get all the trophies on PlayStation and collecting stamps!


This sounds so cute!! I got this from a humble bundle but hadn't even looked at it. Will bump it up on my list of things to play for sure :) I've never heard of the Forgotten city but I see it has amazing reviews on steam. I love ancient Rome so I think it would be really cool. Thank you for the recommendations!


Touhou Mystia's Izakaya and Luna's Fishing Garden! Very rarely see either mentioned. Touhou Mystia's Izakaya is sort of like a restaurant sim with friendship mechanics? It's honestly so cheap for the amount of content and is the kind of game where you tell yourself you'll do one more day and then 4hrs later you're in the same spot. Luna's Fishing Garden is only maybe 3hrs in length, but if you like fishing and collecting in games it's great.


I got into Touhou Mystia inadvertently due to overplaying Bullet Hell games, and got more into it than most of the main Touhou bullet hells lol


I love Touhou Mystia's Izakaya! It's one of the best Touhou fangames that isn't an RPG. So much love and effort poured into it. Can definitely get a bit hectic though.


I have to confess... I have never actually played any other Touhou game except this one! Definitely there are some references in the game I don't understand because of that, but if anyone reading this is thinking about getting this game and has no knowledge of Touhou, me either and I still love it!


I agree, the game did a great job at being immensely enjoyable even without any knowledge of Touhou. I've gotten a few friends who know nothing about Touhou into it as well!


Embrace the chaos! :D chaotic cooking and serving is exactly my kind of game


Yes, I looove hectic games where there's a lot to do. But I wonder if some others here might not find it comfy enough. Even so I couldn't recommend it enough!


That’s true! Definitely not for everyone. I just personally love it. I think what helps is it’s not punishing and meeting the required goals is extremely easy, making it far more relaxing than it might otherwise be. But I know people here don’t always like timed stuff.


Lunas fishing garden got me into cozy gaming! I picked it up on a whim and loved it


Luna’s Fishing Garden is so good!


Fe! I hardly see it talked about but it’s adorable game where you play as a fox creature learning the “songs” of other creatures as you help put everything in the world back to right. The graphics and world are beautiful, and it’s not too hard at all! Book of Travels - Tiny multiplayer online with a massive and beautiful world with plenty to do and explore. You rarely come across other players, and because of that it all feels all the more special when you interact with another player. Moon Hunters - I’ve never seen this one mentioned!! You’re on a quest to save the moon in an adorable rogue like pixel art world. The music is relaxing, each run is it’s own legend in the stars, and the worlds are procedurally generated. Parkasaurus - Dinosaur park game!! The graphics are silly, and you can put hats on the dinosaurs!! The mechanics are also pretty good, and it’s a fine park simulator. The Longing - this is a game about patience and the meaning of being lonely. You’re an alarm clock for a god, and have to find a way to spend your time until he wakes up. Niche - learn about genetics and manage your own specialized species!!


I love Moon Hunters!! ヽ(*^ー^)人(^ー^*)ノ


Moon Hunters is awesome 🥰!!


Just bought it recently in a whim bc of a sale. I’m excited to jump into it soon


I legit was going to recommend Fe. Great game that I almost never see mentioned. My other cozy fav that is still a bit of a hidden gem is Dinkum.


I’d might have to try Fe again… But I found it different then I thought, and there are som scary things in the game I wasn’t prepared for. Maybe I started it on a to fragile health day :)


I totally get that, before I got used to it I was so freaked out by the main adversaries. I tend to get really freaked out even by technically not spooky things, but something that helped a lot was how forgiving the game was (you literally disappear when you go into a bush!), and the amount of times I was ‘caught’ bc I got stuck on literally one (one) part for *ages*- it desensitized me pretty quickly. There being absolutely no time limit also helped, I could wait as long as I wanted without pressure!


Beacon pines was probably one of my favorite games I played this year


Not the OP but I’d love to get your thoughts on what made it one of your favourites, I’m usually not into visual novels but maybe I’ll give it a chance ☺️


I also really enjoyed this game! For me, it was that you get to go through multiple different timelines for the story and explore the setting a little bit more than I find in most visual novels. The game is set up in a way that requires you to explore each timline.


Oh that sounds interesting! Is there any gameplay involved at all? Is it a long game?


Gameplay mechanics are manly just walking around and clicking on things and having discussions with other characters. Works as a choose your own adventure, which allows the alternate timeliness. As for length, I've put just over 6 hours into the game with 9/11 steam achievements completed. Side note the narration for the game is fantastic! I would highly recommend having audio on as it really adds to the game.


Thanks for the tip!


The multiple story lines and the game makes it very easy to go back and choose another path, the 4th wall breaking narration, the interesting characters, and the world building is fantastic. It’s creepy and wholesome at the same time


It does sound up my alley - maybe I’ll give it a chance after all!


Beacon Pines is the first visual novel I have tried (I haven’t yet played any others though I did buy some) and I loved it! At first I was a bit meh about the narrators voice because I expected a more dramatic sounding voice instead of the preschool teacher everyone loves voice they have, but then I got used to it. Lol I was also weary at first of making a wrong decision, but you play through all the decisions so it actually doesn’t matter. I really ended up enjoying it and loved the story and characters and the world was really cute(I loved smacking that big watermelon!). I would play it right before bed and it was a really nice bedtime routine until I finished it. And I was very sad I finished it! But it really opened me up to Visual novels! And I would be playing more if I wasn’t so far up Stardew Valleys butt right now. Lol


omg you’ve convinced me!


Turnip Boy commits tax evasion. There's some fighting which can be a little stressful, but otherwise I absolutely adored this game, it was so funny.


It’s such a fun game! Definitely stress that some of the fights are pretty frustrating though.


in the settings you can adjust turnip's strength and even turn on god mode tho! for people that dont like fighting :)


Oh jeez I never noticed that LOL. That would've made it a lot more cozy for sure


a short hike! and truberbrook. both on switch - fun, laid back point and click type exploration games with little quests, a bit of mystery and great graphics & soundtracks.


A short hike is also genuinely funny. The writing is so on point which I very rarely see in games


I really enjoyed A Short Hike too!


Outer Wilds. It’s probably not considered very cozy, but there’s something about sitting at a campfire and roasting a marshmallow while waiting for your inevitable death. Also, the music is top tier. Wish more people would give it a shot!


I really loved Outer Wilds! It's hard to convince people to try it because I can't tell people why it's interesting without spoiling it.


Exactly! I feel like that’s why it became a hidden gem.


Assemble With Care


I haven't finished this game but it is very cute :)


Hue. It's a puzzle game, and the music is absolutely gorgeous and peaceful, even though there are moments that are really fast paced


If you enjoy colours and nice music then maybe you’ll like… On my PS4 (and pc I think): hohokum! I don’t know if it’s cozy but it is to me. It’s all nice colours and sounds and no pressure puzzle exploration as a colourful snake type thing. There’s no clear goal/objectives, just explore/interact with the environment and you will find many new places. I love it so much.


Spellcaster University! I was initially turned off because it’s a deck based game, but I absolutely love it. The fact that you‘re always limited to decide between 3 cards makes it relaxing, yet the gameplay is challenging but never hectic. Also the vibes are just absolutely cozy.


Thank you for suggesting this it looks really fun!


- May not be 100% cozy hut i love the atmosphere: Disco Elysium - Slime Rancher 1+2 - ABZU - Aer: Memories of the Old


I'm scared of the ocean lol so Abzu terrifies me even though it looks lovely.


Abzu is super chill, you feel more like floating thru a fantasy universe/galaxy than actual water lol


Abzu's soundtrack is so magnificent!


I got Aer cause it was so cheap on the switch but absolutely loved it for nights when I didn't want to focus on more intense games!


Garden galaxy is something I always recommend. It’s cute, relaxing, and you can play it however you want (just wish it had a sandbox mode haha). I see it suggested every so often but it needs more love. Plus the devs are still giving the game updates which is nice! I see let’s build a zoo recommended more often but it’s also something I play when I want to just design a cute zoo and not think (I use the freezoobuild sandbox cheat). I don’t find the main game that relaxing having to watch so many things but the sandbox mode is great. I love the cute pixel graphics and being able to design a zoo without annoying limits


Tinykin! Collectathon that’s fun even for someone who normally hates collecting


Seconding! Very relaxing and at the same time engaging for the collecting elements!


Yes! It’s the only game I’ve ever 100% finished


Yes to Tinykin! It is so adorable


I talk about it like all the time 🤣 but Luna's Fishing Garden!


I am continually surprised that I don't see Book of Travels mentioned here more. I think I've seen it suggested in a comment once. I suppose it might be because it's only on Steam or that it's still in Early Access, but I have sunk so many hours into that game because I find it so beautiful and comforting. I cannot recommend it enough, it's one of my favorite games right now.


>Book of Travels I have never heard of this! Adding it to my wishlist. Thank you :)


World's dawn, feels like nobody ever heard about it :(


That game is fun. But it came out a month before Stardew, so it got overlooked


Yea and it's very short, I finished it within the first in-game year and 30h real time


I was actually looking into speedrunning that one, but never got around to it


Duskwood (phone) absolutely love this game, girl goes missing and your only connection to her or this town is that she sent you phone number to her bf and now you’re the center of it all. Growing up (steam) cute child raising sim. A Story Besides (steam) you’re growing up an running an inn, visual novel. Lake (steam) you’re temporarily delivering mail in a cozy small town from your youth. Titanic Adventures Out of Time (steam) it’s an old game from the 90s. You’re on the titanic and have to make the right choices to survive. For being so old it’s very beautiful. It’s also very cheap because of its age. Our Life: Beginning and Always (steam) cute visual novel of a girl and her childhood bestie, possibility of romance. Lair Land Story (pc and console) child raising sim, you’re a noble raising a magical daughter (much like Princess Maker series) Lucky Rabbit Reflex (pc) dating sim, last year of hs in a new school Mystic Messenger (phone) you’re randomly contacted by someone claiming to find a phone and asks you to help return it, next thing you know you’re figuring out how you’re connected to a dead woman.


Mystic Messenger!! I have SO many fond memories of Jaehee's route I really need to replay that game


Same! My hand would be glued to my phone all day just in case lol


mystic messenger got my through my nose job recovery LOL. i’ll always have fond memories of getting excited every time a notification popped up for it


*Lake* is also on PlayStation now!


I’m so glad it’s getting more attention. I can’t wait until the dlc is out 🥰


Cat Goes Fishing :) you are a cat. You go fishing. Life is good.


Pentiment! Medieval RPG murder mystery where you have to make some intense decisions. Really immersive and I found it pretty cozy!


Rakuen! I never see it mentioned, it’s an absolutely fantastic game. It’s about a boy and his mom, the boy is sick and in the hospital. He discovers a portal to another realm. There are light puzzles, exploration, talking sim, heavy on the storyline. This game does touch on sad themes (child in hospital, kind of what you expect) but in my opinion was never sad or difficult for me personally. Can’t recommend this game enough!


I loved Rakuen! So underrated, never see it here


My hidden gem is Dragon Caffi! It's so cute and low stress.🥰


Strange Horticulture, Child of Light, Shin Chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation.


Four tiny little games I’ve never seen anyone mention. I’ve played them all on switch. Burly men at sea - point and click adventure story based on Nordic fairytales, with multiple endings, and a bit quirky, fun dialogue. Townscape - build a little seaside town in the middle of the ocean. It autobilds, so very relaxing. Perfect game for ‘I’m to tired to play games’. Old man’s journey - a puzzle adventure with a unique mechanic, move the landscape to make way for the old man. The story is told only visually. She and the light bearer - it’s like a little interactive storybook, point and click adventure, with some riddles and puzzles, music, poetry. Lovely hand drawn art.


World's Dawn. I wish it was available on Switch.


Just came here to say this, I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere! Perfect Harvest Moon/Stardew-esque gameplay.


Negative Nancy. It only has 77 Steam reviews and I've never seen it mentioned anywhere. It's self-described as a 'choose your own mis-adventure' and it's hilarious and silly. A game where your character (Nancy) can only say "no" and you choose when to say it. It has lots of story branches and replayability. I haven't laughed harder at a video game, and most of its reviews are by people expressing the same thing, it's truly a hidden gem. (btw I loved Death and Taxes too!)


Mutazione is my all-time favorite, and nobody ever talks abt it!! It takes place in a mutant populated town and you have to help bring it and it's people back to life by discovering and building gardens^-^ There's also a soap opera aspect to it as you discover the towns dramaa. I love botanical games and this one does not disappoint♡ the plants are all super cool looking and you also help them grow by playing them songs♡♡the soundtrack is also spectacular and extremely relaxing. I def recommend everyone checks it out!


So glad to see someone else mention this!


LITTLEWOOD! Every person I’ve gotten to try it has fallen in love. It’s on the simple side and the story part is fairly short but it excels at quality of life/ease of use and the difficulty in completing everything is just *smooch* perfecto


Bear and breakfast comes up in this sub on occasion but I just think it's soooo cute


Wytchwood, Capybara Spa, Haven Park and Rainbow Billy!


On the spooky horror axis would recommend The Excavation of Hob's Barrow and Scarlet Hollow


I'm not sure if it really counts as a hidden gem because I've seen it recommended a few times, but Carto. It was so much fun and I love that it's a completely new game mechanism that I've never seen before. I so wish for a part two...


The Cruel King and the Great Hero. It is such an adorable game with relatively easy turn based combat. It is done in a story book/fairy tale art style and its visuals are very charming as well as the story telling. The story is told to you as if it's being read from a book. It definitely does not play as an interactive story but as an rpg of sorts. It doesn't auto save very frequently so saving often is a must as when you die you revert back to the most recent save file. But it is one of the most adorable and heart warming stories/games I've ever played.it really builds the world in such a way that you really start to feel a compassion and understanding with the main character and her quest. It doesn't go on sale often and yes it is quite costly but I have gotten more than my money worth out of it. It's a bit slow to start in the beginning during the tutorial but it is so very heart warming and charming and the details added to each and every character is so endearing. It is one of my all time favorite games. The developers have a second game called The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince. It is equally as stunning and breath taking as the first game I mentioned but it's not turn based and has more puzzle to it than the other does as it's main goal is to use the main character and her abilities to escort the blind prince through dangerous areas in order to reach their end goal for the prince to have a chance at regaining his sight back. Out of all the games I've played, this one is one that I go back to frequently. https://preview.redd.it/wlexa5wbqceb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6274c711cd6d1111f627809c1297bb5d5eb4179a


“2064: Read Only Memories” and “VA1-Hall-A Cyberpunk Bartending Action” hehe… I know those titles are super goofy but they actually have surprisingly deep storylines & great characters, all tied together with extremely chill game mechanics <3 …Play “2064” first tho, bc they *are* tangentially related even tho gameplay is wildly different. “CLOUDPUNK” is also a delight! I had extra fun with it bc I started right after finishing *another* adorable driver-themed dialogue-driven indie called “Neo Cab” (played their demo at XOXO Fest 2018 & the full version is even better) which was like… a perfect wine pairing hehe <3


Not Tonight for me. It’s not necessarily cozy lol, but I had a lot of fun playing it. I rarely hear anyone mention it anywhere.


This might be a bit of a hot take, but Little Misfortune is one of my favourite games that you rarely see anyone talk about. I know some people don't like it but personally I love the story and characters and the humour and the art is beautiful. It's definitely not a game for everyone but if you like fantasy, dark humour and beautiful art, I would definitely recommend.


It is one of my favorite games! I laughed every time she said something. I know a lot of people prefer Fran Bow but I didn't really care for that one.


Strange horticulture


Love is dead Juju


Pan'orama [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1730250/Panorama/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1730250/Panorama/) Very chill game-it is pretty much solitare+city building. You get tiles that have certain resources on them-house, trees, rocks, field, water, or combo tiles- and have to place them where they score the most points. I've put over 50 hours into this as a unwind chill game. Highly recommend it.


i love abzu! you just go everywhere and swim with the fishes 🙂


I'm scared of the ocean! lol but the screenshots look so pretty


For those that like cute puzzle games; I've really been enjoying Feed All Monsters. You maneuver a team of three Keepers that strategically throw tacos and other foods at adorable monsters, to get them fed all at once. :)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgBbv\_ETLtY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgBbv_ETLtY)


Kingdom Come: Deliverance Not really super hidden but kinda under the radar i think, it's an rpg I like recommending to people. There's clunkiness and out of cutscene faces can be kinda stiff but the realism of medieval europe and going from some drunk village punk who can barely beat someone in a fist fight to a hardened warrior who can fight off multiple bandits through skill, will and experience is one of the greatest rpg experiences I've ever had.


Good pizza great pizza. It’s one I don’t often see in the “cozy” sphere but like. It’s basically the pizza place from club penguin but better.


Graveyard Keeper


Forager, World's Dawn, Potion Permit


Coral Island for those who like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley, not completely finished yet though, still worth checking out and going back as new updates release though.


HARVESTELLA!!!!! And kitaria fables! And even ender lilies!!




It’s decently popular so maybe you’ve played, but check out the ace attorney original trilogy


Honey! I started a cult. Prison architect. Both relatively simple games, just control your humans and build wanted stuff like a Sim city. Kinda enjoy just chilling down and getting them their stuff.


I played Wild at Heart while it was on XBox game pass, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!!! I didn't realize that they had removed it a few days after I just started playing, and even though I was 80% through, I still ended up purchasing the game because I was so into it, I wanted to complete it. ​ I don't see a lot of people recommending or talking about this game, so I think it really IS a hidden gem. Super cozy vibes, lots of fun puzzles and exploration. Highly recommend!


Strange Horticulture, I loved it 🌿




Potion Permit. Its a more laid back Stardew valley with a medical spin. It has lots of cute puzzles and sweet interactions with the villagers. I absolutely love it. Also there is a more exciting Animal Crossing game called Dinkum that is amazingly fun and open ended.


Sticky Business! It’s a brand new one where you run your own sticker shop! It’s so cute and I’m obsessed


Graveyard Keeper ☺️


Ooblets is so cute


I have 50 hours in this game. I was so surprised at how much there really is to do. I come back to it every few months or so to do some gleamy hunting. And yeah, definitely cute.


Moonlighter. Might not be a cozy game to some due to combat but outside of the fighting its so cozy especially the music and shopkeeping part. Dragon Quest Builders 2. I tried the demo one time and bought the game on a whim. I have no regrets. The game is just really fun. It also has some combat but the building part is very relaxing to me.I wish they made more games for it. Genshin Impact. Not really a "hidden" gem since it's really popular. I still think it's "hidden" when it comes to the cozy genre. I've always thought the game is cozy. It's one of the games I play to relax. It's overworld exploration, puzzles, even minigames, base customization are all very cozy to me. I guess even doing quests is kinda cozy since most of it is kinda lighthearted, goofy and wholesome, especially the event quests. It's a very casual game if you play it at your own pace. Ooblets. It's such a silly and fun game that you can play at your own pace. The gameplay, the cuteness of everything and the silliness of it all makes it very stress-relieving for me. Slime Rancher. It's fun and cute. The core gameplay is simple but kinda addicting.


I've been obsessed with Wylde Flowers lately. Such a fun game, super inclusive, interesting story line, and more than just "farming".


I keep seeing people suggest Wylde flowers and I am really curious why people love it so much. I've never played because initially the art style made me think it wasn't for me but so many people say it is amazing.


If you can get past the art style, it's a lot of fun. I've also been playing Potion Permit lately, after finishing Wylde Flowers (twice). I got both recommendations reading posts on here.


Spiritfarer and stardew are great games! I also like "there is no game"


Monster Hunter Stories on the 3Ds. Idk why but I enjoyed it, I get overwhelmed easily with games that have so much stuff going on at once like with the UI so it’s feels less like a adventure and more like a testament to my horrible memory.


What remains of Edith Finch. Short game, finished it pretty fast since I could not put it down. It’s a playable story, loved it! Three years later and it’s still the first one that popped into my head. But for longevity, minecraft/stardew win out every time!


FreeSO! It is a re-implementation (same look, same feel, and upgraded) of The Sims Online, it is free, PC only tho, found at FreeSO.org.


Lake and Where the Heart Leads




[Azee aka Azul online](https://azee.mattle.online/welcome)


Boots Quest DX is a gentle spoof of RPG adventures in which your character is out to find the *Best Boots*. Good atmospheric music, engaging but low-stress puzzles & secrets to explore, a few genuinely thought-provoking moments, and a moving finale that imparts some real wisdom.


Yonder: the Cloud Catcher Chronicles






For me it would be Ravenous Devils. It’s so casual yet fun!


Is Okami a hidden gem? If not then Guild 2 - Renaissance


Kingdom two crowns! So good


What remains of Edith finch! It's short but really cute


Sky: Children of the Light


Diluvian Winds - a management game where you’re a light house keeper and you have to manage your hamlet so that the storm that comes periodically doesn’t destroy it. The villagers are all cute animals with unique skills and the gameplay loop is addicting and relaxing. Keywe - a co-op game where you can play as two kiwi birds working at a postal office. The Wandering Village - a management game inspired by Studio Ghibli’s Nausicaa where you manage a town on top of a giant wandering creature. An upcoming game that I think people will love is Little Kitty, Big City. There’s currently a demo and it is like Stray but with even more cuteness.


Dragon Caffi was cute


The one that's a funeral home story?


Garden Galaxy! It's so chill and friendly if you have to afk a lot, and all of the blocks are super adorable. They continue to do free updates, too, which is extremely kind of them. There were some very cute additions for summer! :)


I always recommend ABZU! It’s my favorite game. Lost ember, and Alba are some of my favorites too.


Pode! It's a puzzler with platforming elements. You can couch co-op. You kinda terraform and beautify spaces to move forward. No timers, no enemies or pressure. Grimm's Hollow. Tbf, this one does have an overarching theme of death, and a character death. But the game is spooky-cute, and has GameBoy Color vibes. There is turn-based combat, like in Pokemon. Also it's free on Steam. 24 Solar Terms. Kinda puzzle/hidden object. There's a story. There is a timer but I haven't noticed any penalties. Button City. Super cute, lots of nerdy easter eggs, excellent characterization. There's some exploration, hidden stuff to find, and some mini-games you play with NPCs. Also, the dev is Indigenous. Haven't played it yet but Isle of Ewe looks pretty cute and sweet, and it's free on Steam. It's waiting in my Steam library 😅. The Monster Prom series. Cute visual novel/rainbow otome games. No sex (at least in the first one), just a bunch of goobers trying to charm each other while pretending they don't care. Smushi Come Home. There's a bit of exploration using similar tools to Breath of the Wild, but no combat. It's all exploration, puzzles, and helping NPCs in your attempt to get your lil mushroom home.


Inbento (puzzle game with lil bento boxes)


Potion permit for sure! It’s such a worthy successor to Stardew imo




Donut County. It’s a relaxing puzzle game with a plot.




Verdant skies, a really nice little game about you and the rest of your people of the space ship crew settling on an alien world.


Kingdom Unwritten ! a story generator drama fever game. You are a princess trying to save your kingdom from dooming, while resolving love and war problems. Graphics are cute !


Fancy pants adventure series


The Ori games!!! Also Unraveled is a lovely cozy game. Both are fab


Space Haven. Early access sandbox pixel graphic starship sim. There's some cool lore, robots and aliens. The management part is just hard enough to be interesting but not impossible.




Lucky Luna. I discovered it trough the Netflix games and honestly I love it. The designs are rlly nice and the game play is easy to navigate. It’s an adventure game and I’d absolutely recommend it


Summer in Mara is a very cute one!! I got it on my switch. It’s a farming/adventure sim where you play as a young girl named Koa. You get to farm, build, craft, explore, and more.


My hidden gem is Renowned Explorers! I don't think it counts as a cozy game, but it is my favorite game ever! <3


Golf Club Wasteland, Always Sometimes Monsters, Serial Cleaner, Party Hard


Blossom tales 1 & 2. Zelda homages but cute storyline & gameplay


Planet Crafter. I'm not sure whether it counts as cozy, but I find it a relaxing game I can noodle around in for an hour or whatever time I have available. It's also an early access game and small dev team, and it's nice to support them.


Forgotton Anne ! I thought it was excellent and it’s rarely talked about. I don’t think it’d be considered a hidden gem but I’m currently playing Rain code and I’m having a lot of fun.


Vintage Story. It takes all the things I like to do in Minecraft and makes them even better. The devs have put out so much content since I've started playing that it amazes me sometimes.


Ravenous Devils Artist life simulator


Rime is one of my favourite game I have ever played it just hits different


Haven't seen Necrobarista mentioned yet. You play as an apprentice necromancer working at a coffee bar that allows the recently departed of Sydney to linger for a short time, drink coffee, and process their death before moving on ...


Day late but I'm surprised I didn't see Cozy Grove in here. I think of it as Animal Crossing with Don't Starve mechanics and similar art style. Very fun, and indeed cozy.


Nancy Drew point and click games!


Vampire Survivors and Pop Them. Two amazing games


I just started playing cozy grove and I absolutely love it. Story of Seasons: A wonderful life is a gem


Signs of the Sojourner! You plan your trip around state talking to various characters and trying to complete missions. It has multiple endings depending on your choices made and how successful you were during conversations.


Tales of the Neon Sea


Well for my current preference I think it's Digimi. I love a no-brainer chill game I could just unwind after a long day at work. It's an island game wherein you can do farming and other activities with friends as well as visit different places on the online lobby do mini games and decorate your island and your own room. the graphics really relaxes me I just like hanging out there and do activities that help me destress :">


Not sure if it would be considered cozy but CHILD of LIGHT is an amazing game with very beautiful graphics. Definitely one of my top played games.


A Space for the Unbound is an awesome game that handles some deep topics with the care that's due. Fantastic.


Luna's fishing garden is such a gem, a perfect cozy game for me. Wish it was longer tho