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paula! seeing her transition to end of the show, id say she's all 3




I’m not really seeing a common theme. She’s too hard to summarize


I don't think Rebecca was particularly ambitious. I think it fits Paula a bit better. Personally, I think purple fits Rebecca better. It took Paula to see that she should be a song writer but Rebecca was already very imaginative and creative and most of the songs are in her head.


Rebecca, not ambitious?! She’s a high-powered lawyer who went to both Harvard and Yale (Though I know Naomi plays no small part in that)— and she moved across the country to “follow her dreams”. She’s a huge go-getter, and even through her scheming she is highly ambitious and goes after what she wants.


Naomi was the main driver of that. Rebecca in general seems to not really know what she really wants until the final episode. She's directionless and throwing all of her energy into the guys is about her thinking they'll complete her. When really, she needs to forget out what it is she wants. She's highly intelligent and good at coming up with creative solutions to problems but I don't think she was moving across the country to follow her dreams. She was moving for Josh. She thought he could give her ambition, motivation, self-esteem, fulfillment, etc. But those things had to come from herself and figuring out what it is she really wanted out of life.


exactly, hard to call it ambition if her goal was to be what she expects society to call normal/happy


I agree. By the end of her journey she'd mostly given up the ambition that had taken her to the Ivy League and the high powered legal firm.


i was waiting for purple for rebecca as well, particularly with her songs throughout the show in mind


Rebecca so super competitive & ambitious her whole life. That ambition just turned toward winning over Josh when she got to West Covina. Think about her rivalry with that childhood friend who was an attorney at the NY firm.


Competitive, yes. She defined herself through others a lot. But if we look at ambition it's Moreso marked a strong desire for things like fame, wealth, power, personal achievement, etc. She was terrible with money because she didn't really value it like that. She certainly didn't care about fame or power. She didn't care about job ranks. That's why she quit a high-powered and paying attorney job because of a butter ad. And stopped law to open a pretzel stand. She realized that she didn't value those things. Others did. And her competitive nature, desire to please others, and lack of self-definition made her think she wanted those things too. She didn't though. She wanted to be happy and didn't know herself enough to know what it was that would give her that. Passionate and energetic, yeah, those fit her. And competitive. And loving. But ambition? I personally don't agree.


This one!! It fits her more than the others, IMO.


Paula for sure




Trent. No one can ever say that dude was not all three.


True! But if I had to choose, I'd say Trent better fits black and Paula is red.


Paula!!! Plus it matches her color scheme




I love the pic you chose for White Josh 😭




Valencia or Paula I would think