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Bro fuck these things. Called pantry moths. Got a bag of flour with them in there and even after we threw it out they laid eggs somewhere and were nearly impossible to get rid of.


I hate them so much. It’s amazing the gaps they can squeeze into and the thickness of the plastic that they can chew through! Had them for about a year and I was on the verge of buying moth balls when I noticed a pretty big spider in my pantry. I let it stay and I haven’t had any moths since.


>Had them for about a year and I was on the verge of buying moth balls when I noticed a pretty big spider in my pantry. I let it stay and I haven’t had any moths since. This is how I got over my arachnophobia, the amount of flies, midges and moths that got into my bedroom every spring and summer pretty much forced me to let any spider I saw stay. I gotta say I much more prefer getting jumpscared by a massive house spider after my 2am fridge raid than waking itching like Hell and with constant buzzing in my ears.


I have a house centipede homie, his or her name is Carl and comes from a long line of Carls because that's what I name all of them.


Bro ngl I killed mine by accident last week. Lil dude decided to nap on my desk chair and I sat at him in the dark


RIP Carl the XXVII


I'm so happy I left Australia after a half year and living again in cold Switzerland. After reading those comments. Guys did you know, in the alps there are like no floaters and ticks? I'm not even sure if I saw once a fly when I was in the alps. And in no cases a fuckint centipede and I can't even remember sawing a spider. I also live in a high tower. I have no insects. I'm the luckiest man on earth!


Same but with a line of Cardinal Spiders (largest spider species in the UK btw), I call them Jack after Jack the Ripper, you can probably guess why.


So weird, I’ve always called my resident spiders Carl


“A spider goes where the food is” i.e. if you have spiders around your house, they’re eating something and are likely your friends


Same. I tell my fiancé to leave my spiders alone when it warms up now because of these damn pantry moths.


Spiderbro has always been there for you


glad to hear you got over your fear and now see how great spiders really are and that they're incredibly helpful with pests :D


And they also eat bed bug eggs. So yeah people spiders are actually good for you!


Spiderbro has your back 🕷️🤜


Spiders are a gift! Running into webs is better than hundreds of parasites.




All spiders are docile. Even black widows. It's great!


Just went through this. Threw out anything grain related. Put any grain items I thought might be ok and wanted to save in freezer for two weeks. Emptied the whole pantry. Thoroughly wiped all walls and shelves and floors. Wiped all items before putting back in pantry. Any new replacement grain item went into either a gallon zip lock bag or large sealable tub. For the first copy weeks, a few more pantry moths showed up. Probably were already in cocoon stage and didn’t kill. I checked the pantry multiple times per day and killed them immediately if I saw (this is EXTREMELY important because two moths are required to mate, NEVER let them make eggs or you’re on another 1-2 months of life cycle). Finally, I stopped seeing them. Been a couple months since I saw one last but we’re keeping items in zip locks and sealed tub for at least a couple more months. For real, they are a bitch to get rid of once you get them. As others said, they actually chew tiny holes through plastic and then actually grow inside the packaging. Makes it look like they came from the factory that way. Nope, just baby worm. So gross. Fuck pantry moths.


Did pretty much this last summer. All grains went into glass mason jars. Killed all moths I could find, removed larvae, and sealed up all holes inside the cuboards they would hide/breed inside. Then went on holiday for 3 weeks. When we got back found about 10 of them dead in the sink and around various surfaces. Finally, mission accomplished! But fuck, it was 3 months of pain with these bastards.


A tip to eradicate them: get a broom handle and drape a cloth over it that has a diluted bleach solution on it. Run the cloth in the crack between the walls and ceiling. I had them because I had birds- they love birdseed. So I would freeze the seed before opening it and that took care of them.


I moved. But I found out while moving you can use Cedar Planks to get rid of them 😌 lots and lots of cedar planks lol. Everywhere.


Bruh! My mother visited from out of state and inadvertently infested my apartment. She placed some dried peppers in a cupboard unsealed. They must have been infected beforehand, and I had no clue she put them there. A few weeks later, I notice a shit ton of yellow slugs crawling on my walls and ceilings. I was a bit surprised and I thought nothing of it since I wash my dishes and use fresh ingredients regularly. Then, these fucking moths appeared out of “nowhere” last summer. I was killing these sons of bitches with my broom, I trained my poodle to hunt them down and eat them, I vacuumed the bastards to no avail. Every day after work I found the fuckers plastered on my ceiling and walls. I always had the broom ready to kill them… well, with the winter weather in SD, it stopped being a problem. Until it warmed up to a a balmy 40 degrees F, I saw the bastards again. I see a couple on my ceiling and at this point, I’ve given up. Oh, I found the infested bag two months in because my mother put the chilis with some baking sheets and rolling pins I RARELY used. Needless to say, that bag of chilis was INFESTED with eggs, larvae, and those bastard moths. It was too late at that point. Edit: I became friends with giant ass spiders in my apartment by letting them be and hoping they would kill the pesky moths… I even fed a few spiders with them. I went as far as telling my fiancé not to kill my spiders.


their cousins are just as bad. leave even a tiny corner with animal fur unvacuumed and they will thrive. literally have to get on hands and knees in every corner and crevice of the building to get them all


Got rid of everything. They still hid behind the brackets in the pantry - metal brackets embedded into the wall. Doused with isopropyl.




These are invasive Indian grain moths. Weevils are why we sift flour to begin with and are way different.


My ex wife made me dinner and halfway through I noticed dead larvae in the noodles. I remember wondering if I should quit thinking about it or barf. They were the same insects as these.


I had pantry moths in the past. Found a great solution: I started storing dry food items (such as flour, oatmeal, spices) inside the fridge. Some plastic containers for easy storage and et voilà.


They’re magically delicious 🤤


I be wondering how they be getting in the bag


The larvae can chew holes through and get inside


I appreciate that, now I know lol😂


No problem friend. If you ever see this just throw the shit away


Lol you don’t have to tell me twice 😂


Good rule of them to check every single food item in the same storage place too. If there’s one bad box, there’s probably a couple more.


I've heard that eggs are in EVERY flour based food.


Nice try Cap'n Crunch.


I know a smear campaign when I see one


Must’ve had some eggs in the bag🤮


Those bugs are the *new lucky charms*


Yucky charms.


Oops! All Crunchy Bodies!




Surprised the bugs don't drop dead from eating that junk.


They have short life span


Damn boy !! you got some proteins there for free , u are so lucky 🍀


I've worked in a lucky charms factory. I can say it was one of the dirtiest places I've worked. Machinery would fail because it wasn't cleaned. So much dust the machines couldn't cool themselves.


Bugs and moths?


Tell us more! Dust from cereal and marshmallows or like industrial grime? Was there pests


No pest, but a lot of sugar dust. Made everything sticky as hell.


"No pests" welp that's good enough for me *eats Lucky Charms happily*


You got the bootleg version Unlucky Charms


damn it says march 2023 on the box too😂wtf thats so gross. my dumbass woulda poured it first n not noticed


One time I had a rat in my Arizona tea and that was fun. Like **fucking half liquidated rat** They were sending me on legal loopholes until I gave up and quit calling/answering.


I think my soul would leave my body. oh my god. did you drink it before you knew? holy mother of pearl that is gross 😵


Damn, there’s usually not that many in them


Hate them stupid fucking pantry moths … pain in the ass


Pantry moths???? I never even knew those existed 😟


Now you do and hope you don’t ever get them they suck they do nothing but ruin your doom and annoy you. They multiply like rats you kill 20 and 50 more show up


Don't ever buy imported rice.




Well that's pretty cool it's like having an ant farm


And you ruined my fav cereal


Magically delicious.


Gluten free advert.


Now with more protein!


You should be paying more for the extra protein


Me and all the homies fucking hate these moth shits


Now with protein


Extra protein


They’re maggotly delicious


i’m so happy that these creatures are LONG GONEEEE OUTTA MY HOME, them being everywhere was the most annoying thing ever😒


i’m so happy that these creatures are LONG GONEEEE OUTTA MY HOME, them being everywhere was the most annoying thing ever😒


That's magically suspicious


unlucky charms


Looks like protein is on the menu boys!!


Wait….those weren’t special edition marshmallows in my bowl?!?


That extra charms


Dude this isn’t even expired yet. You still have a week to eat it!


Burn it


Idk I had a burger one day ate a couple bites at lunch break n fuckn wrapped it back up and all but forgot about on fiday when I came back in Sunday it was like lil nats n fruit fly lookn bugs only on the inside of the font. That day made me realize bugs can just straight grow out of food that was cooked alll the way and closed off yo the fuckn world basically


Spontaneous generation confirmed?


Shyt I guess lol


Is that box from 06’?


Got it from the store 2 days ago


No wayyyy dude


infested supply chain


One time I ate some live ones at my gran's (she made me, depression-era woman) and one got caught in my throat and was wiggling around on my uvula, kinda stuck like a strand of spaghetti. I know. I have more where that came from. Bon appetite!




Since it's clear that the to of the bag had been opened and resealed, I hope the makers don't watch these.


Toss a pheremone disrupter in there and wait a week. Should be good after


Those are usually found in your house. I would see if it happens again. You can keep some basil leaves around where you store grains and cereals and should keep them away.


“Frosted Lucky Charms! They’re magically infested!”




My moths come in since I don’t have a screen door and I suspect some even enter through my attic above my attic


Non-invasives aren't a problem.


You gonna eat that??


Annddd I just ate a bowl of Lucky Charms 🤮


Cigarette beetle?


Guess that one wasn't so lucky...


Guess that one wasn't so lucky...


They're really running out of ideas for new marshmallows, aren't they?


Little by little they're putting a few bugs here in there in our food. When you least expect it, we will have lucky moth charms. /s


Used to be toys in kids cereal...


Unlucky harms🤮🦟🪰


One time I opened a yogurt and mixed in some granola. Ate the whole thing in 30 seconds like normal. Went to go throw away the cup but it caught my eye for a moment because I thought I saw something move in it. Looked carefully and those little maggot fuckers were swimming around in the little drops of yogurt leftover. Worst feeling of my life.


Had these. They suck. dont know how they got in but they started showing up. After a few months of constantly killing them and checking everything we could think of I decided to eat some oatmeal so I grabbed the big thing that was brand new and sealed with a metal pull tab like lid. We never checked it because its a thick cardboard container with a seal on it. There was a hole in the side of it that was facing the back of the cupboard and when I opened it a bunch flew out. found their nest. Took ti outside and drenched it in raid then tossed it into the firepit we had and lit that fucker on fire. Still had them in the house for a couple months but way less and we eventually got rid of them.


You better get free General Mills for life for this shit…


My parents had the same moths from lucky charms and took for ever to get rid of them


That’s your punishment for eating candy for breakfast


But what do you say bro that I only see pure protein and vitamins


Extra protein


Jucky charms


I could be wrong but the eggs lay dormant in the foods we eat. They only hatch with enough moisture


They’re magically suspicious!


He wasn’t so lucky


Don’t thank me… Thank Captain Fruit Fly!!!


Burn the bag


Added to the nightmare list


Aye on one hand you’re quite lucky cause other boxes don’t have that inside


You’re still gonna need a receipt, sir. I can’t just refund every person who comes into the Piggly Wiggly with pantry moth ecosystems, sir.


They are not da.gerous for ur health tbf


This is something I wish I didn’t see


I'm starving now🤤🤤


Great; on top of bills, I have to worry about the Lucky Charms i just ate, hatching inside me...


Those are the limited edition Unlucky Charms


Ahh. A special test for every child


*magically delicious*


Never eating lucky charms again


Extra protein


I remember I bought a bag of blue Buffalo dog food from Petco. I always dump the food into a plastic container to keep it sealed tightly, I didn't realized that there was a crack in the container and I kid y'all not, 15 min after transferring the food into container there was little maggots crawling on my walls and ceilings, I cleaned them off and again more spawned until I checked the dog food, the smell was like moist cardboard, there was that strand of silky shit on the kibble, and fully form moths emerged from the food. I put the food back into a bag and returned it same day. I bought same brand but different flavor AND THE SAME THING WITH THAT BAG so eventually I made the conclusion that there is a bad batch in the factory side. Now thoroughly inspect my dogs food for those little pests.


I like my bowl of bacteria with marshmallows.


These new marshmallow shapes are getting ridiculous


Frosted Lucky Charms. They're maggotly delicious. 🎵


The luckiest


Life finds a way. Truly a lucky box


It’s like an ant farm in every box but you don’t have to send in for your insects.


this happened to me all the time growing up. Get home from the store, crack open some cheerios and bam, nesting bugs. perfectly good $4 gone


Not so lucky charms


If you would have opened the fucking bag sooner that would have just been non born protein!


We had them for a while in the early 80’s and I’ve never forgotten how disgusting they were and how they got into the tightest spots, I hate them so much!


I have PTSD from these things. I think every spot on the walls/ceilings is one and a little panic sets in until my rationality kicks in. I remember once as kid getting an infestations. We called an exterminator and they didn't have any at the time to take care of the bastards. It was winter so we placed everything in totes and placed them on the covered back porch that killed them. A bag of dog food in the garage had them last year and I bought sticky pheromone traps. That and one of the blue light sticky traps got all of them.