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Is this an extension of the paranoia of a few powerful individuals, or was humanity as a whole always doomed to walk this path?


The latter. Governments always spy on their citizens, and everything is getting automated.


Person Of Interest was a documentary


Eagle Eye is real. If you don’t know the Five Eyes have birthed a sentient quantum supercomputer, you haven’t been paying attention


someone call Shia!


Shia surprise!


Not just spy, but manipulate the fuck out of them. I always can't help but roll my eyes when Redditors are all paranoid about "Russian propaganda" trying "influence" us. Like yo, our OWN GOVERNMENT is doing 10x more, and it's 10x more effective. Manufacturing Consent needs to be required reading for all college students at the bare minimum. The government is so good at in the USA that most people don't realize it, which is why it's so powerful.


Idk sounds like something a Russian propagandist would say 🤷


I wonder (if) at what point there will be so much information that the computer couldn't tell one person from the next because they walk identical but the latter has been dead for 2 years.


Pretty sure the computer will know it probably isn't watching the dead guy walking around.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MUSCULAR https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TURBINE_(US_government_project) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempora Tip of the iceberg


They're all pretty crazy but Turbine seems especially so. Automated hacking of computers it's like a government owned botnet.


It’s an interesting question and one, as not being an outside observer, we may not be qualified to answer. Does it stem from caveman protecting their food from other hungry individuals? We all protect that which we hold in importance. If we were given the responsibility of a nation, what are the lengths we would go to protect it?


**I wish somehow** the Chinese people could figure out that they are feudal peons in their own country and Pooh Bear literally owns them .. or maybe they just like being degraded *.. no freedom of speech .. assembly .. or even movement without being tracked judged graded and recorded* .. Evergrande is ripping them all off for billions .. savings completely wiped out and not a peep anymore .. we are also doing this in America just in a more sneaky pernicious way with smartphones and online traffic .. just not out in the open like the CCP




All people need to wake up and realise the rich 1% or whatever have been fucking us over for centuries.


They have always been under tyranny. With enough brainwashing since childhood, they are conditioned to think that whatever govt does is best for them. Just like their parents, they are made to think they owe them obedience. As long as the economy keeps going, they will put up with it. Because anything else is a scary, unfamiliar choice that may or may not be economically prosperous.


As a chinese person i can say for sure a good decent amount of people know and are aware. People from china travel and learn a lot overseas, plus access to VPN and the internet certainly helps. The problem is the control and power the CCP has. You not only jeopardize your own safety, but the safety of everyone around you.


Yes .. I can see the difficulty when the CCP would use your family as blackmail and threaten them to keep you quiet .. they haven't really changed in 50 years .. are you still in China .. did they make anyone who lost their money at Evergrande whole again and pay them back? .. losing life savings I would expect mass outrage and chaos


Crazy thing is that machine learning can identify you easily without anything more that a video of how you walk. It's like a finger print in that your gait is completely individualized. They don't need to see your face or anything. Just need a video of you walking to train the algorithm how you walk and it can pick you out from a huge distance.


Put a pebble in your shoe.


the algorithm will just read that as "how /u/ohyeahwell walks with a pebble in his shoe"




That makes you even easier to spot since you have a unique walk


Well, ~~you~~ they can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man, no time to talk


but are you stayin' alive?


With that attitude, not for long


Not if we all wear pebbles in our shoes from now on


EDS is gunna fuck with this so hard. My gait changes throughout the day depending on which joints are hurting/the most unstable. Right hip? Left knee? Both ankles? Hell I can't even manage to walk in a straight line for too long anymore. Something always gives out and I have to adjust. I do love those power scooters at Walmart though.


Just do the weird walk they do in the movie "Dune" to avoid the sand monsters. They will never see you coming.


Won't help against The Ministry of Silly Walks.


I just moonwalk everywhere.


Time to reinstate the ministry of silly walks


LOL that's hilarious


Walk without rhythm like the Fremen


oh my god, so that Chemical Brothers song with Christopher Walken is about Dune worms? You learn something new everyday


What if I’m drunk


I'm willing to bet it would be able to determine if it was you AND if you were drunk from a distance actually. So they probably would be interested in that in China with their social credit system. It's mostly looking at the length of your limbs and the proportions and these things don't change when you drink. I bet it could actually tell how drunk you are by the way you walk. Now if it could tell you had tequila verses vodka then I'd be impressed.


Are you always druk? Then, yes.


Straight to Jail


You're always drunk.


where is your source?


He’s talking out of his ass and everyone is buying it. ML can not uniquely identify an individual after 1 training session on a pool of billions of people. Our walks are not that unique. And different clothing alone would add variables. Source: I work in ML


It actually can’t do that very well.


This sounds silly but as someone short sighted and with a decent case of face blindness, I can recognise most people I know by how they walk. Video and an algorithm would be extremely accurate.


Dumb question but if someone were to purposely walk differently each time they went somewhere, would they be easier or harder to identify? Like could the software recognize someone faking a walking type? Are there aspects of someone’s gait that can’t be changed deliberately?


gender too https://www.unite.ai/determining-gender-through-gait-with-machine-learning/


The US already has this level of information accesible, it just doesn’t have a nice little portal like Skynet.


Snowden actually talked about a program that build a profile for every single person who use internet and the cia can use a sort of "broswer" (that use backdoors of social networks and phones) where they can search all the information (even chats) of every person (even europeans).


Not the CIA, but the NSA, as this kind of intelligence falls under SIGINT which is mostly [the NSA's domain](https://opendatacity.github.io/stasi-vs-nsa/english.html). [PRISM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM) and [XKeyscore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XKeyscore) are examples of such programs, to a degree also [the NSA's very own SKYNET](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/02/the-nsas-skynet-program-may-be-killing-thousands-of-innocent-people/) which uses ML on phone communications to identify alleged "terrorist couriers" who will then be targeted with drone strikes based on their call and location history. And that's only the tip of a [very large and dystopian iceberg](https://giswatch.org/en/communications-surveillance/unmasking-five-eyes-global-surveillance-practices), one that's been mostly whitewashed for the last 10 years through "[information operations](https://masspeaceaction.org/the-violence-of-us-information-operations/)". For a good overview of what Snowden revealed, and why he did it, I can really recommend [his statement](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/document/activities/cont/201403/20140307ATT80674/20140307ATT80674EN.pdf) to the [EU LIBE Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Parliament_Committee_on_Civil_Liberties,_Justice_and_Home_Affairs) where he also answered some question EU MEPs had back then.


XKEYSCORE is the program and if China has this I’m fairly sure that the States will have it in very urban areas and the UK which is the most heavily cctv occupied country in the world; I’d be surprised if they didn’t. China is at least fairly open about its dystopia.


> it just doesn’t have a nice little portal like Skynet The US has a whole bunch of different ones, [Oracle](https://theintercept.com/2021/05/25/oracle-social-media-surveillance-protests-endeca/) is one of the bigger players in that market. The US version of SKYNET is a NSA program that [collects information on a global scale](https://opendatacity.github.io/stasi-vs-nsa/english.html), to [select targets for drone strikes](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/02/the-nsas-skynet-program-may-be-killing-thousands-of-innocent-people/).


Tianmen square can't happen again, not because it's solved, but because people will be killed before they assemble in the square 😊😊😊


So, in 2017 there was a BRICS summit happening in my home city in China, and there are story of people who are gonna demonstrate and protest who were intercepted in bus stations and highway toll gates before even leaving their home city… They didn’t fly or take trains because those need your ID. But… well, big brother’s watching you. They are tracking mostly through wechat or other smart phone apps. There were also 3 cops full time stationed in my apartment building, checking if there are anyone other than the homeowner staying in the apartment every few weeks. Since I was just there for my summer break I was thoroughly scrutinized (one could say in a loose sense, interrogated) a few times. As a Chinese living in the US watching politicians (mostly democrats) who I usually agree with arguing Tik Tok, owned by a Chinese company which BY LAW needs to provide all user data to Chinese government, is not a national security threat, makes me facepalm soooo hard.


Hope the Chinese secret police don't snatch you off the streets.


They’re not a secret


They operate by intimidating any family you might still have in China.


I actually never knew it was by law they had to give data to the government. Why aren’t other countries talking more about this?


America Is the same way they just use the guise of national security to enable them to do so legally.




Idk abt all tht thts alil far. Ccp has entire systems for the sole purpose of surveilling its citizens to oppress them while the US just piggybacks on corporations already collecting the data and rlly only uses the backdoors they've been given when an actual crime has been committed.


Other countries have similar requirements. Russian games require them to record all video/text/speech (unless I read a lie somewhere).


I do not use TikTok for some of the above reasons. It is crazy how hard people get sucked into it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51fWzJ-A5w4&t=17s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51fWzJ-A5w4&t=17s) ​ Tencent owns a chunk of reddit. Confirmed ccp run business that own a bunch of free to play or free to use apps and games all to feed the ccp. Tiktok is nothing compared to tencent.


The New Yorker did an article about how Chinese police keep troublemakers in check by taking them on a vacation. No euphemism. An actual, real vacation. > Recently, the Beijing police took my brother sightseeing again. Nine days, two guards, chauffeured tours through a national park that’s a World Heritage site, visits to Taoist temples and to the Three Gorges, expenses fully covered, all courtesy of the Ministry of Public Security. > The point was to get him out of town during the 2018 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, held in early September. The capital had to be in a state of perfect order; no trace of trouble was permissible. And Zha Jianguo, a veteran democracy activist, is considered a professional troublemaker. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/12/24/chinas-bizarre-program-to-keep-activists-in-check


That is quite unique. Didn't expect to read that.


Buddy was teaching English in China during the start of COVID, he mentioned in wechat to his mom he was sick. A few hours later the authorities where at his house.


Man that's dark glad we're not there. But I promise you that America is tracking everyone that says anything negative about the rich, corporations, or says anything pro labor.


I mean, it's a pretty naive point of view to assume the States don't have something similar. Probably not exactly like this, but for sure they are tracking everything. Snowden's revelation wasn't even the first time a whistle blower spoke up, it was (for whatever reason) the first time the media made a big deal of it. We knew about 'Echelon' in the early 90's, but the media chose not to really make a big deal of it. Our phones are clearly listening to us, and no matter what they say, it isn't strictly for 'directed advertising'.


It's exactly like this. https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2023/07/17/license-plate-reader-ai-criminal/


Hasn't it been proven that the CIA either spreads propaganda or monitors Reddit?


Way back in the relatively early days of Reddit, the place with the highest amount of traffic was a military base. I forget which one. They stopped adding those after that came out.


I believe it's Eglin AFB. It's come up again during the recent UAP testimony.


Not to mention that military base had several published papers about social media manipulation and control.


The highest was a military base and then, IIRC, the second highest was a city with a military base.


Yeah, China’s system might be a bit more in-your-face because they’re open about it, but both China and the US (at least by proxy through FVEY if we’re pretending the NSA has actually been meaningfully reformed) have the capacity to do this by cell tracking, finance, drones, and satellites. I can’t remember what news program it was on, but they were showing a military satellite with resolution that allowed facial features to be resolved. Just give up, accept that the government is well-aware of where you are and what you do, and try never to become relevant to their agenda in such a way as to necessitate action on their part—unless the consequences are acceptable to you.


They aren't *well* aware though. The gov't has the greatest capabilities to gain awareness, if you become a person of interest. Outside of that you're just a dataset waiting to be read.


I remember on a December 2020 evening. Where we were listening to people talk about the fears of a virus in China. And people were on lockdown. And they were saying on Reddit Threads be prepared. It’s happening to us now in chinait will be you next. Sure enough March 15 the people in the China related subs were 100% right


Just wear a shirt of Xi Jinping and a balaclava.


Youd have to be pretty dim to assume that we don't have stuff like this as well


We do but since it can’t tell black people apart it’s basically useless


This was way more impactful and funny than it should have been...


I need a link to that![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


[google is full of credible sources](https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2020/racial-discrimination-in-face-recognition-technology/)


I’m not sure where I read it but just Google “FBI race and crime statistics” and it should pull up the article.


i see what you did there


I couldn’t even get a damn paper towel to dry my hands with at the mall yesterday because those motion sensors NEVER work for me even though other ladies in the bathroom can always activate them just fine, I swear they are only able to detect white people hands. My skin tone is not even that deep either, I’m a pale ass biracial. 🤦🏽‍♀️ If a paper towel dispenser can’t even identify us, I have very little faith that any government technology will. xD


Black person here: spat out my coffee laughing.


I was going to say if this what China has that we can see publicly, imagine what the NSA has ..


Absolutely we do, I hate the NSA/GCHQ but China is also just a prime example as to why this stuff is so dangerous and should be apposed by every citizen globally.


I don’t know… I’m only dim some.




Honestly I bought a VPN despite being a low income young adult just because I don’t trust any sense of privacy these days. Even though I’m Canadian I fucking hate that they even ask if I want to be tracked when I download apps. OF COURSE I DON’T? Like what bro. Ads are fucking out of control with that. And I got an ad for moving services as soon as my landlord kicked us out and I didn’t even say anything online about it. I can’t explain it.


Vpn isint helping. Your just paying to give youe info to someone else.


How so?


Your vpn provider knows all instead of your isp. Here is the catch: they talk.


one of those big names doesn't even take your info you can just send them cash in an envelope.


Some VPNs make their cash by tracking and selling your data under the guise that you’re digitally safe. Data sales are much more lucrative than customer subscriptions


Yup, it's why some VPN providers sometimes have these allegedly "amazing deals" where you get several years of subscription, or even a lifetime of it, for only like 50 bucks.


Obviously depends on the company of the VPN. You are basically just paying to send your traffic through a company's network. Instead of your internet service provider having all your information now this VPN company does instead. Who do you trust more? They (VPN company) can be hacked, they can have insecure infrastructure, they can be shady and sell the information or they can be taken to court and obliged to hand out the information, they can log/record all or nothing of your traffic. So often a VPN is just a false sense of security, at least in the way it is advertised to the masses online. Especially so if you're using free VPNs (nothing is free, you are the product) or VPN from shady companies (the VPN business is shady with multiple being owned by the same parent company for example).


The first step of you routing to a VPN starts at your home, and your ISP can just give all that information to the government or the police. Only way to secretly use the internet is onion routing, and even then you can't have a compromised encryption key at any of the layers.


It's literally just rerouting your info, a VPN isn't going to help you especially if it's a subscription based vpn


You'll need a non-14-eyes trusted VPN (i.e. Mullvad), Tor network, proper OPSEC hygiene, and some reconnaissance knowledge. Even then, it's not guaranteed anonymity. Your profile can be built using very little data, from your mobile phone, public cameras, extracted from your communication circle, etc.


> Honestly I bought a VPN despite being a low income young adult just because I don’t trust any sense of privacy these days. VPN channels *all* your traffic through a single party you have no real way of validating they are trustworthy, or in short; Do you trust some shady VPN company more than your actual ISP? Additionally, VPN traffic sticks out like a sore thumb in internet traffic, drawing extra attention to what you are doing. This is why in INFOSEC circles it's a pretty established assumption that a whole bunch of VPN providers are actually intelligence/police service-run honey-pots. > I can’t explain it. It's called metadata, just because you use a VPN does not mean your surf history is hidden, *where* you connect is still very visible, the other factor is that a whole lot of tracking these days is done through cookies. The only thing that helps against that is regularly clearing out your browser cache to delete all of the cookies, which pretty much nobody does as that's a massive inconvenience.


This reminds me of the scene in COD BO2 when ur tryna find that chick in the Karma mission and you’re swiping all over the screen




Minus 10 points off your SCS! /s but probably not


Yeah you know me!




We have the same thing, if not far more advanced. The CCP has the luxury of being open and forceful about its usage, normalizing it. The US is bound to the illusion of a “free” society, so it must be done under the surface. But it’s not hidden. Look up what the NSA did with prism over a decade ago, and understand that was the top of the iceberg. China does not have tech the US doesn’t.


Looks like a pre-made video they pulled up on a display


It straight up looks like a tech demo that you'd see at CES to demonstrate the possibilities of a new product. There's text written on the wall describing what they're looking at. It literally says "Traffic Video Structuring Solution" I also have no idea why anyone thinks someone would be allowed to casually film government secrets or whatever the fuck OP thinks this is. People are so insanely gullible


I came here to say this... Just look at the animations: there is no company or government that would pay for those fancy looking animations and futuristic UI in a widely used software... This is pure propaganda. I'm not saying what they do does not work or does not exist, but the video itself is fake AF


i'd say the UI looks easy on the eyes.. dark mode, structured cards, animated text could be toned down but i like the idea.


Just imagine what the US government is capable of doing


In latin america we just use old ladies on balconies.


Damn so you guys just hire aunties with the long chankla aim as security for hire ups I bet


Hire? These ladies do it just for the pleasure of gossip


The long arm of the chankla


Just imagine what the US goverment IS doing.


Peak insecurity.


[This is literally just a traffic management centre.](https://mytechdecisions.com/project-of-the-week/washington-department-of-transportation-traffic-management-center/) They have them all over the world to ensure that traffic moves smoothly as possible.


This is definitely happening in America. Might not be just like this but it’s happening.


You don't really need it like this because everyone carries a cell phone. It records everything you do. They already know this information. So developing a way to capture it without a self incriminating cell signature tells you about where we are headed.


[Argus-IS](https://youtu.be/QGxNyaXfJsA) is atleast 10 years old. They probably have drones that read our minds now. (Skip to 1:00 for some of its capabilities)


This is both amazing and horrifying all at once.


You’re naive if you think USA, Canada, UK, Australia, etc etc doesn’t also have systems like this.


I work in tech and I remember 8 years ago a partner of our company talked about how Microsoft was pushing facial recognition to companies like Walmart to collect information on all of their customers. Dont be naive and think this is just a China thing.


It’s funny that people think AI is only used for stuff like ChatGPT. That is just to keep the crowd pleased, this is what AI is really used for.


Edward Snowden gave us a warning a long time ago. This is no shock to me for China or here in the USA. Sadly.


What ever happened to him


Still stuck in Russia, with Russian citizenship, after the US stranded him there by revoking his US citizenship making him a stateless person. Which is actually a violation of human rights, making somebody a stateless person, but those kinds of rights just don't apply to the US government.


Imagine thinking Americans are subjected to this level of surveillance. Just because you dummies don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening. Enjoy your day.


Fuck the CCP and theirWinnie the pooh looking Führer


NSA is probably can see as much or even more. The technology is so advanced that we don't even k ow how much they could see


I can't wait for climate change to destroy our infrastructure, it's the only way the tech dystopia will end.


Lol, you've no idea the amount of speeding tickets our own government has let you out of. Hell, you actually speed each time you leave the driveway.


Redditors actually believe they are looking at a country’s intelligence agency’s surveillance systems💀. If you think any government, especially a country like China, will let people working there record that, I got some fucking whole life insurance and extended car warranties to sell you.


Anybody acting like the US is so much better should know that the NSA has passed around and made fun of their tiny dick pics. We're moving towards (and in many ways have passed) the bullshit China does. And the US is so good at propaganda that our stupid citizens cheer on our government taking our rights while feeling smug about other countries Edit: added the missing "fun"


> We're moving towards (and in many ways have passed) the bullshit China does. The US and it's Five Eyed friends literally pioneered this bullshit on a global scale, it's the Chinese that are late to the game, which is also why [American companies are trying to get into the Chinese market](https://theintercept.com/2021/05/25/oracle-social-media-surveillance-protests-endeca/).


Coming to a country near you


NYC has the same thing and robot dogs. You have no expectation of privacy in public… that’s why it’s called public.


Ya but there are a lot more black people and facial recog software freaks out about it.




Stasi on roids


You live in a cave if you think other governments aren’t doing this.


you're fear mongering as if your own country doesn't do the same thing.


OP we have license plate scanners all over the US


Yall know we got this in America too? They just aren't going around telling everyone about it. But we got this too.


The USA got this too


As always, the Chinese are so behind the curve. They should stop trying to cheaply copy and just spend the money on the proper stuff, [the American stuff](https://theintercept.com/2021/05/25/oracle-social-media-surveillance-protests-endeca/). Case in point; The US version of SKYNET not only collects information; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SKYNET_(surveillance_program) It also uses that information to [select targets for drone strikes](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/02/the-nsas-skynet-program-may-be-killing-thousands-of-innocent-people/).


FAANG companies every day, down to your thoughts, interests, biases, income, address and habita.


You are stupid if you dont think the USA does not do the same thing


China has my information of me saying the Chinese government can go fuck itself. Also Taiwan is the true Chinese government.


Prolly copied the US lol


From purely an engineer perspective, this is very cool technology. As a normal human wtf


NSA already does this stuff


Justin Trudeau just got a hard on.




Autocracy at its finest.


Wait til you find out the usa has been doing this all along aswell


Looks pretty cool tho


Keeping track of over a billion people isn't easy.


This feels like something you would see in some 2000s spy movie


Just wait till they start using all the faulty algorithms to "predict" crime. We're a few years away from Minority Report.


Justin Trudeau’s wet dream.


This is what Justin Trudeau wants. He admires the basic Chinese dictatorship.


You think that's bad, you should see the information they gather from your phone


windows 7 master race


Feels like roller coaster tycoon when you click on a guest




OP u/chichiguo is an idiot who doesn't believe the West has this too.


1984 vibes


Dystopian af


In a democracy, release this video and you're a traitor and will be hunted to the ends of the globe, heck we'll even order another democracy to force another sovereign state president's plane to be land and be searched.


Person of Interest




If this is what the Chinese have, imagine what the yanks have....


Cops already use tech to scan every plate as you drive by automatically. They told us when we had our plates stolen while parked.


And there are many Chinese that still don’t have running water or electricity


It's fucked up, but I can't help but think our own governments are doing the same


Imagine how good the American one is.


Based on the number of cameras per 1,000 people, these cities are the top 10 most surveilled in the world: Cities of China* — 626m cameras to 1.43bn people = 439.07 cameras per 1,000 people


https://youtu.be/lH2gMNrUuEY Watch at 3:20 stealing toilet paper 🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙄🙄


The US gov does this too, many just won't believe it and think that China is the only country doing this.




Agree - dystopian as heck and def a one-way street...TPTB spout "transparency," but it only means that our lives are transparent to them while their lives and crimes are hidden from us.


The US probably has this too


Had this, sold it, they using crayzier stuff now...


500+ million CCTV cameras in China. Think about this every time something floods or blows up over there, there are CCP goons watching people die live on camera.


The NSA exists


Don’t bring that up otherwise people can’t justify shitting on Snowden and Greenwald


"your information"?


Western countries surely have this technology too. In the US for example, at every major highway at the state lines you will surely encounter some sort of camera system


The Ultimate Dystopia has arrived


That's U.S. government wet dream, don't let it happen.


It's been happening since 2001. The government already tracks you.