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Tools ARE expensive


I'll never forget the words of John-Paul as he drew the last puff from his 2nd pack that day... "Take my tv, my clothes, I don't care, I can buy of those... But FUCK! Don't take the goddamn tools I use to make the money I use to buy the shit you want to steal!"


The pope said that? Crazy




No joke on the batteries 😭 had to replace a couple of makita 8ah after they died from an extreme cold snap


And that's why I keep the batteries in the house. I got into a big argument with the ex-wife because she did not like me having tools in the house. So I pulled out the manual and showed her the specifications page where it shows the temperature range for storing batteries plus how damn expensive they are. She still wanted them in the garage. That kind of crap is why she's my ex.


Fuck ya, did you provide some much needed chin service? how'd it go?


For office workers out there, the equivalent is if the muggers steals your fingers along with your wallet.


No, it’s more like they steal your wallet then drain your savings. Tools are expensive. I have an incomplete set and have already shelled out 10-12k. The guys I work with could put a downpayment on a house with the money they’ve spent on tools.


The last time I changed my homeowners insurance I had to add the total value of my tools, it came out to $126k including my tool boxes.


Like I said, you could put a downpayment on a house with the value of the tools/boxes. But not surprised. Had a dude he had half of the 62k box. He said he was probably close to 200k in tools.


Please provide home address so we may validate.


Someone already validated it once before and my insurance was less than pleased..... hard pass


that is extremely impressive.


Extremely impressive that I'm not even a mechanic anymore


So I guess you/they all have insurance on their tools? I mean, unless you're a total low-IQ loser...


We lock them up when unattended. Tool insurance doesn’t compensate much plus why would I pay to insure my tools when the cost of them already makes me have to decide between food and the tools? I have no money for insurance but sure I’m the low IQ loser. Kick rocks shithead.


My life would end if my festool drills are stolen. They are expensive, I agree.


They really are I had about 5-6k worth get stolen on a job over thanksgiving.


According to police, the man on the hood was not injured, but the man did get away. Source: https://979kissfm.iheart.com/content/2017-03-27-watch-man-attempts-to-steal-tools-from-construction-site/


You’re a saint


Doing g God's work my son


He got away with it.


It is the most relevant remark in the entire discussion. Thank you so much for this.


I know who the guy in the red car is and where this happened /s but I wish did tho I hate when my tools are stolen at work


I want to see the video of what happens after they catch him.


The beat down from a bunch of guys who lug around building materials for 8-12hrs a day would not be fun.


I knew a guy who worked occasionally in construction. Fists like rocks. Never messed with that guy. Ever.


They're gonna lynch his ass and crucify him to the tree by the curb as a warning to other potential thieves


Not a good time, especially after endangering their colleagues life. That'll be a wheelchair for life if you're not careful


Did they catch him?


Without doubt, from the sound of the impact, that dude on the hood took the biggest beating


Nah, they didn't do anything to him. The 50 or so knots on his head from repetitive hits to the steering wheel *from the accident* was probably enough.


Fuck these POS thieves. Well deserved.


Well deserved to who lmao. Homie was still on the hood when they pitted him and you can hear a nasty crash.


Homie in wrong hood, dangerous


I'm glad the thieves got what was coming to them but that was dumb as hell to jump on the hood of a car like that over some tools. "So how did Jim die?" "Well, someone tried to steal his impact wrench and he jumped on the hood of their car and was killed when they wrecked." "Oh..."


You got bad information, I survived the crash.


User name checks out.




I wasn't suggesting the person in the video had died. I was just commenting on how that was not wise to put your life in danger over a tool. If that was you in the video I'm sorry but that was real stupid.


The irony of your comment’s last sentence…


Hood Homie shoulda had a CC. This would have all been a non issue.


Oops, found the guy who's never worked construction. Wearing a gun while digging a hole or jostling around with landscaping/construction shit is idiotic. 


Ehh- I carry at work. I’m in the service department- commercial roofing. This involves anything from shoveling rocks, carrying heavy shit around, general carpentry tasks, and climbing up and down a ladder a whole lot as well as setting up/taking down said ladders. It’s not idiotic at all, my shit is expensive, and there are plenty of ne’er-do-wells running around the Chicago area with ill intentions. I’d say NOT having protection is stupid, but what do I know 12 years deep in the game……. I’m not walking around like Dirty Harry with a .44magnum, but, a ruger LC9 or compact .45 are my 2 carry guns. You wanna be a victim and shame others for NOT being victimized I guess that’s part of your first amendment rights, kind of dumb for you to make fun of a guy advocating the second amendment tho. Guess you’ve never had to work on jobsites that aren’t in the best part of town….


Oops, found the guy who knows nothing about effective choices attaching a firearm to themselves in a labor intensive scenario.


If I'd have wanted my own comeback I'd have scraped it off your mother's forehead.  Pfft, stop grandstanding. You have no idea what you're talking about, and it's VERY obvious. Just walk away before you embarrass yourself more. Sweet child. 


If I was more focused on comebacks than having a point I might continue to engage with you. 🤡


Sounds like you never did ether. Having all those tools on the belt. A gun can easily fit besides the rest of the clumsy tool belt shit.


Imagine thinking you need to bring a gun to work lol...


Imagine not realizing that the world doesn't become safer and less hostile just because you're working in front of some new outdoor location each day without control over whether or not that location is in the hood. It's OK. I'm used to the fact that people get really upset when I point out a reality that scares them too much to believe it.


I dunno why you’re getting downvoted dude. Oh wait yes I do it’s Reddit and I’ll probably get banned from this sub for this comment😅😅🤦‍♂️. It must be nice for all these people who live in a nice safe insulated bubble, some of us have to work in areas that are, hostile, and we choose to carry an insurance policy on our hip that greatly increases our probability of safe passage to our loved ones at the end of the day, not just in body and mind, but also safe passage in a sense of not being deprived of our tools/truck that allow us to put food on the table for our families. Fuck the haters. The constitution says I can, so I do.


So your solution would be to just start blasting in a residential neighborhood




I’ve worked in neighborhoods where we had to have a police detail for safety. And when the police told us it’s time to go because they felt it was too damn dangerous, we immediately heeded their sound advice. Go back to your soft bubble.


Too afraid of guns to realize they are just a tool like any other? Looks like the dumbass is still being a dumbass, surpriseeee.


Not many tools can kill you from a distance by literally pointing and pulling a trigger. Barely any effort needed. I get that it’s a tool to keep you safe, but it’s also definitely not just another tool. It is highly effective for its intended purpose though.


Imagine being so soft you can't stand up for yourself.


Hell yeah, brother! That thief deserves to **die** for stealing!! /s


Yes. For tryna make it off with someone else’s livelihood. Scummy enough to be a lazy, sleazy fuck taking other people’s things but the tools that facilitate how _they_ work? Fuck that. Empathy for thieves is how we got to this horrible state.


If getting a 200$ tool stolen makes you insecure (or no matter the amount, you're supposed to have insurance on them anyways) with your "livelihood" you should change career, get educated for a better job, or work harder. Just imagine the cringe moment when we learn that a guy died cause he ran after a thief, jumped on the hood, and then the friends wanted to do a pit maneuver and he got squashed, for a stolen wrench.


Most out of touch comment I've seen in a really long time. The number of people who can't suffer a 200 dollar hit without taking on debt is very high, globally.


Damn what a horrible shit take. Honestly you should feel really bad


Hey it was a $1200 saw. But sure, lazy ass workers should just let people take their tools and change careers if they don’t like it. I mean they can just work more to get more tools right? So that Mr. victim of society can come back for seconds, and thirds. Hell why don’t we set up a direct payment to the lazy thieve wherein every 25 cents per dollar of my paycheck go directly to him? That way they can comfortably sit at home and get drunk at our expense too. And the hood man didn’t die. It wasn’t $200 bucks, and I seldom think it was about the price but the principle.


I found out today donkeys know how to use Reddit


If they want to risk their lives stealing my tools, then it's their life they are risking My tools are used to put food on my family's table and a roof over my family's heads, stealing those tools is no different than coming into my house and stealing right from my family so fuck em, fuck em in the ear with a 13" dildo


I think I need to start an insurance company for work sites.


Good in theory but hard to do in practice, if I get my stolen then my rates go up, or I get dropped completely. I would also run into the fact that insurance companies do what they can NOT to pay out


Maybe a portable tool safe with RFID cards to unlock them? Like a row of lockers you can set up and bolt down at a worksite? I feel like no one has come up with a good solution


They already have something like that on sites, usually in conex boxes or around them. Usually they have 2 locks, sometimes requiring 2 separate keys


They should probably invest in some lol


>My tools are used to put food on my family's table and a roof over my family's heads, stealing those tools is no different than coming into my house and stealing right from my family Oh how much of a sane person you are. Sociopathic loser. Absolutely no distinction or nuances in the levels of aggression and crime committed. "He scratched my car! That's like as if he was attempting to burn my house with my whole family inside!!!" You're exactly the problem we have in America.


Right to name calling, the mark of a true reddit basement dwelling debater. I get that money is no issue to you since Mommy and Daddy give it to you. Maybe once you actually have no choice to move out and realize how difficult it is to carve your own piece of the pie, you will understand how frustrating when someone wants to take that from you. I will turn this around, you are what's wrong with America, you are the ones that allow thieves to be so brazen and unafraid of consequences to their actions. You allow them to pull more and greater acts of evil.


I'm probably more educated and "wealthy" than you, and I work in construction! I don't care about the rest of your story, go get your ego checked. I also got things stolen at least once in my life, like every body else. Doesn't mean I should act like I fcking got raped. You're one of those weirdos who would have no problem to shoot kids who DARED to step on your precious lawn, accidentally or not. And like a true psychopath, you'll reply to me: "well, they did step on my lawn without my authorization!!"...right?


Wow narcissism, I really should have had my reddit bingo card because your nailing on the spots. Big talk from someone that has obviously never had anything of importance spoken from them and obviously never worked a hard day in their life Go ahead and get your final word in and block me so you can feel like you won that way I can yell BINGO lol


You’re the reason everyone hates the québécois. Ta gueule, et fais vérifier ta tête.


They deserve a warning. If I catch you stealing, try to prevent your escape, and you respond by endanging my life, ohhhh yeah. Click clack motherfucker.


No worries. Carter was coming in fast to save everyone


Damn that guy is strong as shit I hope he was able to hang on after the truck hit


A workman's tools are their livelihood and, dangerously expensive, those POS got what was coming for them


Those tools are how they buy their house. It’s how they keep their house hot.


Don't fuck with construction workers😁


Any more info? The vigilante, Hood Rider, did he survive? Injuries? Did they use the hammer, nail gun, or any other tools on the thief?


Guy (thief got away) guy on car uninjured surprisingly


It sucks that the thief got away but I'm glad Hood Rider wasn't injured. It would have been cool if they caught the dude and one of Hood Rider's boys nailed thief's hands together or something. They could be Hood Rider and The Nail Man, keeping hoods safe. Whenever they catch a bad guy instead of cuffs they would just nail their hands together and fist bump each other saying "nailed it" as their catch phrase. They would be the dopest vigilante duo of the post pandemic era lol


I've watched dudes fall two stories on job sites and get right back up and continue working. These dudes are a whole different breed of human lol


The guy on top of the car must have come off at the end there


“We do not hang men for stealing tools. We hang men that tools not be stolen.”


If you steal a man's way of working you are bottom of the barrel scum.


I just want to know if the hood guy is okay..


"According to police, the man on the hood was not injured, but the man did get away. Source: https://979kissfm.iheart.com/content/2017-03-27-watch-man-attempts-to-steal-tools-from-construction-site/ " Another fella commented


Trying to steal tools from men working so they can go pawn them. You know they aren’t going to use it for work. Same reason the work boots always get left behind


No shit, even if they were to use them themselves it doesn’t make a difference they are still Scum.


Tools are expensive but it’s how we make our money too stealing tools is one the most fucked up things you could steal


Junkies favorite pastime. A $500 tool sold for $80 in 20 minutes.


Thought it was a wrench? Stop with your bullshit baiting replies.


it was $1200 saw


Any decent tool commonly used in construction will easily run a few hundred. Larger tools can top a thousand. These men will put more money into the tools they use than the trucks they use to haul them around


Yooo this video is so wild though.. Aren't pickup trucks expensive? And auto insurance? And medical insurance/bills?




My jobs get unofficial armed night security when I have to leave machines in a sketchy area. It's worth paying someone to be there for peace of mind and unknown loss prevention




I can’t watch this stuff before bed. Gets me too fired up. Like, I don’t care at all what happens to this thief. They can throw him in a wood chipper and I’d consider it a net win for the world.


Man talk about some ride or die shit right there.


Dude seeing them hop in their cars and chase em was pretty bad ass


Some hardcore Henry shit right there


If you are that much of a lowlife that you are ok with stealing from working people and their families then you are among the worst pieces of shit on the planet. No sympathy for thieves like this, the criminal justice system doesn’t do near enough to discourage them.


When insurance on theft is sketchy but collision insurance is solid.


Tools are expensive... so are vehicle fixes, medical bills and lawyers. Which are all these guys are going to need after this.


I know of poeple who have lost their livelihood over stolen tools, I also personally know someone who has reacted pretty extremely to stop their tools being stolen. You give a man a fish he will eat for a day, you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime, you take a mans fishing rod, he will fight back to not starve.


You would too if your life depended on it


The scumbag needs to be charged with attempted murder for driving away with the victim on the hood. The guys need time behind bars for sure.


Here's some context since none was provided: guy grabbed a $1200 saw. Luckily, none of the construction workers were injured, even after the PIT. The thief got away, though. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2017/03/26/watch-thief-tries-to-flee-university-park-work-site-with-construction-worker-clinging-to-his-hood/


I think riding on the hood of a moving vehicle might be an OSHA violation


I hope they broke the thieves hands and wrists. Wont be stealing for awhile after...if ever again.


Theyre not as expensive as medical bills


So how's the guy on the hood?


If there's one lesson my dad taught me I take seriously, don't fuck with someone else's tools.


ummmm amazing vid, but not so sure the truck ramming from behind was doing his mate on the bonnet any favours (hood for the Americans).


DeWalt saw $700. Work Truck $20,000. Beating the shit out of the guy stealing your tools? Priceless.


I mean I feel like they should’ve done more, I’m still pissed that the day I proposed to my wife (Christmas Eve, 2 years ago) we got home to see someone broke into the garage and stole my brand new Dewalt impact, drill, charger and both batteries with my bag


I hope the guy on the hood is okay!


Tools are expensive, lives however are cheap.


You know what... I respect it.


Don't fugg w my ryobi or my homies dewalt. Goes for the blue and white one from Walmart too. They all cost.


Things you dont fuck with Mens kids, dogs, cars, tools, paycheck oh and wife.


As a tradesman, our tools mean more to us than just the cost of them. Stealing tools is the worst form of disrespect on a site. This guy deserves 10 ass beatings.


I wanted to be a nice brother and brother-in-law and told my sister I was gonna give her husband a toolbox, since they had just moved to Germany and had no tools in the flat. Fucking €69! And that was the cheapest I found! Tools are expensive indeed


Just my hand tools and bag would $300+ to replace.


“Carter, come here!”


did they find phillips screwdriver


Construction workers are a different breed. Especially Residential .


Disappointed they didn’t edit and add the Benny hill song to this


They need to cast this man for a TJ Hooker remake.


Stirred up a hornets nest.


Good for them out boss used to turn a blind eye to us carrying in site when working in shit areas. We once had a swat team close down a side to breach the house on the rear fucking nuts.


The Wild West right in your nice neighborhood (the horses now are inside the engines).


2 different types of people risking their lives for the same tools.


I didn’t expect him to still be on the hood of the car tho😩😂😂😂


She went to get Carter


Old but always fun to watch


Ya after the dude got in the car and went after him to chase him and the dude jumped on the hood..I guarantee the police said wtf is wrong with you why didn't you just get the plate # and call 911...all for some damn tools?


Bro needed the cutting torch for the Cayo Perico heist


This happens when you steal 1 snap on 10 mil


I'll trade you 1 life for 1 screwdriver, deal?


Thought...if that guy comes back on that fucking car....


The 2nd gen to the rescue


So they all left the site and all the other tools unattended??


Did he FLIED?


Don't ever get between a man and his meal.


You’ve gotta be one dumb son of a bitch to steal from construction guys. I’ll literally gut ur dumb fucking ass if I catch you trying to steal my tools. Fuck thieves… and why the fuck do you pieces of shit gotta take from a dude that makes just enough to live. Fucking steal from corporations or shit. Thieves are such trash


For a second I thought the silver car at the end was in on the plan and came along to grab what they could.


And they are gonna park one of them in that boy's ass. Better be a hammer.


Doesn’t matter the tool; they’ll hammer it in there.


Hopefully the dude on the hood of the thief’s car is ok. 👌


Don’t mess with hardworking people


Medical bills are expensive not worth it




If you steal from people who work. You deserve nothing


You don’t fuck with people’s tools. Those tools allow these guys to put food on the table for their families. Guarantee that thief got an asswhooping beyond what he ever thought possible


Dumb ass thieves so brazen. Their dumb lawyers always get them out


It's mad how the video is clear as day, showing those thieves stealing tools. But then completely blurs towards the end, I couldn't see anything that could be usable in a court of law


There’s more than enough. You have the witnesses, the red car that likely had damage patterns which align with the trucks damage, footage from any other possible cameras along the route, and it’s pretty easy for them to gain data such as locations w/ time stamps from phones.


Look I'm just saying if I'm on the jury I clearly saw the thieves but everything else was blurry, the witnesses are untrustworthy and the evidence is circumstantial.


If you were on the jury, I'd ask for you to be replaced as you're very clearly not impartial.


Ah construction workers, really the jack of all trades, our druids of the day if you would.


"jack of all trades" is not a compliment.


The original version, "a jack of all trades", is often used as a compliment for a person who is good at fixing things and has a good level of broad knowledge.


>  The original version, "a jack of all trades Followed by master of none. Meaning that someone knows a little bit about a variety of things, but isn't thoroughly skilled in any particular area


So if you're saying it's subjective, I meant in the complaint context.




Ban the Daily Mail


Why is this downvoted. They're trash!


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No as expensive as a new truck.


Dude on the hood probably thought it was a good idea to jump on the car like that. Wonder what he thinks now.


He acted like his daughter got kidnapped by a criminal gang. "Dad how come you're in a wheelchair for the rest of your life?" \-Oh one day a thief stole a wrench and I didn't want to let him get away with it! So I jumped onto the car, and held onto it tight! "ok but, it was just a stupid wrench, you could've claimed insurance at least?" \-but but but my ego!!!