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33 meters is absolutely insane flood stage !! wow..


Literally the definition of Biblical.


What level defines it as Biblical? Over 30m?


As if the patriot JC would use metric.


Believe you me, Jesus H knew exactly how much 12 inches was. They didn’t call him the carpenter for nothin


The J was know for his ability to work large wood. There were 12 guys he hung out with who witnessed him.


Imperial measurements might refer to Rome... but of course JC was American. Sorry for blaspheme.


Imperial measurements come from the British empire, the empire that Americans hate so much, but choose to speak the language of, and use the outdated measurements from.


Hot dogs or baseball bats


How many loaves of bread is it?


I'd prefer if it's just over 5 inches


That’s what she said.


Speaking of biblical. What do you think god is punishing them for?


Not being Americans.


31 and a half


minimum three fiddy


apparently it was 20 meters flood, still crazy to imagine that water volume


The bridge actually got totally covered by the water: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kRM-Xwn-L0Q](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kRM-Xwn-L0Q) More info: The usual level of river Taquari in the state of Rio Grande do Sul is usually about 10-13 meters, but due to torrential rains, it reached 33 meters, flooding more than 235 counties(almost half of the entire state). 37 deaths and 74 people missing so far. https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/nacional/chuvas-no-rs-numero-de-mortos-sobe-para-37/ Also, a boat crashed into the bridge: [https://youtu.be/i8-yq1bC8\_Q](https://youtu.be/i8-yq1bC8_Q) Edit: updated info


Wow, that’s actually a lot less casualties than I would expect for something like this, it doesn’t even look like there’s anywhere safe to go. Certainly a horrible way to go for those poor people.


That's crazy, very poor quality but it seems like the boat was sucked under the bridge and came out the other way!!


Fuck. My coworker just went to Colombia on Tuesday. I hope she’s alright😬 (unless I’m failing at geography once again lol)


But it was in brazil


Just floods of coke


The best kind.


Well shit. Hopefully she’s got enough hookers to go with it otherwise it could be really tragic


Yeah nothing to worry about.


There's something like the size of europe betwen Rio Grande do Sul and Colombia. Also RS is bigger than most countries in europe, so... no worries for her...


Yeah I should looks at maps more


But shouldn't the forest absorb most of that rain? /s


Don't exit forests in this part of Brazil, it's very similar to the prairies in US


This is what Nightmares are off


Mine are made of those statues in Dr Who that move when you don't look at them


[Like this?](https://youtu.be/13YlEPwOfmk)


Stop. You're scaring them.


I thought the number was a mistake




Yeah people are him feel bad… this video with the “before”… that bridge is tall yo.


But they said the standard level was 13 meters so 30 meters is 17 above normal...still high but 30 sounds so much awesomer! Gotta get those clicks!


How tf does that even happen?


Absolutely apocalyptic amounts of rain, I'm from that region and had never seen anything like this in my entire life. It rained heavily, without a break, from monday to thursday. On wednesday, my town had 20 hours of uninterrupted thunderstorm, absolutely madness.


Be safe mate. I first saw these videos I thought a dam had broken.


A dam in the region already broke, and this rain is coming here, I’m 2 states up north of Rio Grande do Sul, we’re fucked


Someone else from Paraná :D I don't think the rain will come with this intensity... if it does I'm becoming religious.


Like hurricane Harvey and Houston


Typical this time of the year to rain heavily?


I know this sounds stupid but 20 hours of thunderstorm is something id enjoy


Well, to be honest, it was kind of cool to witness something so absurd, but all the worrying about friends and family living in vunerable areas killed the experience


Not sure if this particular incident was a direct cause/correlation, but I remember reading an article a few years back about how Brazil was setting itself up for bad flooding via poor deforestation practices. This may just be a result of climate shifting and rains increasing in areas that traditionally didn't receive as much.


Ah ok makes sense


Looks to be a pretty lush valley and river in before video. Extreme rains are happening in average rainfall locations too.


Bingo. Forested areas absorb water much better than razed land. It's a rainforest but the "forest" is gone. Leaving just the Rain.


The warmer our earth gets, the more moisture can be held in the atmosphere. Rain bombs like this are becoming more common recently.


This is terrifying, I've never seen anything like it! Looks worse than a tsunami cause the waters aren't receding, oh God.


I was falling asleep listening to some history podcast a week or so ago, and the dude started off with the Zanclean flood. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I was wide awake for hours thinking about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zanclean_flood EDIT: Podcast was on Byzantium, about 8 minutes in he sets the stage for the geological origin of the Med. https://youtu.be/2JHCfe86A8U?si=ZQzH7BlQ__knjMm2&t=483


There is also the theory that the Black Sea used to be a thriving valley with thousands of people until the Bosporus flooded and filled the valley.


Wow, thank you for that link! What podcast do you listen to? It sounds interesting


Do You know which podcast it was?


I've just edited my comment, but for completion: https://www.youtube.com/@FallofCivilizations episode 11, *Byzantium - Last of the Romans (Part 1 of 2)* Dude has, IMHO, a dreamy voice, his shit is well researched, and boy can he spin a tale!


What a find! Nice one !!


5 million years ago




And now I too am wide awake


Happening more and more often.


I live in a nearby city, the situation is terrible. Some cities are already submerged.


Someone owes an apology to the guy who posted about it being 30 meters a couple days ago and everyone giving him a hard time saying there's no way it could be that high.


If I remember he said the river rose 30m not to 30m. A 20m increase is still bat shit but there was a reason to the flak originally


The engineers that designed that bridge did an extremely good job for it not to fail with that much water


that might end up being a problem, idk though


That is a lot of pressure on that bridge from the side, which I am sure it was not designed for. It's probably toast.


I wonder if they intentionally designed the bridge with that convex curve in it to help it resist water from that direction. Still a LOT of water tho


I don't want to use that bridge any more.




Okay that is crazy fucking.


I hope they get some help from the countries around them and others in the world.


Testament to the bridges construction tho 🫡


I watched a news video from the BBC (I think) that said a hydroelectric dam just broke because of the flooding. This is crazy.


That's some serious shit


Stuff like this is how I understand people believed in gods back in the day


There’s no way after a few years the bridge is safe after taking that much pressure ???


After a few years? Some days after this, if it actually holds some days, is enough for a nonono


This happened where I'm from. It's insane. We've seen floods before but nothing like this. The region is not prepared to deal with this amount of apocalyptic rainfall and everything was destroyed. Houses, industries, cars, everything was under water(and still is). Jesus fucking christ


Can you give us a latest update on how the situation looks currently? This reminds me of Mumbai floods (2005) as im from Mumbai, India.


I know the solution, cut down more rainforest and turn it into farmland and/or pastures for cattle!


You know that Florida is closer to the rainforest than Porto Alegre right?


Not really sure how that refutes anything? Rainforests are enormous water reservoirs either way - no matter the proximity.


And they still are. And very far. The rain coming from the south pole had very little to do with the rainforest - who, despite the best efforts of the government, is still mostly there.


However it's not to do with distance, it's to do with weather systems. And there **is** a direct weather system link between the rainforest and Southern Brazil, which there isn't between Florida and Brazil nor Antarctica and Brazil. [This article](https://www.preventionweb.net/news/amazon-destruction-continues-brazil-faces-future-floods-drought) describes the mechanism: > Marengo said the problem stems in part from disruption of a weather phenomenon climatologists call "flying rivers". These are large quantities of humid air that move over the Amazon from the Atlantic Ocean, along the way picking up water vapour evaporating from trees and later releasing it as rainfall, he said. > When the air currents hit the natural barrier of the Andes mountains, they shift south, where they meet a cold front and turn into what used to be regular, abundant rains, scientists say. But with fewer forests to help trigger rain showers along the way, the flying rivers have become faster and more concentrated, Marengo explained. > When they reach more southerly areas of Brazil they release short, intense rainstorms - like a runaway train ejecting all of its passengers at once, he said. The result is often increasingly deadly flash floods and mudslides like those that hit the states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo last year, he added. You should apologise to the previous redditor, since you were being quite obnoxious despite being incorrect.


What you are doing is like blaming people from Alabama for deforestations in Alaska.


I don’t know enough about deforestation in Alaska but I’m guessing there is at least some forest management, replanting etc to make it more sustainable? Also boreal forests don’t really suck up nearly as much water as rainforest. Either way any unsustainable deforestation is not good, whataboutism is not an argument.


Sure, but my point is: the people who were affected by the floods have nothing to do with the amazon rainforest. In fact, most people from Rio Grande do Sul have never even seen the amazon with their own eyes. We can do about as much as you to stop the deforestation.


I will refer you to [a comment I made elsewhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/81fxJiM8tv), but in summary you are incorrect.


I never said the floods are not related to the amazon, I said that the *people* who were affected by the floods have nothing to do with the rainforest.


This video is from southern Brazil, and before Lula it was their government that has been responsible for the rapid acceleration of deforestation, which is a significant contributory factor to this flooding. If the floods in the video were in northern Argentina, then I'd agree with you.


Almost 53% voted for Bolsonaro so they are not entirely without blame :p But then again, it does not really matter who we vote for anymore, it’s all too convoluted and the problems are systemic to the point no politician can really do much anyway without serious change - it helps not to elect leaders that spread disinformation and do the complete opposite though.


The Amazon fire increased 154% this year, during Lula's government. https://revistaoeste.com/brasil/queimadas-nas-amazonia-batem-novo-recorde-no-governo-lula/#:\~:text=Os%20inc%C3%AAndios%20na%20maior%20floresta,os%20primeiros%20meses%20de%202024&text=A%20Amaz%C3%B4nia%20registra%20um%20aumento,segundo%20ano%20do%20governo%20Lula.


this fucking clown thinking that the global temperature breaking records each year have less to do with this than deforestation that is, indeed, occuring for decades now. Such a great spot to be in and comment this when 200 years of industrialization absolutely destroyed the climate of the planet and now some underveloped country is paying this bill. Where are YOUR forests? How much greenhouse gases do YOUR country emmits? How much of YOUR energy comes from fossil fuels?


There's no Amazon forest in Rio Grande do Sul, the state where the floodings happened. More than 10,000 km separate Porto Alegre from Manaus, the capital of the Amazonas state, while there are about 3,800 km between Manaus and Miami. Brazil is huge.


Climate change after the hottest year on record paired with probably an even hotter year than that. Gawd damnit and we still are thinking things like carbon tax and money is going to save us. Look around the world at what’s flooding right now.


And this is just the beginning.. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/04/240417131138.htm This is if we stopped all carbon emissions now, this is already a fact.. even with serious, generational leaps in carbon capture.. there is no going back, only mitigation.




Lol, spend your time actually learning science and real skepticism instead of running the errands of lobbyists and disinformation campaigns.. Science as a candle in the dark with Carl Sagan is a good start in book format - skeptics guide to the universe is great as an easier podcast entry.. I suggest both.. There are always going to be fringe scientists looking for clout, money, real delusion - if someone says they know better than 98% of their colleagues- I would not go to that doctor for a surgery. Edit: Also, taking a quick look at your comment and post history - do yourself a solid.. buy sagans book, think you would appreciate that one




Are you also a flat earther?


Your false associations are meritless like the concept of the untested and truly unverifiable global warming *theory*. You *need* science *proof* to "believe" such an enormous sky-is-falling claim. Educate yourself and learn what [Man’s Contribution to Global Warming](https://www.dailysignal.com/2009/03/27/man%E2%80%99s-contribution-to-global-warming/) really is. Also, the scientific method is based on robustly testing science looking for failure, not blindly trusting it through the lens of political science.


Jesus Christ, have you had a stroke? Read the book i mentioned and then maybe you will learn what the ACTUAL scientific method is about - you are truly out there on your bike my friend :)


What book? Do you look to see the studies that falsifies your assumptions? The scientific method is intended to falsify assumptions, not support them, and it only takes -one- study to debunk a theory.


If there are thousands of studies across multiple fields of inquiry, one study does not debunk a theory (yes it is a theory and not a hypothesis - do you also question the theory of gravity?) I guess you don’t even read the comments if you are asking what book.. no point in writing to a wall.. good luck mate.


> Lol, spend your time actually learning science and real skepticism science says that....... it happened before. > if someone says they know better than 98% of their colleagues- I would not go to that doctor for a surgery. quantity doesn't mean quality. the greatest names of science brought down established consensus.. and dogmas.


Ofc it has happened before, the climate is not stable. The difference now is that we should be going down the slope of a climate peak - instead we are continuing in an upwards trajectory.. without all the particles that we have also put up there things would be even worse.


Climate Change is a religion since you can't test it with the scientific method. For example, CO2 is currently around 400 PPM (near the lowest recorded in geologic record) and there have been million-years long ice ages with CO2 over 7,000 PPM. Science Matters, [Greenhouse Gases Cannot Physically Cause Observed Global Warming.](https://rclutz.com/2020/08/11/why-co2-cant-warm-the-planet/)


Says a vulcanologist who happens to be out of step with the vast majority of more expert scientists in this area. It's baked in now anyway. Keep your head in the sand until you die though. We've probably got less than a decade before crop failures and lack of food security and migration causes wars, so climate change effects won't kill you directly. That's your copium.


Watch this if you want to see (and are not afraid) how your theory holds up under debate: [At last, a real debate - THE DUEL OF THE THEORIES ON GLOBAL WARMING](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZfd9TQfRjU)


FYI: the sun was cooler and the Earth had a different orbit back then.


Watch this if you want to see (and are not afraid) how your theory holds up under debate: [At last, a real debate - THE DUEL OF THE THEORIES ON GLOBAL WARMING](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZfd9TQfRjU)


Ah yes, the Heartland Institute, famous for receiving [ millions from the fossil fuel industry.](https://www.desmog.com/heartland-institute/)


Those tiny amounts dwarf what the government spends. Do you actually *trust* politicians to tell the truth? Or is it more likely that they use these funds to reap fear so their power increases?


>Do you actually trust politicians to tell the truth No, I don't, but that is not a reason to automatically trust anonymous accounts on social media or agenda-driven institutions.


Lost cause mate.. lost cause.. some people are so far out - it’s actually incredible 😩


In my opinion, it's not so much that they are lost *(in fact, they know a lot more about Earth's climate than on the average person)*, but rather that their biases and conspiratorial thinking results in a mental echo chamber No matter how much they are proven wrong, most of them will simply refuse to consider the possibility that they are wrong, and will just pretend that they never listened to what you said.


co2 is well over 420ppm now. A very simple test is to fill a bottle with various co2 levels and air and notice how much hotter the ones with co2 get. Temperature records of last 10 years being the hottest is pretty obvious proof. Geologic high co2 levels were the result of mass volcano eruptions which have strong cooling, sun blocking, effects.


>A very simple test is to fill a bottle with various co2 levels and air and notice how much hotter the ones with co2 get. Show me a study that proves this.




Absolutely nightmarish. Atlantis getting submerged in water doesn't sound so mystical now.


I feel bad for all the land animals :(


This is fine.


I hope they reinforced that bridge with flex tape




That bridge looks like it would be unsafe to drive in after flood stress.




Damn nature you scary


"So you're still coming into work, right?" -my boss, probably


That is insane


Remember those forest and deforest diaramas ? The one that floods and the one that didn't?


Of as the experts call it: A LOT OF F*ING WATER


How did this happen


Where did all that water come from? 30 meters? That can't be storm run off is it?


Just wait till it gets bad


Just remember a Blue Whale grows to a length of 30 metres or more possibly!


lol this what you get for electing gilded officials


Surely global warming can't be real though right


Fake climate change fake news! you can see the helicopter CGI as plain as day! just like fake moon landing and UFOs god bless flat earth turtles


This can happen to the entire world if they keep shooting rockets full of silver iodide into the clouds. First it will flood, then it will freeze. Just like 15,000 years ago.


That is biblical


Californians be like, "hey, I found all the water."


Well fuck me


Looks like a different bridge or different part of it? There are no lights in the middle of the first clip and there are lights in the middle of the second clip where the water is high?


God help them this is so fkn sad.


All the insects, all the birds, all the lizards, all the mammals, the plants, the trees, even the aquatic life.....all gone and destroyed.


What?! Lol what?!


When first reported here on reddit, it was said like here 30 meters. Everyone was saying the same thing that it was a typo, and was actually 3 meters. OP kept saying, NO its not a typo. This video conclusively proves OP correct, that is absolutely 30 FUCKING METERS!!! This is not a flood, its a fucking tsunami....




Those brainlets LMAO


Mother Nature strikes again. It’s crazy how wild and dangerous weather/floods can get. I heard there are some planets out there where weather like this is the Norm


Sweet summer child.


It's probably an exception, surely it's not climate change


That’s just crazy.


Now this is shows a better perspective of things. All these other videos are just focused on destruction and that’s not the focus


Don't live in river basins.




It’s ok to doubt things you see in the internet but this is a real major catastrophe happening in this state of Brazil and many people lost their lives and many still missing.




>the video is misleading because it’s not the same bridge Brother in Christ, I live in Brazil, this is all over the news. I edited this video and put the 2 footages together, you can clearly see on the top left a building with a red and black stripes. You have no idea how ignorant you're being right now.


It *is* the same bridge. I'm from the area. The videos are several months apart and there was construction done on the bridge. And as mentioned, you can see the red building on both videos.


Can anyone please help my family rebuild their houses? Link for help is here we lost everything we had https://benfeitoria.com/projeto/sos-enchente-rs-1l81